A broken Hogwarts

Chapter 151 The Heir

Chapter 151 The Heir

Under Madam Pomfrey's lion's roar, the little wizards who escaped from the emotional infection fled the school hospital in desperation, and calm was restored here. There were only a few people left in the ward.

Harry, who was hospitalized twice in a short period of time, covered his face with a quilt, and hadn't come out of the incident just now.Well, he fell from the sky and almost died, but what greeted him was the ecstasy of the teachers and students in the school... Even if it was because of emotional infection, not everyone could accept it so quickly, and he didn't even care about being angry with Fred... Weasley's sneak attack.

"He wants to kill you!" Draco walked back and forth furiously, as if he was the one being attacked. "The game is over! Shameless sneak attack...he should pack up and go home!"

"I agree, Hogwarts hasn't expelled a student for several years?" Blaise tossed his camera up and down, "Ah, yes! Harry, I took a picture of you falling from the sky. Don't you need me to wash you a copy? This is a precious memory!"

"You can talk less, Blaise." Daphne smiled at him, her beautiful blue eyes were bright and sharp, making the other party shut up.

Precious black history, right?Owen slandered, smiled and said to give me a copy, and then got Harry's sad and angry attention.

"I remember that when you had a conflict last time, Fred was the one who attacked first." Owen leaned against the wall with his shoulders folded, and looked up at the not-so-bright chandelier on the ceiling.Perhaps this is a certain ability of the crown, which stimulates negative emotions and makes people irritable and impulsive?

At this time, the door of the ward opened, and Professor McGonagall walked in with a frustrated and heavy Fred on his face, George followed behind, his expression became much calmer, but his eyes flickered.

Fred apologized sincerely, with a pretended relaxed expression on his face, but serious eyes.He began to realize that something was wrong with him, that he had become an unstable factor.

"Perhaps you won't believe it, I just felt...a feeling of losing control, as if being dazzled by anger." He pursed his lips, and then shrugged, "Recently I sometimes feel this way, but never It's not like today, I want to send someone to see Merlin so much... Well, it's not like me, in fact, I always think you are quite pleasing to the eye..."

"Sounds like you're trying to excuse yourself, right? Well, I think I'd better be locked up during this time, lest I go out and bite people in the middle of the night." Fred twitched the corners of his mouth, "That's really frustrating gone."

The indifference on Harry's face slowly dissipated, and a hint of suspicion appeared on his expression.Could it be because of the influence of the crown?But hadn't Dumbledore checked that there was nothing wrong with them?
"Although I very much hope that you did not do this kind of thing out of your intention, it is still hard to believe what you said, Mr. Weasley." Professor McGonagall's nose fluttered, and his brows frowned tightly. Annoyance and some kind of worry were still on the expression, "I will ask Madam Pomfrey and Professor Dumbledore to help you look again, I hope you are not really unaware of how bad your behavior is..."

"Until the matter is investigated, you will remain in confinement, Mr. Weasley." She took a deep breath and said, "If we finally find out that you are lying, you will be punished more severely... It is not even ruled out I will be expelled." Although the consequences of this matter are not serious, the impact is too bad, blatantly hurting students in front of the whole school, this is not something that can be easily exposed.

"I don't know, you would believe such a poor excuse, Professor." Draco said slowly, with a very dissatisfied expression, "Hogwarts would have such malicious injury or even... murder..."

Harry furtively tugged at his robes to silence him.Although he was still a little bored, he was still willing to believe that the other party would not sincerely want to hurt him maliciously. After all, although the Weasley twins were a little mischievous, they had always had a good reputation in school and were very popular.And the other party would not be so stupid as to do this kind of thing in front of the teachers and students of the whole school. The professors would not just watch the students fall and die, they would only face severe punishment for themselves.

He said a few more words to Professor McGonagall, and after watching her leave the ward with people, he breathed a sigh of relief.Just now, someone almost fell off the broomstick and fell to his death. His arms and leg bones have just been connected. After all, it is impossible to maintain a normal mind in the face of the attacking person. It is better to be out of sight and out of mind.

"My dad will know about it." Draco yelled at the back of them leaving.

George stopped in his tracks, turned back and closed the door of the ward, and said in the puzzled eyes of everyone: "Potter, I'm sorry that this happened, but I still want to remind you, you must be careful! That day you heard Back to that diadem thing I told Dumbledore about? We killed Ron, introduced danger into our house, and made everyone feel...wrong."

"I just realized that Fred's previous behavior is not a special case." He closed his eyes with guilt and sadness, and continued, "I have always felt that there was something wrong with him some time ago, and at some point he would Becoming more paranoid, impulsive and... callous, making choices that he should never have made. But I was wrong, it didn't just happen to Fred, Percy, Ron, maybe Ginny, as well as me, actually have more or less such signs, but they just don't know it..."

"I'm sure we have been affected by some kind of terrible influence invisibly, since the summer vacation." George's expression changed and changed, and finally became firm, "Of course, this is our own business, I Will investigate. I'm telling you this because I'm afraid you've been targeted! Both Ron and Fred attacked you, I don't think it's a coincidence, you have to watch out for us..."

George grinned, his smile was cheerful but with a forced smile: "Don't look at me as normal now, maybe I will want to crack your head like a walnut in the next moment. So don't let your guard down, Potter."

Harry listened to his words dumbfounded, and then stared blankly at the other person striding towards the door.He opened his mouth, feeling hairy in his heart, is that crown really so terrible?
The rest of the audience also had unbelievable expressions on their faces. They couldn't believe it but they thought about it with horror. For a while, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and no one spoke.

"Wow, that's scary, isn't it?" Owen broke the silence with an exaggerated expression, and then lazily stretched his arms, "It's like listening to a horror story..." As he spoke, his whole demeanor also changed. He became gloomy and cold, and said in a gloomy tone: "Do you think they are not the only ones affected? Harry, be careful—"

Harry shuddered, jerked awake, and fell back, nearly hitting the back of his head against the wall.He glared at Owen with a flushed face, then lay down on the bed and pretended to be dead.Not to mention, being so frightened by Owen, he always felt as if everyone might murder him... It was over.

"Do you believe such outrageous stories?" Draco muttered with his neck stuck.

The group left the ward before Madam Pomfrey came in to chase them away.Owen quickly caught up with George who was walking in front, waved to him and said, "George, I'm also investigating that crown, can I borrow your map?"

George froze for a moment before realizing that Owen was talking about the Marauder's Map.He shrugged indifferently: "I'm afraid it's unrealistic for you to find clues from the Marauder's Map. My eyes were almost glued to it some time ago... I'll go back and ask Fred what he means. If there's no problem, I will bring it to you."

After bidding farewell to George, Owen came to the Room of Requirement on the eighth floor, and spread out Tom's diary in his secret base.Well, Harry and the others found out about the diary, so it's better to be more cautious in the future.

"How's the situation?" Tom's handwriting appeared impatiently.

"I found something, let's talk face to face." Owen glanced at the quill in his hand, and wrote.

The diary flipped open, and Owen fell into the world on the page again.This time he was standing on a small boat floating in the middle of the black lake. The clear water was sparkling, and sometimes swimming fish passed by. From here, he could see the whole Hogwarts castle.

"Well, this is the first time I've been boating on the lake with someone else. It's obviously a romantic thing, but why with you?" Owen sat lazily at the stern of the boat, looking at Tom who was standing aside looking at the castle with some disgust in his eyes. .

Tom glared at Owen with his two-way sincere and charming black eyes, and then sat casually and gracefully on the other side of the boat, with his long legs in front and his lips slightly pursed.

"How many memories have you recovered, Tom?" Owen asked with a smile on his chin.It doesn't look like much has changed.

"I haven't started to think about other things yet, those vitality are too little." There was a trace of resentment in Tom's eyes, which made people feel distressed and guilty.

Owen looked at him confidently, clicked his tongue after a while and said, "You can really eat, you have a headache."

Tom didn't answer, but just stared at him with bright eyes, as if saying with his eyes: You don't want to find suitable food for me. Feeding takes three days of fishing and two days of drying nets, and you have the nerve to complain that I can eat?

Owen coughed lightly, changed the subject, and told what he discovered today and what happened later.Tom stared into the distance and listened quietly, and the boat began to move slowly.

"In this way, many things are obvious." After listening, Tom said slowly.

"Yes, but it's even more difficult." Owen looked at the weeping willows on the bank.

"But at least the ability of that Horcrux is almost certain." Tom said calmly, "It's very powerful, much stronger than me..."

Owen nodded with a smile and said, "It should have two ways of controlling people."

"The first method is direct manipulation. This method requires the person to have had close contact with the Horcrux, such as wearing the Horcrux necklace, and to be under the most direct control." Tom continued, "The relationship between the two is like It is because of the establishment of some kind of unequal contractual relationship, the controlled person can't help himself, his vitality is absorbed, it is difficult to ask others for help directly, and sometimes he is even possessed."

"There must be a lot of restrictions in this way. I think the biggest possibility is the number of people that can be controlled." Owen pondered.After Ron was given up, Neville seemed to be the only one left now, "It may be able to control more people, but he is definitely not willing to pay for that kind of consumption."

Tom didn't refute, but continued: "The second method is indirect control. This method is more subtle and soft, but it also makes things much more complicated."

"I think it should be subtly catalyzing people's negative emotions and desires, and fueling people's out-of-control behaviors at critical moments. I even suspect that it is gradually taking advantage of the void in the process, and it may eventually achieve More in-depth control, such as a short-term Imperius Curse, or an unconscious sleepwalking state, etc., it is difficult to judge the specific situation without seeing it with your own eyes."

The smile on Owen's face deepened, he stroked the edge of the boat with his palm, and said lightly: "This method should not require the controlled person to have close contact with the Horcrux, but it will most likely require them to have been in the Horcrux for a long time. Within a certain range nearby, it was slowly affected without knowing it. Heh, that Horcrux must have been at the Weasleys’ house during the summer vacation, so it could successfully affect everyone in their family. I missed the most Great opportunity."

"That's right, in this way, the only person who needs to be in constant contact with that Horcrux is the one directly controlled." Tom raised the corner of his mouth slightly, "Other people who are indirectly controlled will not know where the Horcrux is at all, as long as They occasionally appear within the range that the Horcruxes can affect, and they can be gradually deepened and controlled."

"Yeah, what I'm sure of is that the Horcrux must be in a place that Gryffindors will often pass by, because Ginny Weasley is much less affected than others, and no one from the other two houses is even killed. impact, but that’s all.” Owen slowly straightened his legs, shaking his toes lightly, “I have no way to further lock the area where the Horcrux is located through the intersection between them, unless I spend a lot of time and energy Try to find a way to track Neville, and risk being discovered..."

Well, it's troublesome to think about it, it's a waste of life.

"Most importantly..." Tom paused.

"The most important thing is that that Horcrux may already be able to move autonomously." Owen spread his hands and answered.The crown may have absorbed most of the vitality of Penelope Clearwater and Ron Weasley. Although it was partially consumed by Owen and the subsequent attacks were also depleted, there may still be a lot of it, condensing a vague It is possible to move the body for short periods of time.

"What are you going to do?" Tom looked at him leisurely.

"Hehe, I still have to look for it." Owen replied with a bright smile.It's impossible to find it with painstaking effort, why not... lure the snake out of its hole!
It would only be easier for him to jump out by himself... Owen looked at Tom thoughtfully, his dark eyes flickering slightly.

Both the diary and the diadem are Voldemort's Horcruxes. Although the perception of each other has been cut off due to the long separation time or other factors, it is unlikely that the soul connection will be completely severed... Owen always feels that they will be able to sense each other sooner or later , perhaps after the absorbed vitality exceeds a certain limit.

Owen narrowed his eyes slyly and smiled like a little fox.

"I think you're thinking about something bad." Tom looked at him seriously, feeling a chill on his back for no reason.

"Ah, Tom, do you know the information about the secret room left by Slytherin?" Owen directly changed the topic.

Tom looked at him in silence for a while, then looked away: "Why do you ask me this?"

"You know, there was a basilisk hidden in the school, and there were two attacks." Owen said with a smile, "The wall next to the first victim said 'The Chamber of Secrets has been opened'. Haierbo seems to have found the key to the Chamber of Secrets." According to Slytherin's wishes, he cleaned up the mudbloods in the school, although they were not the only ones who were attacked... I think he was using Slytherin's will to confuse the public and distract Dumbledore's attention. "

Tom's expression turned gloomy and cold for a moment, but it returned to its original state in a blink of an eye, and the face change was so fast that it seemed like a hallucination.He said, "The first time you told me about this..."

Owen admired Tom's face change playfully, and said with a chuckle, "I'm so sorry, I forgot, who made you wonder where Haierbo could get a basilisk from..."

Tom's face darkened.The two looked at each other, and at the same time showed a "sincere" smile.

Owen said slowly: "I was wondering, would Hai Erbo hide the Horcrux in the secret room?"

"It's possible. You asked the right person. I happen to know about the Chamber of Secrets." Tom said slowly.

"Oh, I knew it." Owen clapped his palms lively, "This diary was from 50 years ago. I just found out that the secret room was opened once at that time. You must have experienced such a thing..."

"What else do you know?" Tom looked at him fixedly, with a faint smile on his pale and handsome cheek, but it seemed a little strange.

"You won the Special Contribution Award 50 years ago, right?" Owen licked his lips. "The reason for the award is...you caught the culprit who opened the secret room and prevented successive attacks in the school."

"It seems that your investigation is very clear." The smile on the corner of Tom's mouth gradually widened.

"Of course, I like to be fully prepared, at any time." Owen tilted his head, "I'm glad you didn't try to lie to me, Tom."

"As I said, we are the best collaborators, so naturally we must be sincere enough to each other." Tom's smile was beautiful and beautiful, with a sense of danger and temptation.He said in a whisper-soft voice, "So you must have guessed something, haven't you, Owen?"

"The Rubeus Hagrid you caught back then should be just a scapegoat, otherwise Dumbledore would not be able to vouch for him and still trust him so much." Owen's voice was as light as a raving, as if he was afraid of disturbing the tranquility of the lake, "But given the fact that the attacks stopped after he was caught, I'm leaning more towards... thieves yelling stop thief."

"I've always been very sorry," Tom looked towards the castle again, "I regret that I couldn't clean up the dross in the school."

"Oh, you actually admitted it?" Owen put on a surprised expression.

"In front of you, what can I not admit?" Tom said gently, "We have always been like-minded. I believe that you will not create a barrier between me because I am the heir of Slytherin, will you?"

"Of course, you can trust me, Tom." Owen returned a sincere smile, "In fact, I think you are more cordial."

"So, do you want to be the heir of Slytherin?" Tom said solemnly, as if entrusting a major mission, "Implement Slytherin's will, clean up the filth of Hogwarts, and revitalize the pure blood glory."

Owen looked at him for a while, then said with a half-smile, "Who wouldn't want to?"

"In that case, I can take you into the secret room left by Slytherin." Tom smiled, "But..."

"I know, vitality." Owen hugged his shoulders with a helpless expression.

"It's not that I don't want to take you there now. You need a Parseltongue to enter the secret room. I will slowly teach you some daily expressions during this period to ensure that you can enter the secret room and communicate with the basilisk, so as not to be caught by the irritable The guy attacked," said Tom softly.

"I wish for it." Owen blinked.

The two looked at each other and smiled, each harboring ghosts.

(End of this chapter)

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