Great Nobleman.

Chapter 482

Chapter 482

Early this morning, while having breakfast and resting, Catherine spoke to Brand about what happened yesterday:

"Master, yesterday afternoon, the Romien Chamber of Commerce delivered all the materials to the imperial capital.

After the family craftsman has checked and accepted it correctly, I have paid the rest of the payment according to your instructions. "

After hearing Catherine's narration, Brand nodded and said:

"Then I'll go to Mage Town for a while, and notify the library members to cooperate with the start of construction."

Because after the daily training yesterday morning, Brand didn't leave the laboratory where the library was resident until late at night.

So in order not to affect Brand's research and rest, Catherine delayed the report on this matter until now.

Of course, Brand also explained to Catherine in advance how to handle this matter.

Catherine is also following his instructions.

Now, now that the materials are in place, the construction of the individual residences can begin in full swing.

Because the model was created in advance using special earth spells, a mage was required to assist in the actual construction.

Of course, this matter is not too troublesome.

On weekdays, as long as there are one or two official mages in the library watching there.

After finishing the business, Catherine said curiously:
"How is the progress of the young master's research?"

Because the main element that constitutes the ultimate spell of the giant spear of the gods is the element of fire.

At the same time, he doesn't have much talent for the elemental affinity of the flame element.

So Brand is building a shield for Catherine in the simulated world these days.

He also carried out in-depth transformation of the spell of phase god giant spear in the laboratory of the library.

Hearing Catherine's inquiry, Brand shook his head and said:
"Now the complete spell structure has been designed, but there are still many problems to be optimized.

There is still a long time before the transformation of the spell is completed. "

After breakfast, and the daily training with Catherine and Hisalley.

Brand got into the carriage and headed towards the mage town outside the imperial capital.

Although Brand had left the mage town before, many mages who arrived in the mage town did not leave.

Even, with the spread of all kinds of magic in the mage town.

There are more and more mages, businessmen, and all kinds of curious people going to the mage town.

Although because they are not mages, many people who come here admiringly cannot enter the town of mages.

But it's also good to observe and record some magical images outside.

After leaving the Kaya Empire and returning to his hometown, this is also a kind of bragging capital.

At this point in time, many merchants, adventurers, and some dignitaries of the empire are exerting their respective strengths.

Various building facilities including shops and hotels have been established around the mage town.

These buildings and facilities are used in addition to entertaining tourists who cannot enter the mage town.

Because the hotels inside the mage town are full.

Many mages will also stay in hotels outside the mage town.

Of course, because the area outside the mage town belongs to the wilderness without jurisdiction, the order here is relatively chaotic.

Two days ago, Brand also heard that on a certain night, a "large-scale fighting" seemed to have erupted around the mage town.

In short, it was very lively.

When approaching the mage town, Brand also briefly observed it.

Although the town is surrounded by a bustling city scene, no one in armor or uniform is seen patrolling and guarding.

——The empire does not seem to be planning to expend energy to bring the surrounding area of ​​the mage town into its jurisdiction.

I don't know if it's for "fishing", or if I really don't plan to waste my energy?
Brand thinks the former is more likely!

After entering the mage town, Brand went all the way to where the members of the library were.

——At this time in the morning, the library members should ask various questions from the mages of the Weapons Department in the academic hall he rented.

After walking to the door of the academic hall and gently pushing the door to enter, Brand glanced at the interior of the academic hall.

Except for some library members who are carrying various materials and manuscript papers and are researching on their own.

There are also many library members who are asking various questions to the old mages wearing weapons and judicial robes.

Brand also saw the figure of Mr. Sanders, the director of the Weapons Department.

Although most of the people were focused on the affairs in front of them, many people noticed his arrival.

Brand also didn't intend to disturb everyone's study and research.

After waving to the library members who spotted him with a smile, Brand went to the side compartment and waited.

Soon, several library seniors who spotted him walked in.

After a while of greetings, Brand first mentioned that his personal residence was about to start full-scale construction and needed their help.

They actually know about this.

Before the Romien Chamber of Commerce delivered the materials, the craftsmen of the Holland family had already carried out some preliminary infrastructure construction there.

At that time, Brand brought the members of the library to assist.

——At that time, he described in detail the arrangements for the full-scale construction.

So for now, Brand is simply explaining the situation.

Several library members in front of me said: I will explain the matter to other people in a while, and send people to help every day.

After explaining this matter, Brand asked the library members about their recent studies.

Upon hearing this question, a library member quickly responded with a smile:
"The mages of the Weapons Department are indeed the top professional mages in the empire, and they can answer most of our questions.

It won't be long before the technical difficulties in making the Great Knight Golem will be completely resolved.

In addition, the sisters are also accelerating the learning of the pre-requisite knowledge of the mage group during this time.

On the contrary, junior, you may be left behind by us! "

Brand smiled and said:

"It seems that I will ask you for advice at that time."

After that, Brand asked about the design progress of the magic crossbow.

A library member responded:

"Except for the core rune circle, we have already had a preliminary plan for the design of each part of the magic crossbow.

As for the part about the rune circle, I'm afraid you still need to do it, my junior.

For a long time, we should not be able to draw such a high-end rune circle. "

Brand nodded and said:
"Leave the part of the rune circle to me.

In addition, whether it is the production of the magic crossbow or the big knight golem, it must be put on the agenda as soon as possible.

The purchase and exchange of various materials and medicines, and the purchase and exchange of mage inheritance will also continue.

If you encounter any problems, please contact me anytime. "

After Brand's words fell, the library members in front of him glanced at each other.

In Brand's somewhat surprised look, they talked about something that made them a little uncertain:
"The mages gathered this time, in addition to conducting an aboveboard knowledge exchange in the mage town.

It seems that some people are also conducting some underground transactions outside the town to pass on knowledge from improper sources. "

"Improper inheritance of knowledge?"

Hearing the stories of the library members, Brand was quickly aroused.

(End of this chapter)

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