Chapter 599 A new way of war

With the integration of the population and the recovery of production, the territory's military forces are also trying to adapt to the current way of warfare, because what they are facing now is not traditional enemies and wars.

Because the plane wall of the Northern Stars is not perfect, it is difficult to resist the invasion of the outside world, causing the defense line to leak in all directions. Even a small group of orcs can use small pieces of debris to rush in, let alone more experienced invasion experts like the dark elves. , and there are some messy things in the void.

In order to more effectively eliminate the invaders, in addition to the traditional reserve corps and field army, the empire also needs a more outstanding and efficient army.

In addition to strength, this army also needs the ability to move at high speed. Only in this way can it meet the current way of warfare.

Traditional aircraft cannot do this. The Northern Stars are only small and medium-sized planes. Even if it changes from a glass bowl to a glass ball, the height is still limited. If you are not careful, you will hit the plane wall or even fly directly into the void. Therefore, it does not support high-altitude and high-speed flight at all.

When an airplane loses its altitude and speed advantages, it becomes a living target, so it can only choose a spacecraft with a freer flying style.

The original sailboat-style spacecraft has been eliminated, at least not suitable for military use. The spaceships now built are more like spaceships in the science fiction world, and they are more functional and targeted.

The first to be perfected was the smaller Iron Shield spacecraft. Because the original design met the current needs, it can be used in actual combat after the power is increased and the armor is thickened.

Facts have proved that the Iron Shield is an excellent fast support ship. It is thirty meters long and six meters high. There are two on the left and right and two on the top for a total of six twin-mounted 40mm caliber cannons, which can provide good firepower. At the same time, it can carry four light assault vehicles and fifty Warhammer soldiers inside, and it can land quickly in a rather rough way, such as now.

According to the navigation of the one-eyed eagle surrounding the plane wall, the iron-brick-like Iron Shield quickly crossed the sky, and under the pilot's bold operation, it began to dive at a terrifying angle.

The strong hull and thickened front armor gave the driver the confidence to make a hard landing by floating in the water. Amidst the loud roar, the angled front armor pushed hard and the mud splashed like waves. This will quickly reduce the speed.

Dare to land like this, not only because the Iron Shield is strong enough, but also because the people inside are super soldiers. Ordinary soldiers can't withstand such a rough landing method. If you dare to be so bold, I'm afraid you will lie on the ground vomiting blood and bubbles.

Before the spacecraft could stop, the heavy hatch at the rear bounced open with the sound of an air explosion, hitting the ground hard and dragging out a wide trench. Then, the light assault vehicle in the cabin was unfastened and almost jumped with the driver's kick of the accelerator. Flying out of the cabin as if in the air.

The assault vehicle fell heavily, but the eight wide tires cushioned the impact very well. The machine gunner wearing a powered exoskeleton on the top was not greatly affected, and he responded quickly and immediately pulled the trigger towards the target.

The twin thirty-millimeter-caliber cannons fixed on the roof of the assault vehicle emitted dull gunfire. As thick shells jumped out one after another, the two-finger-thick bullets continued to hit the monster with terrifying kinetic energy. Sparks flew for a while. Bullets were flying.

This is a huge monster from the void. It looks like a lizard, but its body is like a fusion of flesh, flesh and minerals. It has high defense. After all, it is obviously not an ordinary creature that can survive in the void. The scales on the body are very hard. It is quite high. If the angle is slightly off, ricochet will occur. Only a few bullets can damage the scales. To really cause damage, you must shoot at a fixed point for a long time.

Warhammer soldiers were well prepared for rough-skinned enemies. They spread out skillfully, fired violent shots at the head and tail, and even launched rockets, but the effect was not very good. This monster had two layers of scales. And the head and tail are particularly tough. The Warhammer soldiers immediately changed their tactics and used powerful assault vehicles to attract the monster's attention, allowing the Iron Shield to take off again.

When it rose to a certain height, the four twin 40mm caliber cannons on the left and right of the Iron Shield spit out flames, and armor-piercing shells pierced the monster's body one after another, shattering the scales and exploding the flesh and blood. It was so painful. The head monster howled, no longer caring about chasing those pesky two-legged beasts, and ran away.

Although the monster is huge, it runs very fast, and it is difficult to aim when it swings left and right.

"The assault vehicle will surround it from left to right and shoot at its legs to destroy its ability to move." The officer on board the Iron Shield decisively issued the order. This monster must not be allowed to run around. Entering residential or industrial areas is a disaster.

"Order received." The driver of the tank stepped on the accelerator to the bottom. The vehicle developed for war felt the driver's determination and roared angrily in response. The huge body rushed across the wilderness, and the shooter did not care at all, as if he was riding on a horse. Hit the bumps on the mad cow's back and try to shoot the monster's limbs.

Because you can't get too close, the hit rate is very low. If ten bullets can hit one or two, it's good. After all, what's being shot is not the huge body, but the fast-running limbs.

However, this does little harm to the huge monster, and the Iron Shield's bombardment also requires pursuit, and the monster's constant changes in direction make it difficult to hit.

Seeing that the monster was about to escape, an assault vehicle, regardless of safety, accelerated with all its strength and hit one of the monster's forelimbs.

The monster, which was running at full speed, staggered, with its head on the ground and its body turned upside down. The assault vehicle, which had a dented side and stalled due to the impact, did not escape and was crushed upright. The armor was suddenly twisted and shattered, and the driver died on the spot. Half of the body of the shooter was also stuck in the twisted metal. He was vomiting blood and was obviously seriously injured.

In fact, if he hadn't been equipped with a powered exoskeleton, it would have killed him in one fell swoop. However, with the passage of life, death was only a matter of time unless he received professional treatment immediately.

With a click, the shooter touched the mechanism without hesitation, and the high-concentration medicine placed in the heart of the exoskeleton was immediately injected into his body. Although this could not save his life, it allowed him to make a final counterattack.

Stimulated by the drug, the shooter, who suffered a broken lumbar vertebrae and massive internal bleeding, stubbornly turned the muzzle of his gun, pointed it at the eyes of the monster in front of him, and pulled the trigger.

Just like smashing a glass ball filled with viscous liquid wrapped in a towel with a stone, the monster's thick eyelids are not enough to stop a thirty-millimeter bullet, and the huge eyeball is shattered after being shot through.

The shooter allowed the blood that was shaken by the machine gun to surge up his throat and out of the corner of his mouth, but still did not release the trigger. It was not until he died that the sound of emptying was heard from the machine gun, and the monster who had more than ten kilograms of warheads poured into his brain was also dying. , was completely killed by the arriving Warhammer soldiers.

(End of this chapter)

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