Great Nobleman.

Chapter 467 A Specially Designed Souvenir

Chapter 467 A Specially Designed Souvenir

After Mr. Todd answered all kinds of questions, everyone's thoughts began to diverge.

Just looking at the rules of this exchange event, it can be seen that this exchange event will be of great benefit to many of them.

——In the past, there was no such a convenient communication platform, nor did so many mages gather in one place.

Although relatively high-end important mage knowledge, no one will disclose it at will.

But if it is some general, not so important mage knowledge.

Under such rules, masters of various professional disciplines may not be stingy with giving pointers.

——This is an opportunity to make up for shortcomings!

Even, after my own questions were answered.

It also seems to be possible to use mage gold for a fee to ask questions and then seek answers for others not participating in the mage fest.

Then I may be able to earn a certain amount of intermediary fees in the middle.

Of course, everyone also discovered a key that cannot be ignored.

- The number of mage gold coins!

There must be more mage gold coins to be able to ask more questions, so as to get more knowledge and benefits!
And if you want to get more mage gold coins, you have to answer more questions.

Or wait until the free exchange stage in the later period, and use magic gold coins or other resources to purchase.

And when everyone is thinking about how they can get more gains in this mage event.

Brand thought a little more about it.

Judging from the rules, the empire as the host seems to be planning to circulate this mage gold coin as a "special currency" for a period of time.

The value of this currency is somewhat equivalent to knowledge.

Now there is a problem:
Although according to the rules in hand, each participant of the exchange meeting of the older generation has three mage gold coins, and the younger generation has one mage gold coin.

But as the issuer of this thing, will the Kaya Empire secretly make more and let mages from all sides help the empire solve various problems?

——Brand feels that the possibility is very high!
Just be subtle and find ways to "recycle" on a regular basis.

It is not so easy to be noticed by people.

And even if it is noticed, it can be said that it is to allow more mage gold coins to circulate at the exchange meeting.

So that the mages have more opportunities to ask questions.

Although such a method will definitely cause a certain "depreciation" of the mage's gold coin.

But because it can be exchanged for various resources and mage inheritance at the organizer.

This depreciation must also have a limit!
As long as the mage gold coins can always be exchanged for resources in the empire.

Then it will always have a certain degree of "trust" among many mages.

As long as this "trust" exists.

Then everything will go smoothly.

When thinking of these things, Brand couldn't help sighing.

Although Farnese Continent does not have the same currency system as in the previous life.

The currency used for transactions is also entirely mined from the wild.

But obviously, there are still some talents who understand economics here!
Just as Brand sighed, Celine asked aloud:
"What's the matter, Brand?"

"It's nothing."

After saying this, Brand was a little curious:

"By the way, the host of this mage event is the empire and some imperial nobles, right?

So who produced this mage gold coin? "

——Brand now wants to go to that faction to buy some mage gold coins, and then help the members of the library to ask questions at the conference.

Upon hearing this question, Celine responded:

"I'm not sure about this, but some of the special-effect rune circles in this gold coin were specially designed by the head of the school for me to make it more commemorative."

"A rune circle with special effects?"

Hearing Celine's words, Brand couldn't help becoming curious.

Celine explained:
"According to the head of the academy, it is because this is the first mage exchange event in the Kaya Empire, and the scale is huge.

Therefore, these mage gold coins are also of great commemorative value, and a special design is necessary.

According to my design, in addition to having unique anti-counterfeiting marks, these mage gold coins can also record their transaction process.

For example, the mage gold coins in your hand, if you use the way of asking and answering questions at this exchange event, it will finally fall into my hands as a reward.

Then the name that appears after activation with magic power will change from Brand Holland to Celine Knowles.

But in fact, if activated by a special means, it will appear in order of our two names.

As the number of transactions increases, more and more names will be recorded in the mage gold coins.

This is the so-called recording of the transaction process between the two parties.

According to the head of the school, the empire seems to be planning to make this matter public when the mage event is drawing to a close. "

After hearing Celine's words, Brand couldn't help feeling a little dazed.

After a brief moment of stupefaction, he also thought of the significance of the empire's doing so:
Doing so can make the mage gold coin itself have a certain value, allowing fewer people to use it to exchange various resources in the empire.

- This is also a cost savings.

But recording the entire transaction process or something...

——Wouldn't this expose the empire's "little tricks"?

Thinking of this question, Brand couldn't help frowning slightly.

At this moment, the dean stood on the podium in the banquet hall and said to everyone:

"I think everyone now roughly understands the special rules of the exchange event.

So I'm here to give you a reminder. "

While saying this, the dean also took out a mage gold coin that was the same as the one Todd showed just now, and continued with a smile:

"I think the vast majority of people here must be thinking about getting more mage gold coins, and then use them to answer their own questions.

But what I want to say is:
Because this is the first mage event held by the Kaya Empire.

So we also have a unique design for this mage gold coin.

It is not only supervised by me personally.

Strictly follow the three times the number of participants in the exchange activities of the older generation, and double the number of participants in the exchange activities of the younger generation.

Not too much, not too little.

In addition, each mage gold coin has a unique anti-counterfeiting mark.

In the future, its value will increase countless times.

So before the end of the mage event, you'd better save a little bit. "

After hearing the headmaster's words, everyone in the academy couldn't help but start to think.

——From this point of view, the collection value of the mage gold coin itself cannot be ignored.

Looking at the many college tutors and students in front of him who were thinking, the head of the college couldn't help showing a meaningful smile.

At the end of the mage event, the empire announced the "unique design" of mage gold coins to everyone, and the price of mage gold coins began to rise.

I believe everyone present will appreciate his reminder.

Looking around, the dean suddenly found that someone's expression was not right.

——At this moment, Brand was in a daze.

Regarding this, the dean couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

——Why did Brand have such a reaction?
After the explanation of the arrangements for the various matters of the mage event.

Everyone also returned to their residences to rest one after another.

After a short chat with his teacher, Brand also left the banquet hall.

After hearing the words of the dean, Brand also found that there were certain problems in his judgment.

Perhaps because of the currency system, the empire did not seem to have thought of such a method.

Of course, it may have been thought of, but in the end it was rejected for some reason.

This made Brand a little regretful.

However, regardless of the facts, Brand was not prepared to alert the Empire.

Except he's a nice guy who plays by the rules.

The value of mage gold coins is actually relatively limited.

Really more important master knowledge.

Obviously, various forces will not only trade with mage gold coins.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have to prepare some spell inheritance for exchange in advance.

 Thanks to the book friend "People who love to laugh" for their reward
  Thank you for the monthly ticket of the book friend "Sinful Desire"
  Thank you book friend "Fan Fan Fan Fan Fan Fan" for the monthly ticket
  Thanks to the book friend "Lanjue FZH" for the monthly pass
  Thanks to book friends for the monthly ticket of "The cutest cat in my arms"
  Thank you for the monthly ticket of the book friend "White Clothes as Beginning_"
  Thanks to the book friend "Meow Xianyou" for the monthly ticket
  Thank you for the monthly ticket of the book friend "Cow Cattle and Zeoma Trumpet"
  Thank you for the monthly ticket of the book friend "Jiangnan son named Xiaoxiang"
  Thank you for the monthly ticket of the book friend "Zhanxuan"
  Thanks to the book friend "Zhu Jiuyou" for the monthly ticket
(End of this chapter)

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