This figure fell heavily, and died in a miserable state. There were two fatal wounds on his body, which were injured by the shadow thorn and the soul blade.

Eyes wide open and lifeless.

It is the soul that is destroyed by the soul blade.

In the duel between assassins, he was not as good as Jing Ke, and was directly beheaded.

Meng Fuchen was also stunned.

Anger mixed with fear.

He is very aware of the assassin's strength. When confronting other powerful enemies in the Blood God Starfield, he has successfully assassinated several gods and created a great reputation.

This is a trump card hidden in his hand.

After all, there are not many who walk the way of an assassin, and few who can cultivate to the level of gods.

Unexpectedly, he died in Jing Ke's hands like this.

From the war to the present, three great gods have died on his side.

Although the six blood gods are loyal to the blood god, they are all in a competitive relationship with each other. Whoever has the most powerhouses can obtain the greatest benefits.

The entire Blood God Starfield is naturally far stronger than the Jinhai Dynasty.

But if you only talk about the strength of his statue, it cannot be compared with the Jinhai Dynasty.

This kind of loss to himself is already extremely huge.


Meng Fuchen shouted in shock.

After killing the assassin, Jing Ke melted into the void again. Immediately, many streams of immortal blood splashed one after another, and he didn't have much resistance in front of the assassination of his god.

He roamed the battlefield, reaping ruthlessly.

After losing the assassin, there was no one to check and balance Jing Ke, so many strong men were exposed to Jing Ke's assassination, and they felt great fear of him.

This is a provocation and a demonstration.

This small universe is controlled by Dagan, and he has no initiative at all.

If Emperor Jinhai could make a move and push the starry sky horizontally, Jing Ke would naturally have no place to hide.

But Emperor Jinhai has been blocked by Emperor Daqian.

Boom!The god's blood was spilled wildly, and Jing Ke attacked coldly, and a Jinhai god's chest was bloody and bloody.

If he hadn't evaded in time, he would have died on the spot.

He was also scared and terrified.

At a time like this, the origins of many gods gathered, but they played extremely aggrieved.

Although they wanted to use the gods to massacre the army, Jing Ke's interference here made it difficult for them to do so.

The Jinhai God Emperor looked cold. It was a good situation. If so many forces gathered this time, they would not be able to defeat Dagan and let them continue to occupy.

He was very unwilling.

Once this opportunity is lost, it means that he will lose the opportunity to completely counterattack.

Of course Qin Yu understood what he was thinking.

Among the two parties, Jin Hai has the most tenacious will to fight.

The Blood God Starfield is slightly worse.

Meng Fuchen came here this time to snatch the treasure, not to die, even if he didn't get it this time, it was nothing more than a loss of a part of the chance, and he couldn't shake himself.

But for Jin Hai.

If they can't solve the big problem, they will have a crisis of subjugation.

The terrifying station is still boiling.

Qin Yu raised the sky with all his strength, and the monstrous emperor's power enveloped Meng Fuchen, and a black hole formed between his hands, covering him.

Meng Fuchen's face changed in shock.

Although he has reached the peak of his origin, he has not been able to comprehend the infinite power after all.

bang bang bang!The gravitational force of the black hole created by Emperor Qian was so amazing that he felt that his divine power was being quickly taken away by the black hole, and a crushing force was produced.

This black hole imprisoned his range of action.

Difficult to get out.

When Emperor Jinhai saw the threat Meng Fuchen was facing, his godless power erupted.

However, when Qin Yu waved his hand, an order chain formed by countless origins appeared, blocking Emperor Jinhai and pulling him into another mysterious time and space.

Rumble boom boom boom!

The terrifying sucking power of the black hole is falling.

Meng Fuchen tried his best, but with his strength, he couldn't get rid of the crush of the black hole, his body collapsed inch by inch, completely exploded into pieces.

And the blood fog still wants to reunite, but the existence of the black hole allows him to condense his origin, and will be absorbed by the black hole.

A blood-gold divine light.

In the blood mist, a piece of skull was actually glowing.

This skull interweaves the power of the supreme law, forming a protective power to help him out of trouble.

Flesh and blood gushed out, once again condensing Meng Fuchen's body.

He was startled.

Think back to just now.

If he fights Emperor Qian alone, under this black hole, he will undoubtedly die, and the power of the peak of his origin cannot stop him.

The black hole wiped out everything about him.

This skull is an extraordinary thing. It is actually a blood god. He took a fallen supreme skull, after various tempering, blessed with supreme secret methods, and formed a special god.

Integrating into his body, he can save his life at critical moments.

Backed by the Blood God Starfield, he is not comparable to some ordinary forces.

At this moment, looking at Emperor Qian's body again, he was like the ruler of the sky, which he could never shake.

He also wanted to join forces with Jinhai to carry out the bombardment, which seemed to be a complete mistake.

Emperor Jinhai frowned deeply. He was not afraid of Emperor Qian's attack, but he had nothing to do with him, instead he was suppressed at a disadvantage.

The battlefield was not controlled by him as he wished.

Xiang Yu is invincible, pushes all opponents horizontally, kills a bloody road, pushes forward with brave and domineering power, and instantly blasts away all enemies.

And the big hands cover the sky.

A deity from the Blood God Starfield still wanted to escape his control, but he turned the situation around and pulled it directly from one end of the starry sky.

He was terrified, and many gods had died tragically at the hands of Xiang Yu.

Although it is the second realm of origin, how can it be Xiang Yu's opponent.

Can only ask for help from others.

But his companions have already experienced Xiang Yu's strength, not to mention whether he can be saved, even if he rushes forward rashly, it is very likely to put himself in danger.

They all cherish their lives, even if they are in the same camp, their own lives are the most important.

"Death to me!"

Xiang Yu punched him, blasting his chest deeply, and his arm protruded from his chest.

This deity let out a heart-piercing roar, and his flesh and blood quickly reorganized, burning himself, just to escape Xiang Yu's bombardment and killing range.

"Can you escape?"

Xiang Yu swung his Overlord Spear and pierced him directly.

He is in the third realm of origin, and there is no opponent in the same realm, but this person is only in the second realm, lower than him, and is not his opponent at all.

While piercing through with the Overlord Spear, his hands tore the man in half, causing boiling blood to splash on his body.

His fate was doomed, and he was bombarded to death by Xiang Yu.

"I can't fight anymore!"

Meng Jinghong's heart trembled.

Morale has collapsed.

Up to now, four gods under his command have died, and he has lost one-third of his top-level combat power. Among the six gods, he is already at the bottom.

Even more terrifying.

Emperor Qian's killing spirit.

Although he has a skull to protect himself, it is not omnipotent. Once Emperor Qian is really crazy and vows to kill him, he will not be able to protect him.

Emperor Jinhai's own state is advanced, he is afraid of self-protection, but he can't.

What frightened him even more was that Xiang Yu was staring at his men and killing them.

Leading a dozen gods over here, there are less than ten people now.

The rest of the people saw Xiang Yu's horizontal push alone, and the blood on his body was all their former companions, so they didn't dare to fight and retreated again and again.

Meng Fuchen had every reason to believe it.

Unstoppable Xiang Yu, if he continues to kill like this, there must be a god who will die.

This time he made a mistake, even if he hated him, he would swallow the bitter fruit.

"All retreat!"

Meng Fuchen didn't have such a strong will to fight, so he couldn't get any benefits, but instead suffered such a huge loss, the cost of fighting further would be incalculable.

If you can see the hope of victory.

In fact, Meng Fuchen is still willing to fight.

but no.

Xiang Yu is like the undefeated god of war, creating myths.

And this Emperor Qian is even more unfathomable, but he can control this undefeated god of war, making people still unable to know where the limit of his strength lies.

Hear Meng Fuchen's order.

Many strong men in the Blood God Starfield didn't want to fight for a long time, and immediately retreated wildly in chaos.

"Your Majesty, the people of the Blood God Starfield have retreated, they withdrew!"

The first god will look extremely ugly.

Meng Fuchen's retreat directly put them into an extremely passive situation. If they didn't retreat, they would have to face the strong one alone.

It's hard to block the strong ones with the Blood God Starfield, and they can't beat them either.

There are still many strong people among them, but in this small universe, the opponent controls the power of the universe, and the oppression is too great.

Although Emperor Jinhai was unwilling, how could he not know the situation, it was definitely not the time to be willful.

"All troops retreat!"

Emperor Jinhai issued this order.

The strong men in Jinhai retreated again.

After retreating many times and being defeated by the Gan army, this dealt a huge blow to the morale of Jinhai.

"The enemy army retreats, let the people of the Blood God Starfield leave, don't pursue, concentrate all their strength, and intercept and kill the strong Jinhai, even if they can't kill them all, but let them pay a huge price here!"

Bai Qi immediately made arrangements.

The armies of Dagan were ordered to launch a counterattack against the strong Jinhai.

Meng Fuchen also saw that the Jinhai people were severely hit by the Qian army, and while mourning for them, he would not go back to rescue them.

This time the loss was too great, it was just an alliance formed for the benefit, even my own people did not dare to go all out to save them, how could they give up their lives to save these people.

And the Jinhai powerhouse is angry.

The people in the Blood God Starfield are indeed untrustworthy, but they are powerless to point the finger at a winner or a loser.

Facing this kind of attack by the Qian Legion, they were under enormous pressure.

The number one god general is worthy of being a famous general in the world. He knows that at this moment, he can't get too entangled with the army, and concentrates all his strength to break through.

He gathered Jinhai's army together, and the gods did not disperse their shots, and fought and retreated, making a way to leave
And this moment.

The big and strong are also killing crazy.

Reckless and frenzied attacks, torrents of war traversed the battlefield one after another, cutting off the Jinhai camp, leaving groups of them behind and annihilating them in a concentrated manner.

The strong men in Jinhai were extremely angry, and at the same time, they were deeply stimulated by the killing of Qianjun before.

Falling into the hands of Qianjun did not end well.

Blow up!

A large number of Jinhai soldiers blew themselves up directly after knowing that they could not evacuate, and the destructive impact formed blocked the attack of the Qian army.

The end is doomed.

Jin Haijun is indeed fearless and brave, but it can't change the result of their defeat.

Xiang Yu was as sharp as a torch and locked on one person.

"I said before, if you are in the same realm, killing you is like slaughtering a dog, repeatedly, against Yu, this time you can't get away, you must die!"

Xiang Yu looked at the third general, Duan Kong.

This person is rampant, and he has fought against him many times.

Xiang Yu doesn't need to kill other people now, but this person must be beheaded! (end of this chapter)

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