The head of the Supreme Red Owl was smashed into pieces.

Blood splattered.

His remnant body was impacted by the imperial force, destroying the power of life.

The remnant body was embedded on the giant pillar, still trembling.

Qin Yu walked over calmly, pulled out the Emperor Sword casually, and a stream of blood flew out.

He didn't care about the blood on his hands.

He waved his hand casually.

The Emperor is ruthless.

So what if it's stained with blood.

And this terrifying scene, falling into the eyes of foreigners, would be frightened and dumbfounded, horrified by the strength of Emperor Qian.

The majestic Chixiao Supreme, the ruthless man who beheaded Emperor Tianchen, was beheaded by Emperor Qian in this way.

Even the Supreme Master Hunwu, who is not afraid of anything, feels a sense of powerlessness.

He felt that he didn't know what words to use to describe his strength as the emperor.

This battle was initiated by Da Qian.

They have shown signs of defeat.

"Great invincibility!"

There are countless murderers.

Dagan launched an impact.

"Being able to wipe out Chi Xiao in the siege of the three powerful enemies, this emperor's strength is terrifying. He already has the level of beheading taboos, and he is very close to that level!"

At the same time, the supreme being in the beginning laughed loudly: "Yuanhai, you are defeated!"

Yuanhai Supreme looked gloomy.

In the beginning, the Supreme One said it well.

Unable to resist the attack of Emperor Gan.

Although there are Hunwu Supreme and the fierce crocodile, it is impossible to be the opponent of Emperor Gan. If the fight continues, the bodies of the two Supremes will be shattered.

Once it gets to that point, the consequences are unpredictable.

Yuanhai Supreme must consider the overall battle situation.

If too much power is lost here, the war against the Oracle Dynasty will fall into a passive state.

He couldn't even afford this price.

The Oracle Dynasty has long experienced their terror in countless battles with them.

And now.

Fighting again is nothing but being swept and slaughtered by the opponent.

This time it was also a big shame.

"Supreme Hunwu, don't fight any more. The whole army retreats immediately. Once the fight continues, the Supreme is not afraid of death, but the strong men he brings will be slaughtered!"

The sound transmission of Yuanhai Supreme.

He should be much calmer.

Those who knew the ancient Huntian clan were not afraid of death, for fear that his mind would be overwhelmed by anger.

"I see!"

The Supreme Lord Hunwu suppressed his anger, so he had no choice but to retreat, and he had to hold the ancient Huntian clan responsible.

The clarion call for alien retreat has sounded.

A large number of aliens retreated crazily.

But the forces headed by Dagan are absolutely unwilling to let them go so easily, launch an attack, kill as many strong men of foreign races as possible, and clear this area.

The universe is in constant turmoil.

Too many strong men chased and killed them.

This is undoubtedly a setback suffered by the alien race.

Floating corpses in the starry sky, with countless blood floating.

Among them, the Dagan generals and the Tianzhanjianzong were the most aggressive in pursuit.

Hunwu Supreme looked at Qin Yu, suppressed his anger, and the luster in his eyes was still saying that he was very dissatisfied.

"You are not convinced!"

Qin Yu looked at him: "But I don't need you to be convinced."

He will not let these strong people go easily.

Now that this battle has already been fought, it is necessary to fight hard, to show your authority, and to ensure that no one is coveting this area

Hunwu Supreme pulled back to retreat.

But Qin Yu is too domineering, looking down at the eternal blue sky, the king is in the world, manipulating time and space as if there is nothing, suddenly the void is turned upside down, and the emperor Hunwu finds that he can't leave.

This is the realm formed by the Emperor's law, drawing him and the crocodile into it.

This star area is spinning violently, filled with the golden sea of ​​emperors.

Terrifying energy boils.

The unrivaled emperor's hand is covering the sky.

"I can't go anymore, he must destroy my supreme body, if that's the case, let's destroy it!"

After Hunwu Supreme realized that he could not leave this area.

without hesitation.

The flames of the sky were burning from his body, mobilizing his strength to the limit, just like a sky pillar hitting him.

Even if you don't want to.

But I also know that I am not an opponent, so I can only block it for a while.

This man is simply the taboo of taboos.

The Hunwu Supreme burst out a sky-piercing roar, and his strength was concentrated.


But Qin Yu came out with his palm in the sky.

Countless forces and many cosmic rules have gathered.

But when Qin Yu slapped Hunwu Supreme, he saw the power of countless rules, which condensed into a word emperor.


A word of emperor can last forever.

Controllable universe rules.

This is the essence of Qin Yu's Supreme Law.

And the character of Emperor bombarded the body of Hunwu Supreme.

If the heavens and the earth were opened up, the Hunwu Supreme Master's whole body would be torn apart, his strength being crushed by the emperor's character, and he would explode into pieces immediately.

Can't resist the impact of the emperor character.

And there was only one crocodile left.

This ferocious crocodile is very special, it is still impacting, the scales on its body glow, and the patterns outlined give it a power that can travel through layers of universes and in many dimensions of time and space.

If Qin Yu was a little worse immediately, he would have been run away by it.

Qin Yu grabbed its tail with one palm and dragged it over.

The ferocious beast is controlled by Yuan Yuan's soul and cannot be subdued, it can only be destroyed.

But this ferocious crocodile is full of precious materials.

Its skin, its flesh, its bones.

The most precious thing is the scales on the body.

Handing it over to Lu Ban will make Lu Ban very happy.

Qin Yu didn't show mercy, the Emperor Sword sliced ​​open its head and stabbed in, destroying its vitality.

"Emperor Dagan swept away the three powerhouses, showing the supreme and invincible taboo power!"

At this time.

After Qin Yu resolved the battle.

The Supreme Being in the Beginning was even more sincerely shocked.

This strength is so strong that even he can only look up to it.

"Originally in this era, only the Supreme Lord Mingshang was expected to attack the strongest, but now it seems that there is also a dry emperor, and once he becomes the strongest, his greatness will not be inferior to the oracle emperor!"

The Supreme Being in the Beginning stared deeply at Qin Yu.

He knew that Qin Yu was very strong, but to be so strong was beyond his expectation.

After all, he is unparalleled in the world, the emperor is invincible, and destroys the three powerhouses.

But no matter what, if the emperor were not here, they would not be able to succeed in this counterattack against the alien race, let alone achieve such a brilliant result.

The Yuanhai Supreme Master who fought with him had already retreated with his people.

Other powerful alien races also withdrew from the battlefield after paying a tragic price of casualties.

The battle surrounding the Cosmic Pillar is completely over.

Although some people from the foreign race ran out, most of them died in battle.

Their bones are dyeing the pillars of the universe red, countless.

"we won!"

"The alien race has retreated!"

"They were killed by us and fled in embarrassment, hahaha!"

And when the war is over.

A large number of strong men who chased out looked at the dead bodies in the starry sky.

Although many of them were injured, they still twitched violently after seeing this glorious battle result.

They would not have imagined that not long ago, they were afraid of the oppression brought by the alien race, but now they have achieved a complete victory, killing the opponent to the point of abandoning their helmets and armor. Even they don't believe in themselves, so they have this kind of courage.

Although this is because of the big work, they also participated in the war and belong to this group.

But they all understand.

This is the victory brought to them by Emperor Qian.

Compared to their excitement boiling.

The generals calmed down a lot, and cleaned the battlefield indifferently.

The Supreme Being in the Beginning and other powerhouses all came to Qin Yu with awe and fear.

The strength of this dry emperor is too terrifying, and it grows too fast. It is much stronger than the eradication of the Great Emperor Yanshen.

"Emperor, the alien race has retreated after paying a huge price of casualties, and their main force has fought against the Oracle Dynasty again. We won and gained temporary peace."

"It's just a temporary calm. If this cosmic war is not over, there will never be peace."

Qin Yu just smiled and said: "The division of camps has not been completely over, and it is far from the peak duel between the strongest. With this universe as the battlefield, it will not stop until there is no winner."

"Our alliance cannot be disbanded, but must continue."

The Supreme Being in the Beginning followed closely.

This battle established Dagan's authority and let him know that in the next battle, he should focus on Dagan.

As for the dry emperor, whether he can become the strongest in the future and what impact it will have.

It is not a question that can be considered now.

As for dividing up the spoils?
It's nice to carve up.

Work hard and contribute the most, and naturally get the most.

But Qin Yu will not take it all by himself, and will also distribute it to others.

With the power of Haolei Supreme in his alliance, Qin Yu greatly rewarded him.

Qin Yu knew that some supreme beings had shaken their hearts. In front of the invincible Dili, they already had the idea of ​​completely belonging to Daqian and becoming a member of this glory.

The blood god's request is simple.

He hoped that Qin Yu could let him collect some blood from the battlefield.

and the blood of the crocodile.

Qin Yu did not refuse.

This blood god is very pure. In fact, his mind is on cultivation, and he doesn't care too much about establishing a power. He just does some troublesome things for him.

After the war, all parties have returned.

The Pillar of the Universe regained its calm again.

"Your Majesty, after this battle, although the forces of Taichu Ancient Sect and others are afraid of the power of our country, they have to rely on us because of the persecution of the situation, otherwise they will not be able to bear the revenge of foreign races."

Zhuge Liang said: "And the Pillar of the Universe has once again turned into a public universe secret realm."

"The supreme secret realm of the universe, the pillar of the universe, and the pillar of the sky, this kind of secret realm is temporarily difficult to control with the power of a country, unless there is the strongest in the main."

Qin Yu said lightly.

He wants to completely control the pillar of the universe and turn it into a large territory.

Have this idea.

but not now.

"The war initiated by the Oracle Dynasty is still going on, and there is the main battlefield, and it should continue for a while."

Bai Qi said: "What our country needs now is rest and recuperation. While preparing for war, wait for the news there. As for how to mobilize troops in the future, it depends on what the oracle dynasty will do."

"Once the oracle dynasty is stabilized, with the belief in the oracle, a great war will inevitably be launched, and the evil abyss and the ancient Huntian clan will be severely retaliated against. The two most powerful forces, and the evil abyss is stronger, There are so many ways.”

Liu Bowen said.

Qin Yu completely agrees with them.

In fact, they were also passively involved in this war, but since they fought, Dagan would become a member of the alien race who hated them most, and would try to destroy them.

But if you get involved, you will fight, and you can only fight to the end.

"To ensure stable domestic development, the front will be pushed outward."

Qin Yu said: "What we have to do is to control the situation in the world, rather than being passively pushed by the situation." (End of this chapter)

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