Chapter 149
"I'm not the heir of Slytherin at all!"

On the way back to the common room, Harry muttered angrily.Many little wizards I met along the way hurried away with bloodless faces, and no one dared to come within two or three meters of him.

"From the point of view of blood relationship, you might really be the heir of Slytherin." Owen, who was also stared at strangely, added fuel to the fire with a look of indifference, making Harry's face turn red all of a sudden.

"Those people are just jealous, why do you care about them?" Draco said proudly, "But they dare to say that I am your servant?" He glanced at the angry Harry with disgust, obviously The guy is his follower, are those people blind?
"Harry, you're really not the heir?" Blaise Zabini squinted at Harry with his shoulders folded, and clicked his tongue.

"I told you I wasn't!" Harry scratched his hair. "How could I hurt Hermione?" He was glad his study group friends didn't alienate him, but he really didn't want to have to explain it over and over again.

"I believe you can't do such a thing..." Daphne nodded seriously.Having been with Harry for so long, she thought she could see clearly what kind of person he was, unless he was really good at acting... She took a peek at Harry and shook her head slightly.

"Actually, it's better that you are the heir of Slytherin, so we don't have to worry about it." Pansy Parkinson flipped the hair next to his ear, with a slightly disappointed expression, "The current heir is simply a lunatic... ..." She looked at Draco worriedly.

"If you ask me, it's not a bad thing, Harry. You'll find out later." Blaise raised his eyebrows meaningfully.

The wet and slippery stone wall cracked an entrance, and a group of people entered the warm and dry common room. The surroundings fell into silence for a moment, and the sound of the lake rippling outside the window could be clearly heard.

"Oh, isn't this the heir of Slytherin? I think a bunch of fireworks needs to be set off for the heir here." There was a sound of harmless booing, followed by more echoes.For most little wizards in Slytherin, becoming the heir is a cool thing, and even attracts the admiration of many people.

"Tell me, Harry, who are you going to attack next time? Actually, I don't mind giving you some advice..."

"I don't think we should be in a hurry. We should avoid the limelight during this time. Dumbledore is not a vegetarian."

"Harry, nice to meet you, I'm in sixth grade... oops, don't squeeze me..."

"Do you need me to help you watch the wind?"

"I'm not the heir..." Harry's explanation was drowned out by the uproar.He rubbed his forehead weakly, although he was glad that his Slytherin classmates didn't fear and dislike him because of this, and even now he seemed to be more popular, but this situation was also very troublesome.

He finally got rid of the group of people surrounding him and returned to the dormitory, but for the first time he got the favor of Theodore Nott, who was in the same dormitory.For more than a year, Theodore's attitude towards Harry has always been indifferent, neither getting close nor provoking, but today he gave Harry a book on alchemy for the first time.

Harry refused in vain, holding the heavy heavy book in his hand in a daze, watching the pale and thin boy slowly walk out of the dormitory as if he was sleepwalking.

"Hahaha, I thought Theodore could hold back for a while longer." Draco covered his stomach and laughed.

"Well, after all, no one wants to be disliked by the heir, and one day be attacked by a servant covered in scales that he raises in the secret room." Owen said with a smile.

"Damn heir..." Harry slapped the book in his hand on the table, grinding his teeth angrily.Damn Voldemort!
"By the way, Dobby may know something inside!" He said suddenly, "Draco, can you call Dobby over here?"

"Okay." Draco stamped his foot and called "Dobby".

With a loud cracking sound, the house elf with a torn pillowcase on his body appeared next to Draco, and after bowing deeply to him, he raised his head to look at the three of them.

After seeing Harry, Dobby's glass ball-like eyes flashed with excitement, but after seeing Owen who was smiling half-smile, his expression suddenly became terrified, and he couldn't help but took a step back.

"Are you afraid of me?" Owen asked softly.

"! Dobby is not afraid! Dobby will protect the young master and Harry Potter!" Dobby's bat-like ears were pricked up in fright, and he pointed a long and thin finger at Owen , said in a sharp voice.

Melet jumped onto the table, tilted her head curiously and looked at him with her golden eyes, her tail swayed nimbly behind her.

"Dobby, don't be nervous, Owen won't hurt us, and he won't hurt you either." Seeing the increasingly eerie smile on Owen's face, Harry angrily kicked him secretly under the table, quickly reassured.He had nothing to say to Owen, who was so wicked that he would scare even simple house-elves.

Owen put away his terrifying smile in an instant, and looked at Dobby calmly with his chin in one hand.

"But...but Dobby saw him sneaking up on the eighth floor with the Weasley boy a few days ago!" Dobby said sharply, "The boy who attacked your Weasley family! Dobby see On that day he knocked the boy down and put a spell on him!"

Both Harry and Draco froze for a moment, turning their heads to look at Owen at the same time.

Owen stroked the edge of the table thoughtfully. It seemed that Dobby didn't know that Tom's diary was in his hands?That's a lot easier to pass.

He said calmly: "You only saw me meeting Ron Weasley, but you didn't see that I also met the Weasley twin brothers alone?"

"Actually, I've been tracking down the whereabouts of that crown. I'm very curious about that magic item." Owen said slowly, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, "After all, it almost fell into my hands. So, I I have been in contact with several people in the Weasley family for a long time, trying to find some clues, and knocking out Ron Weasley is also to check for any abnormalities in him..."

He blinked his left eye mischievously: "Anyway, it's easier and rougher to knock him out, right? Although I didn't notice anything unusual."

"That's too dangerous, Owen." Harry said disapprovingly, "You didn't even tell me!" The crown was most likely related to Voldemort, and Owen knew it, but he still took the risk to investigate... Sure enough, what he felt That's right, Owen is not generally reckless, why didn't the Sorting Hat assign him to Gryffindor in the first place?

"Don't you think that you might be attacked or controlled like Weasley? Not only you, but Draco, me and the rest of the study group will be in danger." Harry pushed Pushing the glasses on the bridge of the nose, staring at Owen like Professor Snape, "You look like a brainless Gryffindor!"

Owen blinked his eyes silently. Even though he said that, how could it be so inconsistent to hear Harry say this?

"The next time you want to do this again, I hope you can take me with you. Even if you think I can't help you, I can hide to help you guard, lest you fall silently. "Harry didn't suspect that Owen was under control, otherwise Dumbledore couldn't have failed to see it yesterday.He even didn't believe that Owen in a sober state would be bad for him, after all Owen had saved him many times.

"You know, this matter... has a lot to do with me." Harry said after a pause.Voldemort's business is his business, and he will kill this old man no matter what.

"Well, I will." Owen nodded seriously, as if he had made a deal.But Harry has been with Owen for a long time, and he instinctively feels that this guy is trying to perfunctory him.

It seems that I have to keep a close eye on Owen in the future... Harry nodded deeply.He was a little tired, and it was really a headache to have a reckless friend.

"I want to know, what is a crown?" Draco looked at the two with a blank face, they kept themselves in the dark?When Harry talked about this in the study group before, Draco and the others didn't listen.

"Then it's a long story." Harry ignored this for the time being, but looked at Dobby and said, "Dobby, Owen will not harm us, you must have misunderstood him..." He spent It took a long time to convince Dobby that Owen was not a bad person and would not hurt himself.

"I'm very sorry, Mr. Owen Shafik." Dobby bowed deeply to Owen, his long thin nose almost touching the floor.Tears filled his eyes the size of tennis balls, and he sobbed, "Dobby put the Master and Harry Potter's friends in danger because of his own misunderstanding, bad Dobby..."

As he spoke, he slammed his head against the table leg, then hugged the table leg with both hands and slammed it hard, accompanied by shrill screams.

"Come on, stop! Dobby!" Harry yelled several times, but the table was still shaking violently as if it was about to collapse.

"Dobby, I order you to stop!" Draco yelled angrily, jumping up in pain from being hit on the foot by the thick book that slid off the table.

Only then did Dobby stop, crawling out from under the table with snot and tears all over his face, his ugly features wrinkled into a ball.

"I don't blame you, Dobby." Owen said softly, and then smiled slightly, "As long as you don't deliberately leave me behind when you save someone next time..."

"Oh! thank you for your forgiveness!" squealed Dobby, stooping deeply, and muttering in a very small voice: "Great and kind Harry Potter, and his friend was kind too, Dobby is a very bad very bad..."

"Dobby, you seem to have known that Hogwarts is dangerous?" Harry finally asked the question he wanted to ask the most, and he looked at Dobby nervously.

Dobby's muttering stopped suddenly, and he looked at Harry in horror, then at Draco, and suddenly began to tremble all over.He screamed, picked up Harry's thick book that had fallen on the floor, and hit himself on the head with all his might.

"Dobby! Stop!" Harry grabbed Dobby's skinny wrist and almost lifted the skinny house-elf up, before pulling the thick book out of his hand with difficulty. "Tell me, what do you really know?"

The house-elf shook his head vigorously, making his ears snap.There was deep fear and pleading in his eyes, which made Harry froze for a moment.

Owen squinted at this scene, and he knew that what Dobby did privately was a complete [-]-year-old behavior.Once the Malfoy family finds out, one can imagine the ultimate fate of a disloyal house-elf.

Just when Harry was disheartened to let Dobby go, and no longer expected to get news from him, Draco suddenly spoke.He stared at Dobby and said slowly, "Dobby, I order you to tell everything you know!"

Dobby let out a long howl, but he couldn't resist the master's order.For him, the head of the Malfoy family, Lucius, is the big master, and Draco is the little master, both of whom he must obey. Only when the orders of the two conflict, he will only obey the orders of the big master .But obviously, Lucius didn't specifically ask Dobby not to reveal this to the little master.

Dobby whimpered and said, "Master, when Dobby was cleaning...he heard...Master...Master is going to put a...a dangerous thing in Hogwarts..." After finishing speaking Then he sobbed and blew his nose on the old pillowcase he was wearing.

"Dad?" Draco suddenly realized something, his body swayed, and his face suddenly turned pale.

"Stop!" he yelled suddenly, causing Dobby to stop with a whimper.

Harry looked at Draco in disbelief, then at Dobby, opened his mouth hesitantly, his eyes were shining brightly.Does this have something to do with Draco's father?
"Dobby, you lied!" Draco paced back and forth restlessly.He regretted letting Dobby say it here, in front of Harry and Owen...

"Bad Dobby, bad Dobby..." Dobby grabbed his ears hard, tears streaming down his face.

Owen shrugged slightly, took out an apple and gnawed it, watching Draco tugging at his hair annoyed and helpless.Harry hesitated for a while before saying lightly, "Draco..."

Draco gritted his teeth, and said to Dobby bravely: "Keep talking!" At this point, it's better to let Dobby explain the matter clearly. I hope this is also a misunderstanding.

"The master said that something like that would open the chamber, release the monsters inside, and clean up the school..." Dobby stammered while sobbing.

"What is that thing?" Harry asked a little confused.He had known for a long time that the Malfoy family unfortunately respected the theory of pure blood, but fortunately Draco was no longer so paranoid through his efforts, but he did not expect Mr. Malfoy to do such a thing.He was at a loss for a while, not knowing what to do, after all, it was Draco's father...

"A diary, sir!" Dobby's teary eyes widened. "The diary left by the man who can't even mention his name! So Dobby knows that Harry Potter will meet you at Hogwarts." In dire danger! The man who must not even be named will never let Harry Potter go!"

"Wait, diary?" Harry was stunned suddenly, "Isn't it a crown?"

"No, it's a diary, Harry Potter!" Dobby shook his head.

"Then who did Mr. Malfoy give that... diary to?" Harry felt that his mind was stuck, and he asked with dull eyes.

"The master said that he would throw that thing to the Weasley children, and Dobby didn't know which one the master gave..." Dobby whispered.

It's Weasley again... Harry closed his eyes, feeling like his brain would explode any more.He briefly changed the subject and said, "So, Dobby, those letters of mine that were intercepted during the summer vacation, the anonymous warning letter that appeared in my room, and the platform that was blocked on the first day of school...are they related to you? "

Dobby shrugged his shoulders tremblingly, bowed his head and said nothing.

"Answer!" Draco said darkly.

"Yes, Harry Potter!" Dobby replied tremblingly, his voice shrill, "Dobby hopes that Harry Potter will give up the idea of ​​going back to Hogwarts. Harry Potter So great, so merciful, he should stay out of danger and stay in a safe place!"

Draco stared at Dobby in surprise and annoyance. How dare this house-elf do such a thing without telling them?

Harry didn't notice Draco's annoyance, but continued to ask, "Did you do anything else to me?"

"Oh! Harry Potter..." Dobby wiped his face with a dirty and tattered old pillowcase, and said in a trembling voice, "When Dobby was training Quidditch, Mr. the wall..."

"You tampered with my broomstick? You want to kill me?" Harry remembered his embarrassment and the lost broomstick that day, and stood up suddenly.

"Dobby only controls Harry Potter's robe, and Dobby can't affect the broomstick, sir." Dobby said tearfully, "Dobby doesn't want to kill Harry Potter, but just hopes that sir will be a little bit less affected. wounded and sent home, for which Dobby had to burn his hands with an iron afterward..."

"Harry Potter will never know what he means to us humble little people in the wizarding world! Harry Potter defeated the man who can't even be named, and our lives are bigger because of you." There is improvement, and Harry Potter shines like a beacon in our hearts..." Dobby spoke out his inner thoughts in self-possession, and tears rolled down his tattered pillowcase uncontrollably.

There was a long silence in the dormitory, until Draco let Dobby leave and Owen finished eating the second apple, Harry suddenly came back to his senses and thought about the Chamber of Secrets again.

Is it the crown or the diary that makes the chamber of secrets open again?Is Owen wrong, or Dobby wrong?Or was he thinking about it from the beginning, maybe the role of the crown is not to open the secret room at all?Or, is Dobby lying?

Harry couldn't help groaning, only to feel a splitting headache.

"I'll write a letter to ask my dad." Draco was also in a state of confusion, and took out the letter paper on his own.

Harry opened his mouth, and finally just nodded.He suddenly felt very bored, so he stood up and walked out of the bedroom, pacing aimlessly in the dark corridor.

"I think you'd better think about another matter." Owen also went out and said peacefully.


"Dobby." Owen glanced at him with a smile, "As a house elf, it is very serious to try to remind you again and again without telling the owner. An elf who has his own ideas and is not loyal enough, what will happen to him?" It will be miserable..."

Harry's face turned pale, he hurried back to the dormitory, and said to Draco who was writing a letter: "Draco, what will you do to Dobby?"

Without looking up, Draco said sullenly, "He's gone too far, my dad will take care of it."

"He's the one who saved our lives! He's our savior!" Harry sat next to him, leaning closer to him and said, "If Dobby hadn't been out of line, we wouldn't be sitting here now!"

Draco remained silent, scribbling on the parchment with a pen in his hand.After a long time, he said slowly: "It's really troublesome...I will tell my father. As long as I insist on things, my parents will eventually follow me."

Harry breathed a sigh of relief.He sat silently for a long time, clenched his fists and loosened them, and finally made up his mind: "Can I meet your father?"

"That depends on whether he's free." Draco gave him a sideways look, and wrote a few more lines at the end of the letter.

(End of this chapter)

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