Eudemons Qinglong in American manga

Chapter 116 Two-handed preparation, the help of the god stick

Chapter 116 Prepare with both hands, with the help of God's stick

another way?
Could it be that he wants to let the leech follow the Phoenix girl 24 hours a day, or use the super power of the leech to create a device similar to a nerve suppressor?

Several guesses quickly flashed through Roy's mind.

Although Professor X hasn't said what method it is yet, his intuition tells him that the new method that Professor X thought of may not be effective.

Scientists at Worthington Biopharmaceuticals and the military are not idiots.

They must have considered other options before deciding to use leech serum to develop a cure that would permanently suppress the mutant X gene.

But they ultimately chose to develop a cure over anything else.

This meant that the healing potion was the best solution they could think of, or in other words, the most effective solution.

Professor X is indeed a knowledgeable old man, but he is not a professional scientist after all, so it is impossible for him to come up with a better solution than the healing potion.

Only guys with high IQs like Mister Fantastic Reed and Tony Stark can come up with a better solution than the healing potion.

Just when Roy was guessing what Professor X was going to do, Wolverine immediately asked:
"Professor, what new method did you think of?"

Professor X glanced at Wolverine and said slowly:

"The leech's superpower is to completely suppress the mutant's X gene within a certain range. As long as it is close to him, the mutant's superpower will completely fail."

"Once out of the scope of his superpower, the X gene will return to normal."

"If we can use the super power of leeches to develop a similar instrument, and limit the effect of the instrument to Qin alone."

"Then, as long as Qin wears this instrument, she will become like an ordinary person."

"And when Qin takes off the instrument, her superpowers will be restored."

"In this way, we can prevent Qin from losing control again without completely depriving Qin of her superpowers."

After listening to Professor X's narration, Roy showed such an expression.

On the surface, Professor X's method is indeed a good one.

But things are not as simple as Professor X thought.

Phoenix Girl's dark personality is not something that can be suppressed casually.

Leaving aside, let's just say that the neurosuppressor that Phoenix Girl wore before is fine.

The neuroinhibitor made by William Stryker can very well inhibit Professor X from using superpowers.

As for Phoenix Girl, even the enhanced version made by S.H.I.E.L.D. still failed to prevent the appearance of Phoenix Girl's dark personality.

To take a step back, even if they really use the superpowers of leeches to develop new suppression equipment.

This suppressing device may not be able to prevent the appearance of Phoenix Girl's dark personality.

It doesn't matter whether it's a nerve suppressor or a superpower suppression collar.

These devices are only useful to normal mutants.

And Phoenix Girl is a typical abnormal mutant.

After thinking for a while, Roy spoke to Professor X and said:

"It's not that I disagree with your proposal, Professor, but we don't have enough capabilities to develop such an instrument right now."

"Even if we can find suitable researchers, this kind of instrument cannot be produced in a short time."

It seems that he guessed that he would say this early in the morning. As soon as he finished speaking, Professor X smiled and said:

"You are right, we do not have the capability in this area, and the research and development time will not be too short."

"So, I'm going to seek professional help."


Among the mutants are top scientists who are good at genetics and mechanical engineering?

Roy looked at Professor X suspiciously.

Not only him, Wolverine and Phoenix Girl are also curious about who the professionals Professor X is talking about.

"The professionals I'm talking about are not mutants, but the captain of the Fantastic Four, Mister Fantastic Reed."

Professor X continued.

Actually planning to ask the god stick for help?

Roy looked at Professor X in surprise.

"While the X-Men and Fantastic Four rarely work together, I have a good personal relationship with Mister Fantastic Reed."

"More importantly, he's the smartest guy I've ever met."

"If it is him, it should be able to produce what we want in a short time."

Apparently, Professor X has made up his mind to ask Mister Fantastic Reed to help with this.

"Since the professor already has a suitable candidate, it might as well give it a try."

"However, I think we can still make two-handed preparations. On the one hand, let Mister Fantastic Reed develop suppression equipment, and on the other hand, we can also try the development of healing potions."

"In this case, even if the suppression device is ineffective, at least there is a backup plan."

Roy said slowly.

"You're right. I'll ask Reed to develop a healing potion by the way, just in case."

"If you have no other opinions, we can now discuss who is responsible for going to Alcatraz to bring the leeches back."

Professor X's eyes fell directly on Wolverine and Storm.

Roy definitely couldn't leave.

If he left, there would be no one in the school who could stop the rampaging Phoenix girl.

As for the Phoenix girl, of course it is even more impossible for her to leave the school.

Therefore, the task of bringing back the leech can only be given to Wolverine and Storm.

"I'm fine, I can go anytime."

Wolverine said quickly.

"I'm fine."

Storm Girl followed suit.

"Okay, since that's the case, let Logan and Orolo make a trip."

"The guards on Alcatraz Island are not very strong, and I will also use the brainwave enhancement machine to assist you remotely."

"However, you must be careful when bringing back the leeches."

"Once you get close to a leech, you will temporarily lose your superpowers, so don't take it lightly."

Professor X said slowly.

Wolverine and Storm nodded simultaneously.

After ten minutes.

The Blackbird fighter took off and flew towards San Francisco.

"What tasks are Teacher Logan and Teacher Orolo going to perform?"

Lorna, who was standing beside Roy, asked.

"Nothing, just to rescue a mutant who was imprisoned."

Roy replied casually.

Although Lorna is also an X-Men, she doesn't know anything about Phoenix Girl.

To be precise, she doesn't even know that Phoenix Girl killed Cyclops.

In order to avoid unnecessary speculation, Professor X specifically asked Roy and the others to keep it secret for the time being, and not to tell about Cyclops' death and Phoenix Girl's loss of control again.

"By the way, Magneto called me half an hour ago and said he wanted to meet and chat with you."

Lorna continued.

What is he doing?
Roy looked at Lorna suspiciously.

"I don't know either. He just called and said he wanted to meet you."

Lorna said slowly.

"That's all he said?"

"Did he not tell you anything else?"

Roy asked.

"He asked me how I was doing and if there was anything I wanted."

Having said that, Lorna's expression became a little complicated.

 PS: The New Year’s Egg Chapter is finally out, and the event will last until the 21st, and you can directly participate in the lottery by posting bullet chats. Currently, there are only 10 bullet chats, and the other two are posted by Onion...

(End of this chapter)

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