spaceflight manual

Chapter 112 The Pledge of the Unknown Army

Chapter 112 The Pledge of the Unknown Army

Everyone was making a fuss, and someone patted Lieutenant Colonel Nicholas on the shoulder.

As soon as the lieutenant colonel turned his head, he immediately uttered a surprised voice: "Abdul! Aren't you going back to Earth to recuperate?"

Everyone fell silent and looked at Abdul together.

Abdul smiled and said: "It's my partner who is going back to recuperate. I passed the test of the psychology department. My psychology is very good and I don't have PTSD. They are going to give me a new partner. It is the first time in this battle. The man who lost the commander, it is said that he asked to stay, to avenge the pirates."

Wang Pingan interjected, "It's not pirates, our enemy is Maga Corporation."

"It's not confirmed yet, so don't say that." The lieutenant colonel interrupted Wang Ping'an, "Of course, our army is here to trouble the Maga Company. We just claim to be a garbage cleaning army."

Angeli: "Maga Company is also rubbish, that's right."

The crowd laughed.

The astronauts of other detachments looked at the members of the second detachment with envious eyes. The news about Wang Ping'an had already spread like crazy.

Moreover, the hackers on the USS Constitution probably also invaded the base's system so that the base's security radar did not issue an early warning of pirate attacks.

Many people who have lost their comrades in arms hate Maga Company deeply.

Everyone knew that the newly formed unit was a special unit to deal with Maga Corporation, and the application form for transfer to this unit had already filled the mailbox of the personnel department to overflowing.

Wherever Wang Pingan goes now, everyone will look at him with respectful eyes, and there are often people with higher military ranks who take the initiative to salute.

However, Angeli received more salutes than Wang Pingan, mainly because some people may not recognize Wang Pingan. After all, everyone has adjusted now, and they are all handsome guys. Wang Pingan is just an ordinary handsome guy among the crowd.

Angeli is different, with her silver hair, glasses, and her top-notch appearance, the moment everyone sees her, they immediately know "Oh, she is the wife of the hero Wang Ping'an", and then salute.

At this time, the first detachment was about to go on patrol. Just now they rushed over to see Wang Ping'an's red landline, and it was their detachment leader who turned a blind eye.Now the captain of a team is yelling: "Okay, okay, I've finished reading everything, get on the plane and do the take-off inspection, hurry up! The ground crew is waiting!"

Zhai Dengshan squeezed Wang Ping'an's shoulder: "Come on."

Wang Pingan: "Aren't you transferred here?"

"I'm going, then your shot down king will be gone. I still won't steal your limelight."

"You blow it!"

After Zhai Dengshan left, Wang Pingan looked up at his new body and took a deep breath.

Angeli said from the side: "I guess you're imagining the pirates running away while shouting 'the red devil is coming' over the radio."

Wang Pingan smiled: "Are you the roundworm in my stomach?"

"Come on, I've studied psychology." Angeli replied with a smile.

Ten days later, the second detachment assembled on Spaceport Deck [-].

On the same deck, there are several other formations of troops.

Lined up next to the second detachment is the crew phalanx of the fast aircraft carrier Whitebeth. They are the mothership that the second detachment will board, and a little further to the right is the crew phalanx of the torch cruiser Wukong.

What is particularly eye-catching is the big guys of the Marine Corps. Because they have lived and trained in high-gravity barracks and training grounds for a long time, their muscles have almost grown into their brains.

Wang Pingan looked at the Marines and said to Angeli, "Those big guys all have capes, they are all guards."

Angeli replied: "I checked the history of their troops. They entered Berlin back then. They are troops with a long history. The Guards cloak was awarded to them at that time."

Wang Pingan: "It looks pretty cool."

At this time, a colonel stood on the podium, and Wang Ping'an was dumbfounded. It was actually Peng Chuke. He didn't expect to meet again so soon after seeing him on the cruiser last time, and he became his soldier.

Others were muttering: "Jin Xing, it seems like a real move to let a Jin Xing hero lead this army."

Peng Chuke said: "Comrades!"

Everyone below stood at attention with a clatter, and the entire venue was silent.

"Relax. Comrades, we are here today to hold a swearing-in meeting. Since the instructor assigned to us has not arrived yet, I will encourage you.

"As you all know, this special task force claims to deal with space junk. Many of you were assigned to this nominally cold palace force because of the previous incident.

"For example, Lieutenant Wang Ping'an and his partner standing over there with the unique red livery of the landline, they were punished and demoted to the outside world!"

Wang Pingan took a step forward, turned around and saluted everyone, his expression was full of pride and pride.

Peng Chuke continued: "And the guards over there, you were also dispatched because you attacked the property of Maga Company.

"This is all announced to the outside world. We all know that the real goal of this army is to clean up the real garbage in the universe. I can't say what it is, but you all know it well.

"This force has a degree of autonomy, and we're going to roam the universe freely, attacking things that we think need to be raided.

"The military police and the intelligence services will cooperate with us and provide us with targets to attack.

"Because of the special nature of the army, we cannot use the military emblem of the Space Force, nor can we declare that it is a space force. If you are killed, you will not be able to enjoy the pensions of the Space Force. Your relics cannot be packed in a small black tulip box. Send back to Earth!

"Because of this, I have received special approval, and you are free to withdraw from this army. Those who withdraw will be properly resettled. Those who want to withdraw now, take a step forward."

The entire deck was silent, and the soldiers in formation remained motionless as if they were terracotta warriors.

"Those who don't want to quit, those who want to compete with the real mastermind who launched this attack, take a step forward!"

All the phalanxes stepped forward in unison.

The sound of military boots was like thunder.

Peng Chuke: "Very good. To be honest, my gold star is a parallel gold star. I got the gold star because I found a way to survive in the shipwreck, and then spacewalked to save two brave people who tried to save me.

"Actually, I know very well that the ones who should really get the Venus are those two people who dared to come to save me in simple space vehicles. It's a pity that they were unlucky and didn't pass through the debris group smoothly.

"I was only encouraged by them to decide to spacewalk to save the brave man who survived.

"This is the fate between me and Lieutenant Wang Ping'an. I think in my army, he will definitely share his courage and will with everyone in the same way he shared his courage with me before. He will definitely get his gold star.

"As for me, I will try my best not to disgrace the medals on my chest, and I hope you will live up to your mission!

(End of this chapter)

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