The Bizarre Adventure of the Warhammer Elves

Chapter 116 Lilith's Bite Mark

Chapter 116 Lilith's Bite Mark
Hearing Radlia's scolding, Lilith pulled out her palm and gestured to the opponent in a victorious gesture:
"I have to say, this robust body is really surprising, haven't you tried to enjoy it?"

"Not everyone is as shameless as you, let him go!"


Facing Ladelia's accusation, Lilith directly stripped Luohan naked, facing the 'defeated dog' Ladelia.

Seeing this kind of live broadcast, Radlia simply closed her eyes, intending to keep out of sight, but the scene just now still echoed in her mind.

No, such behavior is too painful for Luo Han who is in a coma, I must find a way to break out of the seal and save him!

In order to get Rohan out of the sea of ​​misery as soon as possible, Radlia began to frantically absorb the beliefs from another world, and her whole body longed to become stronger than ever before.

The Misty Lady in the seal is accumulating the power of faith, and Rohan in the system space is not idle, and is constantly fighting Lilith for the soul.

Because he stayed in the system space, he couldn't perceive the flow of time outside, and he didn't know what happened outside.

But he always felt that something was wrong!

"Strange, why is the extraction speed of magic power happier than before? System, when will the backlash you mentioned be ready?"

"Ding! The divine power that invaded the soul of the host is being gathered, only the host's consent is needed, and this divine power will immediately counterattack the invader!"

In order to facilitate Luohan's understanding, the system also thoughtfully attached a light screen, which recorded Luohan's existing magic power and the value of the invading divine power.

Looking at the magic power that was constantly recovering and disappearing, as well as the accumulation of Lilith's divine power in the depths of his soul, Luohan hesitated for a moment.

After a while, his eyes were filled with firmness, and he secretly encouraged:

"Come on, hold on for a while, the backlash later will definitely give Lilith a big surprise!"

Luo Han didn't know that he was not the only one who was insisting on it at this time.

———Pandor Continent, Emperor Lingang

In the castle hall, several villagers from nearby villages were waiting outside the gate with fear written all over their faces.

From the dust and torn clothes all over their bodies, it is not difficult to see that they have come here through untold hardships.

After a while, a Durucci soldier opened the door, looked at the group of dirty short-lived species with disdain, and said in a mean voice:

"Dirty ghosts, the governor has approved your request for an interview. Be respectful when you go in, and don't look around!"

"Yes, yes, my lord, we promise not to look around."

The leading villagers nodded in fear, and then walked into the hall of the castle under the leadership of the warrior Durucci.


Although they were warned by Drucci warriors, the ornate decorations in the hall and the Teutonic knights standing guard around them still made them look around subconsciously.

That's right, out of Rohan's own bad taste, his armament group composed of Pendor knights was named "Teutonic Knights" by him!
There are two chairs and a standing person in front of the seats in the hall. The seats are [Governor] Dario; [Deputy Commander of the Teutonic Knights] Elaine; and Ragnar who is a captive.

Allen is a local nobleman of Emperor Lingang, and as the No.1 human nobleman loyal to Rohan, he was promoted by Rohan.

The capture of Ragnar was done by Rohan using the surviving Shadow Centurions as a threat to give Dario Coppand culture and knowledge.

Looking at these trembling villagers, Dario put the report in his hand aside, and asked the villagers patiently:
"You said that there is an urgent military situation that needs to be reported. What happened?"

"My lord, you must be the master for us!"

A villager took off his hat and saluted, which was one of the few etiquettes he knew as a farmer, and then cried with tears:

"Those horrible Snake Cult believers are constantly gathering. They burned the farmland, raped those women, and even took away our infant babies!"

"Knight Elaine, I have never heard your patrol knights report these things, why did this happen?"

Hearing the complaints from the villagers, Dario looked at Elaine with some dissatisfaction, and Elaine shook his head blankly and said:
"Sorry, Governor, the latest report from patrolling knights indicates that the number of folk Snake Worshipers is significantly decreasing, but we have no way of tracking down their movements."

"You mean, the Snake Cult is gathering into an organized army, just like the army in Boshi City?"

Dario frowned. Since Rohan took away the first batch of soldiers who had completed training, the human servant army under his command now has less than [-] recruits.

Referring to the hundreds of thousands of Snake Worshipers in Boshi City, no matter how good the situation is now, he has to face tens of thousands of troops alone!

"The task is difficult..."

Looking at these poor villagers, there was no trace of pity in Dario's eyes. He is not a human being, let alone a native of Pendor, so he would not worry about what happened to them.

The most important thing now is how he should guard against the Snake Cult army that may appear at any time.

Looking at Ragnar whose hands and feet were chained next to him, Dario looked at the battle report in his hand and couldn't help asking:
"Ragnar, right? You have fought the Snake Cult more times than we have. Tell me about the composition of their army."

"Hmph~ This is your revenge for destroying the Shadow Legion!"

As a captive, Ragnar complained softly at first, but the Snake Cult was also his enemy, so he persuaded seriously:

"You should quickly abandon the city and flee, this time the Snake Cult has assembled two large armies, which shows that the evil goddess intends to destroy the Bacchus Empire and the elves at the same time!
"If there is no accident, there should be those viper warriors blessed by the evil goddess. They are powerful warriors with several times the power of the cobra warriors. I think even you elves will be hard to resist."

Hearing Ragnar's sincere persuasion, Dario fell into thinking. If what the other party said is true, then his chances of winning this time are really not great.

Not to mention whether the fighting power of those thousands of new recruits is reliable, just whether the various commanders of Drucci with ulterior motives are willing to obey his command is a serious question!

No need to think about it, these regiment leaders who are jealous of him as the governor will definitely not make great efforts in the battle, and they probably hope that he will make a mistake so that he can take his place.

What's more, he didn't intend to ask Lord Luohan for help. After all, he had just become the governor, and if he asked for help before his ass was warm, he would definitely be regarded as a fatuous and incompetent person.

No matter how many casualties he suffered this time, he had to prove to those regiment leaders who coveted his position that he became governor only by persistence and hard work!
"Druchi is not afraid of any battle! Notice to recall all the soldiers and knights outside. The blacksmiths and workshops are doing their best to make city defense weapons. Let's have a defensive battle!"

Daario stood up full of passion. He wanted to prove to Lord Rohan through this battle that he was fully qualified for this position!
However, Dario didn't know at this time that the unlucky Rohan was trapped in Lilith's moon palace at this time, undergoing inhuman torture.

The sound of water came to Ladlia's ears one after another, and the veins on her head couldn't help popping up, and she wished she could slap Lilith directly.

This swordsman dared to stand in front of her...!
The continuously gathering power of faith has made her strength improve rapidly, and it is estimated that she will be able to break the seal in a short time.

"Luohan, Luohan, you must persevere, and you must not give in to Lilith easily!"

Radlia quickly closed her eyes, waiting for the chance to break through the seal.

 PS: It's too Slaanesh, can you pass the trial?

(End of this chapter)

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