The Bizarre Adventure of the Warhammer Elves

Chapter 492: Elf is too fertile?

Chapter 492: Elf is too fertile?

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, Rohan's forces have been stationed in the Eregian area for several years, and have successfully completed the reconstruction of the ancient Eregian Fortress.

Just as Rohan expected, with the fall of Bree, the range of activities of the Dúnedain was further compressed, and they eventually had to choose to go to the surrounding areas of the Shire in order to survive.

Some wise people of the Dúnedain tried to rebuild Bree and use it to establish a human federation with military strength to prevent such an Orc invasion crisis from happening again in the future.

What's more, the shadow from Mordor has not yet dissipated. Although Sauron has been eliminated in the world's impression, the increasingly serious Orc crisis is obviously no joke.

Only by rebuilding a powerful ranger force can mankind have the power to protect itself in future wars.

But not long after, they were surprised to find that the territory that originally belonged to them was occupied by a group of elves of unknown origin at some point!

Faced with this situation, some people cannot sit still.

——Eregion, Bastion
  As a prismatic fortress built of hard rune marble and rammed earth, the current main city of Eregion does not look like an elf at all, but instead has an air of chilling that cannot be concealed.

The cascading and intersecting city walls cover the rolling hills of the former Eregion region. The intricate artillery positions and the prepared guards are gathering under the banner of the black dragon, declaring the powerful military power of the dark elves.

Instead, in the dark tower in the center of the fortress, a gray-robed elder stood in front of the gorgeous red wood throne with his staff, and earnestly persuaded the handsome elf on the throne:
  "I implore you to return the territory that originally belonged to Bree to humans. Dear Comet Twins, they need land to survive and cultivate."

"Gandalf, unless the food is due to nausea or sudden illness, have you ever seen someone vomit out the meat in their mouth?"

Rohan stroked the handle next to the redwood throne without any worries. The faint golden light emitting from it was enough to prove that this throne made by the elves of Ain El was a powerful magic item.

The throne is made of alder wood that is a specialty of Tirnaria, the hometown of the Wild Hunt elves. The entire body is simply decorated with tan wood.

As a specialty of the magical world, alder can absorb and convert the energy contained in the sun and air into vitality, which can be understood as an enhanced version of photosynthesis.

After decades of continuous research by all the elven sages of the Ain El clan, they were finally able to create runes that could transmit this vitality into the elves, and created this redwood throne!

Although Rohan was not interested in squatting on the toilet, he finally chose to sit on the throne willingly after feeling that the throne could continuously transmit vitality to him.

At this moment, Gandalf didn't care about the function of Rohan's throne. He just anxiously came to Rohan with his staff, and then tried his best to change the other person's mind:
  "But these lands belong to those poor refugees. Now that you have obtained Eregion and Gundabad, the size of your territory has reached the level of any elf lord. Aren't you satisfied with this?"

Having said this, Gandalf couldn't help but look at the well-trained Silver Mist Legion outside the tower, his tightened brows revealing his uneasiness.

The third era is the era of mankind. This is a reality that has been recognized by all the gods and elves of Valar. It is also his understanding of the great movement.

But now, the strength of Rohan and his powerful coalition of elves and humans has far exceeded his expectations, and it seems that they obviously do not intend to live in harmony with the surrounding humans.

If this continues, by the end of the Third Era, how can these dark elves who call themselves "Druch" give up their territory to humans?
  He has even predicted that an unprecedented horrific war between humans and elves is likely to break out in the future, and the intensity will obviously far exceed the endurance of Middle-earth!
  For the sake of world peace, he must find a way to persuade Rohan to stop this uncontrolled expansion!

But it is obvious that Rohan does not agree with Gandalf's logic:

"Satisfied? Gandalf, I am different from several other elven lords you know. They claim that the age of elves is over, so they are ready to escape to Valinor, but I am different.

Your mission is to eliminate Sauron, and my mission is to eliminate the other guy who came to Arda with me. What's more, after you eliminate the threat of Sauron, you need to return to Valinor.

And now, my opponent is constantly developing and strengthening his power in Mordor. Your opponent has turned into a shadow in the darkness and breeds evil in a place where the sun cannot shine. But are you going to stop me? "

Facing Gandalf's persuasion, Rohan obviously did not agree with the other party's theory of family and everything being prosperous. After all, he was essentially on a different path from the other party.

In the future, Gandalf will return to Valinor, but he will always stay in Middle-earth!

What's more, when Gandalf came last time, he had told him that Archaon was gathering the Dongyi people to fight for him. Now that so many years have passed, who knows how powerful Archaon is now?

Regardless of whether it was Sauron or Archaon, before they were eliminated, Gandalf was already eager to 'cut his enemies', hoping to make him open his belly to meet the enemy. Such a wishful thinking!
  Of course, there are also some selfish motives that cannot be mentioned by Rohan, that is, he really needs to expand his territory now.

As for why...

That’s because our dark elves are so damn good at giving birth!
  As early as when Grand Town was just taken over by Rohan, Rohan had chosen to accept tens of thousands of war refugees because of the scarcity of the territory, so that he could have enough soldiers when he conquered other worlds.

But as Gran Town expanded into Gran City, and the track railway to Anaheim was officially built, more and more dark elves began to come to Rohan's territory to seek opportunities to make a fortune.

This has led to the fact that in the seaport city of Anaheim alone, nearly hundreds of thousands of dark elves have settled in and around the city, not to mention those new-born babies!

It is now almost fifty years since Rohan became the Lord of Fear. Even among the dark elf baby girls born when he first took office, many of them are now grandmothers!
  What's more, Rohan has always attached great importance to the protection of the territory, so both the large-scale Kane sacrifice and the Joy Cult are explicitly prohibited, and the Inquisition is also secretly investigating Sese and Chaos Corruption.

As the saying goes, food and clothing are nothing to worry about. Therefore, the number of residents in the completely liberalized Rohan territory has increased exponentially in recent years. Even the goat milk for feeding needs to be imported from Kislev using space magic.

Moreover, although His Majesty the Witch King said a few years ago that he would enfeoff meritorious ministers, his Phoenix Throne was not very secure due to the high elves' desperate resistance, so how could he care about Rohan?

Instead of forcibly recruiting the fear lords to launch the second unification war, His Majesty the Witch King was worried that some fear lords might rebel because of this. Coupled with the killing skills and martial spirit in the blood of the dark elves, if this continues to develop, sooner or later it will turn into a social problem!

In desperation, Rohan could only choose to lead a large number of dark elves to settle in Middle-earth, and at the same time, he placed those trustworthy and loyal elves in Tirnariya and Pendor.

And now, Gandalf's behavior of persuading him to give up his territory is not only cutting off his wealth, it is directly increasing his lifeblood!

Seeing that Gandalf wanted to say something more, Rohan waved impatiently to the maids next to him, and then said with a gentlemanly smile:
  "Needless to say, gray robe wizard, why do you bring me bad news every time you come? Maybe now is the time to set up a dinner party for you to enjoy delicious food."

The implication was that he obviously disliked Gandalf for being too noisy, and was going to start driving away the guests under the pretext of eating.

Gandalf obviously understood what the other party meant, so he just looked meaningfully at Rohan, who was still sitting on the throne, and then turned around and left angrily, while reprimanding:

"Huh~ Rohan, you will regret it!"

"Gandalf, I am the Elf Lord!"

Rohan looked at Gandalf's retreating back with disdain, then continued to close his eyes and start today's practice.

He now understood why most dwarves and humans were not interested in the so-called wizards and sorcerers, because their appearance always disrupted the plans that had been deployed.

The days are long, Gandalf, let's see who is right and who is wrong!
  ————Reconstructed Bree, Prancing Horse Inn

"The spirit is stubborn! Are today's young people unwilling to even listen to the advice of their elders, or do they have to wait until war comes before they are willing to accept the cruel reality?"

Gandalf, who left Eregion, did not choose to go to Rivendell as usual, but began to travel and explore continuously in the area now ruled by Rohan.

However, as the anger along the way gradually subsided, he who was still opposed to Rohan's rule in the Bree region gradually discovered a fact:
  It seems that... the humans who lived in Bree in previous generations did not seem to have become refugees and wander around because of the war. Instead, they were arranged to return to their hometown to continue farming and working!
  "One two one, one two one!"

Patrol troops wearing heavy armor can be seen everywhere on the East-West Avenue. Under the iron-fisted approach of the new Elf Sheriff, the originally expected chaos not only did not happen, but even the security was improved a lot.

After all, no outlaw would dare to make an enemy of the heavily armed vigilantes whose weapons and equipment are comparable to those of Gondor's regular army.

And with the reconstruction of the Bree area, the local hobbits and humans have also been redistributed land and residences, and even some patients who were disabled due to the war have received subsidies!

Of course, it is impossible for Rohan to help these refugees return to their previous lives for free:
  "Praise the sun! Dear fellow villagers, a new batch of aid supplies has now been sent to Bree. As long as you have relatives at home who were harmed by Oaks during the war, you can receive the supplies for free!
  Of course, please remember that all of this is provided to you by our current elf lord, His Highness Saint Rohan, so please remember His Highness Rohan's great kindness! "

On the streets, carriages with black dragon flags can be seen everywhere, fully loaded with supplies and distributing supplies to the citizens, and the coachmen responsible for distributing supplies are all well-known locals in the Bree area.

There is no doubt that these people were hired by the elves to carry out propaganda, in order to make the Bree people willingly accept the elven rulers!
  Each sack of grain was embroidered with a small black dragon symbol, which made Gandalf feel a little uneasy because he thought of Sauron's eyelidless eye.

Of course, what makes him even more uneasy is that such free assistance has been going on for several years:

"Praise the sun, thank the great Lord Rohan for leading us out of this difficult situation!"

"Can I get an extra bag of seeds, please? My house is currently being cleared...This, this is too much, thank you so much!"

"You're welcome, as long as these seeds can help you pay taxes normally in the next few years."

"Praise the sun, thanks to the protection of the lord, most of my family members were tortured and disabled by the Oaks. Thanks to the assistance of the lord, we can get through the difficulties!"

"Hello everyone, I am Mary, the lord's maid. The lord is recruiting new maids recently. If you are interested, you can come to me to sign up~"

"Well, we are looking for a job recently. I don't know if we can go..."

"Oh? Are you a mother and daughter? Hey hey hey, welcome, the lord will definitely take good care of you~"


All kinds of words of praise filled the streets of Bree, and every resident had a bright smile on his face. Such praises had never been heard even from the residents of the interior of Gondor.

Even Bree in the past has never been as lively as it is now. I am afraid that even if you look at the entire Middle-earth world, you will not find such a prosperous scene, right?

Faced with this situation, even Gandalf couldn't say much, so he could only sigh and pull down the brim of his hat slightly, and then walked towards the Prancing Pony Inn.

Regarding the fall of Bree, Gandalf was actually also full of doubts in his heart. He once suspected that all this was actually Rohan's conspiracy.

But now it seems that if he dares to say these words in front of the people of Bree, he will be overwhelmed by the angry crowd in the next second, right?
  Thinking of this, Gandalf couldn't help but sigh again, then looked at a war horse with a dwarf saddle in the inn's stable and murmured:
  "Eh... forget it, maybe Luo Han is right, I should seize the time to meet my new guest now."

(End of this chapter)

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