Chapter 280 Harley Quinn

Although he didn't know where the clown gang got the helicopter, Roy didn't pay too much attention to this issue.

It's just a helicopter, not a space carrier, nothing to worry about.

After asking Hank to share the helicopter's flight coordinates with Damian in real time, Roy flew towards the helicopter.

Compared with cars, helicopters are not slow to fly.

But compared with Roy, the flying speed of the helicopter is not very fast.

In the blink of an eye, he caught up with the clown gang's helicopter.

Although he caught up, he didn't try to stop him. Instead, he sensed Bruce's breath of life in detail with his knowledge and arrogance.

Perhaps for the sake of safety, the clown gang gave Bruce an anesthesia injection.

Bruce is now in a coma.

Bruce is indeed Batman, but that doesn't change the fact that he's just mortal.

Even though he has developed his body to the limit of what humans can achieve, he is still mortal.

Judging from the perceived breath of life, Bruce probably won't wake up for a while.

What the hell is the clown up to?
Roy couldn't help thinking about this question.

Judging from the way the members of the Clown Gang have coped, it seems like they don't know that Bruce is Batman.

Otherwise, they would not behave so casually.

Arranged for the kidnapping of Bruce by the subordinates of the Clown Gang, but did not tell the subordinates that Bruce was Batman.

On the face of it, it seems irresponsible for the Joker to do so.

But really, that's the style of the Joker.

He is a clown!
If what he does is in line with common sense, then he is not a clown, but an ordinary villain.

Following the helicopter, Roy came to downtown Gotham.

Just as he was thinking about where the Clown Gang was going to take Bruce, the helicopter flew directly towards the rooftop helipad of the Wayne Building.

Soon, the helicopter came over the Wayne Building.

However, the helicopter did not land on the rooftop helipad.

The helicopter's hatch was opened.

Bruce, who was still in a coma, was carried to the hatch.

Under Roy's gaze, members of the clown gang in the cabin injected an inexplicable potion on Bruce's neck.

Then, Bruce was thrown out directly.


After seeing this scene, Roy made sure of one thing, that is, really don't guess what the clown is thinking.

Without any suspense, Bruce, who was in a coma, slammed heavily on the tarmac.

It might be because of the impact and pain, or it might be the medicine that was injected just now, Bruce on the tarmac slowly opened his eyes.

After throwing Bruce out, the Clown Gang's helicopter left the Wayne Building.

"Hancock, text Damian and tell him that Bruce is on the tarmac atop the Wayne Building."

Roy said to Hancock.

"Okay, sir!"

Hancock replied immediately.

After ordering Hancock, Roy flew to Bruce's side without any haste, and said:
"You are in a bit of a mess tonight."

As he spoke, he cast the planetary fire, which burned the handcuffs that bound Bruce.

Bruce didn't take Roy's joke to heart, and asked directly:

"What's going on at the manor?"

"The manor is fine. No one was injured except you."

"By the way, Damian is riding the Batcycle to rescue you now."

Roy said with a smile.

Bruce flexed his wrist and continued:

"You rescued me?"

"No, you were thrown out of the helicopter by them."

"I just followed them here."

After hearing Roy's words, Bruce immediately frowned.

He thought it was Roy who rescued himself.

Unexpectedly, it was actually the members of the Clown Gang who threw him here on their own initiative.

Something is wrong!
very wrong!

Bruce frowned immediately.

Although he still doesn't know what the clown's purpose is, one thing he is sure of is that the clown's purpose is absolutely impossible to destroy tonight's banquet and kidnap him to Wayne Mansion.

The Joker is indeed crazy, but he will not do such pointless things.

After seeing Bruce start to think about the purpose of the clown, Roy said to him:
"Don't think about it, if you can guess what he thinks, you are another him."

"I know, I just don't want him to cause too many casualties this time."

Bruce replied immediately.

Roy didn't really get in touch with the clown. He only knew that the clown was caught by Bruce many years ago and thrown into the famous Arkham Asylum in Gotham.

The folk customs are simple and honest in Gotham City, Arkham is full of talents!
The super villains who are active in Gotham, if they haven't been in the Arkham Asylum for further study, are embarrassed to say hello to other colleagues after they come out.

"Can you help me to check the situation inside the Wayne Building?"

"I always feel that it is not so simple for the clown to let his subordinates tie me here."

Bruce said to Roy.

As soon as he finished speaking, Roy replied:

"When I first came here, I confirmed that there are no superhumans in the Wayne Building."

"As for whether there is a hidden bomb or something, that's not something I can find out."

After hearing Roy's answer, Bruce fell silent.

Time passed little by little.

More than ten minutes later, Damian came to the apron on the roof of the building with a hook gun.

After seeing that Bruce and Roy were safe and sound, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Just as Damian was about to face Bruce and Roy, there was a loud explosion from the building behind him.

The sudden explosion immediately attracted everyone's attention.

It was a commercial building not much shorter than the Wayne Building.

As soon as the first explosion was over, the second explosion sounded and stood up.

The first explosion occurred on the top floor of the building.

The second explosion occurred in the lobby on the first floor of the building.

With the sound of the second explosion, more and more explosions came from the opposite building.

Under the watchful eyes of the three of Roy, the commercial building collapsed as if it had been blasted at a fixed point.

It's big enough to play!

No need to think about it, it must be the work of the clown.

Although I don't know why the other party did this, but one thing is obvious, that is, the clown's hand is big enough.

When the commercial building opposite completely collapsed, weird and crazy laughter resounded in the nearby blocks.


After hearing this laughter, Bruce's already ugly expression became even uglier.

It's the clown's laugh!
"Roy, can I trouble you to take Damian and me back to the Batcave now?"

Bruce said to Roy.

"of course can!"

Roy replied.

As soon as the words fell, he created the Star Portal to return to the Batcave.

Just sending Bruce and Damian back does not count as meddling in the duel between Bruce and the Joker, and there is no need to worry that the system will judge the mission to fail.

After the Constellation portal took shape, Bruce walked in without saying a word.

Damian follows Bruce back to the Batcave.

After both of them had passed, Roy walked unhurriedly into the Star Portal and came to the Batcave.

"Damian, go and call Ah Fu down."

Bruce said to Damian.

"it is good!"

Although he didn't know what Bruce was going to do, Damian replied immediately without any hesitation.

Soon, Damian's figure disappeared into the secret passage leading to the main building of the manor.

After Damian left, Bruce said to Roy:

"Although I still don't know what the clown is going to do, I want to ask you one thing."

"what's up?"

"If I die, or the Joker wants to destroy Gotham, I want you to help stop him."

Bruce looked at Roy seriously.

"no problem."

Roy quickly replied.

Even though his meddling would cause the mission to fail, he didn't particularly care about it.

This task, if he can do it, he will try his best to do it.

But he will not die on this task.

The big deal is not to have super vision and heat rays.

"Thank you!"

Bruce thanked Roy.

After that, he quickly came to the front of the battle clothes display cabinet and began to change clothes.

Roy was not interested in watching the big man change his clothes, so he turned and came to the console.

Soon, Bruce changed into the Batman suit.

At the same time, Damian and Alfred also came to the Batcave.

Bruce didn't waste time, and said bluntly:
"I now have reason to suspect that the Joker has escaped from Arkham Asylum."

"I will drive the Batmobile to the city later, Damian and Ah Fu, you stay here and find a way to confirm the whereabouts of the Clown Gang."

Bruce didn't have Alfred and Damian looking for the Joker.

Simply because it wouldn't make much sense.

If the Joker is so easy to track down, then he isn't the Joker.

Under the current circumstances, the best way to find the clown is to start with the clown gang.

Alfred has no objection to Bruce's arrangement.

But Damian has some small dissatisfaction.

If possible, he would prefer to act with Bruce instead of staying here to collect intelligence.

Bruce could see the displeasure on Damian's face, but he wasn't about to change his mind.

Forget about the other enemies, Bruce doesn't mind letting Damian go with him.

But clowns are an exception.

Although the clown does not have any supernatural powers, in Batman's view, the clown's threat is even higher than Roy.

At least Roy is a normal person and has the possibility of communication.

The clown, on the other hand, is a complete lunatic.

It would be better if the clown was crazy by himself.

But the thing is, clowns are like an infectious disease.

His madness can easily infect others and make them as crazy as him.

To put it simply, the longer the clown stays outside, the more people will be "infected" by him.

At that time, even if the clown does nothing, his "believers" will make Gotham a mess.

"I'll use your database too, I need to find something."

Roy said to Bruce.

"No problem, just check what you want to check."

Bruce said quickly.

With that said, he went straight to the Batmobile.

Tens of seconds later, the Batmobile with its unique shape and many functions let out a loud roar.

Without any hesitation, Bruce immediately drove the Batmobile out of the Batcave.

After watching Bruce leave, Roy opened the ergonomic seat in front of the console and sat down, and began typing on the keyboard with both hands.

After seeing him start searching for the information he wanted, Alfred and Damian also sat down and began to look for information and specific whereabouts of the Clown Gang.

There are only two pieces of information that Roy wants to search for now.

One is the specific intelligence of the Joker.

The other is about Harley Quinn.

Although no one knows what the clown's real name is, Bruce's database contains a lot of information about clowns.

For example, the previous actions planned by the clown, the guess of the clown's identity, the psychiatric diagnosis report of the clown in Arkham Asylum, etc.

Roy is indeed no stranger to clowns.

But the clown in this universe may not be exactly the same as the clown in his memory.

In order to better understand clowns and satisfy his own curiosity, he plans to learn more about clowns in this universe.

Damian was curious at first what Roy was looking for.

Seeing that Roy was browsing the previously planned actions of the clown, he turned his gaze back and searched for the whereabouts of the clown gang with Alfred.

Time passed little by little.

Roy watched the actions planned by the clown as if reading a novel.

how to say?

The more he looked at Joker's previous actions, the more he felt that Joker was synonymous with chaos.

Other criminals commit crimes with obvious purposes.

Money, revenge, women, territory, power...

The crime of the clown is completely different.

Take a very simple example.

The Joker once robbed a certain bank and succeeded.

A normal criminal, in this case, would either fly away and leave Gotham entirely, or lay low for a while so the police wouldn't get to him.

But Joker didn't do that.

With the money he just robbed, he came to the sports car shop carelessly, threw down a bag of money, and drove away a sports car.

Then within a few minutes, the sports car was hit by him and scrapped.

For another example, a gang leader brought his subordinates to join him, hoping to join the Clown Gang.

In the last second, he just agreed to the other party.

In the next second, he blasted the opponent's head with a pistol.

There are many more similar things.

The clown is like the embodiment of a chaotic concept, doing all kinds of incredible things in Gotham.

By the way, he was caught by Bruce more than once, and he was thrown into Arkham Asylum more than once.

But the end result is the same, that is, he escaped from the heavily guarded Arkham Asylum and continued his crazy and unreasonable crimes.

After browsing through all the information about clowns in the database, Roy began to search for information about the clown girl in the database.

Of course, because Harley Quinn hasn't appeared yet, he's not searching for Harley Quinn, but Harley Quinn.

Without much effort, he found Harley Quinn's information in the database.

Harley Quinn, 26 years old, a well-known criminal psychologist in Gotham City.

(End of this chapter)

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