Gu Jianxin?
Looking at the person who objected, the emperors present did not feel surprised or surprised. Instead, they looked like they were used to it.

One by one, they even showed the attitude of watching a show...

Gu Jianxin is a famous person in the world of Cangyuan!
Who doesn’t know that Saburo is a desperate man?


The conflict between him and Ying Huangtian is also well known.

Whenever two people met, they would quarrel or fight, and there was basically no exception.


The Cangtian Imperial Clan where Gu Jianxin belongs and the Tianhuang Imperial Clan where Ying Huangtian belongs have a long-standing grudge.

Let alone them, whenever the Cangtian Imperial Clan and the Tianhuang Imperial Clan met, they would either quarrel or fight.

Therefore, no one was surprised when they saw Gu Jianxin jumping out to object at this time.

This is what they expected...

"Gu Jianxin, what do you object to?"

Lei Jiuxiao asked with a stern face.

"Grand Governor, what virtue and ability does Ying Huangtian have to lead the Emperor's death squad?"

"Put everyone's lives in his hands, I'm afraid they won't know how they died."

"Furthermore, when it comes to qualifications, status, and strength, which aspect of me is not as good as Ying Huangtian?"

"Why choose him as the leader?"

"I think I can also be the leader."

"In short, I am strongly dissatisfied and express my strong opposition..."

Gu Jianxin shouted with a gloomy face.

He didn't care about the faces of Lei Jiuxiao and Ying Huangtian at all.

To this!

Although Lei Jiuxiao's face was gloomy, he didn't do anything to him.

after all.

Gu Jianxin is the treasure of the Cangtian Imperial Clan. If things get too big, I'm afraid those old guys from the Imperial Clan will have to cause trouble.

"Gu Jianxin, this is the Celestial Fortress. There is a world war going on. All wars and arrangements are decided by this emperor."

"The emperor has already said that Ying Huangtian should be appointed as the leader of the emperor's death squad. The military orders are as high as the mountain, how can he change them without authorization?"

"Your objection is invalid!"

Lei Jiuxiao refuted loudly.


"Since you, Grand Governor, insist on letting Ying Huangtian be the leader, then I have nothing to say."

"However, I will never be in the same team as Ying Huangtian."

"I request that another emperor's death squad be formed..."

Form another death squad?

Hearing this, everyone around him immediately cast a look of surprise and surprise.


Their eyes focused on Gu Jianxin, Meng Zhetian, and Lin Wudao.

at the same time.

Lei Jiuxiao also seemed to understand Gu Jianxin's thoughts.

"Who do you want to form the Emperor's Suicide Squad with? You can't do it alone."

"Don't worry, Commander-in-Chief, just me, Meng Zhetian, and Han Qingshan, the three of us will form another team."

Gu Jianxin pointed at the two people beside him and replied.

"Meng Zhetian, Han Qingshan, do you agree with Gu Jianxin's proposal to form another death squad?"

Lei Jiuxiao looked at the two of them.

To this!

Lin Wudao nodded without any objection.

"I agree!"

"Then I agree too!"

The two expressed their attitudes one after another.

Seeing this scene, Lei Jiuxiao sighed helplessly.


"Since you are determined to do so, I will grant you permission. The three of you will form a separate Great Emperor team."

“However, we must put the overall situation first!”

"If I let this emperor know that you are fighting each other regardless of the overall situation, I will definitely kill you without mercy."

Lei Jiuxiao said sharply.

"I will obey the decree of the Grand Governor!"

"As long as Ying Huangtian doesn't come to cause trouble, I will definitely put the overall situation first..."

Speaking of it.

Gu Jianxin glanced provocatively at Ying Huangtian at the front.

The other party just snorted coldly and did not respond.


Gu Jianxin provoked him in public, making it impossible for him to step down, which planted the seeds of hatred in Ying Huangtian's heart.

"Gu, please wait for me. If I have a chance, I will definitely kill you."

"Let you be arrogant for a while first. When we go to Lingxu Cave, when you cry..."

Ying Huangtian thought bitterly in his heart.

Faced with the overt and covert fight between the two of them, Lei Jiuxiao noticed it but ignored it.He believed that neither Gu Jianxin nor Ying Huangtian would dare to mess around on such an important matter.


"Do you have anything else you want to ask?"

"Grand Governor, I would like to ask, if you get 1000 yuan of innate divine crystals from killing a foreign emperor from the first level, is it true or not?"

This time!

Lin Wudao in the crowd asked something that he had wanted to find out for a long time.

"Of course!"

"The alliance of Cangyuan Great World has clear regulations. As long as anyone from Cangyuan Great World kills a first-level alien emperor, they can get a thousand innate divine crystals."

"The Great Emperor's tenth level, ten thousand innate divine crystals!"

"You can bring back the corpses of the beheaded enemies. Once the inspection is correct, you can receive the corresponding rewards according to the heads of the foreign races."

"In addition, if you can complete this arduous and important task, you will receive major rewards from the World Alliance after you return."

"The war dead, their relatives and their families will receive compensation..."

Lei Jiuxiao said in a deep voice.

As his voice sounded, a depressing and heavy atmosphere suddenly filled the palace.

this moment!
Except for Lin Wudao, no one knew whether he could come out of Lingxu Daozhou alive.

"Any other questions?"

No one answered.

"In that case, let's go!"

"The emperor is here to wish you victory and everyone's safe return."

Say it!

Lei Jiuxiao waved his hand, and the gate of the palace suddenly opened. A huge ancient divine boat had already docked in the void.

on it.

Meng Tianyuan, the Qingyi Heavenly Emperor, and a large number of powerful men have been waiting for a long time.

"set off!"

Following Lei Jiuxiao's order, the divine ships sailed out of Tiandu Fortress in an instant and headed straight for Lingxu Daozhou.


Lingxu Daozhou is adjacent to Yuantian Daozhou.

However, its area is much larger than Yuantian Daozhou, and it is also extremely rich in various cultivation resources.


On Lingxu Daozhou, an ancient Heavenly Emperor force has been passed down from generation to generation, called Lingxu Heavenly Sect.

The sect is located in a huge cave. There are two heavenly emperors in the sect and millions of disciples.


Due to the invasion of Tianwu World, the ancient Lingxu Tianzong was wiped out.

The Lingxu Cave under his control was also occupied by the aliens from the Tianwu World, and a gate to the world was built.

The entire Lingxu Dao Continent was used as a bridgehead to invade the great world of Cangyuan.

to this day!

The alien races from the Tianwu Great World have invaded the interior of the Cangyuan Great World, and are advancing unstoppably.

If this continues, the fortress of Tian Fortress will inevitably fall.

By the time.

If the natural barrier is lost, what awaits the great world of Cangyuan will be catastrophe.


Lei Jiuxiao decided to form the Emperor's Death Squadron and destroy the World Gate in Lingxu Cave at all costs.

Shenzhou is very fast.

Not long after, everyone arrived at the boundary of Lingxu Daozhou.

The massive attack by Lei Jiuxiao and others also alarmed the strong foreigners stationed here.

"Emperor Hunting Sun, have you brought people to seek death again?"

"Come on, kill me!"

Just as everyone had just stepped into Lingxu Dao Continent, suddenly, a heaven-shaking roar erupted from the depths of the Dao Continent.

Next up!

Under the gaze of Lin Wudao and others, a mighty and domineering man of ten feet came to the front with divine light.

Behind him, ten rounds of brilliant suns shone, and the mighty divine light of the sun illuminated the entire heaven and earth.

call out!
call out!
call out!
After this majestic man appeared, three more divine lights passed across the distant sky.

Three heavenly emperors from the tenth level followed closely behind.

"Emperor Lieyang!"

"Emperor Xuanming!"

"Emperor Lingdou!"


Lin Wudao glanced over, and the identities and cultivation levels of the three alien emperors were instantly displayed before his eyes.

among them.

The Lieyang Heavenly Emperor, who carries the ten brilliant suns on his back, is the same as the Sun-hunting Heavenly Emperor Lei Jiuxiao, both of whom have the cultivation of the Humanity Heavenly Emperor.

Among the other three people, one of them has just been promoted to the tenth heaven, and the other two are veteran emperors.


When the enemy met, he was extremely jealous.

On the battlefield, there was no need for any nonsense. After the contact, the two sides immediately opened up their posture and started fighting. (End of chapter)

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