Chapter 463 Eru Ilúvatar

"Ha~ A scumbag with only a combat power of five~"

As if realizing that the threat in Rohan's words was so weak, the unfamiliar voice sounded in the system space again, with a tone full of ridicule and friendliness.

However, Luo Han did not slack off because of the kindness revealed in the other party's words. On the contrary, after hearing these words, Luo Han couldn't help but look even more ugly.

[A scumbag with a combat power of only five]

This sentence sounded like it was just a mockery of Rohan's low strength, but in fact the information contained in it was enough to make him feel like a thunderbolt.

Because this sentence comes from an anime he liked very much in his previous life, called "Four Dragon Balls". It tells the story of four masters and apprentices carrying dragon balls to the Eastern Land of the Tang Dynasty to summon the dragon, and finally obtain the true scripture.

The person who said this was a super tooth-squeegee from outer space. He was famous all over the world because he often stuffed his teeth when eating. His leader even owned an instrument that could detect combat effectiveness.

And now this strange voice can actually speak lines that only appear in anime. This undoubtedly brings two possibilities:
First, the identity of the other party is that of a super Seiya, but obviously this is completely impossible. After all, even a Seiya cannot enter his system space without being discovered;

Second, the other party can see through his memory, which is really scary!

More importantly, no matter whether the opponent is a super Seiya or an existence that can sneak into the system space and read minds, this is completely beyond what he can handle with his currently seriously injured body.

Thinking of this, Luo Han's originally ugly face gradually calmed down, and then he lay in mid-air like a salted fish that had lost its fighting spirit and said with blank eyes:
"No matter who you are, since you can sneak in here without being discovered, it means that my situation is like a piece of fish on the chopping board, and you can kill or cut it up as you please.

But I have a condition, that is, if you want to kill me, you must connect with the Eternal Chosen one I brought next to you, otherwise I will definitely break a few of your teeth! "

The voice that sneaked into the system space obviously did not expect that Luo Han had such a lack of fighting spirit, so he deliberately used a terrifying voice to pretend to threaten:
"You don't even have the courage to resist when facing a strange and powerful enemy. Aren't you afraid that I will take away your soul and conduct various horrific experiments, just like what Slaanesh would do to you?"

After all, the originally holy and white system space seemed to be cast in a shadow of terror because of this threatening voice, and Luo Han could even feel a fear coming from his soul.

But even so, Luo Han had no intention of resisting at all, and was not even willing to turn over and open his eyes to look at the surrounding environment.

Are you kidding? If this unknown existence really intends to take away his soul, then he can just snatch it away. Why bother talking nonsense to him here?

What's more, since the other party has the ability to read minds, then what you want to express can be conveyed to the other party just by thinking about it in your heart, so why do you need to open your mouth to speak?
As Rohan expressed all his thoughts in his heart, the mysterious infiltrator was obviously amused by this salty thought, so he smiled and withdrew the pressure that enveloped the system space and said:
"Hahaha, you little guy is quite interesting. It's much more interesting than the chuunibyou patient next to you whose mind is filled with destruction and killing."

"Are you talking about Archaon? He is just a poor child whose father does not love his mother and who has lacked love since childhood. His only dream now is to destroy the world."

"Love... Love is such a wonderful emotion. It can make the weakest humans perform epic heroic deeds, and it can also make the noblest elves degenerate into slaves cursed by their oaths."

The mysterious infiltrator was obviously full of sighs about Archaon's twists and turns of fate, and the regret for the beautiful things in his words made Rohan look at him with suspicion.

Is this enemy or a friend?
He breaks into private space without permission and talks loudly, but he has a view on so-called love that is in line with universal values.
What on earth does this guy want to do?
"Don't worry, little guy. I don't have any ill intentions towards you or this friend bound to you. I just want to see what kind of elves can exist who can break through the dimensional wall and come to another world."

The mysterious infiltrator apparently once again understood the doubts in Luo Han's mind through mind reading. As bursts of dazzling white light flashed by, a white-bearded elder with childish face and crane hair appeared in the system space with a smile on his face.

Without any breath or fluctuation, this white-haired elder seemed to be integrated with the surrounding system space in Rohan's perception.

Rohan tried to use his divine power to spy on the white-bearded elder's body, but what he felt was as unfathomable as an endless abyss, and he could not explore its origin with his divine power!
With such strength...even the Elf Pig God cannot touch its fur!
Before Luo Han could recover from the shock, the white-haired elder came to Luo Han with a gentle face and looked at him carefully, and then said in that strong yet kind voice:

"My creatures have called me various names, but my elven descendants seem to prefer to call me 'Eru'. If you wish, you can also call me 'Ilúvatar' .”

Ilúvatar? !
If Lohan was still worried that he might fall into the hands of the evil god, then when he realized who the other party was, his tense nerves completely relaxed.

If it is really this person, then with his strength, no matter how hard he struggles, it will probably be useless, right?
Ilúvatar is the creator god in the mythological system of Middle-earth. He is the first self-aware god born from the universe, and can also be said to be the existence of the universe itself.

At the same time, this creator god also controls the soul fire that existed in his body when the universe exploded, the secret fire, and can use it to give soul and wisdom to his creations.

In a sense, this Ilúvatar is even more powerful than the four gods of chaos!
You must know that the Four Gods of Chaos are projections in the Chaos Demon Realm or subspace through the desires and thoughts of intelligent creatures, and the meaning of their existence needs to be sustained by the thoughts of intelligent creatures.

And Ilúvatar is the creator who directly created intelligent creatures. As the only intelligent creature born in the universe, its status is far superior to the four gods of chaos who need to rely on spiritual existence. .

Because life was too monotonous, the Creator even created a world similar to the Earth and named it [Arda], and at the same time arranged for his two descendants, 'elves' and 'humans', to enter it.

Everything in [Arda] follows the great movement created by the consciousness body Ainu created by Ilúvatar in the eternal palace.

As Ilúvatar...

[Yi Ru] means loneliness and uniqueness in the Elvish language; and [Ilúvatar] means the creator and the father of all things. Therefore, adding these two titles together is [Unique All Things]. father].Such a terrifying existence actually appears in his own system space. Shouldn't he continue to think about the future of elves and humans with the Alda world he created?

Moreover, he actually traveled to such a different world full of monsters, ghosts and snake gods. What kind of development will it bring to the future plot of the local world?

Thinking of this, Rohan's mind could not help but think of stories about the Silmarillion and the Lord of the Rings, as well as various rare treasures and other treasures in Middle-earth.

However, just when Rohan's brain was subconsciously running fast, he saw Ilúvatar also closing her eyes and seeming to be thinking about something. After a while, she took the initiative to speak to Rohan and teased:
"You seem to know me very well. Perhaps you have forgotten that I can read your mind?"

"Ah? Then...then have you seen everything?"

Hearing this, Rohan suddenly realized that Ilúvatar in front of him had a mind-reading existence, so he was so frightened that his pupils shrank sharply and he stared at the unhappy white-haired old man in front of him.

Damn it, did I just sort out the entire timeline of the entire Middle-earth world in the next tens of thousands of years in my mind? Now, isn't it all seen by the other party?

And the reason why Ilúvatar created the world of Arda, isn't it because he hopes that the great music he created can be realized, and then he can happily sit in the eternal palace and watch movies?

Now that I have gone through all the plots in the plot in my mind, isn't it equivalent to spoiling all the plots of the big movement? !
Thinking of this, Rohan couldn't help but secretly glance at the face of the white-haired elder of Ilúvatar, and then he saw a bit of gloom in it.

Ugh, it’s over~
Sensing the undisguised warmth and gloominess in Ilúvatar's eyes, Rohan felt as if his soul was gradually becoming cold due to this gloom, and various horrific scenes of himself being tortured even appeared in his mind.

"This... you can't blame me entirely. Who knew you would peek into other people's hearts when you have nothing to do? This behavior itself is very rude!"

Rohan was helpless and kept hiding his inner uneasiness. The reason why he didn't care about Ilúvatar's threat before was entirely because there was no conflict between them at all.

But now...can we keep a whole body?
"Of course I can leave the whole corpse for you~"

Just when Rohan began to think about what he should do to make the father of all things forgive him for his mistakes, Ilúvatar's pretending to be gloomy voice suddenly came from behind him, scaring Rohan so much that he couldn't help but He screamed out of control:
"Wow ah ah ah!!!"

"Hahahaha, calm down, little guy, do you think I would feel sad or even angry that I have witnessed a story that will inevitably happen in the future?"

Seeing that Rohan was successfully frightened by his prank, Ilúvatar couldn't help but smile with joy on her old and kind face. Then she took out a pipe, sat down next to Rohan and said:

"It is indeed rude of me to read your mind without authorization. What's more, your so-called spoilers only let me see Arda's future in advance. How can I be angry with you because of what will definitely happen?
In contrast, I would like to thank you for allowing me to see the most glorious moment of the Grand Movement in advance... Do you want to try it? This is the top tobacco in the Shire in the future. I am very curious why hobbits like to smoke it. The soot from burning leaves, hmm~"

After saying that, Ilúvatar lit a secret fire at her fingertips and lit the tobacco in the pipe as if no one else was watching, and then took a deep breath without selflessness.

Rohan looked at the pipe in Ilúvatar's hand with some envy. He was not envious of the Shire tobacco that the other party was using, but simply envied the other party's ability to create things out of thin air.

He was very sure that there was no trace of tobacco on the previous Ilúvatar, so this pipe could only be a pipe created by the other party out of thin air!

And the flame just used to light a cigarette is the legendary secret fire that can create souls. Isn't it too luxurious to light a cigarette?
After an unknown amount of time, Ilúvatar finally finished her tasting of tobacco in a puff of smoke. Then she waved her hand to sweep away the smell of smoke in the air and continued teasing Rohan:

"Although I am very grateful to you for allowing me to see the epic of Arda in the future, but now because of you I have missed the scenery of the future. Don't you think you should compensate me for the loss?"


"Ah, what, if it weren't for your random thoughts, how could I have missed these scenery, so you should compensate me!"

"But it's obviously you who reads my mind. If it weren't for you reading my mind next time, how could I have such random thoughts?"

"I don't care, I am the Creator anyway. I think all this is your fault, then it must be your fault. You must compensate me for epic movies similar to [The Hobbit] and The Lord of the Rings!"

Ilúvatar was like a childish old man who refused to admit that it was his fault, as if he was not the one who peeked into Rohan's heart before.

Rohan simply couldn't understand that the seemingly elderly white-bearded old man in front of him was actually a poor god who had been alone for countless years.

Just like Ilúvatar, he is as unique as his name, but he is also lonely.

As the only intelligent creature in the universe, the love slaves who serve him are all countless individuals split from their own spirits, and in a sense they are also part of him.

As for the descendants he created, the elves and humans, in a sense, they are just figures created by himself, and their essence is just an NPC that he made up at random.

And Rohan and Archaon are, in a sense, the second and third intelligent creatures he came to know in this world!
(End of this chapter)

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