Chapter 86 Atonement Camp

The roar of the war hydra resounded through the sky, and almost all the human beings in the city noticed the huge monster that suddenly appeared in the city, and ran away in terror!

Luo Han caressed Wangcai's cold scales, and the five big heads moved obediently in front of Luo Han in an instant, licking Luo Han affectionately with his purple tongue.

Mmm, it smells so good~
However, as a war hydra who has been carefully cared for by the excrement officer for more than half a year, Wangcai is now considered a civilized beast, and he should eat less dirty things that have not been bathed in the woods for a few days~
After simply greeting Wangcai, Rohan pointed his finger at the infantry of the Bacchus Legion who were gathering not far away and shouted:
"Wangcai, extra meal today, breathe fire!"

hold head high--

After Luo Han's teaching for half a year, Wangcai has been able to understand most of Luo Han's orders, so the five heads opened their bloody mouths one after another, and orange flames gushed out from the five big mouths!

The ferocious pillar of fire immediately engulfed the helpless crowd. Countless citizens and legionnaires mixed in were instantly engulfed by the flames, and disappeared into the sea of ​​flames before they even had time to resist!
"Run away, go outside the city!"

"There are monsters! Where are the soldiers of the Legion?!"

"Damn it, this monster must have something to do with the Snake Cult!"

The crowd caught in the turmoil ran towards the gate of the city one after another. The turmoil quickly attracted the attention of the officers in the barracks. They quickly put on their armor and prepared to come out with weapons to command the soldiers.

An officer took a broadsword and killed several gangsters who took advantage of the chaos, and then shouted to the soldiers who were gathering:

"Soldiers! Stick to... Ugh!"

However, before the words fell, a sharp arrow fell from the sky, directly piercing the officer's throat!
Looking at the legionnaires who were once again in chaos below, Lisa Dilan on the roof hid silently again, shooting and killing the officers who tried to maintain order with bows and arrows from time to time.

Looking at the war hydra that was wreaking havoc in the city not far away, Lisa Dilan once again blocked the throat of the officer below with an arrow, and then couldn't help but sigh:

"This is really an unforgettable signal. I really don't know what is the purpose of such a crazy move?"

After all, Wangcai looked like a big snake with four limbs and five heads, so Lisa Dilan also regarded Luohan as an evil mage of the Snake Cult.

Although Lisa Dilan didn't know whether Luohan was a member of the Snake Cult, after all, Luohan gave too much. As an assassin with professional ethics, he would still complete the task.

At this time, the city was already in chaos, and the corrosive flames of the war hydra almost chilled the dim sky at dusk. Under the setting sun, Wangcai looked like a monster from the Ultraman Theater next door!
In the chaos, some members of the Red Brotherhood started to take advantage of the fire to loot. They kept smashing and smashing the store, robbing those luxuries that they could not afford, with joy written all over their faces.

However, they soon discovered that something seemed wrong:

How come there are a lot of peers here? !

From the purple portals emerged human warriors in unfamiliar armor, as well as some elf armies they had never seen before!

These guys kill everyone they see, and grab something good when they see it. Their work efficiency is much more vicious than those little thieves who are afraid to do it!

Some imperial officers who hadn't figured out the situation were about to step forward to question the origin of these human troops, but then they turned into corpses lying on the ground, announcing to the surrounding citizens that these guys were enemies and not friends!

Only now did the bewildered citizens realize that this was clearly a premeditated elf invasion!

"Escape! Run away from the city!"

The citizens screamed and tried to escape from the city, but they didn't realize that the situation here was more serious than that in the city until they reached the gate of the city!

On the top of the hill, Dario was constantly observing the collapsed city wall with a telescope, and he suppressed a smile and shouted to the cannonballer next to him:

"Keep firing and blow down their city walls!"


The four cannons procured from the Sigma Empire continuously sprayed fire snakes, and bursts of thunderous cannons reached the defenders' ears, all of which made them extremely panic!
Since most of the officers died tragically in the city under the assassination of Li Sadilan, there were not enough officers on the city wall for unified command.

The brave and fearless legionnaires who fought on the battlefield in the past could only fight on their own, watching in despair as the city wall was blasted open with gaps.

Seeing this, Dario nodded in satisfaction, and then said to a bald officer behind him wearing a simple chain armor and holding a sword in both hands:

"Traitors, now is the time for you to make meritorious deeds, go!"

The officer's dull face finally showed some response. His eyes stayed on Dario's face for a moment, and then he came to a group of soldiers in the same costume as him, holding a big sword without looking back.

The officer was El Monte, and the nearly thousand giant swordsmen who had their hair shaved and wore chain armor behind him were none other than the [Atonement Battalion]!
Since Luohan adhered to the principle of not wasting, these soldiers were promised that as long as they could kill the enemy on the battlefield in another world, their crimes of treason would not affect their families.

This regained the confidence of the soldiers who had lost hope in life. Although they were only wearing the simplest armor and weapons at this time, this did not affect the enthusiasm in their eyes when they looked at the people of the Bacchus Empire!

As long as they can cut off the head of an outsider, they will be able to wash away their sins, and their family members will be able to return to a normal life!
Before El Monte came to the front of the army formation, before he could speak, the soldiers who had heard Dario's order couldn't wait to wave their giant swords and rushed towards the collapsed city wall!
The remaining defenders on the city wall naturally noticed that a group of lunatics who didn't even wear shields were waving giant swords and rushing towards them.

"Quick! Bring up everything you can shoot, and shoot these lunatics without shields first!"

Without obeying the command, the soldiers of the legion subconsciously pulled the trigger and shot a rain of arrows!

Countless crossbow arrows fell into the crowd, instantly shooting nearly a hundred soldiers of the atonement camp to the ground, but the soldiers who were determined to die didn't care, their eyes were fixed on the revelations of these legionnaires, and they gasped heavily.

Due to the exhaustion of physical strength, the Atonement Battalion soon came to the city wall. Just as Elmont was about to swing his sword and slash at the legionnaire with the tortoise formation in front of him, a figure suddenly knocked him away:

"Don't grab me! This head is mine!"

Sharp javelins were thrown from the army formation of the Bacchus Empire, and the broad-headed javelins instantly cut off their arms and flesh, but they didn't care.

At this time, in their eyes, only the blood and heads of people from other worlds!
 PS: Double update resumed on the first day, it is really easy to go from simple to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to simple QAQ
(End of this chapter)

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