Great Nobleman.

Chapter 484 Sublime Elements!

Chapter 484 Sublime Elements!
Seeing that Brand still had doubts, Celine smiled and said:

"If it's just a gap in 'quantity', your talent can make up for it, right?"

While saying this, she also stretched out her index finger, pointing to the bright wind bomb in Brand's hand.

Looking at the bright wind bullet in his hand that was transformed by his teacher, Brand suddenly understood something.

——He can continue to increase the effect of the extra variable of imaginary realization, so that the "total amount" of this spell can be further increased!

Without hesitation, Brand quickly began to realize his fantasy!
At the same time that the mental power began to decline rapidly.

The wind bomb in his hand also seemed to have added fuel, and it began to become more and more dazzling!
As time passed, it seemed that he found that his current mental power was not enough to fill the missing "quantity".

Brand immediately activated the spiritual seal on the back of his right hand.

When the dragon scale-like purple mark shone, Brand also felt his spiritual power begin to recover continuously.

He also immediately sank down, and began to manifest his fantasy at a constant speed!

Simulated world, Aquamarine.

In the center of the city surrounded by high walls, at the top of a high tower, Brand suddenly appeared.

And from the moment he appeared, the surrounding air began to gather towards him at a continuous speed!

As time slowly passed, a whirlpool-like storm gradually blew over the city.

—Brand is in the center of the storm!
As the air inside the city gradually thins.

Breezes are also starting to blow around the city and beyond.

It was very slight at first.

And soon, this breeze turned into a storm!
The lake is rippling, the leaves are flying, and the flowers and plants are boiling!
The once invincible black armored rhinos are also trembling in every corner outside the city!
When the black-armored rhinoceros let go of their arrogance and were about to start running away.

All this came to an abrupt standstill.

Feel the soothing breeze blowing around you.

Many black-armored rhinoceros couldn't help feeling a kind of rejoicing in their lives after the catastrophe.

And this joy quickly turned into anger.

--sooner or later!The city surrounded and protected by high walls will also be trampled under their iron hooves!
At the moment when Brand stopped imagining the ability to manifest.

The underground training ground in the mage town.

I don't know exactly when it started before, but Brand suddenly felt the "feedback" of the wind element.

After following this feedback, he tried to adjust the structure of the spell step by step, and injected a lot of magic power into it.

The bright light of the wind bomb in his hand suddenly began to extend up, down, left, and right.

After the extension was completed, its light began to shrink again, and finally became a warm golden cross that continuously distorted the surrounding light.

On this golden cross, Brand felt a "sublime" aura of wind element.

It is different from the "legionary soldier" of the magic field.

They are more like "a group of dignitaries"!
——An existence with higher status and authority!
Just when Brand perceived this special element, Celine said:

"You should now be able to sense the different gestures of the elements.

This is something that can be felt by those who cast great magic with their own hands, and the rune circle cannot do this. "

After hearing what my teacher said.

Brand was a little dazed and said:

"Is this the Twilight Cross?"

——The Twilight Cross is advanced from the wind bomb technique, and with the addition of this cross shape, its true body is obvious!

Celine smiled and said:
"You'll know if you try it!"

After saying this, the great magic power on Celine flashed.

Immediately afterwards, two transparent glass shields protected the two of them.

After the safety measures were in place, Brand also set his sights on the force measuring target in the distance.

As if aware of his will.

The noble wind elements seemed to wake up.

The golden cross began to distort more areas around it!

Immediately, Brand also felt a kind of controlling power originating from the wind element.

When he held such power in his hand and issued an "order".

The golden cross in his hand flashed away.

In the next moment, center on that force measuring target.

The noble wind elements set off a black storm visible to the naked eye!
Everything began to twist and deform, and was pulled and buried into the tombstone!

After the perception exclusive to the spell caster ends.

An extremely dazzling cross tombstone replaced everything around it.

——In the huge circular pit with a diameter of nearly a kilometer, there was only one stone pillar and Brand and Celine protected by the glazed shield on the top of the stone pillar.

At this moment, Brand suddenly realized:

Those special wind elements accurately carried out his order, precisely bypassing the two of them and the ground under their feet!

When this thought just flashed in my heart.

Two elemental fields descended.

He looked at the head of the academy who appeared not far away in the air, and Mr. Edmund, the uncle of His Majesty the Emperor.

Only then did Brand realize that he seemed to have made a big move.

Although the site under the mage town is huge, his twilight cross with a diameter of nearly a thousand meters cannot be said to be small at all.

——People who want to come to this underground area have noticed the situation here.

"Twilight Cross? Is it called this name? It appeared in the battle of Furnace Volcano not long ago."

Looking at the golden cross that is erupting with a red fire ring not far away.

Old Mr. Edmund couldn't help being amazed.

——This is already a level of power with them!

The top mage families of the empire, and even the royal family of the empire, have recorded more than one great magic.

But among these forces, there are magisters who can release great magic entirely on their own.

There are only one or two, two or three of each.

——Now it seems that there is another one hidden in the Imperial Academy of Masters?
After glancing at Brand and Celine next to Brand.

Edmund turned his gaze to the head of the school, then smiled and said:

"Andrew, I still have something to do over there, so I'll go back first, and you should give me a good introduction when you get back!"

The situation at the scene is clear at a glance: the movement of people experimenting with spells is just a little louder!

This is not a big deal, just pay the magic gold coins later!
Regarding Edmond's words, the dean waved his hands and responded perfunctorily:
"Let's talk about it later, you can go about your business now."

Hearing the headmaster's response, Edmond couldn't help but feel a little helpless.

After nodding towards Brand and Celine, Edmund disappeared in a flash.

After the outsiders left, the dean also smiled and asked Brand and Celine:

"It seems that this great magic has finally been successfully extracted from the rune circle by you?"

Hearing this, Brand couldn't help feeling dazed for a moment.

At this time, Celine responded aloud:
"Barely, there are quite a lot of areas for improvement."

Hearing this, the dean smiled and nodded.

Immediately afterwards, he spoke again:

"The academy team will hold a team battle later, if you have free time, you can also go to the scene to watch the battle."

After saying this, the dean also disappeared from the sight of the two of them.

There was no one around, and Celine smiled and explained to Brand who was thinking about it:
"It is not an easy task to extract spells from the rune circle, and it is also a top spell such as great magic.

It takes a lot of energy and a long time of effort. "

Hearing this, Brand nodded in agreement and said:
"And you will encounter various difficulties in the middle, and you may not be able to succeed in the end!"

Having said that, Brand clearly remembers:

Since the last semester, I handed over the rune circle of the evening cross to my teacher for guidance.

It didn't take long for Celine to return him a detailed spell information about the great magic of the Twilight Cross.

Although Brand has not systematically learned the means of extracting spells from the rune circle from Celine.

But after hearing what his teacher said just now, Brand also quickly realized that this might indeed be quite difficult!
— for others!
(End of this chapter)

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