spaceflight manual

Chapter 109 The Space Army Will Use Cannons to Talk

Chapter 109 The Space Army Can Talk With Cannons

The interrogation room where Wang Pingan stayed was very well soundproofed, so he couldn't hear the commotion outside at all.

He sat in his seat, drinking coffee leisurely.

The military police who interrogated him across the table teased: "You seem to be very familiar with the military police's interrogation room, and you are not panicking at all."

Wang Pingan: "I didn't say that, I'm very familiar with the military police."

"But this time you have committed a big taboo. You might not even be able to become the Space Force, and you will have to go to a court-martial. You stole one of the latest combat boats from the Space Force. Then you attacked civilian assets. "

Wang Ping'an: "They are with the pirates, I just beat the mastermind behind the pirate attack."

The gendarme shrugged.

At this time, Yu Yajun opened the door and came in.

"Take a rest, I'll do it instead." He gestured to the military police who were interrogating Wang Ping'an.

The military police nodded, picked up the electronic tablet on the table and left.

Yu Yajun sat down and looked at Wang Ping'an: "That's right, I didn't expect that you are not following instinct, but sending Morse code. It's ok, use the girl as a transmitter."

Wang Pingan: "I made a choice based on rationality. At that time, our actions were only in that position that outsiders could not see."

Yu Yajun: "But it's obvious that someone is cooperating with you. When the marines surrounded the USS Constitution, they carried nuclear grenades. Those fucking things were used to punch holes in the shell of the space station when they raided the colony. Now the entire dock is Locked down, de-radiation operations are in progress."

"I don't know why they appeared there, maybe it was a drill?" Wang Pingan spread his hands.

Yu Yajun: "It's Diao Youming's fault. He still doesn't know how to contact a powerful figure in the top military police, and he has come to deal with a special matter."

He said with a long sigh: "It is an unethical psychological method. I want to see how efficient this new thing is compared to our old method."

"The old method?" Wang Pingan asked curiously, "What kind of old method? The one in the rumors?"

Yu Yajun shrugged his shoulders: "You'd better not know, it's all old calendars from the war era. You just need to know that I used to be a murderer full of crimes. In order to ensure that no spy was let go, I..."

Yu Yajun shook his head and did not continue: "It's better not to talk about these things, it's all old calendars."

"You did the right thing." Wang Ping'an reassured.

"Then who is wrong? Is it our cause? It is definitely impossible. There is always something wrong that leads to this result. So I have long accepted that I was wrong. I have no ability to break through the enemy through conventional means The psychological defense line, so they always rely on those terrible methods."

Wang Pingan looked at Yu Yajun who suddenly entered the monologue state and teased: "I'm a man, and I'm not that empathetic. You should talk to the buddies in the psychology department."

"I've looked for it. Don't interrupt. I was going to use reasonable and conventional means to ask the truth from those guys. I used patience and all kinds of hard evidence to break through their psychological defenses, but it's all over now."

Wang Pingan: "So you plan to use the patience and hard evidence you used to deal with the enemy to deal with me? But I have confessed, I am the mastermind behind the stealing of the spaceship and the attack."

Yu Yajun: "But someone cooperates with you."

"Hey, we've caught the big fish now, don't worry about these details." Wang Pingan paused and changed the subject, "So what about the big fish?"

"It was sent to the psychology department, an anti-ethical psychological method. I have always felt that there is a problem with this naming. It seems that these psychological methods are aimed at opposing ethics. The correct name should be a psychological method that violates ethics."

Wang Pingan: "I only read this term in newspapers. Does that method really exist?"

"It exists, because with this method, the whole family of those two people don't have to worry about their livelihood, and the compensation from the Space Force will make their family prosperous and rich. Of course, if they really have problems and committed crimes, then they themselves will been punished."

Wang Pingan was speechless: "Sacrificing a happy family? It doesn't sound too bad."

Yu Yajun looked at him with a gloomy face: "I have seen people who have been used this way, their whole personality is like being crushed by a steamroller, and they become obedient to everything, and they are so obedient.

"Of course, these methods are not always effective. It is said that some people have very high resistance. Why there is resistance is still unclear. Even if psychology is so developed now, there are still many blind spots deep in the human heart."

Wang Pingan: "You speak like a university professor teaching students."

Yu Yajun: "Because I can only tell you these things on paper, and I don't know how they do it. Anyway, I have seen people who were caught by this trick. It is said that there are people in Lone Star Kingdom The rich will now secretly buy the children of poor families, and after this process, they will become 'dolls' for them to play with."

"So scary? When did we destroy the Lone Star Country? Why didn't the international column drop into the Lone Star Country back then?"

Yu Yajun: "Because they surrendered. We can't do anything to those who voluntarily surrendered. Sometimes surrendering is shameful, but it is really useful."

"The French must agree with your words." Wang Pingan joked.

Angelie suddenly sneezed loudly and loudly, which startled the female military police across the table.

Department of Psychology, Division Y.

A group of men in white coats put Pansy Collins in a sedated coma on the test bench.

Next to him on the stage was Liddy Kirk, who was still awake, so he could complain: "Hey, isn't this the psychology department? Shouldn't the psychology consultation room be the kind of setting that looks very relaxing? I'm so nervous seeing you machines now! I'm so nervous, hear?"

One of the white coats ordered: "Standard dose of sedative."

Liddy Kirk: "No no no, I'm not nervous now! Come on, let's talk, psychology is mostly talk therapy, right? Come talk to me!"

A busy white coat next to Liddy Kirk said: "No, psychology is also closely related to human physiology. The psychologists in our branch all look like this. Don't worry, we will adjust the secretion of hormones in your body to make you feel better. in a comfortable state."

Liddy Kirk: "Chemical Bliss?"

"No, unlike that, our method has no harm to the body."

"But you violated ethics!" cried Liddy Kirk, "why violate ethics when there is no harm?"

"Because we want to hurt your personality." The white coat who has not done any work said coldly, "Don't worry, this is achieved through virtual reality technology and endocrine regulation. I found that when human beings are placed in a special environment, they can be easily changed."

Liddy Kirk: "I know about that experiment, the Stanford Prison Experiment, right?"

"It's not exactly that experiment. In fact, we have done a lot of experiments, and the conclusion is that it is possible to change a person's personality by establishing a perfect preset environment. Of course, for some particularly determined people, or some particularly paranoid people, this The effect of this method will be discounted.”

Liddy Kirk: "Your tone reminds me of my doctoral advisor."

"Because I am the doctoral supervisor. Here are all my students."

While saying this, several white coats took out a huge syringe, and the liquid in the syringe looked very cloudy.

"What are you doing?"

"Inject nano-robots into you, thoroughly monitor your physiological conditions, and intervene in your endocrine at the right time, and adjust your bioelectricity. Don't worry, these nano-machines can only exist in the human body for 30 days, and regret self-degradation after 30 days into something harmless."

Liddy Kirk exclaimed: "30 days? How long?"

"Doctoral supervisor" pushed the glasses: "Yes, but for your mind, it is more than 30 days. In virtual reality, you will feel that you have passed 30 years. The perfect preset scene will make you Become an 'ordinary person' who has completely lost interest in life and is submissive.

"This personality has been precisely adjusted by us. When the 30 days are over, you will lose all ambition and desire, and you will tell all the secrets you know with an indifferent attitude.

"We will completely destroy your personality. Of course, some people are immune to this, such as those who are already extremely paranoid, or those who have extremely persistent ideals. Or people who have undergone complete psychological confrontation training.

"For example, this Pansy Collins next to you, he should have undergone a full set of training to know how to deal with this method. Of course, we have also modified it for trained people, and we have not been allowed to use this for trained people for a long time. It's a way. Before we just did some virtual reality therapy on the captured pirates.

"Those are real treatments and don't fully capture the value of this technology."

The white coat who claimed to be a doctoral supervisor said with a villain-like smile on his face: "Great, I thought that until I withdraw from this site, I will not encounter this kind of opportunity. You are my timely rain." .And there's a trained one! It's great, it's perfect."

Liddy Kirk: "I'm not trained! Can you let me go?"

As soon as the words fell, the white coat next to him reported: "I found it. Now destroy it."

The next moment, the device next to Riddhe suddenly started to work.

Liddy: "Are you interfering?"

"Mentor" reassured: "Don't worry, it's just using microwaves to destroy the things implanted in your body."

"What was implanted?"

"Because you are untrained and very important, your employer implanted something in you that will detect the activity of your cerebral cortex, and if it falls below the threshold, it will kill you.

"After our method, the activity of your brain will be below the threshold most of the time, and it will only become active when we ask you something. Don't worry, the microwave has already cooked this machine."

Liddy Kirk: "Are you sure the microwave didn't cook my brain cells together?"

"We don't make mistakes like that."

Liddy: "I confess now, can it prevent me from becoming a waste?"

"No, because you may hide lies if you confess, but after our method, what you say is 100% truthful.

"Of course, your employer's legal team will attack us for instilling false content in you, so everything you say will be regarded as invalid evidence in court, but for the Space Force, the important thing is never through legal means Punish the goddamn bastards, Space Force will speak with a cannon."

(End of this chapter)

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