Genshin, but the real world

Chapter 77 76 - Support Objects

Chapter 77 76 - Support Objects
Jiang Qing really didn't think [Xin Yue Xuan] and [Liuli Pavilion] were wrong.

Their owners spent countless incidents polishing a brand before finally getting all the rich people willing to accept the exorbitant price.

Considering that these powerful people are too smart, since they can accept this price, it is natural that they have provided a service that satisfies them.

The previous efforts have paid off today.

How can this be wrong?
Of course Xiangling is fine.

She and Master Mao are the most classic chefs, devoting themselves to cooking.

Their pursuit of culinary skills did not harm anyone's interests, it was just for their own inner persistence.

The former pursues business, while Xiangling pursues cooking skills.

This does not include right or wrong, even if Wanmintang almost went bankrupt in the confrontation between Licai and Yuecai, it cannot be said that Xinyuexuan and Liuliting were wrong.

Their competition was reasonable, and Jiang Qing didn't think it was worth their special attention given the size of a small restaurant like [Wanmintang] back then.

When people mention the inheritance of glass dishes and moon dishes, they only think of Xinyuexuan and Liuli Pavilion.

With the status of these two parties, and the size of Wanmintang at that time, as long as they looked at Wanmintang more, they were considered to have lost.

Since everything is reasonable and reasonable, the result makes Xiangling not quite understandable.

She didn't feel wrong.

Jiang Qing made it very clear that it was nothing more than giving and receiving. A kind girl like Xiangling naturally wouldn't feel that something was wrong.

But she couldn't understand, if everyone was right, why [Wanmintang] was in such a dangerous situation in the first place.

Xiangling's culinary skills are not a gift from heaven.

She may have talent in this area, and she has the words and deeds of Master Mao, but if she wants to truly transform these talents into her own, and be sought after by [Xin Yue Xuan] and [Liu Li Ting], it will take a long time to pay .

Xiangling's persistence at the beginning was partly a hobby, and partly the oppression of the imminent overthrow of [Wanmintang].

Jiang Qing's answer is because Xiangling has no influence, and her opinion is of little importance.

But he will only say that this is the businessman's mistake.

Because Jiang Qing needs businessmen to make mistakes.

It doesn't matter whether they make mistakes or not, what matters is that someone thinks they will.

"Their fault?" Xiang Ling's eyes widened.

The girl's lips parted slightly, her head full of greetings.

This will make the rice cracker smile instead.

Today's Marcusius is just a cracker that has lost most of his memory and divine power, but this does not mean that he has no cognition and has completely lost his wisdom.

He has seen Xiangling busy studying cooking skills many times, and this urgency is definitely not just out of hobby.

Man has two best teachers, interest and shame.

The former is to demand oneself, and the latter is to force oneself.

Xiangling just happened to have it.

In Guoba's view, this is the girl who has been wronged.

Don't worry too much, if you say that Xiangling is right, then I will agree with your words.

Xiangling didn't care about Guoba's expression, she could only understand with a full face.

"Where are they wrong?"

Although there is something unconvinced, Xiangling doesn't think there is any problem.

The family's business is also doing well, and now with such a status and size, it is also a well-deserved reward.

"The fault is that they chose to confront each other in order to get more."

This is a somewhat unreasonable evaluation... But Jiang Qing believes that immortals are also unreasonable.

Businessmen can go wrong here.

Businessmen are nothing more than wanting to make money, and want to make more money.

And one step further is to use money to seek power, and finally leave the money and power to the heirs.

It doesn't have to be limited to business people, most people will want to do this.

It is not wrong to pursue profit, and it is not wrong to shade children and grandchildren.

But Jiang Qing needs to prove to Xiangling that it is wrong to pursue profits too much.

She will pry Yanfei and Grandma Ping, and who will Grandma Ping tell... It's uncertain.

In short, the old man will understand the problem.

Jiang Qing had to shave her face.

"???" Xiangling was even more confused.

People's kindness constrains their actions. To be a good person, they often need to know how to be a bad person better than a bad person.

Kindness requires a higher cost than evil,
Xiangling obviously couldn't do it.

From this perspective, Xiangling couldn't even be a good person.

But luckily, she has a good teacher, so she can be a good person.

"It's not your problem or mine, or even their problem."

What language should I use to describe this future...
"It's an inevitable trend."

Jiang Qing explained.

If he just told Xiang Ling, he would definitely not try to explain clearly.

But what he needs is to let others know.

"What [Xinyuexuan] and [Liuli Pavilion] have to do now is to establish their own status and foundation, and to re-establish the rules of this industry."

"They want to weed out those who are not willing to obey, and then take over the market, leaving only those who obey the rules."

"After the rules are formulated, the latecomers can only survive in this game according to their game rules. At the same time, the predecessors have accumulated enough volume to ensure that the latter cannot break the rules."

Those who make the rules have the power to judge the rules at the same time, and at the same time they participate in the competition... This will be worse than being both referees and contestants.

As long as they keep playing the game, they can never lose.

Jiang Qing's words were relaxed, as if she was telling a simple story.

"Look, is the opposition between Licai and Yuecai really important?" Jiang Qing asked, "In the end, these are just two different choices."

"Could it be that the chefs at Xinyuexuan don't know how to make glass dishes, and don't the chefs at Liuli Pavilion are proficient in moon dishes?"

Xiangling shook his head.

She doesn't know the key to this, but she knows the level of those chefs in Liuli Pavilion.

Even if these top chefs who are well-known in Liyue have some choices and specialties, it is impossible for them to really know nothing about others.

What's more, most chefs are not so specialized.

"The chefs themselves are at most different in philosophy, but they will never develop to this degree of opposition."

Xiangling can understand this kind of words.

She is a chef who believes that no matter what kind of ingredients she uses, she can cook delicious food.

The trend set off by these two is that only expensive ingredients can make delicious food.

Xiangling doesn't like it, but she doesn't deny that the other party is correct in a certain way.

It is indeed more difficult to polish ordinary ingredients into a good taste than to use those expensive ingredients.

"Disputes over culinary skills are the best way to guide the confrontation between one or two people, but when culinary skills are pulled into the chariot of interests, their competition begins to expand." Jiang Qing described it this way, "They arouse confrontation and bring all the differences together. People who play by their rules are kicked out."

"Raise the threshold for entry, so that most practitioners can only exist by relying on them."

"And at this point, what's left are the nonentities and the people who play by their rules."

Xinyuexuan and Liuli Pavilion will leave a part of the market.

When they played the banner of expensive ingredients, they left the middle and low-end ordinary market.

This is also the reason why small restaurants like Wanmintang can be preserved.

But that doesn't mean their bosses won't get involved.

If their desires stop there, then they only need to continue to maintain limited confrontation and maintain competition on the bright side, and Xinyuexuan and Liuliting will make them a lot of money.

And if the desire is even worse, it will naturally focus on attracting Xiangling and continue to sink its tentacles.

From the perspective of interests, it is far more in line with the future of both Licai and Yuecai to continue to fight than for one of them to win.

"Then [Wanmintang] will have to live under their rules." Xiangling pursed her lips.

How could it be just Wanmintang, just the catering industry?

Jiang Qing didn't speak.

Seven stars are the seven people with the most power in Liyue, and they are also the seven top wealthy businessmen in Liyue.

Associating wealth with power, Liyue had no problems before, it can only be said that it was because Morax was unwilling.

The so-called rule of man is nothing but a rule with the tacit consent of Morax.

If Qixing really regards herself as Liyue's master without any scruples, a replacement will appear soon to replace everything they have.

But he is dead now.

How can a dead god be able to suppress the rise of capital and interests?

The power of wealth and power has not raised its head in Liyue for thousands of years. In this place, your talent can be used, but as long as you use it, you must make a contribution to Liyue.

Wealth and power must be compromised for Liyue's future and for more ordinary people.

This is the will of Morax, and for thousands of years, Liyue Land has always been like this.

The people here have a far lower awareness of authority than Dao Wife next door, and their awareness of power is even worse, and they don't even know what power is.

Inazuma's three obediences are the normal development of what human beings in power will do when the gods do not act.

Takayuki Kujo doesn't have enough Mora for flowers?The status of the Jiutiao family is not good enough?
Enough is enough.

This lord of heavenly pursuit, the head of the Jiutiao family is also far-sighted.

It's impossible for him to be unaware of the disadvantages of the lock-up order and the eye-hunting order for Dao's wife.

Even so, he still chose to accept the "good intentions" of the fools, and then promoted the promulgation of the two major decrees of General Thunder.

Because this is a bad thing for Dao's wife, but it is a really good thing for the Jiutiao family and the Tianling Temple.

His pursuit of personal interests and family interests is far above the country.

With the authority of the seven stars, it is clear that there is no organization in Liyue Land that is qualified to supervise them.

Immortals do have this power and status, but with their sensitivity in this regard, Jiang Qing has no doubt that Qixing has countless ways to deceive them.

Unfettered and unshackled power can never bring about demands on the self.

One or two generations of Seven Stars can maintain their own nature, but after three or four generations?How could it be possible that generations of Seven Stars did not have any personal desires.

Jiang Qing could see this problem, but he definitely couldn't solve it.

Only a god who knows enough about human beings, is not bound by human interests, has almost nothing for human beings and is always capable of suppressing human resistance, can solve this inevitable problem of development-what happened in the Six Dynasties, it is only a private plan of the sect.

Both power and wealth can be passed on, and after two or three generations, they will be in the hands of some fixed people.

Class solidification is an inevitable development of human society, and pyramid-shaped rule has run through from ancient times to today.

Inazuma walked ahead of everyone, because their god is an eternal god who pursues the unchanging.

Stable gods and stable pyramid rule are required.

The seat of Sanfu is passed down from generation to generation among the three families. The head of the Kujo family is Tenling, and the head of the Hiiragi family is Kanding... very stable.

The general's son is the future general, and the farmer's son is the future farmer. When he is born, the future has probably been decided.

The only exception is the Eye of God, which is withdrawing from Inazuma.

And Liyue didn't take this path, just because Morax didn't like it.

If Seven Star's heirs are incompetent, it is impossible to forcibly sit in a high position.

A wealthy merchant crocodile is interested in something, and can only trade it in a friendly manner.

The reason why order is maintained is of course not because none of them want to enjoy the convenience brought by privileges, but because someone squeezes their necks and orders them to obey the law.

And the god who held everyone's necks down, forced them to bow their heads, and hung the law above their heads is dead.

Ever since Morax's death, Liyue had begun to change.

He, a god, has suppressed this development for thousands of years, but rules are rules, and they are still attached to human society.

The future Zhongli will guarantee Qixing's position to a limited extent.

Even if he didn't prepare extra means, the news that he was still alive was enough to deter Seven Star from continuing to maintain its original state.

But for everyone under the Seven Stars, the era of gods has come to an end, and that is the era of man.

Xiangling found Grandma Ping.

This is the mentor who taught her how to practice spearmanship. Xiangling has witnessed the exchanges between Yan Fei and Grandma Ping many times, and naturally knows the identity of Grandma Ping.

Yan Fei has never concealed her identity, she is a real hybrid of immortal and human.

Grandma Ping, who was treated with respect by her, was naturally a real fairy.

Xiangling was confused and naturally couldn't ask Guoba. She took the initiative to find the teacher, and then repeated all Jiang Qing's descriptions to Grandma Ping.

"Your friend is really too pessimistic about the future." Grandma Ping smiled kindly, and she softly comforted her, "His speculation has no evidence, it's just a personal arbitrary decision, you don't need to be too alarmed."

Xiangling immediately felt relieved.

She also felt that Jiang Qing's description was too decisive, as if he had seen this development and future with his own eyes.

But Liyue has just lost her emperor, and all the future is in chaos. Who can see such a future?

"Master said so, I feel at ease." The girl stuck out her tongue.

"You..." Grandma Ping patted Xiangling's little head, "I'll teach you spear skills, have you studied hard?"

"Aha, this..." Xiangling smirked.

A person's energy is limited, and Xiang Ling, who has obtained the fate of immortality, only regards spear skills as a stepping stone to find food - after all, she has been traveling in the wild all year round, and without means of self-defense, naturally she cannot travel freely.

With this kind of thinking, Xiangling was able to improve his culinary skills day by day, but he was inevitably stuck in spear skills.

"Master, I have to go back and take care of my soup!" The girl waved her hands again and again, turned around and ran away in a hurry, "Well, I'll go first!"

The crispy rice was hanging behind her, and her short legs were pounding fast.

After Xiangling left, Grandma Ping's expression turned calm.

"Grandma, I don't think what he said is false." Yan Fei who was waiting at the side subconsciously touched the law code on her waist, "I have also heard about the dispute between Licai and Yuecai. If it's just a chef, it should be It is impossible to argue to such an extent."

"It's not so much about fighting, it's more about helping each other." Her eyes were a bit thoughtful, "Without their continuous confrontation and competition, Xinyuexuan and Liuliting would not be so famous."

How do the cuisines tell the winner?
Chefs can tell the difference, because cooking is something that can be expressed.

But food is difficult.

However, the bosses of Xinyuexuan and Liuliting seized the differences in cuisines and insisted on competition, and they were able to persevere until now.

If it is said that they do not understand this truth, then they are too sorry for those Liyue dignitaries who are willing to pay the bill.

Their business can be recognized by these dignitaries, even if they are not chefs, they should have basic knowledge.

"It's not a big deal." Grandma Ping shook her head, "Would you explain things like this to Xiao Xiangling very clearly?"

"You mean, he wants to use Xiangling's mouth to tell you?"

Yan Fei was a little surprised, "If this is the case, the other party's mind will have to be reassessed."

Reasoning with a little girl and directly suing a fairy are two completely different things.

Yan Fei recently gave up her job, and her identity is quite sensitive.

As a hybrid of immortal and human, Yan Fei doesn't talk about this identity.

She doesn't use this identity for profit, but Yan Fei understands the dignity and specialness of this identity.

When the emperor passed away, and when the Immortal and Qixing were in conflict, Yan Fei naturally took advantage of the situation and kept a low profile.

"He just said what Xiangling is most familiar with, but that doesn't mean that's all he wants to say." Grandma Ping looked at Yan Fei, "He's showing his worth."

"You mean, he wants to choose an immortal?" Yan Fei frowned slightly, "This is really..."

"The confrontation between Immortals and Seven Stars is not a problem." Grandma Ping had a complicated expression, "There are always people who will give in, and it is impossible to make things too bad."

"But what Jiang Qing wants to do is not so simple."

Yan Fei rubbed her eyebrows.

Hearing the name Jiang Qing from Xiang Ling's mouth, she fell in love instantly.

Not because of Jiang Qing, but because of Yula.

As a human being who chooses to support the immortal... the immortal-hybrid Yan Fei has nothing to say.

But at this juncture, how dare he intervene in it.

Wouldn't it be better to just hide away and wait for the dust to settle?

(End of this chapter)

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