Great Nobleman.

Chapter 707: Chatter about a chaotic situation.

Chapter 707: Chatter about a chaotic situation.

When Brand was working as a nanny for the Gilded Regiment on the frontline battlefield.

Several other great men came to Cedar Castle with their men.

While letting their men load the supplies into the truck, they also chatted in a camp about some recent major events in the Human Alliance.

Although their Kaya Empire has cut off most of its ties with other countries in the Human Alliance a few months ago due to the pioneering war.

However, this did not prevent the royal family and nobles of the empire from obtaining various information from the outside world through various unique channels.

Mr. Robert sat on a recliner and said:

“According to the information I received, the old king of the Moon Empire has not appeared in public for a long time.

No one knows what the specific situation is, but many bloody incidents have broken out in their country.

There have even been head-on clashes between high-level military forces.

According to various intelligence, this should be a dispute between two powerful factions, and some members of the royal family are also involved.

In other words, this is simply a conflict between the royal members of the Moon Empire! "

Speaking of this matter, Mr. Holland said:

"I got some more detailed information about this from the Alfaro family and the Mandel family.

In fact, the reason why the situation in the Munn Empire is so turbulent is because they have some problems with the succession of the throne.

As the first heir, the eldest prince made the Munn Empire's nobles dissatisfied for some reasons and believed that he could not become a qualified monarch.

In contrast, they believed that the second prince was more suitable to become the emperor of the Munn Empire.

So this kind of dispute broke out in the country. "

Upon hearing this, Master Claude said curiously:
"The nobles all think that he can no longer become a qualified monarch. I'm afraid this is not an ordinary dissatisfaction, right?"

Master Chesil also said:

“Speaking of the second prince of the Munn Empire, I remember that he seemed to be a very tough person when it came to matters related to the Caesar Empire.

In the last war between the Munn Empire and the Caesar Empire, he not only went into battle personally, but also seemed to have made great achievements.

According to some rumors that are not true or false:

In that war, if the second prince of the Munn Empire had not turned the tide, the Munn Empire might have paid more in the disastrous defeat.

Could this dispute between the Moon Empire and the Caesar Empire be related? "

Mr. Holland smiled and nodded:

"Since someone has guessed it, let me tell you straight away.

Because in the previous war, the Munn Empire ended in defeat.

The nobles of their empire have accumulated a lot of anger and want to complete their revenge in the next war with Caesar's empire.

But in this context, the eldest prince, as the heir to the imperial throne, seems a little..."

As if he thought it was difficult to express, after a pause, Mr. Holland spoke a descriptive word:

"Too far-sighted!"

Then, in the curious looks of several other elders.

Mr. Holland continued:
“In the eyes of this eldest prince, their wars with the Caesar Empire brought nothing but sacrifice, bloodshed, and a decline in national power.

In addition, in his opinion:
The Moon Empire and the Caesar Empire will have to fight for many, many years of conflict and war before a winner emerges!
As other countries become increasingly powerful, the eldest prince is more worried about:

If this continues.The Moon Empire and the Caesar Empire may not be able to wait until the day when the winner is decided.

It will be due to the continuous consumption of national power or some other special reasons.

A third party took advantage of the situation and swallowed up both countries.

Based on such worries, the prince is more inclined to ease the conflict with the Caesar Empire! "

Hearing this, Mr. Robert nodded and said:

"No wonder! The nobles in the country want to continue attacking the Caesar Empire, but the eldest prince, as the heir, wants to ease relations.

It’s not surprising that something like this happened in the Munn Empire.

I just don’t know if there is a third party here who is adding fuel to the flames. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Mr. Holander said:

"There must be a third party involved in the current situation in the Moon Empire!
The eldest prince has been the heir for so many years, how could he not know how to make the nobles agree with his idea step by step?
According to the judgment of the Alfaro family, it was precisely because of the unexpected appearance of a third party that the eldest prince's thoughts and methods were suddenly exposed, causing domestic turmoil. "

After hearing this, Mr. Claude was a little curious and said:
"There is civil strife in the Munn Empire, and the Caesar Empire is a vested interest, right? Are they doing it secretly?"

Master Holland shook his head and said:
“I don’t know about this, not only me, but the people in the Munn Empire don’t know either.

Of course, there is a possibility. Many people in the Munn Empire think so. They even want to use this as an excuse to start another war against the Caesar Empire!

You also know that there are also big problems in the current situation within the Caesar Empire.

If the Moon Empire is united, now is indeed a very good opportunity for revenge. "

Speaking of Caesar’s Empire, Lord Robert interjected:
“I also know something about the situation in Caesar’s Empire.

Their problems stem from the dispute between the new aristocratic faction and the old aristocratic faction.

The new aristocracy wants to change some of the country's backward systems, while the old aristocracy faction wants to safeguard their interests.

Of course, there may be other countries secretly adding fuel to the fire.

If we really want to say it, the situations of the two empires of Munn and Caesar are not far apart.

They are all the continuous accumulation and expansion of one's own internal contradictions, and are finally detonated.

In comparison, the situation in our Kaya Empire is better. "

Mr. Holland smiled and shook his head and said:
"The situation on our side can't be said to be very good. Although we don't have any internal conflicts that have exploded, we are still at war with the orcs, aren't we?

By the time the war is over, our national strength will definitely have declined a lot! "

Master Claude smiled and said:
“According to what you said, the Bruns Empire to the west of the Human Alliance also has quite a problem.

Although our negotiations with the Bruns Empire ended successfully, it also left them with a mess.

In addition, the negotiations between the Bruns Empire and the countries surrounding the Moraton Desert seem to have ended without any resolution.

Perhaps because we are no longer on the sidelines, the attitude of the Bruns Empire has become tougher again.

When negotiations fail to reach an agreement, the two sides even tend to start a war. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Mr. Robert added:
"In addition, the southern countries of the Human Alliance are still in a hurry due to the problem of raging monsters.

To sum up, it seems that our Human Alliance has not been as chaotic as it is now for a long, long time. "

As soon as Mr. Robert said this, everyone nodded in agreement.

——The current moment is indeed the most chaotic period in the human alliance for hundreds or thousands of years!

(End of this chapter)

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