Gao Wu: Myth's Strongest Legend

Chapter 1325 Luotian Divine Realm World [3 updates]

The extremely huge world is, at first glance, the size of multiple universes.

Such a huge world is shocking, and one feels how small it is in front of it.

"Is that the ultimate world?"

Many powerful men said in shock.

Spanning endless light years, its internal size is incalculable. I don’t know what words can be used to describe its enormity.

"Yes and no, it is part of the ultimate world."

Qin Yu was calm and calm.

In the ultimate world, any incredible occurrence is normal.

Many original dimensions are concentrated in this highest dimension. One can imagine how huge it is.

But Qin Yu was calm.

There was no rush to get in.

"Your Majesty, I believe that our understanding of the ultimate is too little now. Some situations need to be clarified as soon as possible. I would like to ask you to go and explore the situation and understand the ultimate area we are in."

Yi Yin said.

"What you said is true, Yi Yin, Kuang Zhang, you two bring some people to investigate the situation."

Qin Yu said.

He saw that this continent was the center of this place, forming a world system and an eternal cycle, but today they don't even know the landmarks.

This time he brings a country with him. At this moment, Qin Yu must be cautious and make perfect arrangements.

Yi Yin immediately led a team to investigate the situation.

With his original three-step strength, it was very easy to just detect information instead of start a war.

Qin Yu waited patiently.

After a while.

Yi Yin and the others have returned.


Daqian strong men are eager to know the situation in the ultimate place.

"I have fulfilled my mission and have already discovered some things."

Yi Yin said: "Your Majesty, we have indeed reached the ultimate place, and the area we are in is within the Luotian Divine Domain."

"Luotian Divine Realm?" Bai Qi asked.

"Yes, Luotian Divine Domain." Yi Yin explained: "The ultimate land is huge and boundless. It is just a general term, and Divine Domain is the division of heaven and earth here. With Luotian Divine Domain as the center, it is surrounded by the Eternal Sea. , there are many dangerous places, and there are group of realms distributed one after another, and the scattered realms together form the Luotian Divine Realm, which can be called a vast world."

Through Yi Yin's description, Dagan people temporarily knew how huge the entire Luotian Divine Realm was.

The Eternal Sea and the Ancient Continent they passed through were only part of the Luotian Divine Domain.

This kind of hugeness seems to be incomparable with the original one.

However, the strong men of Daqian were not frightened by this geographical division, and instead had a stronger fighting spirit burning in their eyes.

The people of Daqian long for a war and become a neutral country in the war.

"Our location is not the center of the Luotian Divine Domain, but one of the realm groups."

Yi Yin continued: "However, even a realm group is composed of multiple realms, large and small. In the world of Luotian Divine Realm, there are about eighteen realm groups, and there are no realms scattered everywhere. few."

Each realm and each realm group is a small center, forming the vast world of Luotian Divine Realm.

"That is to say, there is more than one Luotian Divine Realm in the Ultimate Land." Zhuge Liang's eyes flashed.

"Luotian Divine Realm is only a part of the Ultimate Land. In my investigation, the Ultimate Land is divided into eternal realms."

Yi Yin said.

"Eternal Ten Thousand Realms, could it be said that there are 1 worlds like the Luotian Divine Realm!"

White said.

"The Eternal Ten Thousand Realms is the ultimate place, the most vast and vast divine realm in the eternal level, and this is not all. There are more vast worlds as vast as dust, inferior to the Ten Thousand Realms, such as even larger realm groups, than It is not on the scale of the God’s Domain, but above the Eternal Domain, there is the Ultimate Ancient Domain, and the Ultimate Ancient Domain is the area opened up by the ultimate existence.”

Yi Yin's story described an extremely vast map for Da Qian.

The infinite realm, the eternal realm, the ultimate ancient realm.

The Luotian Divine Realm in front of us is already huge enough.

And what will it be like in the ultimate ancient realm opened up by the ultimate existence.

"In my investigation, it is said that in the ultimate place, there is still a center of the ultimate heaven and earth. It is called the ultimate ancient land, also known as the origin. It is the center of the entire ultimate. At the highest peak, It is said to be the place where the ultimate being conquers.”

Yi Yin said.

"The ultimate ancient land, the center of the ultimate world, may be the source of the birth of a huge world."

Qin Yu nodded.

The vastness before him did not frighten him, but instead aroused his ambition.

"Your Majesty, the Ultimate Land is so big that even light years are not enough to explain its vastness. For example, the Luotian Divine Domain is separated from other Divine Domains by the Eternal Sea and is unobstructed. There are also some places of emptiness and annihilation in it. There are many dangers, and if you want to cross a territory without original strength, it will be very dangerous."

Yi Yin added: "And this is not the whole picture of the Ultimate Land. In addition to the many divine realms, the eternal realms, the Ultimate Ancient Realm and the Ultimate Ancient Land, surrounding the Ultimate Land, there are countless alien time and space, all within the Ultimate Dimension. , and there are also countless strong people in these alien times and spaces."

"Different time and space."

Qin Yu nodded slightly, more aware of the vastness of the ultimate place.

The whole world is also extremely complex.

"How are the internal forces in the Luotian Divine Realm?"

Qin Yu asked about this.

Daqian is in urgent need of a place to stay.

They are not most concerned about the alien space.

"The forces within the Luotian Divine Domain are somewhat complicated. A long time ago, the Luotian Divine Domain was ruled by an extremely large divine dynasty. The Luotian Divine Dynasty had an extremely large territory and ruled the entire divine domain. Its sphere of influence also involved other divine domains. "

"However, the Luotian Divine Dynasty has been destroyed. It is said that the ancestor of the Luotian Emperor has fallen. I don't know how he fell."

Yi Yin said.

"So, the Luotian Divine Realm is currently divided?"

Bai Qi grasped this key.

"Exactly, the Luotian Divine Domain now has three kingdoms. After the death of the Luotian Emperor, the three strongest families in the original divine dynasty divided up the Luotian Divine Dynasty's heritage. The three families divided the country and created three major divine dynasties."

Yi Yin said. "Three families divide the country!"

An interesting expression appeared on Qin Yu's face.

The huge empire that once unified the Divine Realm collapsed and was divided among the three families.

"These three kingdoms are the Lin Tian Divine Dynasty, the Liang Tian Divine Dynasty, and the strongest Yuan Hai Divine Dynasty. The former Luotian Divine Dynasty, the royal family members were almost completely dead, and this also caused the division of the Luotian Divine Domain."

Yi Yin said.

"It's quite cruel. The three families divided the country and blood flowed like a river." Zhuge Liang sighed.

"After all, if you are not ruthless in the ultimate world, you will not be able to gain a foothold."

Yi Yin said: "Your Majesty, the strongest among these three great dynasties are all eternal gods!"

Eternal gods possess eternal power. Existences at this level are giant existences in the entire Ultimate Land.

At the beginning, Ning He wanted to become eternal in the original.

"With the Eternal God sitting in charge, these are troublesome."

Kuang Zhang said.

"Original, Eternal, Ultimate."

Qin Yu was extremely clear-headed at this moment, knowing that after the original elementary level, he would become an eternal god, and when he finally walked out of the ultimate path, he would become the ultimate existence.

The ultimate existence, they have almost reached the ultimate point of cultivation, at the top of the pyramid.

Today, Daqian still has a very long road to go.

"The three families have divided the country and are fighting endlessly. The entire Luotian Divine Domain is always in the flames of war, and many realm groups and ancient continents are being carved up."

Yi Yin said.

The three families were separated from the same country. Who didn't want to monopolize a divine domain? They fought fiercely for countless years.

"The farther they are from the center of the God's Domain, the stronger their control will be, and the farther away from the center of the God's Domain, the weaker their control will be."

Qin Yu saw an opportunity.

But he was also very clear-headed, knowing that although the three dynasties fought fiercely, there were eternal gods standing in control after all.

If you want to gain the power of an eternal realm and empire, you must have an eternal level of power sitting there. Only then can you,

Now I am new to Daqian.

Although he can kill, like Ning He, he has completed the first three steps and stepped into a quasi-eternal existence, but if he wants to fight against the real eternal gods, he must take a few more steps at the original level.

Of course, Qin Yu was not in a hurry.

The way is step by step.

The rice should be eaten one bite at a time.

Back then, he could prepare for a long time in order to cross the sea, and he can do the same now.

"Luotian Divine Realm is a good place."

Qin Yu said.

Many powerful men looked solemn.

I know the meaning of His Majesty's words.

Daqian is not afraid of chaos in the world, but is afraid of the Luotian Divine Realm, which is a highly unified world.

Only in chaos can we seize opportunities.

"Your Majesty, our country is in urgent need of a place to stay!"

Zhuge Liang said.

Liu Bowen said: "Your Majesty, although the Luotian Divine Realm is good and the Three Kingdoms are fighting, but there are eternal gods sitting there, we can't plot for the time being. Therefore, we must save our strength. We are new here, and now we only understand a very small part. As the saying goes, the golden edge of the silver horn grass belly, Luo The Heavenly God Realm is located in the center. If we enter rashly, we are very likely to be hostile to the Three Kingdoms. We only know that they have eternal gods sitting there, but we don’t know how many strong ones they have. Therefore, I think that our current focus will be on Luo Tianshen for the time being. On the edge of the domain, in the realm groups that are not controlled by the three major divine kingdoms, they are slowly trying to develop."

If there is no eternal god in the Luotian Divine Realm, it will be nothing for them to step into it.

For the time being, Daqian doesn’t even know the strength possessed by the Eternal God.

"I agree with the military advisor's suggestion."

Bai Dian nodded: "First consolidate our country's power in the ultimate divine realm. When we have enough strength, we can open up from the edge and launch a war to seize the divine realm. This is the safest way."

Qin Yu did not deny it.

He's not that arrogant either.

I think I can directly win an Eternal Ten Thousand Realms now.

"For the time being, we will not expose ourselves. We will move the scope of our activities to the edge of the Divine Realm and explore the entire Luotian Divine Realm and its surrounding areas."

Qin Yu issued an imperial order.

"As ordered!"

Many strong men acted quickly.

Many situations are gradually becoming clearer.

Luotian Divine Realm is really huge. As one of the eternal realms, there are countless powerful people, even the original elementary ones.

This made Qin Yu understand even more.

The original junior level only had the qualifications to enter the ultimate place.

And the giants who want to become the ultimate place must have the strength of the eternal gods.

Qin Yu was very calm, just continuing to start the expedition and strengthening himself step by step.

It was also because the three kingdoms of the Luotian Divine Realm were in a stalemate, and they were not within the scope of their control.

Yi Yin's investigation was not too troublesome.

As for the surrounding situation outside Luo Tianshen's territory, the surrounding situation has also been gradually explored.

Eighteen realm groups.

The three major divine dynasties controlled nine realms.

The other nine are not under their control, and they involve an eternal god that does not belong to the three major dynasties.

More detailed information is still being investigated.

However, in addition to this information, Yi Yin also brought some news.

"The ultimate place, the ultimate existence stands at the top of the pyramid, and in the ultimate place, there are ten strongest and greatest powerhouses, called the ten ultimate ancestors, and each of them created a glorious ultimate civilization." ( End of this chapter)

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