Chapter 282 Highlights (4.4k)

In the cigar room on the second floor, Caesar sat upright, but did not smoke.

Nor was he here to smoke.

"Scythe Weasel" was released, quietly listening to the movement from the upper cabin.

This speech ability is very suitable for eavesdropping. Even if Chu Zihang is as sensitive as Chu Zihang, it is difficult to realize that the walls have ears.

Caesar shouldn't have doubted Chu Zihang, he and that man didn't get along so well, but they were still friends, although there were times when they competed with each other.

They have a lot of memories in common. If it turns out that Chu Zihang is not a teammate on their side, even Caesar will feel that life is a bit illusory.

Recalling that rainy night in Tokyo, he sat relaxed in the same way, repeatedly raising the glass full of ouzo, while the man opposite drank it with a straight face.

And Lu Mingfei, Yuan Zhisheng... Everyone's smiles are vivid in my memory.

But Caesar also had to admit that there were doubts about Chu Zihang, even a lot of doubts.

Many mixed races who originally lived in human society knew the truth only after being invited by Kassel to enroll in school. He was the only one who came to Kassel on his own initiative.

Moreover, his perfection is a little scary, even Caesar dare not say that he is more perfect than him, he will have a proud side, a willful side, a pompous side...

But Chu Zihang was very few people could fault him. When he was quiet, he was like a monk who aloof from the world. He acted like a sharp knife out of its scabbard, decisive and without hesitation.

He has no desires or desires, and he has never shown any interest in beautiful girls.

Caesar even felt that after sending him to the Vatican for a few years, he would definitely be elected Pope and let him act on behalf of God's will. At that time, even God might only be able to say "you can do things with confidence."

Even Chu Zihang's mentor's trust in Chu Zihang was a little shaken. Schneider had a secret conversation with Caesar when he got on the ship, hoping that Caesar would keep an eye on Chu Zihang all the time and not let him notice. .

"Maybe sometimes, the whole world is wrong, but these children are right."

That's why Caesar followed Chu Zihang out of the library. He always followed Chu Zihang to the first deck, and followed Chu Zihang's footsteps.

The power supply system on the ship might really be old, the captain assured him, but it still hasn't been repaired after an hour.

At this time, except for the sailors on duty, most people began to gather in the library. They felt that places with many people would be safer.

But Chu Zihang left the library and wandered alone on AA1.

He strolled down the hall, stopped in the kitchen, walked through the gym, and went to the lavish rotunda.

It was the same as the cigar room where Caesar was now, except for the light dust on the floor, there was nothing.

He couldn't figure out where Chu Zihang was going at all, and felt that he had no destination at all.

Caesar initially suspected that he was trying to memorize the topography of the ship.

If a battle takes place on the ship in the future, memorizing the terrain here in advance will be of vital help to the details of the battle.

And this ship has as many as hundreds of cabins, and the terrain is as complicated as a maze.

But after thinking about it again, it was still wrong, Chu Zihang still passed by many places and didn't go in to have a look.

Those cabins are basically guarded, such as the engine room and the nuclear reaction room, these cabins are far more important than the areas where he often wanders.

And this ship has a cabin layout map, he only needs to say hello to the captain Rebalco to get the map, and he doesn't have to use his brain to memorize every inch of space on the ship.

Caesar sat in the smoking room for half an hour, and the footsteps never sounded again.

There is no doubt that Chu Zihang was stranded in a certain cabin.

The time gradually increased, and the anxiety gradually accumulated. When Caesar couldn't stand it anymore, he got up and left the smoking room, and went silently but quickly to the cabin on the upper floor.

The heartbeat of "Sickle Weasel" came from the end of the corridor, where there was a thick and solid hatch.

Caesar held the handle of the "Dictator" in the scabbard at the back of his waist, stepped forward slowly, and pushed open the door violently.

Caesar was stunned. Behind the cabin door was a huge sun room with a curved glass dome.

Because of the power outage on the ship, other places only had a few dim lights, but the Sunshine Hall was the complete opposite. The light shining into the glass illuminated the man's bleak figure, even a little dazzling.

He didn't do anything shady like Caesar thought, but sat on the bench in the Sunshine Hall, quietly staring at the ink-like water surface not far away. The sound of running water.

This guy actually sat alone on the bench in the Sunshine Hall, listening to music with headphones on, looking like he was indifferent to the world.

"What song are you listening to?".

It was hard for Caesar to imagine that this high-risk hybrid who was rated as A+ in school would wear that kind of bluetooth headset with big ears and immerse himself in another world.

He actually didn't want to bother him much, but he couldn't keep staring blankly, someone had to break the situation first.

Chu Zihang froze for a moment, took off the earphones and hung them around his neck.

"A certain unknown little singer who has never released an album."

Chu Zihang handed him the headset.

The singer's voice is a little hoarse, but the singing voice is full of stories, like a traveler passing by in the wilderness, singing to the distance with true feelings.

Caesar also has some knowledge of Chinese songs, but it is limited to those big hits, and he has never heard of this singer's works.

"What's this song called?"

"Anhe bridge, quiet Ann, peaceful harmony, bridge of bridges."

Caesar muttered "what the hell name".

"I know, those summers, like youth, can't come back."

"Instead of dreams~"

"It can only be difficult."

"I know~"

"The bragging is awesome and you will laugh it off with your youth."

"Let me be stuck in the city in memory of you."


"The singing is so weird."

Although what Caesar wanted to say was "A person like you can actually listen to music"?But when it came to the mouth, it became "You actually like this type".

(A few years ago, I really liked fat people, but I won’t talk about those things later)

"I used to like music very much, and I even formed a band." Seeing that Chu Zihang didn't respond, Caesar wanted to find some common topics to resolve the awkward atmosphere.

"I've heard that everyone except you is a girl, and they broke up because of you."

"You know this as well?"

Caesar scratched his head, and the already awkward atmosphere suddenly became more awkward.

The electronic music team he organized at the beginning was the predecessor of the dance troupe of the student union. As Chu Zihang said, except for Caesar, the others were all girls.

In the past, Caesar often wore retro white dresses to create a religious sense of mass music, but when they came to the stage, the girls would dig out the hidden electronic musical instruments from the long skirts, and sing and dance wildly. rock king.

Caesar specially paid for them to take them to perform at the Vienna State Opera, and also performed on the streets of Paris. He was rolling with laughter when he read the comments of music critics calling them blasphemy of the music hall.

The reason for the later breakup was not different from what Chu Zihang said, the spoils were not evenly distributed in the harem, and it was uncertain who the leader of the band would belong to.

The girl who danced the best, the girl who sang the best, the girl who was the prettiest, the girl with the longest legs... They all took it for granted that they should be Caesar's girlfriend.

The one who played the flute quit and went to the Juilliard School for further studies. Now she is a young artist who often appears on the cover of magazines. Last month, she sent Caesar the tickets for her solo concert to express her thoughts.

Caesar just sent back a greeting card with a photo of him and Nuonuo in the greeting card.

He is not the crazy boy he was back then. Even if he went to listen to that girl's performance now, he would choose to listen silently in a corner where no one was paying attention, and he would not come to the stage to send flowers and hugs, or even say hello.

"Actually, I'm quite envious of you. You can realize your dreams together with everyone." Chu Zihang said, "Otherwise, a person like me would feel a little lonely."

"Are you the kind of person who is afraid of being alone?" Caesar teased.

How could Chu Zihang be afraid of being alone?

He is a samurai and a lone wolf. For this kind of people, loneliness is what they are proud of.

"It's just getting used to it." Chu Zihang pulled up the corner of his mouth and showed an ugly smile.

Caesar was stunned. It was rare to see Chu Zihang smile, or no one had ever seen the president of the Lionheart Club smile.

Caesar was silent.

People who are used to being alone may not like being alone, just as people who are always noisy may not like being noisy so much.

He is a noisy person and Chu Zihang is a lonely person, but this may not be their original intention...

"Professor Schneider asked me to come to you, maybe there is something I want to discuss."

After a long time, Caesar explained why he appeared here.

This reason seemed far-fetched. The ship was so big and there were so many empty cabins on board. It was not easy to find someone. It was obvious that Caesar followed him all the way here.

Chu Zihang probably guessed it too, but he didn't point it out.

Just when Caesar was thinking about how to explain that he was not a stalker, the ship's alarm sounded again.

The last time the alarm was sounded was because of an ice storm, so what was it this time?
Caesar and Chu Zihang looked out of the window almost at the same time. The Sunshine Hall had a good view, but unfortunately the visibility in the snowstorm was so poor that all they could see was a vast expanse of whiteness.

"All departments, everyone! Get ready for the hit! Get ready for the hit!"

English with a roll accent echoes in every cabin throughout the ship.

It was the voice of the chief mate, who should be shouting into the loudspeaker in the steering gear room at the stern.

Because no more than half a second after he finished speaking, the whole ship began to speed up suddenly and tilted.

This nearly [-]-ton giant icebreaker is trying to make a turn on a motorcycle carrying a road around the mountain.

It is not difficult to imagine that the chief mate is in the steering engine room, notifying them loudly, while fully controlling the steering of the ship, to avoid something unknown and necessarily huge.


Caesar guessed, but seconds later he saw the thing for what it really was.

It wasn't an iceberg at all, but a big black ship, which was sliding along the ice surface driven by the ice storm, and crashed straight towards AA1!
Visually, the displacement of that ship was slightly smaller than this one, but it was still like a black mountain when it was turned sideways, unstoppable.

This is really a coincidence. If the weather is usually good visibility, the captain and the others will definitely be able to modify the route in advance to avoid collisions.

But the other party was hiding in the ice storm, and when it appeared on the radar detection instrument, it had already slid to a place not far from the ship.

Caesar cursed the quintessence of Italy in a low voice.

Not long ago, Rebarco took the Titanic as an example, saying that the tragedy of the Titanic would never happen to their ship, because the ship was built to smash icebergs.

But now the huge ship that can crush icebergs has encountered a torrent of steel.


Chu Zihang looked solemnly.

Now no matter how the captain changes the course and direction, it is impossible to avoid the black ship approaching at high speed, and after they turned, they faced the ship sideways. The two boats had close contact.

In the end, don't think too much about it, even though the icebreaker has an extremely hard bow to correct the ice in front, it also makes its flank armor relatively weak.

As expected, the hull structure on this side will collapse immediately after the collision, not only will all the watertight cabins be lost, but also various protrusions on the deck of the opposite ship will penetrate into the cabins on their side like a dense array of guns inside!
The two rushed out of the Sunshine Hall almost simultaneously side by side, and ran wildly in the passage.All they can do now is run and pray that the nuclear reactor is not damaged.

Currently the safest place is below the deck on the other side of the ship, the hard hull can temporarily serve as their shield.

Chu Zihang ran a few steps and suddenly stopped.


Caesar understood what he meant without thinking too much.

Xue has been living in the medical cabin, and the plexiglass compartment of the medical cabin is locked. Schneider and the others have not allowed this little girl of unknown origin to wander around in the cabin.

At this moment, everyone on the ship who knew that the collision was about to occur should have taken refuge on the other side of the ship like Caesar and Chu Zihang. Except for the snow, she had no way to leave the medical cabin.

But Caesar was not allowed to think about "whether it is too late to save the little girl", Chu Zihang had already climbed over the railing and jumped down.

The medical cabin is several floors down.

Caesar gritted his teeth fiercely, and climbed over the railing to follow Chu Zihang. He couldn't allow himself to fall behind Chu Zihang.


When Schneider, Passifinger, Nuonuo and others rushed into the steering engine room, Rebalco had already arrived one step ahead, and the first officer was controlling the rudder of the ship, but the final command was still in the hands of Rebalco.

Rebalco stood by the side window, watching the fast approaching black ship, his eyes were fierce like a lion, facing the enemy who invaded his territory.

"Power cabin! We need more power!" Rebalco yelled.

"The power output has exceeded the upper limit! The reactor may overheat at any time!" The first officer's face was covered with sweat.

It is true that the reactor on their ship is powerful, but at the moment it is surrounded by several meters thick ice, even if the power output is adjusted to the maximum, the speed is still comparable to that of a turtle.

Relatively speaking, the opposite ship was gliding along the ice surface, and the speed of the two was not at the same level at all.

The on-board computer is constantly calculating the route and the probability of collision. The probability is always above 70. There is nothing to calculate. Judging by the posture, the probability of collision is 100%.

Although they are still working hard in the little time left, just like football in a certain country, the outcome is doomed.

"Don't give up! Fight to the last moment!"

"Transfer all the manpower to the power room, and continue to increase the power by artificial cooling!"

"It can't be done, captain, it will explode." The first mate's face turned pale.

"If it hits, can we withstand it?" Schneider looked at Rebalco and asked with a frown.

"It's possible, but the opponent's tonnage is about the same as ours, and the ship will be seriously damaged." Rebalco said with a serious expression.

At that time, their indestructible ship will sink into the vast ice sea, and there is no need to wait for a rescue ship in the Arctic Circle, just wait for the latecomers to collect the corpse.

"I come!"

An abrupt man seized the control helm.

The first officer had no time to curse.

Tens of thousands of tons of steel collide with tens of thousands of tons of steel, and the sea of ​​ice will shake to take off.

Huge cracks spread in all directions, and the portholes from the bow to the stern burst sequentially within a few moments, spewing out snow-like shards of glass.

But the ship did not collapse, and stood tenaciously in the sea.

Fingal made the only correct judgment in the final hours, using their bows to meet each other head-on.

No one expected that there was such a talent among the most "old, weak, sick and disabled" group on this ship.

(End of this chapter)

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