The Ominous Lord of the Skaven

Chapter 110 Tracking the Tribe

Chapter 110 Tracking the Tribe
Although separated from the forest for a long time, when Gump re-entered the ground covered with dead leaves and large ferns, he naturally recalled his way home.

The deeper Gamp went into the forest, the more familiar everything around him became.

The tower trees around the tribe, the sour berries in the bushes, the mud pits where slimes gather, these are his precious memories.

Where to catch meat worms and where to catch green oil rabbits, Gamp knows his hometown so well.

Soon, a village surrounded by simple wooden fences appeared before Gamp's eyes.

Sitting by the campfire were night watchmen, and there was still some light in the thatched house of the family.

"Brothers and sisters! I'll be back."

Gamp wanted to shout, but before he could finish, Gamp felt his body sink.

Two scout mice pinned him to the ground.

"Thank you idiot, your mission is accomplished."

The two ratmen skillfully lifted him up, and the other ratman punched him on the tip of the nose. The broken bridge of the nose hurt so much that Gamp couldn't speak a word.

But that's not all, the Ratmen who had done all this tied up Gamp again, and bound his mouth up and down with vines.

"Clan chief, what should we do with this guy?"

The Scout Mouse brought Gump to Ickert and asked.

"Find a good position and let him learn a lot."

Ickert waved his hand, and the scouts took Gamp down, picked a small slope with a good view, and pointed his eyes at the tribe.

Then it was time for the massacre of the brigade.

After being dormant in the territory for nearly a month, Ickert didn't want to keep a living when he took the initiative to attack for the first time.

"The Hawkeye team sneaked in, set fire to evacuate after killing enough, don't love to fight, the partner guards surround from the outside, don't let any of them run out."

"Yes! Yes! Long-haired dog thing kill! Kill!"

The ratmen of the two brigades immediately moved towards their respective positions, and under the leadership of the clan rats and pacesetter rats at all levels, each team entered the attack position in an orderly manner.

The first thing to attack is the scouting rats. These rats have undergone rigorous training and already have some skills of assassins.

The two jackal warriors in charge of the night watch were killed by four ratmen before they could issue a warning.

Tribal warriors thought they only had to defend themselves against beasts, and were never ready for a war.

So they lost badly.

The bright bonfire was burning fiercely, but the Ratmen were not in a hurry to set it ablaze. Instead, several teams held the tinder and waited for the signal to prevent fire.

As for the other teams, they started from the gate and went house by house to kill the gnolls.

I saw a group of scout mice tiptoeing into the thatched shed, and then only heard the muffled sound of knives chopping meat from inside.

Except for the human craftsmen that Ickert ordered to protect, all the wolf men in the village, whether they were old people or children, had to die cleanly.

After several noises, the smell of blood began to permeate the village.

At this time, the jackal warrior with a keen sense of smell also woke up from his sleep.

The soldier Gan Luo woke up his wife, and then hid behind the door with a long knife in his hand.

A pacesetter mouse walked in first, and was about to strike at the startled female jackal, but unexpectedly, a long knife slashed directly from behind.

Fortunately, Gan Luo's eyes hadn't adapted to the sudden darkness, and the knife slashed on the mouse's leather back, only scratching it.

The first reaction of the injured scout mouse was not to fight back, but to lead the team out of the hut.

Gan Luo wanted to pursue him, but he hesitated when he saw more figures looming in the darkness.

He finally chased it out, but it was too late.

The first thing the team leader did when he ran out of the hut was to call the team members to disperse and notify the teams to set fire.

While Gan Luo was hesitating, the Ratmen had already set fire to a thatched hut.

"Get up! Warriors of the Horde! The enemy is coming!"

Gan Luo hurriedly shouted, and the sound of swords and swords crisscrossing came from the next door.

"Gan Luo, come and help!"

The awakened tribe warriors had spontaneously started fighting the scout rats. Since the Eagle Eye brigade was too scattered, many gnolls even formed an advantage of fighting more than less.

Even the gnoll women and children joined the battle. These tribesmen fought fiercely, and the scene was chaotic.

All in all, the jackals were just messing around with knives and slashing. Although the rat people had learned some tricks, they couldn't make full use of them when they were outnumbered.

In desperation, the scouts had no choice but to evacuate before there were casualties.

The scouts, all experts in escaping, quickly disappeared into the village, leaving only the burning village and the bewildered tribal warriors.

The only good news is that their chief is still alive.

Chief Stripper is a strong, tough fighter who doesn't panic in the face of such situations.

"Gan Luo! How many warriors are left in the tribe?"

"Back to the chief! There are only more than 30 people left! I'm afraid the rest of them are all"


Baoba was shocked. The Bopi tribe was a large tribe with a population of more than 50 people. More than half of the [-] tribe warriors were lost in one fell swoop.

"Cunning, those rats are really cunning! But the most urgent thing is to save the village as soon as possible,

Gan Luo!Take someone out to fetch water quickly!quick! "

Peeling thought that the enemy had retreated, and the attack should have come to an end.

The things in the village are the foundation of their survival, and they must be rescued, otherwise the tribe will return to their primitive life and be bullied by other tribes.

Gan Luo took the order and ran out of the gate with ten soldiers and the surviving women and children.

"Do you want to shoot arrows, clan chief?"

The captain of the partner guard asked, they were equipped with nearly half of the crossbows in the territory and a large number of bows.

But Eckert just ordered:
"Arrows are too expensive, let the melee team go first, and the long-range team replaces the throwing stone."

For consumables such as arrows, the arrows and arrow feathers are actually not difficult to manufacture. The key is the arrow shaft, which takes too much man-hours, causing the territory's bow and arrow production capacity to be far behind the consumption.

It can only be said that it is barely enough for training. In order to prepare for battle, Ickert is reluctant to use crossbows and bows.

The Ratmen who had been instructed could only force it hard, and the clan chief gave orders, so they couldn't do anything about it.

In the light of the fire, Gamp rushed out with the women and children in the first batch, followed closely by the guarding soldiers.

At this moment, the rat people with spears also rushed out of the darkness.

Gan Luo hurriedly retreated, but most of the women and children who rushed out in the first wave were stabbed to death in place.

Some smaller gnolls slipped through the spears and were hacked to death by the swordsmen in the back row.

"There are still enemies! Warriors! Follow me to defend your family!"

Gan Luo shouted loudly, and the scattered warriors immediately gathered together and threw their spears into the darkness.

(End of this chapter)

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