Genshin, but the real world

161 Chapter 160 - News

161 Chapter 160 - News
"Are you not angry at all?"

Ying was quite curious.

From the time General Raiden sent out the invitation, Yae Kamito knew that there had been a million accidents in the plan.

She didn't hide it from Ying.

It's so obvious.

If she still intends to deceive Ying to do something, even if the other party is willing to abide by the agreement and give it a go for her own life, it is still a feud.

Deceive people to do a dangerous thing, and know that the danger level has risen but do not say it, just because they are worried that the other party will refuse because of the danger.

This is the seed of hatred.

Yae Miko was really worried that Ying would refuse to see Lei Movie after she knew the plan had collapsed.

This is quite normal.

The biggest advantage of the two of them in their fight with Lei Movie is that they can count their minds without thinking. Now that Lei Movie knows their plan, Ying doesn't want to go, and Yae Shenzi can completely understand.

But the reason why Yae Miko didn't lie was not because her friendship with Ying was so high that even if her goal was not achieved, she didn't want Ying to be hurt.

For example, I hope that the other party can make a choice by herself, whether it is to leave or choose to take risks, she can accept it... Ah, no, not at all.

It was just a deal. We had some contact and got to know each other when we got along... If this kind of communication can make Yae Kamito feel unbearable, she is really ashamed of 500 years.

Honesty is because the cost of deception is too great.

After thinking about it for a moment, she decided to take a gamble on her father's character.

"It's not that there is nothing." Yae Kamiko yawned, with a lazy expression on his face, "However, he has already finished his move, and it would be a bit of a waste of time to go back and settle accounts at this time."

Lei Movie is not someone to take advantage of.

It is unlikely that the opponent will interfere with him a second time in a short period of time if he makes a shot once.

Between finding the mastermind behind the scenes and hurrying to complete the plan, Yae Miko chose the latter.

"I'm a little worried, what should I do if Kage changes my focus again when I'm looking for the other party." Yae Miko smiled sweetly, "So, the magnanimous Mr. Gong Si doesn't care about these things."

Paimon clasped his hands together, not believing a word.

"As long as you are happy." Ying nodded, "But your plan has gone bankrupt, what should we do?"

She didn't care much about Yae Shenzi's mind.

Crazy and angry are Yae Kamiko's business, she only cares about whether Yae Kamiko is still sure to defeat Lei Movie in this situation.

"There is nothing wrong with the plan." Yae Miko covered her lips and chuckled, "Shadow is too proud. Since He sent out the invitation, he will not fortify or stop my methods in advance."

On the contrary, he will probably deliberately restrain himself, give Yae Shenzi enough time to play, and strive to defeat the most prepared enemy.

To deal with the enemy, Lei Movie would definitely not do such a stupid thing.

He also fought all the way from the period of the Demon God War. To win in the shortest time and at the lowest cost is the concept of war.

It's just that the challenger this time is his own person who wants to shake eternity.

He doesn't seek a quick victory, but wants to subdue Yae Shenzi and let her know who is right.

"A battle of ideas for conquest?"

Ying nodded.

She read a lot of historical records related to the God of Thunder from the Yae Miko and the Shenli family.

Most of the records of human beings are actually not very credible. They will only record Naruto as a selfless saint who is willing to sacrifice everything for his wife.

No one cares why the God of Thunder established Dao Wife to protect the world.

In short, before recording, everyone has reached a tacit agreement—God loves the world.

Under this argument, Ying is unlikely to get useful records.

The records left by priests or others are for people to see.

Others saw that your description of the gods was not respectful enough, and this thing would not be handed down to future generations.

It is really difficult to expect to dig out the truth from these records.

But combined with Yae Kamito's description, she can probably tell that this Narugami-sama is confident enough, even conceited.

In a battle of ideas like this, He will not crush the opponent in order to win, but will completely defeat the opponent's belief and let the opponent admit that he is the one walking on the right path.

"It's really good news." Ying also breathed a sigh of relief, "What He wants is not only victory, but also you and I are convinced."

This is a guarantee.

At least it means that neither she nor Yae Miko will die.

As long as you admit that Lei Movie is right at the critical moment, then everyone can leave Dao's wife happily.

Anyway, he won't die, so if he admits defeat, he admits defeat.

"Oh, in terms of identity, I am a member of the shadow after all." Yae Kamiko said with a smile, "It is because I have a good relationship with him that he takes my challenge so seriously."

For another person, she said that she did not agree with Lei Movie's eternal philosophy.

Lei Movie would either simply destroy humanity, or return directly to Yixin Pure Land.

God does not need a person to admit and judge whether his ideas are correct.

But the person who challenged his ideas was Yae God Son.

Different identities bring different results.

"Since this is the case, how are your preparations?" Ying pursed her lips, "You're not ready yet, are you?"

In this way, the exposure of the plan is good news.

Lei Movie not only did not stop, but let Yae Shenzi prepare properly.

This is the meaning of striving for a wave of convincing.

But this is good news for Ying.

Challenging the gods is a very dangerous decision. Even if she has never seen the Seven Consulates take a serious action, she can get a glimpse of the whole leopard from Oser.

A defeated person who was sealed from the time of the Demon God War until today, almost turned the entire Liyue Port into Ze Kingdom when he got out.

The Seventh Party should be the more powerful party.

Challenging the existence of this danger often requires life as a price.

But there is no need to worry now.

This is a battle of ideas between Yae Shenzi and Lei Movie, Yae Shenzi is now the protagonist of the story, and Ying is just a support.

If he loses, Yae Shenzi will completely admit defeat and admit Lei Movie's eternity.

Ying does not need to pay extra.

"In this case, you have taken advantage of it." Yae Shenzi's eyes fluttered, "It was you who challenged Ying, and challenged eternity as a variable."

Such a troublesome matter deserves the reward of the Heart of God.

"I can return the heart of God to you." Ying didn't hesitate, "You can change it for whatever reward you want."

"No." Yae Shenzi shook his head.

Her plans also needed timing.

Whether it's the mother, or the chaos of Dao's wife, these are the elements that are gradually filled in later.

It is precisely because of these that she chose to challenge Lei Movie.

The difference in combat power between the two sides is almost on the table. There is really no chance of winning at all, and Yae Shenzi will not force it.

She felt that it was wrong for Lei Movie to close herself off.

But to persuade a god, reason is of little use, what is crucial is to have the power to make him want to think about what you say.

"I don't think eternity is right. Actually, it happened a long time ago." Yae Miko said softly, "But the real opportunity to challenge the concept of shadow still depends on you."

"No matter what Ying thinks about our cooperation, I'm still sure that you are the key." She looked at Ying, "So, this reward is still yours."

"But I always feel that God's Heart seems to be trouble." Ying's eyes moved, "Look, trouble is coming."

The girl in shrine priestess' attire walked straight towards the Kamizakura tree without any concealment.

"You are····"

Yae Miko easily recalled the other party's name.

However, the other party seemed unwilling to mention this identity, and she interrupted the name Yae Kamito was about to blurt out.

"I am a chess piece arranged by fools, lurking in Narujin Shrine." She admitted this identity frankly, "If this kind of behavior offends you, you can take my life later, or let me Kill yourself."

"The identity I replaced, its owner is not dead, and the fools will return her to you soon."

She raised her head, and there was no fear of death in her expression.

"But before that, please listen to the conditions that the fools plan to pay."

Since she was trained by [House of Hearth] when she was young, she has to give something for the fools now.

This kind of manpower who can complete the latent work is actually quite important, but compared with the tasks she takes on, her personal life and death are just a small gift.

"I'm not interested in taking people's lives." Yae Miko was quite tolerant, "What's more, although you sneaked into Narugami Shrine, you didn't bring any trouble to the shrine."

"Thank you for your understanding, Mistress."

The witch bowed in thanks.

There are many ways to enter a system. Narujin Taisha is a shrine, so it is impossible to lack maidens.

Yae Kamiko knew that these priestesses who served the gods were not all sincere in their hearts. Some of them regarded priestesses as a kind of upward ladder, and some were purely for making a living. Naturally, there were also assistants arranged by Sanbuki to please her.

Yae Shenzi didn't care at all.

As long as she works, as long as she doesn't do anything wrong, she doesn't care what kind of thoughts a person holds.

And this witch from the crowd of fools, she can also be attributed to a part with ulterior motives.

She replaced someone's identity, used another person's name and face, learned the other person's tone of voice and habits, and then became another person.

This is a habitual layout.

Not only the Narugami Taisha Shrine, but also the fools sowed enough seeds among the retainers or attendants of the Sanbushin.

They will bring information to the fools, maybe just overheard an inadvertent conversation, and the patchwork of various information will lead to a new path.

She also came to Narugami Taisha for the same reason.

And now, she first apologizes to Yae Miko for the man she replaced.

"You said she wasn't dead yet?" Yae Miko blinked, "Oh, I thought that with the actions of fools, you would think that dead people can keep secrets better."

The girl remained silent.

This is indeed the usual style of fools.

But the reason why the opponent didn't die this time was because her chess piece was very new.

The situation in Dao's wife is complicated and confusing, and the speed of change is too fast.

Originally, the Fools had invested enough chess pieces and were confident that they could grasp the overall situation.

As a result, one after another accidents exploded on this land, causing the executive officers in charge of controlling the situation to feel a little headache.

They all feel that they have invested too much for the expected return. If they don’t increase the size at this time, they may really lose everything in the end.

If you want to place chess pieces, the safest way is of course to spend time polishing the identity of the opponent, so that the person he follows will give him enough trust.

But fools have no time.

So they used a faster method, through the collection of information, and then obtained a person's habits and speaking style, and then captured the other person and threw it into another person's hands.

This is dangerous.

Everyone has a relatively complete network of relationships, and there will always be omissions.

But the Fools are only looking for short-term control, so this violent method can still be used.

The person she replaced survived because the Executor wasn't sure if he would one day work with Yae Miko.

They subconsciously keep each other alive in order to make their apologies more sincere at some point.

Apologizing is useless if a person is dead.

But if it's just locked up, if you have enough sincerity at that time, you may be able to win a crucial opportunity.

This opportunity was really used.

"The executive officer doesn't really want to offend the palace secretary." She lowered her head and spoke respectfully, "So I just invite the other party to be a guest for the time being."

Yae Kamiko smiled without saying a word.

"That sounds really nice." Paimon floated up, "A guest? Did the other party agree?"

The so-called invitation to be a guest is nothing more than feeling that if someone is killed, there will be nothing to talk about at all.

Thanks to Jiang Qing for this scruple.

From Mond, the figure appears to be a ghost following behind the crowd of fools.

No matter what plans the fools have, the person they chose to kill for the first time but survived can always benefit from the plans of the fools.

But now, he has shown an obvious hostile attitude towards the Fools, and even threatened the Fools with the news of the Heart of God.

Let's talk about cooperation first, and then invite the other party to be a guest. There is really no choice, and the last thing is to kill.

If money can solve the problem, don't kill people casually.


This course of action sounds a lot kinder, but if it is finally determined that Yae Shenzi is not needed, Paimon doesn't think the other party will let him back.

The methods of the fools have not changed, they have just become more careful.

"After all, people don't die, so Xuandong probably wouldn't mind talking about a deal with fools." Yae-sama pinched Paimon's cheek, "The injured person is not little Paimeng, how do you know that Xuandong won't?" I feel lucky."

Xuandong Ringo is the ninja sent by the final episode.

Yae Miko knew her work at Narugami Taisha, but she never controlled it.

Killing and being killed are normal for this kind of work in the end, and Yae Miko has no attitude of fighting for her.

Since Xuandong Ringo is still alive, I'm afraid she herself will be glad that she was invited by fools to be a "guest".

Going to danger, and then getting information or something else, this is really a daily routine for the last ninja.

Except for Zaoyu, who is a nominal ninja.

In terms of final salary, she can only get the basic salary every month, because she hardly takes the initiative to take on any tasks.

With a salary of 20, Mora might not even be able to support half of Paimon.

After all, Paimon costs 30 moras every month just for food.

Based on this kind of salary, Zaoyou probably didn't touch the core mission of the final show at all.

Otherwise, if even the ninjas who are directly affiliated with the society and whose mission is to kill people and collect intelligence are treated like this, there is really no need for everyone to continue doing it.

Paimon's cheeks puffed up, unable to refute.

She can fight for others' misfortune, but if the other party doesn't mind, or even can't wait to use this opportunity to get something from the fools, she will be dumbfounded.

Ying straightened Paimon's hair with a gentle expression.

"Don't mind, Paimon." She said softly, "She has her own life. Your kindness may be inappropriate for her, but kindness itself is not wrong."

Xuandong Ringo did nothing wrong.

She is used to this kind of daily life, and feels that taking risks in exchange for information is really profitable.

This is just a choice made by the two parties through different experiences, and Ying can understand it.

"I'm a little interested in the cooperation of fools." Yae Kamito smiled sweetly.

She probably already guessed it.

It's not the first day for Fools to come to Dao's Wife. If they really want to make a deal with her, they should have come a long time ago.

In this situation, the other party probably discovered that the Heart of God is in his hands.

But when Lei Movie gave him the heart of God, it didn't seem like everyone knew about it, right?
Neither she nor Ying would say anything, and other people who knew about it probably wouldn't talk nonsense... So, is it that dog thief who is behind the scenes again?
"Heart of God." The witch said, "You can place any suitable chips at will, and the fools only need the heart of God."

Such negotiations should have been made by executives in person.

But at this moment, General Raiden's gaze was on Narugami Taisha, and it was difficult for these executives to determine whether someone would plan to "attack" Narugami Taisha once they appeared.

Then they became little thieves who interfered in the confrontation between the god and his family, and then they slashed from the castle tower with a single knife.

Not worth it.

Anyway, through some kind of alchemy props, they can remotely control the conversation and bargaining chips, so there is no need to go to the danger themselves.

Yae Shenzi didn't answer, but just glanced at Ying without a trace.

Another problem for her.

The fools probably believed that the heart of God was with her, but she couldn't say that the heart of God had been given to Ying.

This is causing trouble for Ying.

Then she could only keep silent, acquiescing that "the heart of God is still here with me".

"Oh, who told you this news?" Yae Kamiko's face was as usual, without any panic, "The heart of God is the spoil of war of the Seventh Consul, how could it be here with me?"

"It's a man named Jiang Qing." The girl named Liudashika pursed her lips and said what Dadalia emphasized, "He told the God of Thunder your plan, and it was he who said Yes, the heart of God is in your hands."

(End of this chapter)

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