Genshin, but the real world

199 Chapter 198 - Chips

199 Chapter 198 - Chips
The weakness of the desert was not due to the blockade of the Order.

This is the trouble left by the Red King himself.

Thousands of years ago, because of the contract with the flower god, he chose to recruit [Forbidden Knowledge]. As a result, not only failed to achieve his goal, but also almost turned the desert of Sumeru into a desolate no-man's land.

Because of the existence of gods, even deserts can actually provide for the development of civilization.

It's like when Dekarapian was in power, the land of Mond was covered with frost and snow, so this [Demon God of Tornado] propped up a barrier of strong winds, and insisted on propping up a warm kingdom on the earth.

And then Barbatos blew away the ice and snow, splitting the mountains and turning Mond into the warm environment it is today.

The environment is not an absolute problem for the Demon God.

The desert back then was not considered barren, and there was soil for the development of civilization.

The only problem is, the people of the desert ushered in the backstab of the gods.

The Dacishu King, who was far away in the rainforest, noticed the abnormality, and he did not spare his divine power to help the Red King to suppress the pollution, and finally changed from the tree king form to the grass king form.

This catastrophe from thousands of years ago almost buried the desert civilization directly under the yellow sand.

The later desert people will have to pay for the mistakes of the previous generation.

The great sage said that the people of the desert are very similar to the people of Haizhi Island, they also believe in different gods, and they are also not accepted.

Everyone's start is indeed similar, but the people of Haizhi Island originated from Yuanxia Palace, and the civilization of Yuanxia Palace is actually quite prosperous. When Orobus took them to land, they also took away the accumulation of Yuanxia Palace. civilization and knowledge.

And the inheritance of the desert was broken, and it was broken in the disaster thousands of years ago.

Haizhi Island people are not accepted by the shogunate, they can still derive and develop civilization on their own.

But after the disaster, the desert lost the chance to stand alone, and had to rely on the help from King Dacishu.

The inheritance of civilization is related to education, and education is needed to make up for the broken inheritance.

Regrettably, the Holy Order prohibits scholars from imparting knowledge to the desert people.

Even scholars from desert people also need to abide by this prohibition.

The education work in the desert cannot be said to be difficult, it can only be said that it has not been carried out at all.

But things have changed.

The woman with different eyes holding a spear in her hand stuck the spear in the sand.

Walking on the sand for a long time made the guardian look a little tired.

However, her eyes flickered with a special brilliance.

"There will be times when the Holy Order is so friendly?" Candice shook her head, completely unbelievable.

She tried to think about the cooperation of the Holy Order countless times, and the only judgment in the end was that the Holy Order was sick.

An unbelievable surprise.

The Holy Order appointed scholars to inspect the environment of Aru Village, and then to establish the first school in Aru Village.

In the desert land, Aru Village is the core of the surrounding.

Only here can never be buried by wind and sand, providing all travelers with a safe night and enough supplies to leave the desert.

Supply and demand determine the status, and if Aru Village can provide a peaceful night, then it is the core of the surrounding.

The construction of a college here will soon spread across the desert, and the seeds of knowledge will bring more people and vitality.

Most importantly, with the first sapling, the future of the desert has changed.

This is the performance of the Holy Order's lifting of the ban.

And Candice couldn't understand it at all.

In the past, this group of people even restricted the deserters who had achieved success in learning and forbade them to return to the desert to spread knowledge, and even the recorded books were strictly guarded.

Then this group of people said they want to build a college in Aru Village?
She did not believe half of the words of the Holy Order, but this matter cannot be rejected.

Because it's a good thing, or at least it sounds like a good thing.

Candice knows that the Academy is definitely not a kind person. It is impossible for this group of people to do something that they have not done in the past 500 years. It is impossible to suddenly figure it out right now. They feel that everyone is a family and can help support it.

This is not the style of the Holy Order.

Candice is the guardian of [Aru Village].

For today's desert, a stable place for supply trade will naturally welcome a lot of prying eyes.

And the guardian is responsible for sending these vicious peeps, along with their masters, into the gravel, never to crawl out again.

Power is the truth, relying on guns and shields, the guardians of the past generations have a very high right to speak, even more useful than the words of the [Village Chief].

Before Candice, [Aru Village] was not open to the public, even if there were caravans passing by, the guardians would take the initiative to drive them away.

But Candice and the current village chief, Uncle An Pu, changed this tradition. They took the initiative to welcome the caravan from Sumeru, traded with each other on an equal footing, and let the other party bring back the idea of ​​[Desert trade can earn Mora] back to Xumi. Mi city.

The first caravan ate crabs, and earned Mora to take away, and then there was a second caravan, and a third caravan.

Trade has brought vitality and allowed the villagers to see the world outside Aru Village.

The conservative faction once expressed dissatisfaction with this, and Candice suppressed the opponent's dissatisfaction with a gun shield.

She and Uncle Anpu believed that the closed Aru Village had no future, so they released the shackles of Aru Village.

But just trade and the efforts of Aru Village are far from enough.

Candice thought of many ways.

It's a pity that she can protect the vitality in this desert and avoid malicious prying eyes, but she is really powerless when it comes to development and trade.

"I once thought that the best option is to invite caravans from other countries to bring the seeds of knowledge."

she said softly.

I would rather expect foreigners than have any expectations of the Holy Order.

"Coincidentally, I don't have any expectations for the Holy Order."

Rahman folded his arms.

Of course they know each other.

Aru Village welcomes the caravan from Sumeru City, and the supplies are the most abundant in the desert.

The prey in the desert needs to be transformed into Mora through a caravan.

And Mora has to transform it into what she needs through the caravan.

The Gilded Brigade led by Rahman is actually quite large, enough to build its own stronghold in the desert.

Of course there is cooperation between the two of them.

Today's desert people can be roughly divided into radicals and conservatives.

The conservatives probably, like Candice and Uncle Amp, knew that the power of the desert alone would be powerless to resist the Holy Order, so they kept to themselves.

As for the radicals, they realized that there was no future under the blockade of the Holy Order, so they wanted to resist.

The radical faction is not a group that just appeared now. Out of the pursuit of interests, they began to spread in the yellow sand very early.

The methods of the Holy Order only stimulated the desires of the radicals.

"So you have expectations for the Red King's recovery?" Candice looked calm, "People say that the [Guardian] has inherited Akhmar's divine power, but this is false."

"I know." Rahman raised his hand, "Anyone who has seen your fighting posture will know that your strength comes from your hands, not the so-called divine power that can set off a sandstorm."

The guardian who smashed beasts and pretenders with his spear and shield, is rumored to be the god-born man who raised his shield and awakened the sandstorm.

There is always a difference between rumors and reality.

This is a secret that has been circulated among the guardians——【The guardians have never been favored by the gods】.

Candice will not publicize, but she will never cover up.

"But in this situation in the desert, hatred is needed to unite everyone's hearts, and faith is needed to allow people to continue to endure this life without a future." Rahman clenched his fists, "I must convince everyone that the Red King will resurrection."

"I must let all the people of the desert realize that there is no future for submitting to the Holy Order."

Not believing in a dead god.

Rather, there is nothing in the desert but this dead god.

The long-term efforts have made Rahman believe in his own hatred and his belief in the Red King.

Faith is usually the last struggle of a desperate person, and it is also a future that a noble soul is willing to trust.

Rahman is the former.

Apart from the resurrection of the Red King, he didn't know what method to use to deal with the Academy.

Most of the suffering is often when you want to do something, but you clearly realize that you can't do it.

The collision of reality and ideal makes these lofty-minded people extremely painful.

"If a person works hard for a long time but always fails to see hope, either he is wrong or the surrounding environment is wrong."

Rahman looked at Candice, "For 500 years, the desert people can't be wrong, right?"

Then there can only be a problem with Xumi's environment.

"Do you believe that the Holy Order will open the ban on knowledge and impart knowledge to the desert?" Candice asked softly.

She doesn't answer the pointed question.

The desert needs two kinds of people.

One is to take everyone on an adventure and try to fight for the future, and the other is to protect the hope of the desert.

The so-called hope must first be alive.

"Do you believe it?" Rahman sneered.

"I'm just worried." Candice narrowed her eyes slightly, "This may be an illusion of hope."

Cutting off the dissemination of knowledge is actually the most brutal method. It's not that the Holy Order can't come up with a better solution, it's just that they don't bother to do so.

"Suppose they publicized the help of the Holy Order to the desert, but the team of scholars from the Holy Order was intercepted and killed by the 'villains' of the Gilded Brigade on the way."

"Or another method. In short, these well-intentioned scholars are dead... This method is actually easier to operate."

"And in this way, all the mistakes are taken over by the desert people. The desert's barrenness and lack of future are also the result of the desert people's self-inflicted consequences."

Candice sighed, "It's like the cooperation between Aru Village and the Xumi caravan. The desert is so dangerous, it's hard to say which caravan will disappear in the desert."

"But if a caravan returning with a full load disappears suddenly, the caravan from Sumeru will reduce the trade volume."

"Oh." Rahman didn't say anything, but smiled ironically.

The desert is of course dangerous.

These desert people who live here all the year round often need to face the crisis cautiously.

What's more, in addition to wild beasts and sandstorms, the eyes of the Gilded Brigade or the Treasure Bandit are also a major crisis in the desert.

Some people abide by the agreement, and naturally some people want to break the rules.

Candice is the guardian of Aru Village. She can guarantee the peace and stability of Aru Village, but she can't chase the caravan and send them all back to Sumeru City safely.

It is really normal for the caravan to fold here.

To make profit in the sea of ​​sand naturally has to face the hidden dangers of the desert.

But Candice's meaning is very simple. It's not that this group of people don't know that business needs to take risks. They just think that these risks are actually arranged by Aru Village.

In short, they believed that this group of desert people who did business got the money in the first transaction, and in the second time in an inaccessible place, they also got the goods back.

"It can't be said that it's all slander," Candice wasn't angry, "Before Aru Village, most of the active gold-plated brigades in the desert actually did this, didn't they?"

She couldn't be offended by this level of suspicion and unreasonable slander.

Because it is a slander to the Aru Village controlled by Candice.

But for the desert as a whole, this is the truth.

In the past, when the Gilded Brigade was active in the sea of ​​sand, if they saw merchants and travelers, they would not only take away the other party's goods, manpower was also a resource that could be used.

Rahman said nothing.

There is no room for discussion on this kind of question. He is the leader of one of the many gold-plated brigades in the sand sea, and the gold-plated brigade he leads is relatively outstanding.

What the Gilded Brigade did for a living, Rahman knew all too well.

"We have to pick up the scholars who came to investigate." Candice held the spear again, "I don't want to arrive at [Aru Village] by then, to be the corpses of a group of scholars."

"Does this make sense?" Rahman looked calm, "I received your letterhead, hoping to see some hope."

"But you told me those hopes were false."

"Even if you can save them this time, so what? As long as the Holy Order has an idea, sooner or later they will be able to let them die at the hands of the [Desert People]."

It doesn't matter whether they are desert people or not, what is important is that the Holy Order needs them to die at the hands of desert people.

So the final result was that the friendly scholars who came to support the desert were killed by a group of thugs.

One more point can be added, for example, the reason why this group of thugs attacked was that they thought that the scholars' carriages and horses were carrying precious supplies, but it turned out that they were just ordinary books and seeds.

For the sake of seeds and books, self-righteous wealth, killing benevolent people who want to spread knowledge is a good job.

If we make up another story, for example, the Holy Order spent a little Mora to buy these things from somewhere, and the great sage held books and seeds in front of the Jingshan Palace with a sad and indignant expression, and the group of desert The mob trampled the friendliness of the scholars underfoot just because of this insignificant Mora.

Humor and drama will reach a small peak, which is a skill.

This unique skill can dispel all scholars' feelings for the desert within decades, leaving scholars only disgusted and gloating at the desert's barrenness.

Rahman is still very concerned about education in the desert.

It was precisely because of this that Candice sent the letter, and he naturally came to Aru Village.

But like Candice, when faced with the kindness of the Order, his first reaction was that these thieves were doing something big again.


Does the Holy Order have such a thing for deserts?

Unfortunately, they come with the same expectations.

Fortunately, they didn't expect much.

"It's just speculation." Candice pursed her lips.

"So, do you think there is still the possibility of the Holy Order Academy being pure and kind?" Rahman asked in amazement, "Candice, you shouldn't be such a person."

I can't talk anymore.

Candice was speechless for a moment.

In a collaboration, guessing a person's malice is only an option.

But in the minds of the two of them, cooperation is an option, and malice is the main course.

Candice couldn't tell Rahman that I believed in the nonsense of the Holy Order, so she could only speak at a loss.

"Don't worry."

"This desert has been silent for so long, when did the Holy Order really care about us?"

"He wants to use us, which means we have value."

Candice quickly regained her senses, "As long as there is value, we have the opportunity to negotiate, or ask for more."

"Sandstorms have gone beyond the rules, and disasters have happened in this desert that we didn't even know about."

Candice couldn't help but feel anxious.

Judging from the records of the guardians, the frequency of sandstorms near Aru Village has become more frequent and more serious.

Any natural disasters are irregular, but they shouldn't be as unreasonable as they are now.

Natural disasters such as sandstorms require corresponding conditions to germinate.It is impossible to erupt multiple times in a short period of time.

Of course, Candice didn't know when the sandstorm would come and how wide the sandstorm would be.

But Aru Village is the settlement of the descendants of the Red King, and a few words of records are enough for the guardian to realize the current problems in the desert.

If this continues, maybe the next generation of guardians will not be needed, and Aru Village may be buried under the gravel in her generation.

The sandstorm itself is a disaster, and those monsters that are active with the sandstorm are troubles that can be dealt with... it's just a little tricky.

But this kind of opponent can be killed.

What about sandstorms?She has no power to change the heavens.

Rahman was silent.

Of course, Candice is not the only one who has noticed the problem of sandstorms. These mercenaries who live in the desert and depend on the desert for their livelihood are also very sensitive to the problem of the desert.

The Holy Order obviously won't accept them, and if the sandstorm continues to rage, then this land will be completely unsuitable for people to live in.

At that time, besides launching a war against the Holy Order and seizing the rainforest land for recuperation, is there any other way?

They are not a few people.

A single person wants to leave, and with the abilities of the two of them, they can live a more relaxed and prosperous life anywhere than they are now.

It is because there is too much sense of responsibility for an ethnic group that they can only stay in the desert and cannot break free from the shackles.

"The Holy Order has no attitude to solve the problem." Rahman can only emphasize so.

"We don't have the ability to solve problems." Candice's answer was simpler.

They knew there was a problem in the desert, but they couldn't even find where the problem was.

As a direct victim of the desert problem, Candice couldn't continue to procrastinate.

The Holy Order can wait and see, they must solve the problem.

So even if they knew that the Holy Order had to be careful, they could only follow the arrangement of the Holy Order in this matter.

Because when there is nothing you can do, you actually have no choice at all.

"Have you found any information?" Candice raised her eyes, "The Holy Order will not suddenly arrange something in the desert. If it is an experiment, they will never use it to notify Aru Village of such fraudulent behavior that favors cooperation."

Unless their experiment needs to use life, and it must be filled with human life, Candice doesn't think that the plan of the Holy Order will involve so-called education.

Even the medical system in the Holy Order Institute is already free. Although education cannot be completely free, it will not be like the people in the desert. In the future, even a teacher who teaches a class will have to borrow from the Holy Order Institute.

Only desert people would value this kind of thing.

When your opponent comes to your door with something you value, it is obviously a big move, not a big show of mercy.

"The fact that they want to use us means we're valuable."

"Since there is value, we can consider more things."

That's why Candice and Rahman collaborated.

She is the guardian of Aru Village. The problem is the disaster in the desert, and the problem of the Holy Order, which is beyond her ability to solve.

But Rahman is different.

He has always harbored hatred, and has already built a useful intelligence network at the Holy Order.

For now, the actions of the Order can only prove that they need the desert people to do something.

It may be to help fight for it, or it may be to cause trouble for Aru Village.

Either way, since they took the time to make a plan and execute it, deserts are useful.

Only by knowing your opponent's desires can you be better prepared.

"The Holy Order did make a big move." Rahman didn't hide it.

As a descendant of the Red King, Candice is much purer than him.

"Ordinary people may not be able to see it, but I am running a gilded brigade... The Holy Order is depriving the right to see [the 30-member group]."

There are many ways to disempower a person.

Especially the [30-member regiment], an armed force that follows the Holy Order.

They do have the force to resist, but they are not prepared to resist.

[Group of 30] There are those who are dissatisfied with the orders of the sages, and naturally there are also those who feel that the status quo is good and acceptable.

In theory, this kind of internal power struggle should not be obvious, but this time the Holy Order made a big move.

"Even an outsider like me can see that Asfad has no intention of fighting back, but allows the Academy to withdraw the force of the [30-member regiment]."

Rahman paused.

This is a prerequisite for cooperation.

He won't empathize with [Group of 30].

This group of people was the first to abandon the desert. They defected to the Academy, and then took the resources of the Academy to absorb the mercenaries in the desert.

These people left the desert and joined the Order Academy, and have almost severed ties with the desert since then.

Rahman doesn't despise these desert people looking for a way out, but generally he doesn't get in touch with them.

For today's [Group of 30], apart from their past backgrounds, they are pure Sumerians.

But the sages don't seem to think so.

Their attitude towards [group of 30] is very casual... In fact, this is the misunderstanding of Asfad and the others.

Judging from Hazard's performance, he should have an attitude towards anyone who is not a sage.

Several high-level members of the [30-member group] discovered this, and naturally they were quite dissatisfied.

They asked themselves to work conscientiously, but the Holy Order and the sages did not continue to respect them accordingly, and the gains were obviously not as good as the sacrifices.

If there is dissatisfaction, conflicts will naturally accumulate.

Rahman is very clear that there must be a compromise between the [30-member group] and the sages of the Holy Order.

But what he didn't expect was that [Group of 30] lost so quickly.

"So, Asfad betrayed [the 30-member group]?" Candice thought.

[30-member regiment] is responsible for guarding the city defenses of Sumeru City and Ormos Port. Even among the guards of Jingshan Palace, there are many mercenaries from the 30-member regiment.

And the mercenaries of the Gold-plated Brigade who run the anti-sand wall and stationed at the Kawan Station, and will cooperate with Sano to capture Rahman alive in the future, are still from the [30-member regiment].

Can't say no to trust.

The city defense and border defense were all handed over to the 30-member regiment, but the trust level was already full.

But generally speaking, with such a large workload, of course it should be a confidant.

Since you are a confidant, it is normal for you to fill up your salary.

But the Holy Order is different.

The consultant of [30-person group] made it clear in the later stage that we were very dissatisfied with the sage's bargaining chip, and then we did nothing, watching Dixia and the others defeat the guards of the Jingshan Palace, and then took control of Sumeru City.

Either this group of people is too greedy, or the trust given by the Order is just making full use of social animals.

Candice doesn't know what the conflict between the two parties is, but since the [30-member group] has already occupied such a huge amount of resources, they definitely don't want to give up their power.

The news brought by Rahman is that [the 30-member group] has given up power.

This shows that some of the senior members of the 30-member group have betrayed the interests of the group for their own benefit.

"That's where the problem arises."

Rahman looked serious, "I met Asfad once, and they still believe that their choice is for the benefit of [the 30-member group]."

"Give up power, without any struggle, for the benefit of the group?"

Candice repeated it, the expression on her face getting weirder.

How afraid of the Holy Order.

"Asfad is not a cowardly person, but even he finally believes that surrendering to the Holy Order and handing over power is the best choice to preserve the interests of the [30-member group]."

This cognition made Candice not know what to say for a while.

"[The 30-member group]'s development conditions are much better than ours. If they think this is the best choice, I'm afraid..."

Rahman looked downcast.

He does not admit some problems, but the advantage in objective conditions lies here.

If the Holy Order can offer a bargaining chip that even the [30-member group] cannot refuse, then it will be difficult for them to refuse.

"God of Grass, have you recovered your divine power?"

Rahman murmured softly.

(End of this chapter)

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