Great Nobleman.

Chapter 346 This is not a knight at all!

Chapter 346 This is not a knight at all!
Seeing Yersin's puzzled face, Catherine lifted her visor and revealed her face under Brand's gesture.

After confirming that this knight with amazing fighting power is indeed Brand's maid.

Yersin was speechless for a moment.

He only saw a vague shadow of Catherine's high-speed movement just now.

Although there are also reasons for the suddenness of the incident and lack of concentration, it is also very surprising.

— Anyway, he doesn't have that kind of speed himself.

And the most important thing is:

Catherine should have smashed the orc with a shield just now, right?
"Shua" flew away! ?

That is an elite orc who is taller and heavier than him!
Does this mean that if Catherine hit him with a shield, he would fly away "at a faster speed"?
Isn't Catherine an intermediate knight like him?
Could it be that she is actually a great knight in disguise?

—This is not a knight at all! !

When Yersin has unconsciously begun to doubt whether this world is real?Is he still awake, still dreaming?
Master Holland told Brand the purpose of this communication with some melancholy:
"It's like this. Finn wants to build himself a two-handed shield as a weapon, so he wants to see the style of Catherine's two-handed shield for reference."

Brand suddenly said:

"So I wanted to see the shield, Catherine, show them."

At this time, Andy and Finn also gradually recovered from the shock just now.

Similar to Yersin is:

They didn't see Catherine's movement very clearly, and they were shocked by the rough and domineering attack that directly smashed the big orc into the air.

Then they came to a conclusion: Catherine was strong.

— and there will be no more.

Nor were they middle-level knights like Yersin who had the knightly heritage of the Holland family.

So for Catherine's strength, they only stop at the two words of strength.

If they want to say how powerful it is, they don't quite understand it.

——There are many people who are stronger than them, but now there is just one more.

So while Yersin was still wondering if the world was real.

Andy and Finn are already commenting on the shield in Catherine's hand with great interest.

Looking at the screen of the shield on the empty video screen in front of him, Finn, whose eyes were shining with magical aura, said with admiration:

"This pattern is really exquisite! And it also has a very strong magical atmosphere!
Brand, tell me honestly, how many rune circles have been drawn on this shield? "

Hearing this, Brand said "modestly":

"The shield is so big, how much more can be drawn."

Hearing what Brand said, Andy smiled and joked:
"So you use every corner of the shield, right?"

Brand, who was exposed, nodded "smiling and helpless" and said:
"It can't be wasted!"

At this time, Lord Holland also joined in.

Looking at the shield in the empty video screen in front of him, he asked curiously:
"This shield should have been made recently, right? Catherine didn't use this one before.

In addition, the material of this shield should be the kind of metal material that is immune to weak damage, right?
Such a large shield, you are really extravagant! "

Brand nodded and responded:

"I have only finished drawing the shield rune circle in the past two days, and it is indeed made of that material.

In addition, I still have a lot of materials. If you want to, you can come to me to discuss it at any time. "

Having said that, Brand looked back at the battlefield.

At this time, the knight golems had finished fighting.

Standing by now.

So Brand said: "If you have nothing else to do, why don't you wait until I come back?

Maybe it is because we know that our pioneering army is resting in Snow Cedar Castle today, so there are quite a lot of orcs here.

I'm going to look for them and snatch the gold mine they dug up by the way. "

After hearing Brand's words, several people looked at each other, and finally Master Holland said:

"We have nothing else to do, so be careful."

"Okay, bye."

After the two parties bid farewell, the communication ended.

After putting away the empty video screen, looking at Yersin whose eyes were a little distracted, Master Holland said helplessly:
"Catherine's talent is quite good, coupled with her extraordinary blood, her current physical fitness even faintly surpasses that of ordinary senior knights.

And she seems stronger now than the last time I tested her. "

After hearing Master Holland's words, Yersin gradually returned to his senses.

Then, he was a little puzzled and said:

"Catherine's speed is second to none. After all, her physical fitness is indeed stronger than mine, and it's not outrageous that she's faster than me when using acceleration knight secret skills.

But what about the blow she sent the orc flying? "

Speaking of this, Yersin made a movement of waving his shield with both hands.

After that, he said with a look of incredulity:

"The elite orc who was hit by her just flew out like that! It can't be that big an elite orc is actually hollow!?"

Hearing Yersin talk about this issue, Master Holland couldn't help but frown.

He could clearly see what happened on the empty video screen just now.

When Catherine threw the shield at the elite orc, he saw the golden color of fighting spirit.

Matching the pattern on the shield, it was as if the golden wings swept across and swept away the orc.

Even judging by his critical eyes, this is very elegant and handsome.

Of course, it's one thing to be handsome and elegant, but quite another to actually produce it.

It is not an easy task to smash such a big elite orc into the air!

Lord Holland felt that Catherine's shield sweep definitely reached the level of strength of a grand knight!

What is certain is that Catherine used knight secrets.

And pure knight secret skills definitely can't achieve this effect, even with Catherine's physical fitness slightly surpassing that of senior knights!
After much deliberation, Master Holland finally thought of a possibility!
— There is something wrong with the shield in Catherine's hand!

When Master Holland turned his thinking direction to the shield in Catherine's hand.

Andy also felt that there was something wrong with that shield.

After thinking for a while, he suddenly said with a determined face:

"Yersin, there is definitely something wrong with Catherine's shield!
The magic energy gathered above is too strong, much stronger than the shield in your hand!
Now I am very suspicious that Brand drew a terrifying rune circle on it!

Catherine smashed the elite orc into the air, and that shield definitely did a great job!When Brand comes back, you can borrow it and use it! "

After hearing Andy's words, Master Holland also said to Yersin:
"Under the same conditions, Catherine will not be much stronger than you. The attack that smashed the elite orcs must have used external force. I also think it should be a problem with the shield."

"So it's a problem with the shield?"

Yersin breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the analysis from Andy and Mr. Holland.

——He almost thought that Catherine, who was two years younger than him, had now become a great knight!
At this time, Finn suddenly walked up to Yersin, reached out and knocked on the shield in his hand that had the magical property of "immunity to weak damage".

At the same time, he also said:

"Do you think it is actually the reason for this immunity to weak damage?"

Seeing that everyone looked at him suspiciously, Finn explained:
"Suppose Yersin's shield is immune to attacks of up to 500 Pa."

When he said this, Finn made a shield smashing action.

After this, he further explained:

"Then I swung the shield like this, in addition to my own strength, is it possible for this 500 Pa immunity to be superimposed on my attack this time?"

Hearing Finn's speculation, they couldn't help but feel a little thoughtful.

After a short thought, Master Holland said:

"Direct attacks will not be superimposed. Immunity to weak damage is a defensive feature and will not take effect in normal attacks."

——Ordinary attacks won't work, but what about unusual attacks?
After hearing such an explanation from Master Holland, everyone looked at the shield in Yersin's hand and thought of more things.

In Farnese Continent, the special magical property of being immune to weak damage was almost discovered on metal for the first time, and many special application methods were yet to be studied.

In addition, there are also various secret skills of knights in Farnese Continent.

Maybe there is that kind of knight secret skill that uses one's own defense to cause harm to others.

If there is such a knight's secret skill, the feature of immunity to weak damage may actually take effect during the attack.

——Maybe Catherine’s smash hit used such a knight’s secret skill!

(End of this chapter)

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