Gao Wu: Myth's Strongest Legend

Chapter 1635: Emperor Daqian, the unparalleled hero


Can only retreat.

Xiao Xiao looked back at Hunyuan Tian with reluctance. The country he had conquered had taken root for countless years, but now it was taken back by the source.

But what can he do.

The strength is not as good as human beings.

Unless they are not ready this time.

He didn’t underestimate Da Gan’s strength either.

Even Makino Shentian was dispatched.

But the result was still a disastrous failure.

He can only leave.

The only thing Xiao Xiao was lucky about was that after experiencing being swept away by the source for the first time, he prepared for the worst and gathered many people together after the war started, so he did not encounter a massacre due to defeat.

The alien army retreated.

On the other hand, the source area is conducting a large-scale sweep and the pursuit continues.

Many strong men in Da Gan are also cleaning up the battlefield.

Hunyuantian won it.

The country’s prestige is forged.

The basic market has also been determined.

Qin Yuke carried out drastic changes and transferred the foundation of Daqian here, although he would always face possible counterattacks from Yitian.

But Qin Yu didn't care.

On the front line of war, only in this way can you hone your strongest strength.

His path to heaven will not be peaceful.

"Hunyuantian has been recovered!"

Lord Chi Burn was in a boiling mood: "Since the Mythic War, the Age of Mythology has ended at a tragic cost. In this era, although the rise of the Martial Ancestor has also dealt a blow to a wave of alien races, overall, we are at a disadvantage, Emperor , you have done a great job this time!"

He admired Emperor Qian very much.

He respects the strong.

Qiandi fought well this time and showed their courage.

Therefore, although Chi Fentian suffered a lot of losses this time and many strong men were lost, he thought it was worth it.

Recovering one day, what a great achievement.

Qin Yu's eyes were filled with ambition and domineering, and he said to the heroes: "The battle with the foreign races in the alien world is long-lasting and even more tragic. Now this is just one of the victories. Everyone, please help me capture Hunyuantian this time. This time I take action, I remember that I will hold a celebration banquet in Hunyuan Tian. If you are not in a hurry, you can share this celebration banquet with me."

"Haha, we are not in a hurry. How can we not participate in the celebration banquet for such a great victory?"

The Lord of Giant Gold laughed.

He has a straightforward personality.

It is doubtful whether it is too much or not.

But he was also impressed by the reality.

What's wrong is wrong.

And what is right is right.

A place for the celebration banquet was opened up in the main city of Hunyuantian.

Qin Yu will be the master this time.

Invite many ultimates and strong players from all sides to participate in the battle.

And after completely capturing Hunyuan Tian.

Generous rewards from the system arrive one by one.

Qin Yu sorted it out, and was delighted to find that even the ultimate artifacts were rewarded with more than a dozen pieces, and the summoning opportunities he cared about were directly obtained nine times!

Get it nine times at once.

Based on Daqian’s current strong national strength.

The current summoning opportunity is incredible, and it is expected to summon the ultimate existence.

Celebration banquet place.

Crowds of people.

All the soldiers who participated in the battle came to the banquet.

Lord Chi Burn and many others finally came to the banquet, which was a good opportunity to get closer to Emperor Qian.

The heavy damage to Makino Shentian is far beyond the ordinary ultimate.


The emperor's light roared.

Qin Yu stepped into the main seat.

Although he did not deliberately burst out with momentum, the sacred dignity of the emperor was so dazzling, like the only emperor, it was impressive.

Down below, there are countless seats and countless eyes looking up at Emperor Qian.

The ultimate gathering.

Although they couldn't step into that circle, Emperor Qian's reputation was so great that so many Ultimates came to the banquet.


Lord Chifen stared at Qin Yu.

Although the most powerful person and the first emperor recognized here in the origin is the Wanxiang Emperor.

But he admired Qiandi more and liked Qiandi's character more. He thought that there should be more heroes like this in the source land to fight back against Yitian.

He had dealt with Emperor Wanxiang several times. He had deeper calculations and more ideas. He was far less straightforward in doing things than Emperor Qian, and he had the courage to offend any opponent without fear.

Although Emperor Qian's methods were cruel and ruthless, he was also very direct and showed his true nature.

If you are friends with such a person, you can rest assured that your back will be entrusted to him.

But he also understands that if he offends such an emperor, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Emperor Qian, with your strength, I can introduce him to the Fire Ancestor. The conversation with the Fire Ancestor will make you better understand the power that God has, which will be of great benefit to the ultimate path. The Fire Ancestor hates evil and hates Yitian. Hatred, but the Fire Ancestor also admires heroes like the Emperor the most."

Chi Fen dominates the road.

"If I have the chance, I would also like to visit the Fire Ancestor."

Qin Yu said.

Not shirk.

Also sincere.

After all, he had never seen God.

The ten ancestors are all unparalleled heroes on the front line against Yitian.

"And this time I hold this celebration banquet not only to have fun with you, but also to have something to say."

Qin Yu said: "Although Yitian has retreated this time, everyone knows the strength of Yitian. They will not give up. There will be a big storm that will sweep through the thirty-three days!"

The expressions of the strong men such as Lord Chi Fen suddenly became solemn.

They also guessed that the revenge from another world would come, and it would not be small. Ancient Ancestor Beiming said with a smile: "Let him come and let him come. It's nothing more than a fight with them. Before I even stepped into the ultimate, I was already used to fighting with them."

"That's right, we will never die if we die in another world. How many of us are not stained with the blood of the strong men in another world?"

The main path of Yangquan.

"As for all of you who are helping me seize Hunyuan Tian this time, you must pay more attention to their possible revenge and the battle with Yitian, and they will eventually fall. Although I am not afraid of their revenge, I am also worried that they will use this Turn your anger on others, especially those of you who are fighting with me this time."

Qin Yu said.

Based on his experience, Yitian may take targeted measures.

Lord Chi Fen also nodded.

Clearly aware of Yitian's cruel tactics.

But he is not afraid, after all, there is no room for relaxation in this kind of battle involving heaven and earth, which wants to completely destroy both parties.

If he died because of his own lack of strength.

The celebration banquet is not only a conversation, but also an opportunity for ultimate communication between all parties.

They also formed a front alliance with Qin Yu.

If one side is in trouble, all parties will support it.

After the celebration banquet.

Only then did the powerful men gather in front of Qin Yu.

"Your Majesty, if Hunyuantian is captured, how will our country be built next?"

Zhuge Liang came over to ask.

"Large-scale battles can be temporarily stopped. One day is vast enough to satisfy the current demands. But now, the situation is tense and it is not appropriate to continue the war."

"The generals of the Daqian Legion are resting in place in Hunyuan Tianzhong, training the legions, and are always ready for the war."

"Kong Ming, you and other civil servants must govern Hunyuantian well and let many people of the great cadres live here. Although the front line is under great pressure, it is also a good place to hone one's skills."

"Guiguzi, you use your ultimate power to set up the great formation of heaven and earth. The origin of heaven and earth in this world is under your control. And Mozi, your task is also very heavy. Build a city to echo Wang Xu's great formation. This is not only the great formation of heaven and earth." The territory is a battle line."

"Yitian will definitely retaliate, but how to retaliate is still unclear. Let's wait and see what happens."

"Of course there are times when we want peace and our opponents won't give us peace."

Qin Yu made many arrangements.

Nine summoning opportunities.

There is no desire to summon at the moment.

Still a little less.

There is still huge room for improvement in national strength.

The stronger the country's power, the stronger the heroes it summons.

In addition, Qin Yu wants to see if there is still a chance in the future to seize another Thirty-Three Heavens and expand the territory of Daqian.

But now thirty-three days per house is already the limit of Daqian.

Even if it is taken, there are not that many strong men to guard it now.

After this battle, the news of victory impacted the world.

Countless people were excited.

A rare big win.

Emperor Qian's strength shocked the world.

Emperor Qian is brave, not afraid of being hated by Yitian, and dares to do things that others dare not do, even if it is for the benefit of his own empire.

But if others want to do it, they must have that strength.

Many powerful people are gathering towards Hunyuantian.

Many people prefer to directly contribute to the cause.

There is never a shortage of brave men in this world, but what many people lack is that opportunity.

They know that if they join Daqian, they will need to fight against the alien world all the time, and the risks are very high, but Daqian can provide them with a huge stage.

Qin Yu did not refuse the help of some people and left it to Zhuge Liang to deal with it.

"Da Gan Tian Emperor!"

"Heroes of Earth!"

The real Emperor of Heaven!

Everyone in the world is cheering for the Great Emperor.

Such great achievements are so shocking.

There are even people who are shouting about the Emperor Ancestor, looking forward to seeing Emperor Qian become an Emperor Ancestor level existence, ranking as the eleventh ancestor in the origin.

After all, every additional god will play a big role in the war in another world.

The creatures of the world sing their praises.

The special power Qin Yu felt illuminated his path to becoming an emperor.

The faith of all living beings, even if one or two people are weak, but when it gathers together to form a tower, once it reaches a terrifying number, it becomes vast.

"Daqian is a neutral country in the war. Only by moving forward can we strengthen the Daqian Divine Dynasty!"

Qin Yu said.

But at the moment.

The Vientiane God is in court.

"Emperor, Emperor Qian has captured Hunyuantian and mastered the foundation of the day. Muye Shentian was severely damaged by him and was unable to participate in the war in a short period of time. And this emperor, many living beings are shouting for the Emperor of Heaven, even the Emperor Ancestor !”

An ultimate figure appeared next to the Great Emperor.

in recent years.

Although the Vientiane Divine Dynasty also attacked, their strategies were very conservative.

They are all waiting for Emperor Wanxiang to become the emperor ancestor and then make great achievements.

"How is Yitian's reaction?" Emperor Wanxiang asked calmly.

"It's calmer in Yitian for the time being."

That humane.

"Based on Gu's understanding of Yitian, the longer they stay calm, the bigger the storm will brew. Emperor Qian has become their number one enemy, probably second only to God. It's just a matter of how this storm will break out."

Emperor Wanxiang said: "The results of seizing Hunyuantian are very brilliant. Others are calling the Emperor Ancestor. However, his high-profile actions have angered Yitian too much and will bring the situation in the world to an unpredictable point. You may have to pay a heavier price, it’s so crazy, and it’s often too much.”

"Sometimes, you also have to consider the consequences."

The atmosphere was silent.

"I already know what happened."

He raised his hand.

The man quits.

The hall was silent.

The Wanxiang Emperor's mood was not as calm as he appeared, "Emperor Emperor, the eleventh god of the origin, Emperor Qian, I still underestimate you too much. You have done such a big thing in a short time. Is it necessary to do this?" Do you want to fight against Gu for this path of imperial ancestor? In order to become emperor, Gu has paid an unknown price!"

His majestic body suddenly stood up, his eyes extremely sharp. (End of chapter)

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