Eudemons Qinglong in American manga

Chapter 260 Skeleton and Mesh

Chapter 260 Skeleton and Mesh

Cyborg, whose real name is Victor Stone.

Before he became a superhero Cyborg, or rather, he was a promising college student before he became half-human and half-cyborg.

His father, Silas Stone, is a scientist in the interstellar laboratory, a scientist in the government of the beautiful country who specializes in the research of aliens and superhumans.

As for himself, he is also a famous rugby star player in the school.

Excellent academic performance and outstanding sports ability.

If there is no accident, Victor will have no problem becoming a professional football player after graduation, or becoming an excellent scientist like his father.

However, he happened to encounter a car accident that completely changed his life.

To be precise, it is the complete end of life.

In the comics, Victor accidentally exploded in the Apocalypse Mother Box in the interstellar laboratory, causing himself to

The Apocalypse mother box in the STAR laboratory accidentally exploded, seriously injured and on the verge of death.

In order not to let him die, his father activated the Apocalypse Mother Box, which he hadn't fully understood yet.

With the help of the mother box, Victor came back to life and became a half-human, half-mechanical biochemical man.

In the movie, Victor will become a steel bone, not because of the accidental explosion of the mother box, but because of a car accident with his mother after a football game.

His mother died, and he himself lost both legs and his left arm.

The subsequent development is not much different from that in the comics.

His father resorted to various methods, hoping to bring him back to life.

Just when his father tried all kinds of methods and failed to save him, the mother box in the laboratory was activated and began to actively transform Victor.

Victor then becomes Cyborg.

Although the reasons why Victor became a steel bone are different, one thing is the same, that is, the power of the steel bone comes from the mother box of Apocalypse.

Roy has confirmed before that the Doomsday War against Superman and others has not yet happened in this universe.

And, Steppenwolf collects mother boxes and tries to completely destroy the earth.

Although Doomsday and Steppenwolf have not yet appeared, the appearance of the steel frame means one thing, that is, the mother box that should have been kept by humans has now fallen into the official hands of the beautiful country.

After recalling the information related to Cyborg in his mind, Roy said to Maggie:

"Has the school announced in advance what is the main content of this open financial class?"

Although it has been clearly stated that it is an open class of finance, the content of finance is not ordinary.

Even if the instructor of this open class is a steel bone, Roy doesn't think he can finish all the content of finance in just one or two hours.

Unless he has invented a black technology that can directly transmit knowledge to the human brain.

"That's not the case. The school just notified the location and time of the class, as well as the lecturer."

"As for the others, the school didn't say anything."

Maggie replied quickly.

As soon as she finished speaking, Selina said:
"Since the school specially arranged such an open class, let's go and listen to it."

"Even if you can't learn anything, at most it's just a waste of time."

For Diana, just being able to experience what it's like to take classes in a university is enough.

As for what kind of course it was, she didn't care at all.


"Then we'll go there as soon as we finish eating."

"There should be many people who want to listen to this class."

Maggie said quickly.


Selina nodded back.

Although Roy is not as interested as Selina, he is also curious about why the steel skeleton suddenly came to the Metropolitan University to hold an open class on finance.

In Metropolis, there are three superheroes that are now well-known.

He's seen both Superman and Diana.

Only the half-human, half-mechanical steel frame remains, which has not been seen yet.

He thought that he would have to wait at least a while, for example, under Diana's matchmaking, before he would have the opportunity to meet Cyborg.

As a result, I didn't expect to see the steel frame at the Metropolitan University today.

After lunch, the three of Roy didn't waste any time and went directly to the auditorium where the class was held.

Considering that there are absolutely no fewer people who want to take this public class.

The school did not arrange the class location in a certain classroom, but directly arranged it in the school auditorium that can accommodate thousands of people.

Even so, when Roy and the others came to the auditorium, half of the seats in the auditorium were already occupied.

Really welcome!
Glancing at the students in the auditorium, Roy sighed in his heart.

After finding three vacant seats and sitting down, they patiently waited for the steel frame to arrive.

Time passed little by little.

Soon, it was time for class.

While everyone else was waiting for Cyborg's arrival with anticipation, Roy frowned slightly.

Something is wrong!
"what happened?"

After seeing his expression, Selina asked immediately.

"Something's not quite right."

Roy looked around and said slowly.

"What's wrong?"

Selina continued to ask.

"There's something wrong with those school staff."

Perhaps in order to maintain order, there were quite a few people in formal attire and employee ID cards in the auditorium.

On the surface, they are school employees.

But Roy found that, without exception, they were all on the alert.

What's more, their coats are slightly puffed up.

Although he didn't have the ability to see through, Roy immediately guessed what was hidden in their clothes.


Selina followed Roy's gaze and saw the faculty and staff guarding the entrance and exit of the auditorium.

Although she didn't have the knowledgeable domineering ability to perceive the target's emotions, she also saw that something was wrong with these people.

If these people with work permits are really school staff, then they should be very relaxed now.

But their expressions were not at all relaxed.

"Don't they think..."

Selina only spoke half of it and didn't continue.

But it was enough for Roy to know what she wanted to say.

School shootings!
If you want to choose a country with the most school shootings among the countries in the world, then this country is definitely a beautiful country.

The proliferation of guns, coupled with the spread of all kinds of strange ideas.

There are many people in the beautiful country who want to attract attention or achieve some special purpose through school shootings.

"It's hard to say right now."

"But if it's true, then they definitely came prepared."

Roy said with great certainty.

If this is Gotham, it might just be a terrorist attack planned by some fanatical organization.

But the problem is, this isn't Gotham, it's Metropolis.

In the metropolis, Superman and Wonder Woman are absolutely unavoidable existences.

As big as conquering or destroying the world, as small as robbing convenience stores or pedestrians, you have to consider whether you will encounter Superman and Wonder Woman to stop you.

If the efficiency of the Metropolitan Police is ten times that of the Gotham Police.

Then the efficiency of Superman and Wonder Woman in preventing crimes is a hundred times that of the Metropolitan Police and a thousand times that of the Gotham Police.

Wanting to plan a terrorist attack in the Metropolitan University, the organizers behind it must have considered how to deal with Superman and Wonder Woman who will come at any time.

If they hadn't even considered this, they wouldn't have taken action easily.

Crazy people do behave like crazy, but that doesn't mean they don't have brains.

"Are you going to stop them in advance?"

Selina continued to ask.

"Look at it first."

"Stop them now, maybe the organizers behind them will escape early."

"By the way, you can send a message to Diana first and tell her about the situation here."

Roy said to Selina.

Although he has the ability to stop these people in advance, he doesn't plan to make a move right now.

Unless the purpose of this group of people is to deceive the students, and then start indiscriminate attacks without saying a word.

Otherwise, Roy has enough patience to wait until the real organizer behind the scenes appears.


After hearing Roy's words, Selina immediately took out her phone and planned to send Diana a text message.

But soon, her expression became a little ugly.

"no signal."

Selina said quickly.

Accurate and comprehensive enough!
Obviously, this group of terrorists who have not shown their true intentions have already arranged signal jammers in advance.

"It's fine if there's no signal."

"It is estimated that they will start to act after a while."

Roy said to Selina.

As time passed, the originally quiet auditorium became noisy.

It's time for class.

But the steel bone has not shown up for a long time.

Although most of the participants in this open class are students from the Metropolitan University, they will come to this open class, in fact, they also have the idea of ​​​​seeing superheroes up close.

Otherwise, apart from students who study finance themselves, students from other departments may not have such an interest.

But now, the person they most want to see has not appeared for a long time.

If it's just late, then as long as someone comes out to say something, everyone won't have any opinions.

However, not only did no one come out to explain it now, but many students found that there was no signal received in the auditorium at all.

More importantly, those "teachers" who were supposed to maintain order not only failed to maintain order in the auditorium, but also began to close the doors and various entrances and exits of the auditorium.

After seeing this, as long as the brain is still normal, you can definitely realize that something is wrong.

Just when some students were going to come forward to argue with these "teachers" and ask for an explanation, these "teachers" who were dressed in formal attire and had their work permits on their chests pulled out their guns.

Then, he pointed the gun at the ceiling of the auditorium and pulled the trigger.

bang bang bang bang bang...

Fierce gunfire immediately resounded throughout the auditorium.

As a college student in the beautiful country, after hearing the gunshots, the students in the auditorium squatted down immediately to avoid body exposure as much as possible.

Although Roy was not afraid of bullets, he squatted down like other students in order not to appear so unique.

When the gunfire stopped, all the students squatted next to their seats.

The auditorium, which was originally noisy like a shopping mall, became extremely quiet at this time.

When the other students prayed secretly with fear on their faces, Roy displayed his knowledge and arrogance and began to perceive the situation of the whole school.

Thanks to the excellent sound insulation of the auditorium, people outside the auditorium building did not hear the gunfire at all.

The whole school is still quiet and peaceful.

What the hell are these guys up to?
After perceiving the campus with a domineering look, Roy didn't find anything worth noting.

If there is anything special, it is that he did not perceive any superhuman aura.

In the whole school, except for himself, no one has supernatural powers.

Just as Roy was thinking about what the terrorists wanted to do, the loudspeaker in the auditorium suddenly rang.

"Good afternoon, fellow students of the Metropolitan University."

It is an electronically synthesized adult male voice.

"Let me introduce myself first, my name is Grid."


After hearing this name, information about a super villain quickly flashed through Roy's mind.

Like Superman and Wonder Woman, Cyborg has had many opponents.

Among these opponents, Grid is undoubtedly the most special one.

As for the reason, it is very simple, because the grid is not a human being, but a computer program with self-awareness.

The mesh was originally the mechanical part of the skeleton.

After being implanted with a virus by the super villain "Atomic Girl", she developed self-awareness and personality.

With a grid of self-awareness, he regards himself as the mechanical half of the Cyborg consciousness, and Victor is the human half.

Therefore, it took it for granted that only by eliminating Victor could it experience true feelings.

In order to achieve this goal, it has tried to separate the human body of the steel bone from the metal body formed by the mother box, and has also tried to completely destroy the consciousness of the steel bone in the digital world.

But the result didn't want to guess can know, it failed.

After being defeated by Cyborg, it was imprisoned in its old mechanical body.

It wasn't until Darkseid launched the war that it was reawakened by Furong and lodged in a new body of steel bones.

Unlike Cyborg's other opponents, Grid doesn't have any particularly big ambitions.

Its sole purpose is to defeat Cyborg and gain true affection.

From this perspective, it can be regarded as a relatively unique existence among super villains.

However, that doesn't mean it's without threats.

Like Cyborg, Grid can hack into any network at will, and control all kinds of machines and weapons connected to the network.

More importantly, because it is a computer program, it has a completely different view of life.

To put it simply, it doesn't think killing humans is a serious matter at all.

Not to mention killing people, if defeating Cyborg required the extermination of all humans on Earth, it would not hesitate at all.

Even if other super villains want to conquer the world, they will more or less leave behind some ordinary humans, so as not to completely exterminate humans.

Unless it's an alien like Dakseid or Steppenwolf.

After hearing Grid's self-introduction, Roy knew that things had become a little troublesome this time.

(End of this chapter)

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