Eudemons Qinglong in American manga

Chapter 151 Magneto's Worries

Chapter 151 Magneto's Worries
It was not difficult for Roy to defeat T'Challa in the Black Panther suit.

He has hundreds of ways to beat T'Challa if he wants to.

But now, he doesn't intend to waste too much time on T'Challa.

Don't look at T'Challa only bringing two people here now, but their appearance already means that the people of Wakanda know that they are coming.

It's just that T'Challa didn't expect that the ones who invaded Wakanda this time were not the poachers and thieves they faced before, but a team of mutants who looked loose but were extremely powerful.

Even without Roy, it would be difficult for Wakanda to resist the attacks of Magneto and Phoenix.

In front of Magneto, who can manipulate the magnetic field, Wakanda's vibrating gold is no different from other metals.

Not to mention Magneto, even Lorna is an extremely difficult existence for Wakanda.

Although Zhenjin does not abide by the laws of science, the superpowers of mutants do not obey the laws of science even more than Zhenjin.

Glancing at T'Challa who was kneeling in front of him, Roy turned to Kuaiyin who was still in shock and said:

"You are responsible for bringing this guy back."

"Why should I bring it?"

Kuaiyin was stunned for a moment, and asked back.

"Because I'm stronger than you, what's the reason?"

Roy said casually.

Although he was telling the truth, after hearing his answer, Kuaiyin immediately showed a displeased expression.

Just when he was about to "struggle with reason", he saw T'Challa who was behind Roy holding his broken right arm.

Then, he decisively chose to shut up.

It didn't take long.

Roy and Quicksilver returned to Magneto and the others with T'Challa, who had a broken arm.

Magneto frowned slightly after seeing Kuaiyin supporting Techara with a broken arm back.

Just when he guessed whether the person who tore off T'Challa's right arm was Kuaiyin or Roy, Kuaiyin let go of T'Challa with a disgusted face.

Afterwards, he checked his body to see if there was blood from T'Challa.

After seeing this scene, Magneto knew that the person who tore off T'Challa's right arm would definitely not be Quicksilver.

A person who cares about whether his body is stained with blood is absolutely impossible to do such a cruel act of tearing off someone's right arm.

Before Roy and Quicksilver could speak, Okoye, who was tied up, saw T'Challa's right arm was torn off, and immediately struggled to stand up, roaring, and ran towards Roy and the two.

As the captain of Dora's Guardians, protecting the royal family of Wakanda is her most noble mission.

But now, T'Challa, who was supposed to be protected by her with her life, had her right arm torn off and became an undoubted disabled person.

Although with Wakanda's current technology, it is not a problem to re-install a vibrating gold bionic arm for T'Challa.

But these are two different things.

The roaring Okoye just ran a few steps before he was brought down again by the members of the Mutant Brotherhood and pressed heavily to the ground.

"Do you know who he is?"

Magneto used his super power, took off the helmet that T'Challa was wearing, and asked Roy.

"I know, the only son of King T'Chaka of Wakanda, the first heir to the throne, the eldest prince T'Challa of Wakanda."

Roy said calmly.

"Since you know, why are you still breaking his arm?"

Magneto continued to ask.

"What's wrong with that?"

Roy asked back.


Magneto froze for a moment, not knowing how to answer Roy.

Then, he sighed helplessly.

Although Roy now agreed to assist him in establishing a mutant country, it was obvious that Roy was not the kind of person who would obediently obey his orders.

To put it simply, Roy is a very assertive person.

Glancing at T'Challa who was still bleeding from the broken right arm, Magneto first asked T'Challa to be taken down to bandage the wound, and then said to Roy:

"The supreme mage Gu Yi told you to tell me, you probably haven't forgotten it?"

After hearing Magneto's words, Roy shook his head with a smile.

Don't look at Magneto being crazy sometimes, but sometimes, like Professor X, he always worries about things that haven't happened yet.

"Of course I haven't."

"However, I have a different understanding of Gu Yi's words."

Roy said slowly.

"A different understanding?"

Magneto looked at Roy later.

"Yes, my understanding is different from yours."

"Although Gu Yi asked us to pay attention to the influence as much as possible, so as not to make everyone come down, she probably didn't mean that we should not hurt the royal family members of Wakanda."

"Although I haven't had much contact with Gu Yi, I know that, as the supreme mage, she is not the kind of person who would care about imperial power and social status."

"If I'm not mistaken, she's saying let's try not to massacre Wakanda."

"As for whether we hurt Wakanda's royal family, she should not care."

"Besides, this is the African continent. To overthrow the regime of a country here is impossible without death."

"As long as not many people die, I don't think Gu Yi will say anything."

Roy said unhurriedly.

He is not fooling Magneto King now, but reminding Magneto King Gu Yi what kind of person he is.

It is absolutely impossible for a magic boss who hides from the world to care about the regime change in a secular country.

If there is anything in Wakanda that can attract Gu Yi's attention, it is only Wakanda's patron saint "Black Panther God" Buster.

As for the others, whether it is the royal family members of Wakanda or the Zhenjin of Wakanda, it is impossible for Gu Yi to take it to heart.

"Hopefully so."

Magneto also doesn't want Ancient One to intervene in the founding of mutants.

But when he thought of Gu Yi's strength, he would have an inexplicable worry.

After resting on the spot for more than ten minutes, mainly to let Lorna and Clarice roughly figure out the control method of the Royal Eagle Talon aircraft, Roy and the others set off again to the real capital of Wakanda, Bernin Zana.

Because the Royal Eagle Claw Aircraft couldn't bring everyone there at once, the team was naturally divided into two groups.

The members of the Mutant Brotherhood continued to take off-road vehicles to the real capital, Bernin Zana.

Roy and the others took the three of Techara and they passed by on the Royal Eagle Talon aircraft.

A family of four including Roy, Clarice, and Magneto, plus three captives.

Although there are not many seats in the Royal Eagle Talon aircraft, it is no problem to bring nine people there.

When Lorna drove the aircraft to the real capital Bonin Zana, Roy came to T'Challa with a broken arm.

"We're going to your capital in a while, and at this time, it's time to tell you our purpose."

"We are not here for Zhenjin, but to overthrow your rule and completely occupy Wakanda."

"After successfully occupying Wakanda, we will establish a mutant nation here."

"If you don't want too many casualties, I suggest you start thinking about how to convince your father now."

"In addition, I will give you another warm reminder, whether you like it or not, you can't stop us from establishing a mutant nation."

"Even if your patron saint 'Black Panther God' Buster comes out."

Except for the Panther God Buster, Wakanda has no real advanced combat power.

Not only that, but it is also a question whether the advanced combat power of the Black Panther God Buster will appear.

(End of this chapter)

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