Chapter 505 Equipment Seeds
After the sacrifice, Jinx came back to her senses with a smile on her face, as if she had just come out of the amusement park. It was obvious from a glance that she had lived a very happy life.

But no one asked about the process, including Old Bones and Pola, who had been watching for a long time. They both smiled and kindly watched her and her two friends leave.

But as soon as the three of them left, Pola and Bones started a fierce war of words, spitting on each other's faces, but no one took a step back. Both of them were very aware of the potential of Jinx, a newcomer, so don't say He slobbered all over his face and even peed on his face without shutting up.

As veterans, both of them knew very well that as long as Jinx didn't die and wasn't abandoned by any demon lord, they would be the seeds of a legend.

Therefore, as long as the other party is willing to share the profit, both of them can gain weight, so they must earn it.

The three-person team returned to the hotel. Hadir and Hammer looked at Jinx expectantly, because Jinx's sacrifice also helped them find a plan to increase their strength.

"Here, these are new seeds. After signing a contract, they can be turned into equipment. However, the consumption of magic power is a bit high, so you can only use one." Jinx took out a bag of seeds and told how to use them.

"It's really a magical plant, but are you sure it's something from the devil?" Hadir had long felt that something was wrong with Jinx, because the style of painting was completely wrong.

Others summon demons, she summons plants, others sacrifice flesh and blood, she sacrifices seeds, are you sure you are joining the Valley of Demons?Instead of changing professions to a druid in a certain forest?
If Jinx hadn't been a newcomer joining them, and the other party's teacher was also a veteran demon warlock, they would have thought that the other party was an undercover agent of some druid group who had infiltrated the Devil's Valley.

"Probably so. I have seen some particularly tall and strong demons in the garden. Although they are very kind, they must be demons." Jinx thought for a while, then nodded and said firmly.

Even Iron Hammer is not calm now. He is just taciturn and a bit naive, but it does not mean that he is stupid. And listen to what you are saying?
A kind devil?A devil who likes flowers and plants?A demon who likes to help people?

If all demons were like this, Devil Valley wouldn't be a forbidden place, and so many new people wouldn't die every year.

The problem is that although they don't want to admit it, what happened to Jinx tells them that it is probably true. Are there really kind demons in the world?

The two novices now began to wonder whether what they learned in Devil's Valley was incomplete, and whether those demon warlocks were hiding something. Why was there such a big difference between what they learned and what Jinx learned?Is it a gender relationship?
The two people who were puzzled finally chose to give up thinking and began to select the equipment seeds brought by Jinx.

Vegetable seeds can grow vegetables, fruit seeds can grow fruits, and equipment seeds can naturally grow equipment.

"This sounds even more unbelievable than the fact that the devil is kind." Hadir sighed, and then followed Jinx's instructions, dug a hole in the flower pot, buried some soil, and counted one, two, three, four, five, Sure enough, a strange branch grew out, like a short stick.

"This is a sword." Jinx said with certainty. Hadir, who had already accepted his fate, did not speak and nodded. You said yes and then asked.

"So how do I use it?"

"Sign a contract with it and just summon it directly when using it. The more magic power you infuse, the stronger it will be, and it can repair itself as long as it is not completely damaged." Jinx said that this is very simple, and in fact it is indeed very simple.

"It's really magical." Hadir opened his mouth and finally said this.

Hadir wanted to sign the contract, which was more troublesome. He used a knife to bleed some blood on himself, and then completed the signing after a ceremony.

After the contract was completed, Hadir felt a vague connection and was suddenly excited.

In fact, Hadir's talent in summoning is not very good, otherwise his teacher would not directly strengthen his abilities in other aspects. Although he did not ask for his consent, it has to be said that this is a wise decision. After all, Newcomers are always unwilling to be ordinary, but the price of being willful is wasting their potential. After all, once you take the wrong path, it is not that easy to turn back.

Impatient to complete the summons, Hadir immediately had a strange wooden sword hilt in his hand, and was stunned. "Has this sword not grown yet? Does it need fertilizing?" Hadir said with a frown.

"You need to input magic power, be careful of getting electrocuted." Jinx recalled the plant illustration and said to Hadir.

Although he is not an official demon warlock, he still has magic power. Hadir concentrated on mobilizing his own magic power, which was not very powerful.

Fortunately, he signed a contract with the hilt of the sword in his hand, and successfully connected the magic power through the connection between the two.

With the infusion of magic power, the hilt of the sword began to crackle and a strange sword body curved like lightning grew.

Although he couldn't see where the blade was, the lightning-like shape and the electric current that made him feel numb all made Hadir understand the value of this sword.

"What's the name of this sword?" Hadir said excitedly. If he hadn't been afraid of electrocuting himself, he would have taken out the grease deerskin or something to maintain the sword.

"It seems to be electric green tea." Although Jinx didn't know why the sword was called this name, it didn't matter, as long as Hadir liked green tea.

Next is the hammer. The plant weapon he originally selected was the torch mallet, a huge two-handed war hammer with one end sharp and one end burning with flames. After being infused with magic power, it sprays flames and can knock a fully armed knight away more than ten meters. .

But after thinking about it, Iron Hammer finally replaced the flame mallet with the ground thorn armor.

It is similar to the nut armor that Jinx used before, but the ground spike armor is thicker, made of large pieces of carapace, and the surface is covered with fang-like spikes. You can tell it is a murderous weapon at a glance.

The reason he chose the Ground Thorn Armor was not because Iron Hammer was afraid of death. On the contrary, he chose this equipment because he wanted to be at the front.

In fact, this is a smart choice, because among the three, Jinx is not only a long-range shooter, but also an important core, while Hadir is the commander of the team and has good skills. Only the hammer has nothing, no extraordinary Even if he is not afraid of death, how many times can he die?

Therefore, he who chose the Ground Thorn Armor has already made the decision to become the team's human shield. In this way, he will also become an indispensable member of the team. This is the position he has given himself.

Seeing Hammer's choice, Hadir nodded secretly, and at the same time gave up his plan to change team members.

In the perfect team envisioned by Hadir, Jinx is the absolute core, and he is the commander, with the rest consisting of three to five teammates.

These include shield defenders, rogues, shooters and spellcasters.

Full of confidence in Jinx's future, Hadir has high requirements for his teammates, so Hammer, who is just the son of a blacksmith, is not on his list.

However, Iron Hammer also has its advantages. First of all, they have been together since they were newcomers. After becoming apprentices, they formed a team to complete tasks. Both in terms of familiarity and trust, they are higher than those of strangers. Therefore, Hadir has always been somewhat hesitate.

The choice Iron Hammer made now undoubtedly proved his determination and role. Hadir did not mind giving the other party a chance.

(End of this chapter)

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