Eudemons Qinglong in American manga

Chapter 296 Traveling through time and space, capturing the speed force

Chapter 296 Traveling through time and space, capturing the speed force
Although Roy has not seen The Flash yet, after reading the news reports related to The Flash, he can basically confirm that the Flash of this universe is the most famous Flash in the DC universe, Barry Allen.

In the DC Universe, there are many Flashes.

But the most well-known is the second-generation Flash Barry Allen.

As for the first-generation Flash Jay Garrick, the third-generation Flash Wally West, and the fourth-generation Flash Bart Allen, they are far less famous than the second-generation Flash Barry Allen.

Among so many Flashes, Roy's favorite is Barry Allen, the second-generation Flash.

As for the other Flashes, he didn't particularly like them.

The black Wally West in The Flash TV series is an exception.

Driving a Ford Raptor pickup, Roy and Halle, who had been traveling in the beautiful country for a week, came to Central City.

Although the Flash is now a well-known superhero in Central City, and even has a series of derivative products related to the Flash, such as games, figures, costumes, etc., not many people know the true identity of the Flash.

While driving to Central City, Roy recalled information related to the second-generation Flash Barry Allen in his mind.

At the same time, recall those opponents of the second-generation Flash Barry Allen.

Like Superman and Batman and others, Barry Allen, the Flash, has many supervillains who are destined to be.

Such as Reverse Lightning, Professor Speed, Captain Cold, Doctor Alchemy, Weather Wizard, Gorilla Grodd, etc.

Among the opponents of the second-generation Flash Barry Allen, Roy is most interested in Reverse Lightning and Professor Speed.

Among them, the second-generation reverse lightning is Professor Extreme Speed.

As for the other generations of Reverse Lightning, just like the other generations of Flash, their popularity is much lower.

Roy has now determined that the Flash of this universe is the second-generation Flash Barry Allen.

But whether the reverse lightning in this universe is Professor Extreme Speed, he is still not sure.

Until now, Flash Barry Allen has not been able to arrest Reverse Lightning, and has never been able to confirm the other party's true identity.

Although Roy knew several generations of reverse lightning, he still couldn't determine whether the reverse lightning in this universe was the second-generation reverse lightning speed professor or the third generation reverse lightning speed.

Although the second-generation reverse lightning speed professor and the third generation reverse lightning speed are two people, their reverse lightning battle suits are the same, both of which are yellow battle suits.

In addition, their speed and force lightning are also red lightning.

Just looking at their appearance, it is difficult to judge whether they are the second generation of Reverse Lightning Speed ​​Professor or the third generation of Reverse Lightning Speed.

Roy had asked Hancock to investigate whether there were people named "Alberd Swan" and "Hunter Zollemon" in Central City.

It's a pity that there are no people with these two names in the official database of Central City.

This also means that Reverse Lightning, who is currently active in Central City, uses a pseudonym very cautiously.

Although I am more interested in the Flash Barry Allen.

But Roy wouldn't mind if he could deal with Reverse Lightning.

Of course, whether it is the Flash or the Reverse Flash, he is very interested in the speed force on them.

Although capturing the speed force will make yourself look like a super villain.

But if he can really get the Speed ​​Force, Roy doesn't mind being a super villain temporarily.

In the DC universe, the Speed ​​Force is a powerful force that cannot be ignored, granting unimaginable super speed.

Although Roy now has a super speed that far exceeds that of ordinary people, compared with the speed force, his super speed is far inferior to the speed force in terms of nature and potential.

Among other things, the fact that the speed force can allow the owner to travel through time is much stronger than the super speed he possesses.

No matter how much Roy's super speed is improved, it is impossible to increase it to the level of time travel.

In addition to traveling through time, traveling to the future and the past, the Speed ​​Force can also be used to travel to other parallel universes.

For example, from the DC main universe Earth 0 to the earth in other universes.

Roy is interested in the speed force, partly because the speed force is indeed a very powerful force.

On the other hand, he wants to try to see if he can return to the original Marvel Universe with the Speed ​​Force.

Although the DC universe and the Marvel universe do not belong to the parallel universe, they are two completely unrelated universes, but what if it is possible?
If the speed force can really shuttle back and forth between the DC universe and the Marvel universe, which is not a parallel universe, then he can return to the Marvel universe instead of staying in the DC universe doing nothing.

After driving to the urban area of ​​Central City, Roy drove directly to a five-star hotel in the urban area.

Although it was a relaxing trip, he didn't intend to treat himself badly during the trip.

After parking the car in front of the hotel gate and tipping the waiter in front of the gate tens of dollars, Roy took Harry to the hotel lobby.

They checked in with no fuss.

Hotel top floor.

presidential suite.

Harry first went to the bedroom to take a look, then returned to the living room with a satisfied face, and sat down next to Roy.

"How long are we going to be here?"

Harry asked Roy.

"Let's stay here for ten days and half a month."

Roy replied.


Harry nodded.

After resting in the room for a while, they came to the restaurant of the hotel and began to enjoy today's lunch.

While tasting the food in front of him, Roy was thinking about the next arrangement.

First of all, it is not difficult for him to find the Flash Barry Allen.

Although it's not clear how fast Barry Allen the Flash is, as long as Barry Allen is still in Central City, it won't be difficult to find him.

Then, it is not difficult to find the Flash Barry Allen, but it is not so easy to find the Reverse Lightning.

Although reverse lightning will pop up from time to time, compared with Barry Allen, his whereabouts are much more secretive.

Unless he came out by himself, otherwise, it would not be easy to find him.

Finally, even if the Flash and Reverse Flash are found, how to get the Speed ​​Force from them is also a problem.

In addition, whether you can keep up with their speed now also needs to be considered.

Although speed is not as simple and rude as strength.

But super speed is sometimes more difficult to solve than super strength.

I hope that the speed of the Flash and Reverse Lightning in this universe has not reached an unbelievable level.

Otherwise, with my current speed, it would be difficult to keep up with them.

In the DC movie, Superman Clark, who has just been resurrected by the mother box, can keep up with the speed of the Flash.

But this isn't the DC Cinematic Universe.

Roy is no Superman Clark either.

Although when he played against Superman Clark last night, Clark was not much faster than him.

But who knows how fast the Flash of this universe is.

In addition, Roy now has reason to suspect that Clark in this universe has not fully exerted his power.

Not to mention that compared with the comics, the strength Clark showed last night was not at all helpless.

"what happened?"

"Don't you like these things?"

Seeing that Roy put down his knife and fork after taking a few bites casually, Harry asked suspiciously.

"No, I just thought of something."

Roy replied.

"oh oh!"

"Where shall we go after dinner?"

"Central City is dubbed the 'Jewel of the Midwest,' and there must be a lot to do here."

Harry continued.

"Let's talk after dinner."

Roy quickly replied.

He didn't know Central City very well.

Apart from knowing that Central City has a branch of S·T·A·R Laboratory and the Flash Museum, he doesn't know anything about Central City.

However, this does not affect his and Harry's next play.

They don't know much about the cities they visited in the past week.

But they also had a lot of fun.

After lunch in the restaurant, Roy and Halle drove out of the hotel.

They didn't go to the S·T·A·R laboratory immediately, nor did they go to the Flash Museum, which had just been established a few years ago, but drove to a bar.

Unlike other tourists, every time they arrive in a city, the first place they go to is not the city's well-known attractions, but bars.

To be precise, it's the bars where gangsters and punks hang out.

If you want to understand a city, you can start to understand it from the bright side of the city, or you can start to understand it from the dark side of the city.

Neither Roy nor Harley are the kind of good citizens who keep their own way.

Although it is a trip, they do not intend to take pictures or go shopping for souvenirs like ordinary tourists.

Compared with taking pictures and shopping, they prefer to experience the local customs in the underground world.

In terms of security environment, Central City is much better than Gotham, similar to Metropolis.

But even so, the underground world of Canterlot is alive and well.

As before, Harley, who was dressed sexy and hot, attracted a lot of attention as soon as she entered the bar.

Harley ignored these gazes, went straight to the bar, and ordered a cocktail with the bartender.

Roy sat next to Harry and asked the bartender for a bottle of whiskey.

Then, he looked at the guests in the bar.

Because it is still daytime, there are not many customers in the bar.

However, there are still many young people buying and selling white powder in bars.

Among the young people who bought the white powder, Roy also saw many underage guys.

Young and promising!
Seeing these guys immediately find an empty seat to sit down and enjoy the powder they just bought together, Roy sighed in his heart.

This situation, he is not surprised.

Many states in the beautiful country have laws that cannot buy alcoholic beverages under the age of 21.

But whether in the Marvel universe or the DC universe, he has seen many minors buy white powder.

Sometimes, it is even easier for minors to buy these white powders than to buy wine in the beautiful country.

After a few glances, Roy turned his gaze back, ignoring those young and promising young people.

Although the law and order environment in Central City is much better than that of Gotham, and the Flash has worked tirelessly to fight criminals.

But it is still impossible to completely eliminate the trade of white powder.

It's not a problem that superheroes can completely eradicate.

Unless the government cracks down regardless of the cost, even if all the drug dealers are arrested, new drug dealers will emerge.

In a beautiful country where capitalists have the final say, it is impossible to completely eliminate the emergence of drug dealers.

"It looks a little better than the cities we've been in before."

Harry took a sip of his cocktail and said to Roy.

"It's okay, at least I haven't met a guy who is greedy for your body yet."

Roy replied.

"Who said no, those guys looked at me with lewd eyes as soon as I came in."

"Believe it or not, in a few minutes, they will come over to strike up a conversation."

Harry said with a displeased face, feeling as if his charm was underestimated by Roy.

"Yes, yes, you are right, they will come to talk to you soon."

"Let's talk about it first, if you want to play with these guys, deal with it yourself."

Roy took a sip from his wine glass and said slowly.

"You can handle it yourself, are you sure you won't be jealous?"

Harry licked his lips and raised an eyebrow at Roy.

After seeing Harry's expression, Roy sighed helplessly.

"you win."

"If these guys come to harass you, I'll deal with it, okay?"

Roy said to Harry.

"Isn't that what you're supposed to do?"

Harry asked back.

Roy didn't speak, but shrugged.

Just like what Harry said, within a few minutes, the men who had been eyeing her lewdly since she entered the bar came over.

Roy had no intention of wasting time with these guys, so he used his spiritual power without saying a word.

Mind hint!

After giving these guys an extremely strong spiritual hint, the men who originally planned to come and talk to Harry turned around and left the bar straight away.


After seeing Roy use his spiritual power to send those men away directly, a trace of dissatisfaction appeared on Harry's face.

For her, teasing the guys with their brains is a never-ending game.

Now, before the game started, Roy ended the game.

Just when Harry was about to say something, Roy sensed something and turned to look at the bar door.

From a man and a woman who had just entered the bar, Roy sensed a breath of life that was different from normal people.

After looking at the two of them and comparing them with the memories in his mind, he quickly recognized the identities of the couple.

"Heatwave" Mick Rory!
"Golden Glider" Lisa Snart!

Although Heat Wave and Golden Glider are not particularly well-known super villains, they are also considered well-known in the DC universe.

They are all members of the rogue gang.

Especially the golden glider, Lisa Snart, who is not only a member of the Rogues, but also the younger sister of "Captain Cold" Leonard Snart.

Before the restart of the DC universe, neither Heat Wave nor Captain Cold were superhuman, and they used high-tech equipment instead of superpowers.

What Heatwave has is a flamethrower that can be operated with one hand, which can emit flames with temperatures exceeding 482 degrees Celsius.

And what Captain Cold has is a freezing gun that is said to be able to produce "absolute zero".

In the New 52 period after the restart, they all became superhumans, possessing the superpowers of manipulating flames and producing low temperature respectively.

As for the golden glider, Roy didn't know whether she had superpowers before the restart.

But he knows that the golden glider in the New 52 period has the super power of flying and penetrating matter.

In addition, in the TV series of The Flash, she also has a black technology pistol that can change other objects into gold.

(End of this chapter)

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