A Fatal Turn in the Beginning

Chapter 29 The Tomb and Blood

Chapter 29 The Tomb and Blood

"Huh?" Some loose, dry and porous rocks do absorb liquids, but this cave is granite!
Granite has a dense structure, high compressive strength, and low water absorption. It is absolutely impossible to penetrate liquid at such an exaggerated speed!
"Thump!" Li Wei tapped the stone wall lightly with his fingers, but his voice was dull, and it didn't sound like an empty wall.

But with such a little effort, the big puddle of blood left by the ogre on the stone wall disappeared without a drop, as if the stone wall was a greedy blood-sucking living creature!
Li Wei's brain was running extremely fast. Thanks to his concentration and mental strength, Li Wei quickly constructed a three-dimensional map in his mind, and then Li Wei was surprised to find that the place behind the stone wall happened to be on the ground Directly below the stone tomb!
Li Wei put aside the ogre whose injuries had obviously stabilized, then pulled out a steel pipe from the collapsed scaffolding, and then stabbed towards the stone wall!

"Hoo!" With Li Wei's physical strength reaching 6 points, the steel pipe in his hand suddenly let out a sharp roar, and suddenly plunged into the stone wall!

The granite, which is harder than ordinary steel, was instantly pierced like tofu, and the three-meter-long steel pipe was almost completely submerged!

"Huh?" Feeling the change of force during the process of inserting the steel pipe, Li Wei's heart skipped a beat, and the last thirty or forty centimeters submerged easily, indicating that the stone wall is only more than two meters thick, and there is indeed another space behind the stone wall!
"Chila!" Li Wei pulled out the steel pipe full of rocks, only to see that the rust on the steel pipe had completely disappeared, and because of the high-speed friction, the steel pipe turned slightly red and smoked.

"Clang!" Li Wei threw away the steel pipe in his hand, bent down and looked towards the small opening. It was so dark inside that he couldn't see anything clearly, but there was a stream of damp water vapor, mixed with a strange and pungent fishy smell. taste.

And the strangest thing is that from the space behind the stone wall, there was a faint and regular sound of "click, click, click".

Li Wei took out two military fluorescent sticks more than 20 centimeters long and thick as thumbs from his waist pocket. After lightly crushing the glass tube in the fluorescent sticks, the fluorescent sticks immediately emitted extremely bright light, and then moved along the stone wall. the hole on the top and throw it in!
From the introduction of the dragon blood of the bloodthirsty dragon bat, Li Wei can roughly guess that what the people in the textile factory were looking for is most likely related to the legendary My Dragon!

Although the book describes a trace of dragon blood, Li Wei must be more cautious about the existence of this mythical creature.

Through the high-brightness fluorescent stick lighting, Li Wei immediately saw what was behind the stone wall.

It turned out that behind this stone wall was a small tomb chamber that only appeared to be tens of square meters in size. It was empty inside. In the middle of the tomb chamber was a half-meter-high stone platform, on which a dead bone could be vaguely seen. .

But from Li Wei's perspective, he couldn't see the thing that made the "click" sound, perhaps it was blocked by the stone platform.

Li Wei sensed carefully that he didn't sense any danger from the tomb, so he kept picking up the steel pipe on the side and inserting it towards the stone wall, and soon pierced the two or three square meters of the stone wall in front of him full of holes.

"Boom!" Seeing this, Li Wei punched the stone wall in front of him, and the severely damaged stone wall collapsed immediately, revealing a passage enough for him to enter and exit alone.

After the dust dissipated, Li Wei took out two fluorescent sticks and threw them in again. Although these fluorescent sticks can provide a high-brightness light source, the maintenance time is very short, usually only 5 minutes.

Walking into the stone tomb, Li Wei looked around and found that the stone chamber was not excavated by manpower, but existed naturally. There were no passages leading to the outside world, but in the south corner of the stone chamber, there was a one-meter-long passage. The wide underground river is flowing quietly.

And this dark river is the only way to enter and exit the stone chamber!

A dead bone was placed on a half-meter-high stone platform, and there was a shallow blood pool around the stone platform. The blood inside had turned into a black viscous liquid, emitting a pungent bloody smell, like oil. !
But the strange thing is that the blood that has existed for an unknown period of time has not coagulated and dried up. It is most likely the blood that contains dragon blood, and it is also the magical blood that gave birth to monsters such as bloodthirsty dragon bats!
And as he approached this pool of blood, Li Wei noticed that the blood in his body became active and churning, as if he was about to leave his body and be sucked into this pool of blood!

This suction force for blood is quite strong. It is possible that after ordinary people approach, the blood in their bodies will be forcibly sucked out. The blood that the ogre left on the stone wall just now was sucked away for this reason!
But with Li Wei's current physique, this suction will not cause any interference to him.

Moreover, the blood clearly flowed from the dead bone on the stone platform, which means that this bone used to be a powerful humanoid existence with dragon blood in its body!
"But why does the human body contain dragon blood? Is it a descendant of a dragon? Or has the dragon blood been transplanted into the human body through some special method?"

Li Wei looked at the skeleton on the stone platform that had existed for at least a hundred years, and countless thoughts flooded his mind, would there be such a technical ability as bloodline transplantation more than 100 years ago, or could it be an extraordinary method?
"Shua!" At this moment, a gust of wind rushed in through the hole Li Wei opened, and the corpse on the stone platform might have been oxidized quickly, and it collapsed into a puddle of powder!
"Huh? This is?" And as Li Wei walked into the stone tomb, he finally saw that the thing that was blocked by the stone platform and kept making "clicking" sounds turned out to be a miniature loom!

Some of the information in Li Wei's mind was immediately pieced together, the Weaving Church, who fled from England to the United States with the magical treasures in the church, the church messenger with magical powers!
It turned out that the legends told by Richard were all true!
The dry bones on the stone platform should be the church messenger whose body was collected by Richard's grandfather!
The stone tomb in the textile factory was a fake tomb that concealed people's eyes and ears. Grandfather Richard hid the body of the messenger and the treasures of the church in a granite cave tens of meters underground!

If you don't know the intricate water route of the underground river, it is almost impossible to come here, so the people in the textile factory can only choose the inefficient method of digging holes to find the real cemetery!
"So apart from Richard's grandfather, there are other people who also know what happened back then." Li Wei looked at the mini loom in front of him, and thought of the huge project underground in the textile factory, guessing that he started looking for the cemetery back then. The strength of the power is definitely not weak.

But for some unknown reason, the other party gave up the search. If the other party continued to dig and search on this stone wall, they would definitely find the tomb behind the stone wall in a short time!

The loom is about the size of a child's desk, and its parts are made of a brown wood that looks small and delicate.

But the shape of this loom is also very strange, with eight wooden legs, two erected shuttles and looms on the left and right, it seems to have turned into a monster with a human head and a spider body in the shadows!

And the most surprising thing is that this old-fashioned loom is not connected to external power, but the shuttle and 纡 are constantly moving by themselves, sending white silk into the loom to weave a piece of white cloth. The whiteness of the cloth does not decrease, and the cloth woven does not increase in the slightest!
"Buzz!" Just as Li Wei was close to the loom to observe, the mask of the Faceless Man suddenly flickered with golden flow patterns, and the flickering frequency became faster and faster, and his head almost turned into a golden light bulb!
(End of this chapter)

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