Chapter 612 Hunting Gods

Destroying this dark elf spaceship is not Shu Liya's main purpose, nor is it the main purpose of the empire. In fact, neither she nor the empire cares much about it, because as long as the empire still exists, various external threats will not disappear. Without dark elves, there would still be orcs. Besides, void creatures, kingdoms of gods, planes, etc. will only be encountered more and more in the future, and they will become threats and cannot be avoided at all.

So this time it was mainly because she thought it could be used, so Shu Liya just flew out of the Northern Stars and directed the Silver Shield to fly in the direction it came from.

Within a few days, multiple plane fragments that had escaped from the destroyed main world appeared in front of the Silver Shield and the Dark Elves.

Compared with the completeness of the Northern Stars, these fragments torn directly from the main world are not regular, and the plane walls are also pieced together. If the gods did not integrate their own kingdoms to act as adhesives and patches, they would not be able to support them at all. Until now.

But this requires a lot of divine power to maintain, so all intelligent creatures living on the fragments, apart from working, spend all their time praying, and this is completely mandatory, and any violator will be punished without mercy. He was executed without mercy, so in terms of living conditions, he could only be called alive.

These broken plane fragments are like injured and bleeding fat prey in the ocean. They will always attract some predators. Even if they don't, there will still be orcs and dark elves inside, exhausting both gods and civilians. .

Compared to the Northern Stars, which had nowhere to start, the appearance of these plane fragments immediately attracted the attention of the dark elves following the Silver Shield.

Instead of wasting time in the Northern Stars, these dark elves prefer to destroy these wanderers first, especially since one of the fragments is home to many elves who can't help but want to torture them.

After achieving her goal, Shu Liya did not leave, but released the drone to start collecting intelligence.

These gods' control over the plane fragments was not comparable to that of Owen, let alone the empire that had begun to promote psychic powers. Therefore, they were not aware of the infiltration of specially designed drones at all.

The worse the situation of the plane fragments, the happier Shu Liya is, because only in this way, the empire can eat these plump prey at a smaller cost, not to mention that she also attracts a dangerous predator to these prey.

"Captain, we have discovered various divine power fluctuations, and the source of the fluctuations is gradually approaching." The navigator, whose eyes were glowing with white light, remained awake, read effective information from the psychic fluctuations fed back by the Silver Shield, and said immediately.

"Recover the drone, activate the psychic barrier, and prepare to enter the subspace." Although I don't know the source of the fluctuations in divine power, it is no small matter when it comes to divine power. Even if the Silver Shield has the ability to destroy a country, for gods , it was just a matter of divine power, so Shu Liya was not careless and immediately ordered to escape into the subspace.

As the barrier formed by spiritual energy enveloped the Silver Shield, Shu Liya began to adjust the frequency of spiritual energy, and then the two Silver Shield-type void ships disappeared into the void like phantoms.

This is not the first time that Shu Liya has entered the subspace, but the places she has entered in the past have always been in the Northern Stars. Wherever there is suppression from the Kingdom of God, coupled with Owen's grooming, it is like a peaceful harbor, with only a peaceful and calm side.

However, although this place is not the edge of subspace, it has lost the protection of the bay, and Owen, who is concentrating his consciousness to catch up with the ever-expanding edge of subspace, does not have much spare power to calm the wave of psychic energy. As a result, this place is like a sea in a storm, and the spiritual energy is constantly being generated. It can form huge waves, making it difficult for the two void spaceships to stabilize.

Fortunately, Shu Liya has the subspace seed given by Owen, which is equivalent to the person of the subspace god. Therefore, when she stimulates her own psychic energy, the psychic storm in a large area becomes much calmer due to its influence, and only in the distance The psychic energy is still violent.

Although Shu Liya is not a subspace god yet and cannot sustain it for too long, there is still no problem in a few days. There is enough time to observe the unexpected gods.

When Shu Liya concentrated, her gaze did not penetrate the subspace, but captured the image of the material world reflected in the subspace. Therefore, even the few gods who flew across the void did not realize that they were being observed. There are four gods in total. It seems that they are not their real bodies, but incarnations of divinity. They wear full-coverage armor made of powerful void biological materials. They hold artifacts and silently attack the fragments of the plane that fell at the back. .

The opponent was very skilled and had a clear division of labor. First, the largest god transformed into a body that was a hundred meters high, and smashed an artifact war hammer against the wall like a drum.

The plane wall that was originally made up of things could withstand such a heavy hammer. It was dented at first. When the fluctuation spread out, the divine power that bridged the cracks was shaken away, and the plane wall began to fall off in large areas.

Another god blew his mouth, turning the surrounding void power into the wind of void, blowing in through the hole, destroying everything on the ground, and countless creatures were tragically disintegrated.

Even worse is yet to come. Before the wind of the void can completely disintegrate the resistance and prayers of mortals, the two remaining gods are left. One cuts the earth apart with divine power like cutting a cake, and the other mercilessly takes away what little is left. origin.

The whole process was too fast. Before the gods who protected this place could react, the already unstable plane fragments had irreversibly collapsed.

Of course he couldn't bear it when the Noah's Ark he had worked so hard to build was dismantled. The God of Storms rushed into the void with a roar that echoed through the sky, and was then torn into pieces.

The God of Storms is only a god worshiped by one of the three human kingdoms among the five southern kingdoms, and his strength is just that. In addition, facing four divine incarnations who are not inferior to him in strength, how can he fight back? It was decomposed, and then the divinity was divided. The soul also did not escape the disaster. It was sealed. I knew the end would not be much better.

Without the protection of the gods, the remaining fragments of the plane began to disintegrate. With the four gods joining forces to extract the source, the disintegration speed became even faster.

Such an inhumane and extremely skilled technique severely shocked the gods on several nearby fragments, but no one stood up and roared when they saw the injustice. They just concentrated their divine power to prepare a full blow, just like a dog with bared teeth and lowered its body, ready to attack at any time. By the way, it roars or bows its head and wag its tail in surrender.

They couldn't run away. They were moving with the plane fragments, and they couldn't outrun the four gods who had been prepared and came specifically to hunt.

As for abandoning everything and running away alone, if they could do it, why would they bother building this doomsday ark in the first place.

Although gods are powerful, they cannot do without the Kingdom of God and believers.

Without believers, there is no faith. Without faith, there is no divine power. Without divine power, how can one maintain the Kingdom of God? Without the Kingdom of God, gods are as insecure as a tortoise without its shell.

At present, the four gods who come to hunt are also staying in the kingdom of God. Only the incarnations of the gods are separated to go hunting. Even if they are gone, they will not be broken. If they are successful, they will have at least one or two points of divinity, plus the extracted ones. The origin is simply making money.

(End of this chapter)

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