"Pei Ji pays homage to Palace Master Li!"

Lihuo Ancient Clan.

At this time, in an ancient and magnificent palace, Pei Ji, the envoy of Heavenly Mystery from the Eastern Temple, was kneeling down to worship a middle-aged man in black clothes.

Very respectful!

His eyes were full of fear and awe...

The person in front of him is Li Tianjun, the first vice-master of the Eastern Temple.

In the temple, it is the existence second only to the master of the temple, holding the power of life and death of thousands of living beings in the Eastern Great Territory.

He can also decide the fate of the entire Lihuo Ancient Clan.


After Li Tianjun's arrival, Pei Ji has been showing sincerity and respect, for fear of being neglected.

Not only him, but the entire Lihuo Ancient Clan was also in a state of contemplation.

The temple is the biggest taboo in the Eastern Territory!


"Get up."

"This time, I came here at the order of the Palace Master, in order to solve the matter of the Tu Shan clan."

"The Tushan clan of Daqingshan is a big rebel, not only openly defying the decree of my temple, but also killing the envoy of my temple."

"The crime should be punished!"

"Pei Ji, how much do you know about the Tu Shan family in Daqingshan?"

Li Tianjun sat on the top seat with a calm expression.

Although he looked calm and calm, the heavy majesty on his body made Pei Ji unable to breathe.

"Reporting to Palace Master Li, my subordinates don't know much about the Tu Shan family in Daqingshan."

"It is said that the Tu Shan clan in Daqing Mountain has long since fallen, and is just a tiny tribe with less than white people."

"Later, for some unknown reason, the God of Green Mountain that the Tu Shan clan believed in a long time ago suddenly revived."

"In less than three months, the Tu Shan clan has unified Daqing Mountain, successively annihilating the Leishan Tribe, Lieyang Tribe, Tianfeng Tribe, Chiyue Tribe, etc."

"Just a few days ago, they forcibly annexed the Canglan Ancient Clan with great strength and brutal means."

"In short, the reason why the Tushan clan of Daqingshan has the power and strength it has today is all from the mysterious God of Qingshan."

"According to the information we have received, the God of Green Mountain has been promoted not long ago and has become a second-tier true god."

"Nowadays, in the temple of Daqingshan, there is a high priest, a great celestial master, and four ambassadors..."


Pei Ji told the truth about what he learned.

Among them, the artifacts of the God of Qingshan, the number and strength of the Tushan Clan's clansmen, and so on.

After listening to his narration, Li Tianjun's complexion could not help but calm down.

"Tier [-] True God?"


"Hmph, without the permission and seal of my temple, all the so-called incense gods are nothing but wild gods."

"These wild gods have always been bold and reckless, thinking that they can dominate the world by relying on incense and sacrifices to revive their divinity."

"Don't you know that my temple is the master of this Eastern Territory!"

"Anyone who dares to oppose the temple will be judged and sanctioned by the temple, even the incense gods are no exception."

While speaking, Li Tianjun suddenly burst out with a murderous aura soaring to the sky.

Pei Ji and the others were so scared that they trembled...

"Master Li, are you here to suppress and kill the God of Qingshan?"

he summoned up his courage and asked.

To this!

Li Tianjun snorted lightly, with a meaningful expression on his face.

"Wild God, be punished!"

"Since the God of Qingshan refuses to obey the rule and discipline of my temple, and wants to challenge the authority of the temple, he can only be killed."

"This seat has received news that the God of the Sky from the Nanling Tushan clan is coming to Lei Ze soon."

"At that time, he will definitely start an earth-shattering battle with the God of the Green Mountain."

"Let the god of the sky first test the details of the god of Qingshan. When the time comes, I will invite the God of Conferred List and collect that wild god."

"Just like the Vulcan who dealt with the Zhurong family in the past..."

Li Tianjun said lightly.

Fengshen list?
Hearing these words, Pei Ji was shocked!
As far as he knew, the list of gods was the supreme fetish bestowed by heaven on the Eastern Temple, and it was specially aimed at the gods of incense and fire.

Once on the list of gods, he must be bound by the rules of heaven and earth in the world of mountains and hills. At that time, even if he has the ability to reach the sky, he must bow his head and bow his head.

Similar to Nanling Tushan's sky god, Zhurong's fire god, and Cangming's water god, these are all gods on the list of gods.

The true spirit of its god has already been imprisoned on the list of gods.

If the gods refuse to obey discipline, as long as the temple has a decree, they can easily suppress the incense gods, or even kill them directly.

Pei Ji had only heard of such fetishes as the Conferred Gods List, but had never seen them before.

How do you know!
This time, in order to deal with the God of Qingshan, Li Tianjun actually brought the list of gods here?

"With the list of gods, even the god of Qingshan, no matter how crazy he is, will eventually become a slave under my temple."

"Hallmaster's trip will definitely be a victory!"

"The God of Green Mountain can be suppressed without any effort."

"At that time, it will be another great achievement..."

Pei Ji boasted.

Hearing his words, Li Tianjun's expression was inexplicable.

"Pei Ji, will you Lihuo Ancient Clan abandon the temple like the Canglan Ancient Clan?"

"will not!"

"Hallmaster, don't worry, my Lihuo Ancient Clan will obey the orders of the God Hall, and I dare not have any intention of disobedience..."

Pei Ji kowtowed in fear.


"I believe in the center of the Lihuo Ancient Clan."

"Since this is the case, I will reward you for your great contribution. When the battle between the God of Sky and the God of Qingshan is over, you will detain its true spirit."

Talking room!
Li Tianjun stretched out his big hand, and an ancient and mysterious gold list was handed to Pei Ji.

Let me detain the God of Green Mountain?
Pei Ji's heart trembled!

In the eyes, full of panic and fear.

"Hall Master, the God of Qingshan is at least a second-order true god, and his subordinate's meager strength, I'm afraid he will be..."

"You don't need to worry about this!"


Li Tianjun took out another ancient token and handed it to Pei Ji.

"This is the token of the temple, and it is blessed with the will of heaven and earth in the Eastern Great Territory. When you wear it on your body, you are acting on behalf of the heavens."

"At that time, there will be the rules of the mountain world to protect you."

"You just go at ease!"

"When you have imprisoned the God of Qingshan, I will report to the Hall Master and order you to be the envoy of the Temple to take over Lei Guang's position."

Envoy of Lei Guang?

Pei Ji's heart was greatly shaken!

"Pei Ji, this is an excellent opportunity to make meritorious service. If you miss it, you will never have it again."

"This seat is cultivating you, I hope you will not disappoint this seat..."

Li Tianjun said with a sullen face.

Hear it!

Pei Ji took the list of gods and the token with both hands, and nodded emphatically.

"Thank you, Hall Master!"

"Subordinates will never disappoint the Palace Master's expectations~"

He knelt down and prayed.


"The god of the sky will arrive soon, you go and prepare."


Pei Ji bowed and left the hall.

When he walked out of the hall, he looked at the list of gods and tokens in his hands, and an extremely heavy expression appeared on his face.

There was even strong fear and worry in his eyes.

How can it be so easy to detain a second-order true god?

"This is asking me to die!"

"Once it succeeds, Li Tianjun still deserves the credit, but if it fails, I can only be blamed."

His heart was filled with bitterness.

For the next fate and future, he felt a little desperate.


He did not dare to disobey Li Tianjun's order.

Otherwise, not only he will die, but also the entire Lihuo Ancient Clan will be doomed.


Even if the road ahead is dangerous, Pei Ji has no choice but to go.


He has no choice!


And just when he was panicked, Tu Shan Cangyue also brought Yu Zhentian and others from the Ancient Setting Sun Clan to Daqing Mountain.

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