Game of Thrones' opening sold the gods

Chapter 4 4. King's Landing

Chapter 4 4. King's Landing
Two days passed in a blink of an eye.

Today is the day for everyone to set off, but even without the Three-Eyed Raven, what should happen will still happen. Yesterday Bran stumbled from the tower, and although he was still alive, he was still in a coma.

Caitlin was knitting a sweater by Bran's bed, and Snow opened the door and walked in, "I'm here to say goodbye, mother, and I'm going north to the Great Wall with my uncle."

The corners of Caitlin's eyes were a little red, "You should have left." Caitlin's voice trembled a little, even if she didn't like Jon, the feelings she had had over the years were not fake.

In addition, Ned went south with his two daughters and Theon, and Bran was unconscious again, and Caitlin couldn't stop crying for a while.

Jon was silent for a while and didn't speak, but left silently. After Jon left, Ned walked in, said goodbye to Caitlin, and started to return to King's Landing.

The team was divided into two, a small group of criminals followed Benyan Stark back to the Great Wall, and the other part followed the large force back to King's Landing, and Theon was among them.

"When we meet again next time, maybe you will be the Commander of the Night's Watch, Jon." Theon said jokingly.

Jon also showed a smile on his face: "It probably won't be possible to wait."

After the two embraced, Theon rode back to Joffrey.

Ned also said to Jon Snow at this time: "Even if you don't have my surname, my blood runs through your body, and Stark is proud of being dressed in black!"

Then he returned to Robert.

three days later.

"The Night Watchman was an army formed 8000 years ago to fight against the White Walkers. At that time, the Night Watchmen were elites from all over the world, and the Night Watchmen also represented glory, but now most of them are criminals from the northern border."

Theon introduced the general situation of the Night's Watch to Joffrey.

"White ghosts, those are all tricks to deceive children. If there are white ghosts, you'd better catch my uncle, haha." Joffrey obviously didn't believe in the existence of white ghosts.

Now so many years have passed, not to mention the southerners, even most people in the north don't believe in the existence of the ghosts. The current Great Wall is mainly responsible for resisting the wildlings.

However, people in the north respected the night watchmen very much, which was different from the nobles in the south.

Sean is eating dry food, and he will arrive in King's Landing in one day. The temperature is already much higher than that in the north, and everyone has changed into light clothes.

When the time comes to wait for Robert to die, the game will begin.

After everyone finished their meal, they continued on their way, trying to return to King's Landing before dark.

When the last ray of sunlight disappeared, everyone finally arrived at King's Landing. Looking at the tall city wall in front of them, Theon was still very excited.

This is far more shocking than what you see in the drama, but the faint smell really destroys people's senses.

When everyone returned to the city, Xi En was shocked to see the skinny poor people on the side of the road, which was completely different from the poor people on TV.

Each of them seemed to be blown down by a gust of wind, and there was no desire for life on their faces, let alone fear of death, but endless numbness and emptiness.

This was a tragedy that Theon had never seen in his previous life. In his previous life, Sean was born in a poor rural area. Although he didn't eat well, he could at least have enough to eat.

"These untouchables are making the whole of King's Landing stink. It's best to drive them out before winter comes." Joffrey said with disgust on his face.

"Your Majesty is right." With an inexplicable expression on his face, Theon scanned the surrounding refugees.

Everyone returned to the Red Castle, and after a night's rest, Ned officially took over as Hand of the King the next day.

However, Ned was taken aback after accepting it, because Baelish, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, told him that Robert owed a full 600 million in debt!

"What did he do?" Ned asked in disbelief.

"Eat, drink, have fun, and a tournament." Baelish had an inexplicable smile on his lips.

(End of this chapter)

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