Chapter 283 Ancient Blood
Hearing the news of the arrival of reinforcements, Robb stood up curiously from the fire and looked towards the distant plain, but then frowned and asked Ed:
"Father, is that the reinforcements from the Amber family? Why does it feel like there are not many people?"

Although it was still some distance away from their camp, Robb could still see the approximate number of those troops, which was less than 100!

What's more, unlike the affluent southern regions, even the Stark family in the northern region has no way to equip plate armor, and can only choose panel leather armor that is more convenient to mass-produce.

And although Robb can't see the specific situation of the Umber family army in the distance, he can still tell that only the leading nobles are wearing armor, and the rest are unarmored soldiers.

Could an army like this really defeat those plundering plate knights?
"Don't look at the small number of them. After all, the Amber family needs to deal with more and more frequent savage looting. It is impossible to really send the main force to assist us."

Ed seemed to see the slight disdain in Robb's eyes, and then he scolded seriously:
"Don't underestimate the Umber family, all the soldiers of the giants are good fighters with one enemy, and they responded loyally to my call, this alone is enough to be rewarded.

If it weren't for loyal ministers like the Umber family who were willing to support the Stark family, we would have perished in one winter after another! "

After hearing Ed's harsh criticism, Robb put away the slight disgust and disdain in his eyes, and turned to look seriously at the red-bottomed giant flag from far to near and said:
"Don't worry, father, if they really respond to the Stark family's call faithfully, then there will always be a place for them on my wine table in the future!"

"That's what it sounds like."

Seeing that his eldest son had already understood what he meant, Ed nodded in satisfaction, and then walked towards the Amber army in the distance.

Ciri and Robb followed closely behind, ready to take a good look at these comrades who would fight side by side with them.

At the forefront of Umber's army, a well-built young nobleman was riding on a somewhat skinny horse. The burly figure made Robb worry about the thin pony under his crotch.

After seeing the crowd coming to greet him, the young nobleman hurriedly jumped off his horse, and then shouted to Ed in a rough voice:

"Dear Duke Stark, do you remember me, I offered you a glass of wine at the last Winterfell banquet!"

"I remember you, you are the 'Little Jon' of the Umber family, right? Your father asked me several times before that he wanted you to be Robb's knight. It seems that he hasn't asked your opinion yet?"

"Hahaha, it would be an honor for me if I can really serve as a knight of the Stark family!"

Looking at this hulking young man, Ed also had a smile on his face, and then patted the other side's shoulder and asked:
"How is your father recently? I heard that he was injured while chasing the savage a while ago. How is the situation now?"

"Hey...don't mention it, those dirty and despicable savages went crazy for some reason, and began to cross the Great Wall more and more frequently, and they don't know what those night watchmen are doing!"

When mentioning the wildlings, Little Jon's face showed a horrifying ferocity, apparently full of resentment towards those who hurt his father.

Obviously the duty of the night watchman is to defend the Great Wall, but the wildlings have always been looting recently, which is a serious dereliction of duty!

"I really don't know what those night watchmen do for food. They actually sent us a letter asking for help. How cheeky they are."

Hearing Little Jon complaining about the Night Watchman so much, Ed suddenly flashed the letter he received a few months ago, which was a request for help from the Commander of the Night Watchman.

In that letter, the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, Jeor Mormont, described in a very anxious tone the terrifying threat that hundreds of thousands of wildlings were about to go south.

Although Ed didn't believe that you would really pose such a threat, considering the character of Commander-in-Chief Jeor, he finally sent a lot of food and defense equipment that the Night Watchmen urgently needed.

But now, it seems that the night watchman's distress letter has been sent to all the northern lords.

Is it true that hundreds of thousands of savages threatened the excavation of the Great Wall?
'It seems that next time when that boy Ban Yang comes back, he should ask him about the savage. '

Thinking of this, Ed secretly wrote down the things about the night watchman in his heart, and then asked Little Jon who was still cursing:
"You should also know about the looters of Nori Village, are you ready to fight those plate knights?"

When this matter was mentioned, Little Jon immediately became interested, and then patted the military pickaxe on his waist and said confidently:
"Don't worry, Duke Ed, don't look at the poor equipment of our soldiers in Hearth City, but we are ready to fight against plate knights.

In order to be able to support your battle, I also specially brought out a few crossbows from my family's collection behind my father's back, they will definitely come in handy! "

Ed set his sights on the infantry of the Amber family, and sure enough, he saw several elite warriors holding crossbows in the crowd, so he said with satisfaction:

"Great, then our next battle should be much easier. Next, let's go to Nuo Rui Village to observe the situation there."

"Yes, Duke Ed."

In this way, this "huge army" with 500 soldiers finally began to move towards Nuo Rui Village, ready to fight at any time.

... half an hour later, Nuo Rui Village

Thick black smoke filled the sky above the entire village, and countless crows who arrived in the village smelling the stench of corpses were constantly squawking, as if they were in a bloody red hell.

Even a thousand-year-old weirwood tree at the entrance of the village has been pierced with a large number of ice thorns exuding cold air, and the red sap oozing from the weirwood tree is as terrifying as the blood flowing out.

The few male survivors are looking desperately at the ruined houses, and the pain in their eyes is self-evident.

Winter is approaching, and this village is their shelter for survival. Once they lose this village, they will have to rely on their bodies to face the terrifying cold and direwolves.

"How can this be... those looters are too cruel!"

Robb stared blankly at the ruined Norrie village. He had never experienced war, and he didn't understand why those looters did this at all.

Obviously, it is enough to take away the money and food of those innocent villagers, so why take people's lives?
Ed was setting his sights on the lifeless weirwood at the entrance of the village, and after hearing Robb's muttering, he said in relief:

"This is the cruel reality. Those bad guys who live by looting will not show mercy to you just because you are unarmed. The only thing we can do now is to avenge the dead!"

After finishing speaking, Ed patted the war horse under his crotch and came to a villager with dull eyes, and asked patiently in a gentle tone:
"I am Duke Eddard Stark of Winterfell, what happened here?"

"Master Ed, you have to be the master for us!"

Hearing Ed's question, the villagers slowly came back to their senses, and their trembling bodies immediately knelt down on the ground, crying and explaining to Ed:

"Just a few hours ago, more than 30 knights in skeleton-like armor entered our village and asked if we had seen any 'old blood'.

We didn't know what the ancient blood in his mouth was, so the knights asked us to gather all the young girls in the village.

At that time, our village head did not agree to the other party's request. As a result, those knights started to arrest our female villagers, and when we resisted, they slaughtered the villagers! "

After hearing what this villager said, even the other villagers around cried out, telling Ed about the tragic experience of their family.

Some of the emotional ones even questioned Ed, angrily accusing them of why they hadn't arrived at the village earlier to stop those terrible intruders.

Ciri looked blankly at the angry villagers around her. Although their fierce words were insulting Duke Ed, they pierced into her heart like sharp knives.

Blood of the Ancients... What a familiar word.

The reason why Ciri was able to travel through different worlds to avoid the pursuit of the Wild Hunt was because of the ancient blood flowing in her body!

The blood of the ancients, in layman's terms, is a kind of ability that can allow the successor to break through the barriers between different worlds and constantly shuttle in various different worlds.

This power first originated from the elves of Ain El, [Elf Sage Avalak] used magic to transform the genes of the elves, and created the "Ancient Blood" that can save the fate of the elves!
It's just that the female elf who inherited the blood of the ancients is a love brain. Compared with saving the fate of her own people, she wants to elope with the male human she likes.

Since then, the blood of the 'Ancient Blood' has been flowing among the mixed-race children, but only female descendants are eligible to inherit the power of this blood.

Ciri, on the other hand, is the descendant of the hybrid who inherited the 'blood of the ancients', and is also the 'perfect individual' closest to Avalakh's expectations:
Compared with her ancestors, the ancient blood in Ciri's body can not only lead her to travel to another world, but can even span time, predicting the known past and unknown future!
(Tzeentch is ecstatic)
Because of this, Wild Hunt is so eager to get her. After all, whether it is using her as a key to open the portal, or staying in the clan as a reproductive machine, it can strengthen the strength of the elves.

And the culprit who caused this horrible catastrophe was undoubtedly herself!

"What's the matter Shirley, your face has been ugly since the beginning, what happened?"

Roderick next to him noticed Ciri's pale face, and thought that he was frightened by the horror of dead bodies everywhere, so he came to comfort him and said:
"Don't worry, Duke Ed will never allow such thugs to act recklessly in his territory. Any evil will be punished by God!"


Ciri, while perfunctory Roderick's confident speech, jumped off the saddle and walked towards the weirwood not far away that was pierced by ice thorns.

For some reason, she always felt that this dead tree carved with a strange face was exuding some kind of strange power, as if it was luring her to move forward.

At this moment, Ciri suddenly felt the "Witcher Badge" of the cat school on his chest start to shake violently, so he hastily pulled out the steel sword at his waist and shouted:
"Everyone be careful!"

The badge of the demon hunter has the function of perceiving the surrounding magical environment, and being able to make the badge react so violently shows that there are only two possibilities:

These ice spikes are made by magic!
And the mage who released the ice thorns is still nearby!

Hearing Ciri's warning, Robb and Jon Snow reacted immediately, quickly drew the weapons at their waists, and chose to trust Ciri unconditionally.

Most of the Stark soldiers who had been in contact with Ciri also looked around vigilantly. After getting along with them during this period of time, they did not believe that Ciri was an aimless person.

Everyone looked around nervously, but apart from an empty dark forest and burning houses, they didn't see anything unusual at all.

Seeing this, Theon couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief, and then taunted Ciri, who was still vigilant in the distance:

"What's going on, Ms. Ciri, did you see any scary bugs, why..."

As soon as the words fell, there were bursts of roaring footsteps in the woods, instantly making Theon shut his mouth like a stinky mouse whose tail was trampled.

And Ciri started to back away slowly, and at the same time shouted to everyone anxiously:

"Be careful, these 'scary bugs' are big guys, I suggest leading them to an open area before fighting!"

"Ms. Shirley, what is that, why is there such a big movement?"

"It's an ice element!"

As soon as the words fell, everyone saw three blue and white giant figures with a height of three meters slowly walking out of the forest and walking towards the direction of Nuo Rui Village.

The body made of ice and mud is covered with sharp ice thorns, and dead branches and rotten leaves are mixed in the elemental body that makes up the body, making these monsters look ferocious and powerful.

Looking at the hundreds of northern soldiers in front of them, the ice elementals showed no fear at all. Instead, they tilted their heads slightly, and then opened their mouths full of ice thorns:


A deep yet loud roar emanated from the body of the magical element, immediately frightening the surrounding Nuori villagers to flee the village.

Facing the sudden appearance of these monsters, both Duke Ed and the northern soldiers showed a hint of panic in their eyes, obviously they did not expect such a situation at all.

Jon En came to Ciri cautiously, looked at the ice element walking towards here not far away, couldn't help asking:

"Shirley, what are these 'ice elemental' monsters, and how should we fight them?"

Looking at the mortal steel sword in his hand, Jiong En would not naively think that he could split the opponent's defense with this kind of thing.

Ciri looked resolutely at the ice element not far away, looked at the surrounding Stark soldiers who were all focused on him, gritted his teeth and shouted:
"It's better to cut their joints with a sword than to stand still and wait for death!"

After finishing speaking, he waved the steel sword in his hand, and rushed towards an ice element trying to get close to him.

As an ancient blood who was often chased by the Wild Hunt, Ciri knew very well that these ice elements were definitely a trap left by the Wild Hunt!
In the past, Ciri would not have paid attention to these ice elements at all, and she could easily defeat the opponent with the power of the ancient blood.

However, once she uses the power of the ancient blood, Wild Hunt will immediately sense her position, and everyone present will die at that time!
"Geralt, if it were you, what would you do..."

(End of this chapter)

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