Collecting the corpse for the emperor, my cultivation base will skyrocket for ten thousand years!

Chapter 649 In charge of the emperor's seal, Qingshan God Lord!

"Thank you, Your Majesty the Emperor!"

Feeling the imprint of the emperor branded on his body, Lin Wudao immediately pretended to be grateful.

With this imprint, he established his identity as a candidate for the Ninth Human Emperor.


Compared to this, what is more important is that with the blessing of the Human Emperor's Seal, he can successfully control the Human Emperor's Seal.

This is the biggest gain!

As for the identity of the candidate for Emperor, Lin Wudao didn't take it to heart at all.

After all.

He also only took a fancy to the benefits and benefits brought by the status of the candidate for the emperor.

Otherwise, they would not have worked so hard to come to the inner space of the Human Emperor's Seal and obtain the approval of the Human Emperor Jiang.

just now!

Everything is within his expectation and control.

Lin Wudao is quite satisfied with this result...

"Although the Seal of the Human Emperor has now fallen to the Zhundi Soldier, its power and strength are still very strong."

"The top quasi-emperor magic weapon is equivalent to a tenth-order great artifact."

"With this thing, I will have the confidence to fight against those powerful incense gods in the future."

"In addition, the seal of the emperor can still absorb the luck of the gods and humans, and continue to grow stronger."

"At that time, if I really become the emperor and bless the luck of the entire Shenhuang human race, it will definitely return to its former peak."

"Even, in the future, if you leave the world of God and Desolation, you can cultivate it into a magic weapon of the emperor of heaven, or even a magic weapon of immortality."

Lin Wudao secretly longed for it in his heart.

There is no doubt about the power of the Human Emperor Seal!

Its growability is also what Lin Wudao values ​​most.

"Ye Zhetian, from now on, the important task of revitalizing the Shenhuang Human Race will fall on you."

"As a candidate for the Emperor, this is your responsibility."

"In the future, if you can defeat the other eight candidates and become the true Emperor, I will give you a great gift."

"You, work hard..."

Di Jiang's voice is full of infinite vicissitudes and expectations.

Say it!

His figure suddenly dissipated above the void, and the huge Human Sovereign Space once again regained its calm.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty!"

"Congratulations, Your Majesty!"

Jiang Daoxuan and Liu Cangsheng knelt down to pay respects.

After a while.

They stood up again and cast their deep gazes on Lin Wudao.

"Boy Ye, congratulations on being recognized by His Majesty Emperor Jiang. From now on, you are the orthodox candidate for the Emperor."

"I hope that you can live up to His Majesty's expectations, take the revitalization of the Shenhuang human race as your mission, and lead the human race to glory and glory."

"Until the Human Emperor is truly established, we will all assist you."

"From now on, you can use and control the power of the Emperor's Seal at will..."

Jiang Daoxuan said in a deep voice.

Hear it!

Lin Wudao nodded solemnly.

"Emperor, don't worry, Ye Zhetian will live up to His Majesty's expectations, and will try his best to revitalize the human race throughout his life."


"Your aptitude and strength, even His Majesty Emperor Jiang admired it, and it may not be possible to surpass His Majesty in the future."

"This world is big, and the responsibility on you is also extremely heavy."

"So, hurry up and improve your strength, let's become stronger..."

The voice fell.

Jiang Daoxuan and Liu Cangsheng immediately turned into divine light and escaped into the vast sky.

See you!

Lin Wudao didn't stay any longer, and with a thought, he left the Emperor's space.


Castle Peak Temple!

After the consciousness returned to the deity, Lin Wudao re-examined the Human Emperor Seal in front of him.

at this time.

With more seals of the Emperor, he secretly felt a wonderful connection with the Seal of the Emperor.

As long as the thought moves, it can be easily controlled and its mighty power can be released.

"In the future, there will be another powerful weapon."

"It's just that this Human Emperor's Seal is quite special, so it's best not to use it as the Great Demon God of Qingshan."

"Otherwise, it may cause a lot of trouble in the future."

Lin Wudao thought secretly.

Think so far!

He looked at it carefully for a while, and then put the Human Emperor Seal into the system space.

Followed by.

A dodge disappeared and left the mountain world.

Next, there should be a big battle in the ancient Qinglong country, and he has to go to sit in the town.

In order to avoid uncontrollable accidents...


Ancient Azure Dragon Country!

at this time.

In the ancient and mysterious temple of Qingming Abyss, several fearful figures were kneeling under the statue of Ao Zhen.

The leader was an old man in green with gray temples, who had already cultivated to the seventh rank of saint.

Behind him, there are two fifth-tier saints.

"Big God, my ancient Qinglong country is now in danger of life and death, and I ask the Great God to show me the way out."

Chen Huaji's body trembled, and he bowed heavily to the statue.

The same is true for the people behind him.

Facing their pious prayers, a helpless sigh suddenly sounded in the temple.

Followed by.

The phantom of Dragon God Aozhen manifested from above the statue.

The mighty divine power swept across the ten directions like a flood...

"Ancient Azure Dragon Country, what's the situation now?"

A tired and weak voice came out softly.

"Returning to the Great God, now we are the only three saints left in our Qinglong ancient country."

"In addition, the news of your serious injury, my god, has also spread throughout Qinglonggu, both at home and abroad, and people are panicking."

"Now, we have received definite news that the Lishan God Clan, the Motian God Clan, and the Beidou God Clan have all dispatched strong men to carve up our ancient Qinglong kingdom."

"Dare to ask the great god, is there still life in the ancient Qinglong country?"

Trembling, Chen Huaji asked.

just now.

There are only three saints left in Qinglong ancient country.

If they hadn't been sent to the Taiyi God Clan to help out, I'm afraid they would also be murdered.

Right now, the Qinglong ancient country is facing the danger of extinction, so they naturally dare not stay in the Taiyi God Clan.


Under the leadership of Chen Huaji, they returned to the ancient country of Qinglong as quickly as possible.

And, rush to Qinglong Temple, ask Ao Zhen for help.

Although they also know that Ao Zhen is also in danger at this moment, but they still have the last hope.

"Ancient Azure Dragon Country, nothing will happen!"

"Right now, although facing the danger of life and death, it is also an unprecedented opportunity."

"Later, noble people will come to help and rescue the ancient Qinglong country from danger."

"Just wait patiently..."

Ao Zhen said lightly.


Hearing this, Chen Huaji and the others all showed puzzled expressions.

"Dare to ask the Great God, who is the nobleman?"

"It's a god that I believe in, and its name is: God of Qingshan."

The God of Green Mountain?

Hearing this name suddenly, Chen Huaji and the others immediately opened their eyes wide, showing a look of extreme shock.

Of course, they had heard about the God of Green Mountain.


Not long ago, brother Chen Xuanzhen, the divine son of the Qinglong Ancient Kingdom, died in the Qingshan Divine Kingdom.

"Great God, you still believe in gods?"

Chen Hua couldn't believe it.

Ao Zhen, the god of Qinglong, has been the god of incense and fire in the ancient kingdom of Qinglong for tens of thousands of years.

And the God of Green Mountain seems to have just recovered.

When did the God of Qinglong fall into the embrace of the God of Qingshan?

Can gods have faith?
Chen Huaji felt extremely incredible.

The information revealed by Ao Zhen caused an unprecedented shock to his cognition.

But for their shock, Ao Zhen sneered coldly.

"Human beings can believe in incense gods, why can't incense gods have faith?"

"The god of the green mountain is the god master of this god!"

"From now on, He will also be the supreme god of the entire ancient Qinglong country, and all the subjects will be the subjects of the Great God of Qingshan."

"You guys, you need to have a devout belief, worship devoutly, and don't desecrate it."


Ao Zhenhua has already mentioned this point, although everyone was shocked, but they did not dare to disobey.

Instead, a strong expectation rose from the bottom of my heart.

As long as they can save the ancient Qinglong country, they will naturally be devout.

It seems that there is nothing unacceptable for one more god in the ancient Qinglong country...

Ao Zhen saw the reaction of Chen Huaji and others.

"The messenger of God Lord Qingshan has arrived."

"Let's go out and meet him!"

The envoy of Qingshan Great God has arrived?
Chen Huaji and the others were shocked.

call out!
Just when they had just stepped out of the Abyss of Qingming, an ancient Shenzhou broke through the sky.

On it, stood three figures.

The person at the head is a cold and indifferent woman in white who does not eat the fireworks of the world.

Behind her stood a strong man with an iron tower like a savage Tyrannosaurus rex, and a mysterious man in a black cloak like a dark ghost.

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