The Bizarre Adventure of the Warhammer Elves

Chapter 309 The Dragon Arrives at Pike City

Chapter 309 The Dragon Arrives at Pike City

"Robert, how are you feeling, and what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Robert whose wound had completely healed on the hospital bed, Ed hastily brought him a glass of warm water, and then sat in front of the bed with some excitement and asked.

The reason why Ed is so excited is not only because Robert is his good brother, but also because the safety of Robert is related to the stability of the entire Westeros continent.

Now that the Wild Hunting elves are plundering and harming one side of the North, the Drutch elves seem to intend to make the Iron Throne their vassal, and even the White Walkers in the land of eternal winter are missing.

Although these three magical forces have not posed a very serious threat to the entire Westeros for the time being, Ed knew that this was just the calm before the storm.

The only good news may be that those savages voluntarily returned to live in the north of the Great Wall with the permission of Rohan after learning the news that the White Walkers were exterminated by the elves, without causing any confusion.

Under such circumstances, Robert must not make any mistakes, otherwise the chaos in the transfer of power will be enough to destroy the Seven Kingdoms!
Robert struggled to take the water glass offered by Ed, and after taking a sip, he was angrily ready to yell at the short-sighted attendant for bringing him the water, and then he saw Ed's face.

"Damn it, it's wine I want! Go get it to me... it's Ned, I'm sorry you've seen me in such a mess."

"I'm sorry, since you've just woken up now, even if you order it as a king, I can't let you really drink to your heart's content."

Seeing that Robert didn't seem to have any sequelae, Ed smiled and took the flagon and poured some red wine into Robert's water glass, then hurriedly took the flagon away to prevent Robert from snatching it.

Seeing this, Robert could only helplessly drank the complicated fake wine in his hand, then frowned and complained:

"It tastes like bad wine drunk by low-ranking soldiers. Can't you pour me a glass of good wine, even if it's just a sip?"

Facing his friend's inquiry, Ed could only shake his head helplessly, and then looked at Robert whose face gradually returned to rosy and said seriously:
"There is not so much time for you to lie in bed now, Robert. Do you remember what happened before you passed out?"

"Before I passed out? I only remember that I smashed the head of a piece of pointed ears with a war hammer, and then I lost all consciousness with a chest pain...?!"

Robert touched his chest with some distress, and then he noticed that there was only a big mess of chest hair on his chest, which didn't look damaged at all.

Seeing this, Robert couldn't help playing with his chest hair in surprise, and then asked Ed in disbelief:
"Beautiful hand rejuvenation, doctor, which bachelor's masterpiece is this? It doesn't even leave a scar. Could it be that a certain bachelor has mastered some legendary magic?"

Seeing that Robert's body seems to have fully recovered, Ed simply told everything that happened during this period, and prepared to share the distress with his good brother:

"You're only half right. The healing of your wounds is indeed thanks to magic, but it's not from the hands of any grand maester, but the magic of elves..."

——— half an hour later

"...So I hurried back to Winterfell, and used these three magical pills to bring you back from the brink of death."

After telling Robert everything that happened recently, Ed only felt that the boulder in his heart was gradually dissipating, and then he picked up the flagon with a relaxed face and prepared to have a drink.

However, he became relaxed, but the boulder was transferred to Robert's chest next to him!

Seeing that Ed still had the face to drink after making things difficult for him, Robert, who had fully recovered, immediately jumped off the bed like a wild boar, grabbed the jug and shouted:
"Damn Stark, how can there be a duke in this world who only cares about drinking and let the monarch watch him helplessly, if he wants to drink, he can go find another drink!"

After finishing speaking, he raised his head and started to drink without any scruples, regardless of the liquor that kept falling down his chest hair.

Seeing this, Ed had no intention of haggling with Robert, but picked up another full jug from the side and poured himself a glass, and then asked Robert:
"Now that you have woken up, as a king, how are you going to deal with the problems before you?"

"Hi~ Gods of the Seven, thanks to your reminder, how I wish I could sleep like this forever."

Robert shook his head unwilling to accept the reality. He would rather pick up the warhammer and fight those elves again than deal with this troublesome matter.

Since he had only been in contact with the Wild Hunting elves, he couldn't judge the difference between the two elves at all, let alone fully understand their purpose.

After thinking for a moment, Robert finally touched his swollen pig's brain, then rolled his eyes and complained:

"Tell Old Jon about this matter through Raven. This matter is of great importance. We need to sit down and have a good talk with those elves."

"Well, let's do this first."

Ed naturally understood that this matter was related to the future fate of the entire kingdom, so he had no choice but to leave the room and was going to write a letter to inform King's Landing City.

And Robert also stood up from the bed, smelled the unpleasant smell on his body, shook his head in disgust, and then left the room together.

The two who had been busy talking just now didn't seem to notice the glint in the eyes of the attendant who had been pretending to be transparent just by the fire in Robert's room.

———Iron Islands, Pike City
Pike City is composed of several castles built on the cliffs of Pike Island. It is surrounded by steep cliffs and constantly rising waves, and there is no place to land.

Of course, this condition is only for humans.


With a loud noise, the island-like hull of the Black Ark directly leaned against the edge of Pike Island, and immediately docked the towering magic deck with Pike City!

"It's really rude...but I like it!"

Yala looked helplessly at Dario who sent the army directly to her door, but then her eyes burst into a light of excitement.

In her opinion, Dario is indeed a powerful commander, but definitely not an experienced naval commander.

In her opinion, the sea combat methods of the elves are too rough, either jumping gangs or shelling, and there is no aesthetics of traditional pirates at all.

A real pirate, like a pack of wolves, should rely on a huge pack of wolves to weaken the opponent, and then a powerful wolf will launch a fatal blow.

As for the Black Ark equipped with magic turrets and a large number of armed crew, it will undoubtedly be the most powerful wolf on the sea, but where are the wolves?
Is it just relying on those vulnerable landing ships?
Only the Grand Fleet is king!
Just when Yala was constantly dreaming about the dream that the Black Ark would go to glory under her management, Dario suddenly appeared behind her, and finally said in a gloomy voice:
"It seems that your father is not willing to cherish the chance of survival I gave him. Do you want to watch us attack the city, or come with us?"

"Eh... he is my father after all, can you give me one last chance to persuade him to surrender?"

Looking at the Pendor Auxiliary Army not far away who were reorganizing their armaments, Yara looked at the sea monster flag hovering over Pike City with some reluctance, and closed his eyes helplessly.

Although she was dreaming of commanding the Black Ark just now, when she returned to reality, she was just an outsider who surrendered, and she was not qualified to negotiate terms with the elves at all.

The cold-blooded elves will definitely not agree to her time-wasting proposal. For them, massacring the city directly is the fastest option.

Sure enough, Dario didn't even look at Yala, just glanced at Yala's face without resentment and said:

"The attack will start in 10 minutes. You can find a way to notify the innocent people in the city who want to leave. We will massacre the city after the battle is over."

After saying that, he turned around and flew away from the deck, preparing to notify the two hundred ashes dragon riders hiding in the cabin to prepare for battle.

As one of the many trump cards of the Black Ark, although the flying dragon troops will not be considered the main force in the next battle, they can still suppress the Iron Islands.

After all, the Iron Islands have always faced threats from fleets on the sea, and they never thought they would be threatened from the sky.

Moreover, according to the information provided by Yala, the Iron Islands did not have enough anti-aircraft firepower at all, and the only threats they could pose were human-driven javelins and throwing axes.

Oh, Noska~
The short 10 minutes passed quickly, but even though Yala tried hard to persuade all the ironborn on the city wall, she only persuaded some women and children to leave the city for refuge.

Some ironborn were also moved by Yala's words, but in the end they were forced to be forced by King Balon's coercion and did not dare to move.

After all, this is Pike City, and Baron firmly believes that unless the legendary dragon descends on this land, it is impossible for anyone to capture Pike City head-on.

As for the huge army of tens of thousands?
He didn't pay attention at all!
"Even the brats of the Baratheon family are not capable of capturing this castle. A floating island that doesn't know where it came from dares to pretend to be the envoy of the Drowned God. It's just wishful thinking."

Looking at the crowded Pendor Auxiliary Army on the Black Ark, King Balon was standing at the top of Pike City holding a wine glass, his eyes full of ironborn stubbornness and fearlessness.

He didn't believe the elves in Yala's mouth at all, and he didn't want to believe in the magic and demons in his brother's mouth. It must be the despicable intruders on the floating island who used tricks to confuse him!

On the city wall, an iron captain saw that the surrounding atmosphere seemed a bit dignified, so he took the initiative to speak up to boost morale:

"Don't be frightened by the enemy's battles. They are just a group of weak lambs relying on their numbers. Don't forget that we ironmen are..."


"Wrong, we are sea monsters! Only Targaryens are dragons..."

"It's a dragon!!!"

"What a dragon!"

Hearing the constant shouts from around, the iron captain with his back against the city wall immediately had blue veins on his forehead, and then he raised his ax angrily and shouted:

"Which ironborn boy doesn't even recognize the Drowned God's symbol, get out of here!"

hold head high--

However, before he could continue to ask questions, he heard terrifying roars resounding through the sky from behind him, and then saw the surrounding ironmen hiding in the city wall in panic.

not good!

Years of combat at sea had already given the captain a keen insight, so he flew towards the battlement not far away immediately, and then hugged his head and lay down on the ground.

Several orange-red flames instantly covered the entire Pike City, and even those in King's Harbor at the other end of Pike Island could see the strangeness that happened in Pike City.

The crystal wine glass, which is extremely scarce in Pike City, was smashed to the ground, but at this moment, Baron didn't have time to care about his beloved wine glass at all, but stared blankly at the hundreds of giant shadows in the sky.

That is the terrifying figure that once dominated Westeros—the dragon!

"Where did they find so many dragons? Are there still giant dragons in other parts of the world?"

On the Black Ark, Yara also looked at the giant dragon raging over Pike City in disbelief, and couldn't help but look at Dario standing on the top of the Black Tower.

If she had doubts about the Black Ark's sea combat capabilities before, now she has fully understood the elves' combat methods

With such a large number of flying dragons to assist in the battle, what a fucking pack of wolves is needed, just cover it with direct firepower and you're done!

Seeing this woman's eyes widened like a bumpkin, Mekasha, who was preparing to operate the magic fortress, couldn't help but rolled her eyes and mocked:

"Can you stop acting like you are ignorant, you will be regarded as our servant of Drucci in the future, if you keep being so ignorant, I will feel very shameless."

Mekasha, who was taunting her heartily at this time, seemed to completely ignore her shock when she faced the Silver Dragon Knights for the first time, as if all of this was his masterpiece.

But it is true that since she decisively chose to side with Rohan in the defense of Hal Khazra, her treatment and knowledge have been much better than before.

If it wasn't for the fear of Morathi's revenge on her, she would have already chosen to completely surrender to Rohan's Black Dragon Banner!
Yara didn't care about Mekasha's ridicule, but looked at the burning Pike City in a daze, and murmured to the uncle next to him intentionally or unintentionally:
"Tsk tsk tsk, it seems that my father may really be doomed this time, and I don't know who will be the next leader of the Iron Islands?"

Could it be his younger brother Sean who is the proton?

What a joke, an Ironborn who has been abandoned for an unknown number of years, if he has not made contributions, it is impossible for the rebellious Ironborn to submit to him!
Could it be father's brother Aeron?

If a religious lunatic can also be the leader of the Iron Islands, then it is estimated that the Iron Islands are not far from being scattered...

As for the uncle Euron who went to explore the Eastern Continent, Yala would not believe that the elves would choose someone they didn't know to be their leader.

After thinking about it, his only competitor is his uncle, Victarion, who is the commander of the Iron Fleet!

(End of this chapter)

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