Great Nobleman.

Chapter 612 Overall, “Harvest” is okay!

Chapter 612 Overall, “Harvest” is okay!
Ever since the Kaya Empire "rescued" many missing members of the Bruns Empire's noble families.

Perhaps it was because of the "goodwill" unleashed by the Kaya Empire.

Negotiations between the two parties are on the fast track.

They did not continue to engage in sterile discussions at the negotiating table that could not bring any real results.

Instead, they directly laid out each other's core demands.

Bruns Empire requires:
The Kaya Empire no longer targets them, and at the same time removes all arrangements in the Bruns Empire itself and surrounding vassal countries.

The Kaya Empire requires:
The Bruns Empire does not interfere with their subsequent pioneering war.

Comparing the two, the Bruns Empire wants more.

——This is because the Bruns Empire fell into a clear disadvantage in the previous battle!
Because the core demands of both parties are not equal.

Therefore, the Kaya Empire requested additional "truce compensation" from the Bruns Empire, or support for their pioneering war.

The Bruns Empire also recognized this.

Originally, they had the opportunity to send troops and use force to save everything.

However, the undead incident in the Kingdom of Cardan forced them to make concessions on this point, and they also paid a large additional fee for this.

After both parties reached a consensus on this point.

Focusing on the specific amount of support from the Bruns Empire, the two sides launched the most critical round of negotiations.

——After this round of negotiations, all that’s left are just the side effects!
——There’s no need to stay stuck here on some things!

In this round of negotiations, Bruns Empire first revealed a trump card:
This is a piece of information, a piece of weak points in the border defenses of the Kaya Empire in the subsequent Northern Expedition!
According to this information, chaos arose in these areas during the Kaya Empire's Northern Expedition War.

Without even investing too much power, the Kaya Empire will be in a dilemma!
The content of this information comes from the intelligence department of the Bruns Empire.

Although it cannot be guaranteed to be completely accurate, at least half of it is true!

——They were originally planning to carry out targeted strikes in these areas when the Kaya Empire was engaged in a pioneering war, putting the Kaya Empire in a dilemma!

Special mention needs to be made:
Because the two sides have previously reached a consensus on the most basic "no longer targeting each other."

So the Bruns Empire did not put this thing out to threaten the Kaya Empire.

Instead, I want to focus on the "potential gains" that the Kaya Empire gained from this negotiation!
After briefly reading this information.

The Bruns Empire diplomats looked very surprised.

Sonia sent back a piece of information, a piece of information on response plans for these vulnerable areas when they were attacked.

This is to illustrate:
What the Bruns Empire put out was worthless, and the Kaya Empire had already responded accordingly!

Looking at the response plan in front of me, it can be said that it is "one question and one answer" and "neatly matched" with their information.

The diplomats of the Bruns Empire were a little stunned.

No diplomat has carefully distinguished the content and feasibility of these response plans.

——They are not good at this!

In addition, there is an important issue:
Even if the Kaya Empire does have arrangements in these weak areas.

Sonia shouldn't be able to put it out in the first place.

No matter what, you should go back and ask the military affairs department of the Kaya Empire!

Not to mention putting it into writing!

——The current situation is more like the other party knowing their today’s negotiation plan in advance and making preparations in advance!

These diplomats were not given more time to think.

Sonia led the negotiators from the Foreign Affairs Department to reveal a heavyweight trump card.

——As long as the Kaya Empire is willing, the Kingdom of Gloucester Council will easily come under their control!
I heard this.

The diplomats of the Bruns Empire quickly realized one thing:
"Is your Kaya Empire behind the Golden Opera House in the Kingdom of Gloucester?" Sonia and others did not respond to the diplomat's words.

Instead, they only controlled the pace of negotiations, emphasized the benefits they gave up, and further increased the amount of support from the Bruns Empire!

Because from the beginning of this round of negotiations, there was something obviously wrong with the way Sonia and others responded.

It's like knowing part of their negotiation direction in advance and being prepared to deal with it in advance.

The diplomatic department of the Bruns Empire realized that there might be a problem within them!
Then, after self-examination.

Those members of the noble family who came to chat with them when they had nothing to do, and who intentionally or unintentionally inquired about the progress of the negotiations, came into their eyes.

Officials from the diplomatic department contacted these people and asked them in detail whether they had leaked information to the Kaya Empire.

Then after getting the other party's response that was full of loopholes.

Things suddenly came to light!

——It is indeed members of these noble families who provide information to the Kaya Empire!
For these nobles of the Bruns Empire, because family members were captured in this incident.

In order to welcome these family members back, they all signed employment contracts with the Kaya Empire to assist in negotiations.

As a result, they also sided with the Kaya Empire regarding negotiations between the two countries.

——No one else knows about this!
After all, the exchange of interests between these families and the Kaya Empire was conducted privately.

The specific agreement reached by the two parties has not been made public.

After the Bruns Empire diplomatic department officials learned of this fact.

Many of them had an indescribable emotion inside them.

Although it happened for a reason.

But they are obviously fighting for the interests of these people, so why do these people stand on the opposite side?
You know, if the negotiation goes well, these people will also benefit from it!
...Of course, it is not impossible that:
In the process of trading with the Kaya Empire, these families received "concessions" from the other party, or simply received their benefits.

——These concessions and benefits are more than what can be gained if the negotiation proceeds smoothly!
Just when these diplomats didn't know what kind of expression they should show to deal with this kind of thing.

When I hesitated and wondered whether I should inform more uninformed stakeholders about this matter.

These nobles suddenly sent them a batch of generous gifts as a reward for their hard work...

After carefully weighing the weight of these gifts.

Officials from the diplomatic department suddenly felt:
These nobles must have been coerced by the Kaya Empire!
This is a despicable means of alienation!

Once they follow "the other party's ideas" and make the matter public, the nobles of the Bruns Empire will be at odds with each other!

This matter is not suitable for public disclosure!

——They must forgive those nobles who have been coerced, and then move forward with a heavy burden!

All in all, the diplomats who received the benefits pretended not to have noticed the incident and continued the negotiations stumblingly.

Nobles still often come to them to inquire about information.

They did not shy away from this, but selectively informed some of it.

Although this may increase the difficulty of negotiation.

But overall, "Harvest" is okay!
Take it a step further.

Some of the nobles whose interests are closely related to this negotiation do not care about the outcome of the negotiation.

They also have a hard time getting too carried away.

——Anyway, the result is just passable.

As a result, the negotiations between the two parties moved forward in a direction that was beneficial to the Kaya Empire.

 There's something wrong, there's only one chapter today.

  Thank you book friend "Tian あ Punishment" for the monthly ticket
  Thanks to the book friend "[Flame]→Hui" for your monthly ticket
  Thank you book friends for the monthly ticket of "It seems to be so powerful"
(End of this chapter)

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