Chapter 504 Shadow of War


After noticing the quarrel between Rohan and Elrond, dozens of Cold Lizard Dread Knights immediately rushed to surround Rivendell's team. Their eyes full of murderous desires gradually made the atmosphere tense.

Even the words between Rohan and Elrond are becoming more and more fierce. Although both parties still maintain their rationality, this situation obviously cannot last long.

Fortunately, at this moment, the only female elf present finally stood up and interrupted the dispute that was about to break out between the two parties:

"Why are you two so hostile to each other? You and I are both members of Arda. We should put aside our prejudices against each other."

Hearing the elegant and quiet female voice in his ears, Luo Han turned his attention to the tall and elegant female elf, then bowed down and saluted like a gentleman:

"You must be Lady Galadriel. Please forgive me for always leaving such a beautiful lady aside. I originally wanted Elrond to introduce me to you, but I didn't know that this reckless and greedy lady would introduce me to you." My husband seems to be unable to appreciate your appearance, which is comparable to the sun, moon and stars."

A rainbow fart that was enough to make Elrond feel ashamed, but a faint smile appeared on Galadriel's peerless face.

No woman can refuse to be praised by others for her appearance, not to mention that she can feel that what Lohan said is completely sincere.

This is indeed the case. Even from the perspective of Rohan, who has had countless women and pursues a high-quality life, Galadriel can be called the holiest female elf he has ever seen.

Of course, such sincerity is not only because of Galadriel's beautiful appearance, but also partly due to Rohan himself.

Since Lohan was a single human being in his previous life, any humanoid female creature with a well-proportioned figure and regular facial features would be considered a real beauty worthy of praise for him who is used to seeing Internet celebrities.

This also leads to Rohan, who looks at elf society from human eyes, and almost everyone looks like a beauty:

For example, although the appearance and figure of Isabel, his wife, may not be considered peerless for an elf, Rohan is willing to devote his true love to her because of her innocent and lovely character.

If Rohan really succumbs to the generally depraved desires of dark elf society, it is no exaggeration to say that with his handsome appearance and extraordinary talent, he can even replace Morathi and become the holy son of the goddess of desire!

Even today's Rohan can still be called a bulldozer, not to mention that he still has the characteristics of the former "Queen's Conqueror".

But Galadriel is different!

Look at the soft hair that exudes holy light like the sun, the holy light that seems to be incompatible with the surrounding environment as if the contrast is full, and the tall figure that is only slightly shorter than myself...

Even Rohan had to admit that such a sacred feeling would hardly make him have any blasphemous and depraved desires. Even just thinking about it would make him feel ashamed of being exposed to the sun.

This feeling... is quite exciting if you think about it more?

Rohan couldn't help but reveal a slightly embarrassed smile. After all, his strength was not bad, so he naturally wouldn't feel too much shame just because of his thoughts.

Think about it, is it still illegal?

However, Rohan seems to have forgotten that the Galadriel in front of him is famous for his understanding of others. Therefore, although he cannot read minds as terrifyingly as Ilúvatar, he can still be called a master of psychology.

None of Rohan's micro-expressions could escape Galadriel's keen eyes:

"You, the comet twin, are quite interesting. I have been able to understand the hearts of countless elves, but only in you I seem to see the combination of humans and elves, which is rare."

Galadriel was obviously not angry because of Rohan's fleeting thoughts. Instead, she looked at the shyness that flashed across Rohan's face playfully, and the smile on her face became brighter. .

Hearing Galadriel's teasing, Rohan still didn't understand that he had been seen through, so he could only raise his butt slightly and start to pretend to be dumb.

It's such a strange feeling. How can I feel shy about being seen through when facing elders?

Elrond on the side obviously didn't understand what the two were talking about. After combining Rohan's movements, he gradually guessed some of the truth. Then he held the knife with an angry look and reprimanded:

"You bastard, do you have any disrespectful thoughts towards Lady Galadriel?!"

According to the kinship sequence list, Elrond can also be regarded as Galadriel's son-in-law, and Galadriel is her mother-in-law.

Rohan dared to be disrespectful to his elders, how could Elrond look good on Rohan?

However, he seemed to have forgotten that he was currently surrounded:

"Hoho? Are you sure you want to do this? I don't think your behavior is rational enough. Do you have to do it to this point?"

"Drop your weapons or my cold lizards will tear you all to pieces!"

"Ready to fight!"


Seeing that Elrond dared to draw his sword and point it at his lord, the Dread Knights immediately grinned and drove the cold lizards to prepare for battle. The situation that had been eased by Galadriel once again became explosive.

However, this time, even Galadriel could not allow the two sides to continue to face off like this:

"That's enough, let your soldiers disperse immediately!"


A blazing white light instantly lit up from Galadriel's fingertips. In an instant, a circle of white waves visible to the naked eye spread out in the sky, followed by a terrifying impact!

Even the dark elves who were marching towards Gundabad in the distance were affected by this violent shock wave. Several strong giants were knocked to the ground, not to mention those unlucky elves.

Although Galadriel's move was just an empty move, Rohan and Elrond were also staggered by the terrifying aftermath. They were so frightened that they obediently waved to the surrounding subordinates.

What, are you asking me if I am embarrassed?

Darling, Rohan can even feel the breath of death from Galadriel's move. This feeling is like being helpless when facing Slaanesh for the first time. How can he dare to talk back?

Galadriel's graceful body is emitting a strong light at this moment. She is so beautiful, just like the sun and the moon in the sky, but she is so beautiful that it makes people suffocate:

"Now, let's return to the original question, Lord Rohan, can you ensure that your desire for territory can be effectively curbed?"

Galadriel's loud voice kept hitting Rohan's eardrums and heart. For the first time in his history, he felt the power of the light elf and he couldn't help but say in his most sincere voice:

"Dear Madam, I am willing to promise you with my soul that as long as Archaon can perish, then I will immediately stop all demands for expansion and actively give up the territory on the east side of the Misty Mountains!"

He himself crossed the Misty Mountains to fight against the alliance of Sauron and Archaon, so naturally he would not open up new territory on the east side of the Misty Mountains. As for the Buri area and Gundabad...

He has been in business for so many years, so he can't be allowed to vomit out what he has eaten, right?

Facing Rohan's promise, Galadriel, who originally exuded a terrifying aura, gradually took back her power, and finally said in a rather guilty tone:

"I'm sorry to use this method to stop you, Lord Rohan, but after all, you seemed to have lost your mind just now. I hope you won't hold a grudge because of this unpleasant encounter."

"How could it be so? My dear madam, I also need to thank you for waking me up from the almost out-of-control state just now, thus preventing a terrible tragedy from happening."

Rohan came to Galadriel like a child who had done something wrong, then gracefully took the right hand from Galadriel and praised:

"You just acted like a dignified queen. Your graceful behavior and elegant and noble expression made me feel awe-inspiring, and I had to follow your charm!"

After saying that, he lowered his head and kissed the water ring worn on Galadriel's right finger. With such elegant etiquette and manners, even Elrond next to him could only curl his lips angrily to show his dissatisfaction.

Of course, in the corner where Elrond didn't notice due to his limited viewing angle, Rohan's lips were quietly wrapping his fingertips as warm as mutton-fat jade, and then moved as quickly as a cat that steals fish. He returned to his original position and pretended to be innocent.

Rohan is betting that Galadriel will not be angry because of his offensive behavior, so as to judge his status in the other party's heart.

After all, he himself planned to go to the Golden Forest to find Galadriel to learn the forging skills, so he naturally hoped that his future teacher would donate his money to teach him.

And to do this, maintaining a good relationship with Galadriel is naturally one of the essential conditions!

"You are very naughty, but this actually reminds me of my youthful and energetic mischief like you. Maybe getting along with the young elf has brought back some of my old feelings, right?"

Fortunately, Galadriel was not angry because of his offensive behavior. She just took out her handkerchief and wiped her fingers with a faint smile on her face as always. least I'm alive~

Seeing this, Rohan, whose heart jumped into his throat, secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but then he heard Galadriel's voice coming again:

"Lohan Lord, I am going to invite you to join and become a member of the White Council, and jointly contribute to maintaining the peace and stability of Middle-earth. I wonder if you are willing?"

"Ma'am, do you think this is a wise move?!"

"Lord Elrond, maybe you should put aside your prejudice against each other. Although Lord Rohan is young and energetic and a little impulsive in his actions, I want to believe that he is still a good person in his heart."

Good... person?

Rohan, who was issued a 'good guy card', scratched his head in embarrassment. Maybe it was the effect of [Queen Conqueror]. After all, the 50% favorability bonus was no joke.

After all, even Morathi, who pretended to be Queen Tyranloc in order to hide her identity, would be affected by this mysterious power, not to mention Galadriel, who was made queen by Rohan.

However, the last person to call Rohan a good person was a certain Queen Cersei who thought she controlled the world and lived in seclusion after being appointed by Rohan as his deputy!

Since her daily schedule is limited to the Red Keep, Cersei often announces some policies that she thinks are smart through Rohan, and learns about the people's praise of her through the mouths of her maids and Rohan.

Sometimes, people would even gather outside the Red Keep to praise the queen's kindness, which greatly satisfied the vanity of the Lannister lioness.

As for the male lion who helps her manage the kingdom, Cersei naturally spares no effort to please, using various means to please and satisfy the demands of the Redwood King.

However, the poor lioness didn't know that both the maids and the common people were actually just members of the Inquisition and temporary hired actors, and she was just intoxicated with herself.

"A good person...Actually, I'm not a good person. After all, there are quite a few people framed by me."

It is precisely because of Cersei's past that Rohan was so ashamed when he heard Galadriel's praise, so he saluted like a puppet soldier and said seriously:

"Please rest assured, madam. Although I don't know what the White Council will be responsible for recently, I promise that I will resolutely complete the task!"

"Hahaha, you are really interesting. Let's keep in touch later. You can do what you should do now. I wish you a safe journey."

Galadriel was amused by Rohan's antics. After laughing, she returned to the golden vine carriage and left Eregion along the north-south road. Elrond also turned and left with a cold expression.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, you're really indifferent~"

After seeing that both of them had left, Rohan had no intention of staying here any longer, so fortunately he flapped his wings and flew towards Gundabad.

Now his troops are on a forced march, not to mention that Gundabad has built a fleet on the Anduin River in advance. Maybe it can reach the Lonely Mountain faster than the dwarf expedition!

When Thorin Oakenshield and a group of people arrived at the Lonely Mountain after all the hard work, they found that their hometown had been occupied by a group of elves and dwarves. How would you feel?

——Beorn’s home, entrance to the Black Forest

"An alliance has been established between the sorcerers of Dol Guldur and the Orcs of Moria. Even Azog is just a commander under his command, and his number is growing at an alarming rate."

"Can you confirm this?"

After hearing the information Beorn provided to him, Gandalf's expression immediately turned ugly, obviously not expecting that the situation would become so bad.

It shouldn’t be. Even if the White Council’s plan is followed, the darkness of the world cannot corrode so quickly!

Of course, what he didn't expect was what Beorn said next:

“There are rumors that an army of Mordor, led by dark Númenóreans, is marching towards Dol Guldur and will soon enter Mirkwood.

Even the high hills of Rudor in the north were found to be haunted by the dead, and then dozens of ferocious beasts that looked like giant dragons crossed the sky, bringing with them the undead composed of ancient tomb corpse demons. The Legion is crossing the Misty Mountains.

Is it true that Mordor is now led by a dark Númenórean with the power to raise the undead? "

(End of this chapter)

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