Gao Wu: Myth's Strongest Legend

Chapter 1271 Tao follows nature, and Tao produces all things

Chapter 1271 Tao follows nature, and Tao produces all things

The Tiger and Wolf Master from Daqian.

With Bai Qi giving an order.


Quickly enter the battlefield and rush forward violently.

Daqian was in the peak development period of a dynasty, with the strongest emperor ruling and the strongest will.

Everyone knows that the elite of Daqian's ferocious soldiers are even more powerful than the Shenchu ​​Dynasty, and all of this research into the history of Daqian was developed in less than a year.

Simply incredible.

Because there is the original temple to help.

Qi He was not afraid and did not fight in the inner universe. Instead, he mobilized his own strong men to meet with the Primordial Temple and open a front to confront the legion from Daqian.

"Kill them and tear them apart!"

Xiang Yu shouted violently.

Xiang Yu's regiment's cavalry charged and advanced brutally in the battlefield filled with artillery fire.

"Xiang Yu's Legion!"

Wu Tongxuan shouted: "This army is the best cavalry in the Qian Dynasty. Qihe's men cannot resist it and we need our elite to stop it. If we can't save Qihe this time, how can we lose face?"

The strong men of the Primordial Temple attack.

They have also trained a large number of strong men, all of whom are elite.

There are all kinds of ancient beasts and strange races.

The strong men from both sides quickly fought together.

The battle was very fierce, and from the very beginning, the scale of the battle was directly pushed to a climax.

Bai Qi's men slaughtered the army and marched to the battlefield.

Bai Qi gave them only one order, kill.

Stain the sky with blood.

Kill all enemies on the battlefield.

The ferocity of the human slaughtering army was released at this moment, creating a hellish battlefield. Wherever it went, the sky was filled with blood, and huge heads were cut off directly with the sharpest butcher's knife.

Daqian's major legions attacked without any shortcomings, creating a magnificent battle map.

There is also a sharpshooting corps led by Yang Youji and Huang Zhong. They use arrows modified by Lu Ban himself to strike with precision. Even the original elites cannot withstand the dense rain of arrows they shoot.

Huo Qubing, Li Cunxiao, Ran Min, and Lu Bu's troops clashed fiercely, and streaks of lightning flashed across them.

They killed like crazy.

Only fighting against powerful opponents can inspire their most invincible fighting spirit.

There is no doubt that the Original Temple is fully qualified for this.

"The Tiger Army takes action!"

Wang Ben shouted.

The powerful and mighty tiger-and-wolf army attacked bravely, with an overwhelming fighting spirit.

The Huben Army is not a single army, but a large army formed by Wang Ben, Wang Jian, Wang Li, Zhang Han, Sima Cuo, Meng Tian, ​​Meng Wu, Meng Ao and other strong men, with the heart of Huben.

They were very fierce, coming to kill like a mighty force.

The large-scale attack of the Huben Army once again brought the war to its peak.

They focused their attack on Qi He's command.

A large number of strong men gathered in the original temple.

In addition to the large-scale attack in the Eternal Shenzhou, it was also the first time in the original time to fight with a force on such a large area.

But the battle turned out to be extremely difficult for them.

Daqian will not be afraid of them because of their terrifying power. On the contrary, this kind of large-scale battle is what Daqian is good at, and what they are not good at is that they suffered a fierce blow all at once.

"Hateful Dagan people, this is a provocation to ignore us!"

The Sky-Eating Beast Master's eyes exploded, and he could not forget the great loss he suffered at the hands of Da Gan.

In its ancient beast hall, many giant beasts attacked.

"Give it to me!"

The Ten Thousand Demon Ancestor shouted.

The infinite monster attacks, and powerful men such as Dragon God and Tiantianhuan also attack.

Countless monsters and giant beasts fought in the starry sky, splattering the battlefield with blood.

"The Heaven-Eating Beast Lord dares to be so arrogant!"

The Ancestor of Ten Thousand Demons roared, and the huge Qilin claws tore apart instantly. The strength of the quasi-primitives exploded instantly, and without any nonsense, a violent fight between the quasi-primitives began.

Two giant ancient beasts fought bloody battles in the starry sky, going back and forth, leaving wounds on each other's bodies using the most brutal methods.

The Ancestor of Ten Thousand Demons has no fear.

Even though he knew about the original temple and its extraordinary strength, he still had the support of the Emperor behind him.

The wounds on its body will be the most loyal symbol in His Majesty's eyes.

It is even more glorious and glorious.

"Generals of Yuntai, follow me to attack together!"

Jia Fu shouted together.

The Yuntai generals from Daqian took action at the same time. A single general among them may not be as good as the top-notch heroes in Daqian, but when they are gathered together to form the battle formation of the stars in the sky, their strength is doubled.

The Yuntai warriors roared and fought, giving the enemy a heavy blow.

Jia Fu was even more fierce and fought directly with the opponent's Origin Realm.

And Mozi was at this moment.

He waved his hand, and hundreds of machine cities stood on the battlefield.

And from within the city of organs, there are a large number of puppet legion battle formations, using organ-style tactics.

Absorbing the experience of the ultimate civilization, Mozi's city of organs is obviously very different. One or several eternal divine crystals are placed inside, which are used as formations to activate and form a source of power.

There are also some strange puppets, similar to those in the Eternal Divine Ark.

"It's time for us to do it!"

Bai Cang looked back at the emperor.

This was his first battle after surrendering to Daqian. He knew that the strength of his own people could not compare with the elite of Daqian, but his attitude had to be shown, so he let his men take crazy action.

The battle was shocking.

Both sides of the war are very powerful.

The original temple cannot avoid losses.However, the powerful power Daqian showed in the legion battle caused the original temple to suffer huge damage, and the price paid was not small.

After learning that Daqian and Qihe Universe were at war with the Original Temple.

Strong men rushed over one after another.

However, they did not directly join the battle, but wanted to wait and see.

If the Primordial Temple cannot resist Da Gan's elite army this time, will they launch a greater revenge?

But now we can know that Daqian's will is firm.

Including Emperor Qian, five major quasi-primary level combat forces descended on the battlefield.

And Emperor Qian's strength cannot be judged by common sense.

"Whoever can stop me from marching forward, with fighting spirit like fire, kill!"

The fierce Xiang Yu wielded a gun and struck hard. Even the original junior high school was torn apart into countless dimensions, and a rolling storm surged in.

The origin realms of several original temples resisted Xiang Yu.

But Xiang Yu was scornful and disdainful.

Although he is not as defiant as His Majesty, how can some Origin Realm with ordinary strength be his opponent.

His Overlord Spear was infinitely domineering, piercing through the infinite sea of ​​​​the sky. A violent blow fell from the sky and struck one person, while the other palm pushed with boundless force and struck hard, instantly destroying half of an Origin Realm statue.

He was like a giant god of war, pushing through with astonishing and invincible qualifications.

The endless fire of fighting spirit condensed into Xiang Yu's terrifying overlord tactics.

Since the Eternal Shenzhou, Daqian's overall strength has increased and improved too much.

Bai Qi attacked, the endless hell was shrouded, and the blood was like a meteor streaking across.

This time, Da Gan's attack was extremely resolute, knowing that he could not kill the strong men of the Original Temple, but he must use the most bloody attitude to make the Original Temple unbearable and continue to expand the results.

In fact, the original temple was not feeling well under Da Gan's attack.

In the past, those opponents would try their best to avoid fighting with them, and there were rarely times when they could use their full strength.

And much different.

Once they take action, they are extremely vicious.

Many origin realms attacked Xiang Yu.

But Xiang Yu was so strong that he could sweep through thousands of armies with his third step. Even if he encountered multiple opponents, they would all retreat in front of his strong power, unable to surround and kill him.

At the peak of Yang, the fierce and fierce power of the Overlord appears.

The original tens of millions of dimensions vibrated.

Xiang Yu's Overlord Spear swept across the air, and turned into a divine fist in his left hand. With shocking power, it struck directly on the chest of the Origin Realm, tearing his whole body apart and walking past the remains of his body.

"Haha, the big roc rises with the wind in one day and soars ninety thousand miles away!"

Li Bai laughed loudly, put the wine gourd on his waist, took a swig, and stabbed straight away with bold and sharp swordsmanship, like a roc soaring into the sky.

And this is more like the destiny of the country.

He is as bold and free as the drunken madman back then.

Du Fu also smiled.

The power of time sweeps across.

Daqian Shixian and Shisheng attacked at the same time.

On the other side, Lu Ban took action. He was in the Origin Realm and swung the powerful Heavenly Hammer like a violent storm.

Han Feizi used the Legalist method to gather the sharp Legalist holy sword and slashed into the sky.


Bai Cang instantly went crazy.

One of the strongest men belonging to Daqian attacked, the sky collapsed and the earth split, and the original cracked open.

This battle was extremely fierce, and the strongest people clashed very quickly. The powerful Da Gan showed an attitude of fearlessness and would never retreat no matter what the cost.

Huo Qubing and Li Cunxiao came over and attacked together.

And quasi-original.

Also fighting.

Although the Primordial Temple wants to contain Da Qian's conquest this time, they also know that with Emperor Qian here, it is difficult for them to use all their strength to besiege Emperor Qian alone, let alone a group of people who want to cause chaos.

"Continue to attack the Original Temple."

Zou Yan smiled.

The yin and yang path is reversed.

He struck out with a sword in an instant, and the target was Na Qihe.

"not good."

Qi He's expression suddenly changed.

Zou Yan's sword was just a sword light at first, but it suddenly split into two, and the two split into more. Two rituals and four phenomena, the power of Yin Yang and Tai Chi enveloped him.

Comprehend the Wordless Taoist Monument.

What Zou Yan felt was the power of a deeper Taoism.

Two is born, two begets three, three begets all things, two rituals and four phenomena.

Let his already terrifying strength be strengthened again.

The Dao sword came out.

Qihe's still can't reach the top quasi-primitive level.

Although many powerful people from the original temple were beside him, the feeling of separation between heaven and man did not make him aware of the presence of others.

The power of the Tao sword fell.

In just a blink of an eye, they were bombarded by the avenue.

Qi He stepped back continuously, blood spurted from his mouth, and wounds were cut on his body.

"The mark of the Tao, the Tao follows nature, the Tao gives birth to all things, and is the sword of all things!"

Zou Yan shouted.

Although Daqian in front of him only dispatched four quasi-primitives, the pressure caused was not small.

Except for the newly promoted Ten Thousand Demon Ancestor, he has ordinary strength.

Zou Yan, Mo Zi, and Yuan Tiangang are all top quasi-primitives, and one person can fight against many.

When this power is pulled out, no one in the entire Primordial Region, except for the strongest forces, will tremble.

(End of this chapter)

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