A broken Hogwarts

Chapter 208 Inexplicable Attack

There was a sudden "pop" sound in the dark and narrow alley, as if someone threw a lit firecracker here, and two figures appeared out of thin air on the dirty stone road accompanied by the sound.

The air was filled with the stench of something rotten, and the windows on both sides of the alley were dark and sealed with broken boards.

The two people who appeared in the alley looked around to determine if there was any threat around them. There was a sad barking of a dog in the distance, adding a gloomy atmosphere to the place.

"The surrounding area is relatively safe." Lupine said calmly, "This should be Knockturn Alley?"

"Yeah." Owen played with his wand in his hand, his eyes slightly squinting, and his black-haired and black-robed figure blended harmoniously into the surrounding dark environment.

He raised his hand to cover his nose, and the two of them walked side by side out of the alley.

"It seems that those people's target is us. To be precise, it should be you." Lu Ping recalled the situation just now. When Owen was pulling him to apparate, he also saw something was wrong with those people.

"I stayed alone in the bookstore for a long time today. If they were targeting me, they would not miss such a good opportunity to take action." He added.

Owen nodded in agreement, with a dark and unclear look in his eyes.

"Could it be the same group of people last night? Are they still staring at us?" Lu Ping frowned slightly, with a deep groove between his eyebrows. "It's just that I don't understand what their purpose is." He used his pair of eyes He looked at Owen with deep and melancholy eyes, trying to get an answer from him.

"I'm confused too." Owen curled his lips and blinked his eyes innocently and blankly. "Before this, I had always guessed that someone was eyeing something in the bookstore. But I think, if that's the case, they I will definitely go in and search while you are not in the bookstore today..."

Lu Ping thought for a while, shook his head and said: "I checked before when I was counting the losses, and there were no signs that the store had been broken into or searched. Of course, it is not ruled out that their actions were very secretive, but this is not consistent with what they did yesterday. The style of breaking into a bookstore at night and causing a scene.”

"Then this is strange." Owen held his chin in his hand. "Did they confirm in some way that the thing was not there, and then turned their sights on me? Or maybe the two are not a group at all?"

This series of attacks left him confused.

Lupine did not make any random guesses, but reminded with some worry: "No matter what, you must pay attention to safety. Those people actually tried to take action in front of so many Muggles, which shows that they are a very dangerous group of guys..."

Owen nodded sadly. This feeling of being targeted for some reason made him unhappy: "Don't go back to the bookstore for now. We'll talk about it later. Remember to tell Natasha."

"Okay. You should go home quickly and don't take risks." Lu Ping warned gently, "Also, at your current age, you must not have obtained the permission to apparate. This is a very dangerous approach. You …Use less.”

"I know." Owen showed a pure smile. He agreed quickly, but he was open-minded and determined not to change.

Lupine smiled helplessly, obviously understanding that his words would not work.

The two separated from each other after walking out of the dark narrow alley, and Owen decided to go home first. Although he really wanted to arrest someone and torture him for information, there were a lot of people on the other side, and he didn't know how many people were hiding in the dark. If he took action rashly, he would probably be surrounded and overturned.

He needed some time to take stock of this matter.

With cold eyes scanning the surroundings again, Owen raised his wand and disappeared with a "pop" sound.

Instead of going to the Leaky Cauldron to borrow the fireplace, he planned to apparate home directly. If he was targeted, those people should also have spies in the Leaky Cauldron. Going there would be a trap.

By the time Owen stood still with some staggering steps, he was already standing outside the wrought iron gate of Shafiq Manor surrounded by rose vines. The hot summer wind carried the fragrant fragrance of white roses, which relieved his uncomfortable feeling a lot.

Disapparating feels like being squeezed into a thick rubber tube, unable to breathe, and every part of the body is being squeezed. The feeling remains unbearable no matter how many times I try.

Owen shook his head, looked down at himself, and was very satisfied that he was not missing any parts. This was his first time trying to apparate at such a long distance. Judging from the feeling of being able to do it with ease just now, this was far from reaching his limit.

He pushed open the door of the manor and walked in. Nyx poked his beautiful head out from the flowers, and his bright red eyes reflected ruby-like light in the sunlight. It opened its long, pointed beak, chirped softly at Owen, then turned its head and nibbled off a brilliantly blooming white rose.

Owen looked at the roses that had been ruined and fell to the ground with some pity. He felt that Nyx had too much energy recently.

As the Dark Phoenix has a desire for destruction, it is not a problem to keep it confined here all the time. It seemed like we had to find an opportunity to take him out for some exercise and vent his fire, lest this guy burn down the manor one day.

With this thought in mind, Owen walked back to the house unhurriedly and entered his study. He sat at his desk, writing and drawing on a piece of parchment, analyzing all the possible reasons why he was targeted, and got a lot of inspiration for solutions.

It wasn't until dinner time that he moved his arms and slowly came to the restaurant downstairs. The house elves had prepared a sumptuous dinner, and Mr. and Mrs. Shafiq were already sitting at the table.

Owen pulled out a chair lightly without making any noise, and heard Albert talking to Adeline: "...I could tell at a glance that they wanted to do something to me. But they didn't even think about it. In a time like this when the fugitives from Azkaban are on the loose, can I not strengthen the security in the store?"

Owen had just sat upright in the chair. Hearing this, he suddenly turned his head and looked over, and asked with a serious expression: "What happened?"

"Your father was attacked today." Adeline said calmly as she elegantly cut a piece of steak with a knife and fork.

Owen's expression became sharp in an instant, and a hazy black mist appeared in his clear black eyes, blocking the candlelight reflected in his pupils. He lowered his eyes to cover up the coldness in his eyes, and said softly: "Who touched it?"

"I don't know. Don't listen to what your mother said is so serious. If you ask me, this attack was so sloppy that it looked like a prank." Albert said in a relaxed tone, staring at Owen suspiciously for a long time.

At that moment, he seemed to feel that his child had become very dangerous, which gave him a creepy feeling. To be honest, he had never felt like this when facing that boring attack today.

"What's wrong? See what I'm doing?" Owen suppressed the malice rising in his heart, raised his eyelids and gave him a confused look.

"See if there's any black air or something on you." Albert joked, his expression relaxing.

Adeline was still staring at Owen, her dark green eyes seemed unfathomable and her expression was thoughtful.

"Ahem, can you tell me something?" Owen took a sizzling steak and a bowl of cream of mushroom soup, trying to get his parents' attention away from him.

Mr. Shafik stuffed a mouthful of steak into his mouth and said nonchalantly: "This afternoon, I left the Ministry of Magic——"

"Ah, I'm tired of the incompetent and stupid politicians who continue to 'friendly sponsor'. For so many days, the only measures they have given to the two fugitives are to send some employees around and put the dementors Put it in Hogwarts!" he complained.

"Okay, back to the original topic. After leaving the Ministry of Magic, I suddenly wanted to visit the potion shop at home, meet Mike, and talk to him about the next development plan."

"When I walked out of the potion shop, two heavily-covered guys from the passers-by outside took out their wands and pointed at me." The corner of Albert's mouth twitched.

"I really didn't expect anyone to attack me in Diagon Alley, but I always have some defensive alchemy items on me, and I'm not just a stupid person who will just stand there and let others shoot... I just sent two lame ones. Are you looking down on me a little too much when you deal with me?"

Owen looked at his father who didn't mind the matter speechlessly, feeling from the bottom of his heart that this guy had received less lessons.

"Then, before I could take action, Mike led a few security personnel I had arranged in the store to rush out. Those two people escaped very quickly..." Albert smacked his lips with regret, "I I think they could have intervened later, I haven’t had a serious fight with anyone for several years.”

"If you are really sorry, I can take time to practice with you more, Albert." Adeline glanced at him lightly.

"Well, forget it...it's too much trouble for you." Albert said with sincerity and concern.

"It's settled, we'll start tonight." Adeline said with a smile, her whole body was as gentle and beautiful as if she had stepped out of an oil painting.

Albert's face turned slightly bitter. He turned his head and glared at Owen, who was watching the show with his lips pursed tightly. He shrugged slightly and said, "Okay, I'm looking forward to it."

"But to be honest, today's things are still a bit weird." He added, "Although this attack seems to have been thought up by some idiot with a shrunken brain, and it is ridiculously clumsy, but my visit to the potion shop today was only temporary. Come on, how did they know I was going there?"

"Our family hasn't offended anyone recently. It's impossible that they just suddenly disliked me while walking on the street." He pondered, "Or maybe they just think I'm rich?"

"Could it have something to do with the person who was peeping outside the manor that day?" Owen said calmly.

"I have thought about this possibility. But again, this attack is such a child's play. It's hard for me to imagine that those extremely cautious guys can do such an operation." Albert spread his hands.

"Maybe they just want you to let your guard down and find other opportunities to take action?" Irving said seriously.

Although he also felt very strange and was not sure whether the attacks that happened to him and his father today were related, it was always better to be cautious, especially when it came to an opponent that he couldn't see through at all.

Faced with the enemy's various confusing behaviors, Owen could not find the logic in them.

There are sneaky and cautious people outside the manor, unscrupulous ruthlessness in the bookstore, strict and careful siege at the entrance of the hospital, and clumsy and ridiculous attacks outside the potion shop... It seems that they are sophisticated, or they are. Several organizations are behind this. "What?" Owen thought expressionlessly.

If the opponent was only targeting himself, he wouldn't mind slowly playing an interesting game with the opponent. But when they targeted his parents, things changed.

Well, it went from an interesting game to a game I don’t like.

"If I really caused this incident, then I have to find a way to solve it early." Owen thought expressionlessly. He never likes to involve his family in his affairs, no matter how big or small it is.

Adeline was also deep in thought, but when she looked at Owen's delicate face that was tightly set, her attention was a little distracted, and she couldn't help but want to reach out and squeeze it... Unfortunately, the dining table was too big for her to reach.

"It makes sense. So I plan to deploy a few people as bodyguards." Mr. Shafiq said casually.

Owen nodded slowly, took a sip of the fragrant mushroom soup, and then said lightly: "In fact, there are people who want to deal with me today." He decided to tell the matter so as not to affect his parents' judgment.

"What?" Albert suddenly pressed the knife and fork in his hand, and the fork made a harsh sound as it rubbed against the plate. His eyes widened with an expression of disbelief: "You didn't say anything about such a big thing until now?"

The movements of Adeline's hands paused, and her eyes almost narrowed to a slit, like an elegant and charming black rose revealing its sharp thorns.

"If your father hadn't also been attacked, would you have planned to hide it?" She said with a half-smile.

"How could it be! Am I that kind of person?" Owen opened his innocent eyes wide, but the Shafiqs were somewhat immune to his tricks.

Under the constant questioning from Mr. and Mrs. Shafiq, Owen had no choice but to reveal what happened in the bookstore. However, he did not reveal his guesses so as not to mislead their thinking.

After the staple food on the table was replaced by brightly colored desserts, he finally found peace.

After tasting a strawberry pudding, the Shafiqs went to duel outside. Owen watched with great interest for a while Mr. Shafik's miserable appearance as he was being tortured, and he applauded his mother for showing off her power.

Then he returned to his room and saw Melete fidgeting with a beetle and feeding the velvet.

A long pink tongue protruded from the pink fur ball, rolled the beetle in, and then jumped up and down twice, making a satisfied buzzing sound.

"Meow-" Melet turned to look at Owen and called out seriously.

"You're going to call it dumplings? Hmm... that's very appropriate." Owen smiled indulgently.

He played with Mao Lizi for a while, then lay down on the bed, closed his eyes, and entered the space facing the wall to complete the next plan.

He never likes to passively accept attacks, and actively setting traps to lure enemies into the bait is his strength. If the other party has not given up targeting him, it will not be difficult to let the plot follow its own script.

After thinking about plans for various unexpected situations, Owen opened Tom's diary and wrote "Good evening, Tom" on it.

"Good evening, Owen. Is it night already? I always fall asleep and wake up here, and I can't distinguish anything." Tom's beautiful handwriting appeared, looking calm. After recognizing the reality, he became the understanding, gentle and elegant friend he once was.

"What's the matter, Owen?" he asked.

"I've encountered something recently, and I'd like to hear your opinion..." Irving simply wrote, "Let's talk."

The pages of the diary flipped, and Owen lowered his body and fell into the kaleidoscope of light and shadow. When he came to his senses, he was already standing in the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets, with the emerald eyes of the huge Slytherin statue looking down at them.

"Tsk, speaking of which, Tom, do you still remember the contents of the inheritance left by Slytherin?" Owen suddenly remembered those destroyed inheritances and said in a faint tone.

"I remember, but I have only seen part of it." Tom sat leisurely on the stone platform under the statue, staring at Owen wholeheartedly with a pair of bright black eyes, revealing sincerity and joy.

"How long has it been since we communicated like this?" His bright eyes became a little dim, looking extremely distressed.

"Oh, Tom, are you still trying to bewitch me?" Owen said with a smile, sitting lazily on the other side of the stone platform. He was quite relaxed. In his thinking space, Tom couldn't change the world no matter what.

"How can you say it's bewitching? Aren't we friends, Owen." Tom said intimately, "I always thought that we were each other's confidants, friends who could truly trust each other wholeheartedly."

Owen stared at him seriously, and suddenly showed a bright and beautiful smile: "Yes, no one can be as in tune with you as I am, Tom."

The two people exchanged feelings in a harmonious atmosphere, one being more cordial and friendly than the other. If an outsider saw this scene, there would be no doubt that they would be best friends.

After a while, they got to the point. Owen told what happened to him and wanted to hear Tom's thoughts. With Tom's intelligence, he might be able to come up with a special idea, and even if the other party is perfunctory, Owen won't lose.

Tom thought carefully for a while and gave his own opinion. But he was similar to Owen in that he was extremely confused because of the lack of clues.

"You'd better find a way to catch a person, torture him, and use yourself as bait. This is the easiest way." He finally said, "But you must pay attention to safety."

"I think so too." Owen smiled and nodded.

Tom looked at him and smiled, his eyes slightly curved. He said softly: "Don't you want to know about Slytherin's heritage? Come with me."

He used the password to open the secret passage in the mouth of the Slytherin statue, took Owen in, and said at the same time: "It seems that I have destroyed all the inheritance in the secret room, right? I can't read the rest. Very sorry.”

His voice had a hollow echo in the sealed passage.

Tom skillfully opened the door at the end of the secret passage, revealing a room that looked like a laboratory. Two rows of full bookshelves stood against the wall, and the table in the middle contained some strange utensils and hideous specimens.

"These were the only books here originally, and I moved the rest in later." Tom enthusiastically introduced some small inventions to Owen that he was quite satisfied with. Most of them are related to black magic, and the consequences for wizards and wizards are not very good.

Owen listened with interest, expressing genuine admiration for some of them, such as a quill that devoured the intellect of its wielder. No matter how cruel and bad they are, they can't cover up Tom's genius ideas and extraordinary creativity, not to mention that Owen can now appreciate this cruel beauty.

He also put forward some of his own ideas and creativity to discuss and argue with Tom. I have to say that he is quite proficient in black magic.

Both of them are very capable and have their own persistence. During the debate, there will always be sparks of inspiration. This made both of them satisfied, and they looked at each other with more sincerity in their eyes. They do have a lot in common.

"By the way, maybe you will like this." Tom smiled mysteriously, took out a book from the bookshelf nearby and handed it to him.

Owen took the book, looked at the densely packed books on the bookshelf, and asked, "Do these have content?"

Tom shook his head: "Only those I have seen and remembered, the rest are blank."

Owen nodded sadly and opened the book in his hand. Most of the pages inside were incomplete, and only one part was comprehensive.

"A way to increase magic levels?" he murmured.

"Yes, I think it is very suitable for you." Tom said leisurely with his hands behind his back, "Draw strength from killing. After accumulating to a certain level, it can trigger a magic riot and help you complete a new round of magic strength. Leap.”

He tilted his head slightly and looked at Owen, his clear and bright eyes filled with childlike innocence.

"It's really good." Owen raised the corners of his mouth, with a slightly hazy look in his eyes.

"I knew you'd like it," Tom said cheerfully.

Owen carefully wrote down this curse, which was obviously classified as the most evil type of black magic. After discussing it with Tom for a while, he said goodbye to each other and opened his eyes in the white foggy space.

Pulling out a piece of paper to write down the knowledge in his mind, he thought about it carefully and found it quite fascinating.

"Take time to study it in the wall-facing space."

Owen stretched, gently closed Tom's diary, and returned to his bedroom.

At this time, the night was quiet and the moonlight outside the window was just right. (End of chapter)

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