A broken Hogwarts

Chapter 219 Defense Against the Dark Arts Class

Before the Transfiguration class started, Owen went back in time again and rushed to attend an ancient rune class.

Professor Babling in this class is a witch who speaks inarticulately. She keeps chattering during class, like bees buzzing in her ears.

Owen had no intention of wasting time on the course content he had already studied on his own. After listening to the professor's lecture for a while, he closed his eyes and entered the wall-facing space.

Professor Babling soon discovered that Owen seemed to be sleeping. She seemed very unhappy. She reached out and patted Owen on the shoulder, waking him up from the wall space.

Owen looked up at her in confusion, with an innocent and confused expression on his pale and delicate face, as if he had just woken up from sleep.

"This classmate, please answer the question I just asked." Professor Babuling said with a straight face.

"Sorry, professor, what was your question just now?" Owen asked with a clear and apologetic expression on his face.

Professor Babling repeated her question dissatisfiedly. After getting a perfect answer, she continued to ask some more questions, ranging from simple to difficult, and finally involved the knowledge of advanced runes.

Finally, she reluctantly and somewhat gratifiedly stated that Owen's level of ancient runes was enough to pass the O.W.L. exam.

"Even so, I don't advocate your laziness in class, so I won't give you extra points for it..." Professor Babling chattered, then went around behind the desk and dug out the drawer from the bottom. Pulled out a thick old book.

She walked over with the book in her hand and kept mumbling: "If you really have nothing to do, you can learn another ancient magic script by yourself in class. This kind of magic script such as Niwen appears and is used It dates back to earlier, originating from ancient Greece where magical civilization was once extremely prosperous and glorious. Many materials handed down from that period were written in this magic script..."

Professor Babling placed the book on the desk in front of Owen. Facing the students' gazes, she spoke loudly: "A large number of outstanding wizards emerged during the ancient Greek period. Many of them It is still printed on pictures of chocolate frogs, such as Andros, Sess, Mopsus, etc.”

"Many of the magic spells we use now were invented in the ancient Greek period and are still in use today due to their practicality. Many legends handed down today also originated from that period. We can find the earliest ones from the historical materials of that period. Records about the legend of Death, ah, there are also many myths and legends..."

After chatting for a while, Professor Babling realized that she was off topic. She coughed lightly and said to Owen: "The ancient Greek period is an era that ancient scholars will never miss. If you are interested in ancient magic texts, you might as well think about it. Of course, combining it with ancient Greek will help You study more smoothly."

"If you have any questions, I'm willing to answer them for you." After finishing speaking, she returned to the podium, "Okay, let's continue..."

Owen flipped through the old books on the table and found that the text on the back of the Badge of the Dead that he found from Veros during the summer vacation was written in this ancient magic script. He became really interested and started to read it carefully.

Hermione looked away from Owen with a look of frustration on her face. She was shocked and frustrated by Owen's academic progress, but soon became more motivated.

The little witch, who was aroused to be competitive, spent the entire class raising her hands high to answer questions.

Owen simply flipped through the book in his hand and had a preliminary understanding of this magic text. It originated from an ancient linear script and evolved over a long period of time, and also mixed with some Greek letters, showing its close connection with ancient Greek.

This kind of ancient magic script is indeed valuable for learning. Some of the ancient books in the Hogwarts Library and the Ravenclaw Chamber of Secrets are written in this script. Many magic theories and diagrams also involve it.

After figuring this out, Owen was already planning to learn this magic text. He turned to the first chapter and read it carefully, and also took advantage of the break to ask Professor Babling a few relevant questions.

Although Professor Babuling looks like a nagging middle-aged woman, she is actually a master of ancient languages ​​and has a deep understanding of various ancient magic script systems. Studying this in Owen It can be of great help in the process of writing difficult words.

After discovering that Owen quickly changed from lazy to humble and eager to learn, Professor Babling also became interested in talents. She was very satisfied with his learning progress and soon fell in love with this smart student like other professors.

After the ancient runes lesson, Owen quickly ate a sandwich and rushed to Transfiguration class.

In this class, Professor McGonagall explained to them the knowledge of Animagus. She transformed in front of the class into a tabby cat with glasses-shaped patterns around her eyes.

Owen's eyes brightened, and he stared intently at the cute tabby cat on the podium, and his fingers couldn't help but move slightly.

What a great opportunity, as long as I can touch it...this life will be worth it!

The cat squatting on the podium seemed to be sensing something. Its sharp eyes turned and stared at the eager Owen with vigilance. Immediately afterwards, the small body slowly lengthened and enlarged, and soon turned back into Professor McGonagall with a straight face.

Owen sighed sadly.

Professor McGonagall glanced at him again, feeling that something was wrong with the way this student looked at her just now. She coughed slightly and continued to talk about the knowledge of Animagus.

Harry's eyes lit up as he listened. He was extremely interested in the Animagus.

Owen was flipping through an advanced transfiguration reference book. He has fully mastered the Transformation Spell, which can create objects out of thin air, and the Vanishing Spell, which can make things disappear. He is currently learning to use the Transformation Spell in actual combat, and has achieved certain results, such as transforming stones into monsters. Or turn solid ground into a swamp.

Professor McGonagall just looked at him and let him do his own thing. She had already known about Owen's level of transfiguration, and knew that forcing him to attend lectures was just wasting his time.

After the Transfiguration class, Owen went to the auditorium with the crowd to have dinner, still thinking about the problem of Transfiguration. Because he had just eaten a sandwich before class, he was not hungry now.

"Owen, do you want to learn from Animagus?" Harry suddenly came over and said furtively, looking around like a thief.

Owen thought for a moment, then said lazily: "I don't think much about it."

"Why?" Harry raised his eyebrows in surprise. Animagus is so interesting. It can transform into animals. It is not only interesting, but also very useful in many situations.

"Trouble." Owen yawned and said not very enthusiastically.

Although Animagus has strategic significance in many cases-even if it can only transform into an ordinary animal, it will lose the ability to cast spells during this period-but it is important in terms of disguise, sneaking, gathering intelligence and even escaping. Very valuable... but troublesome.

Although the ability to transform into an animal attracted the interest of Owen, who was a magician in his previous life... it was still troublesome, and the method he learned was not very hygienic.

Owen thought with distaste, not being grateful for this kind of magic that took a long time, was troublesome and dangerous, and made mysophobia goosebumps all over his body.

"You're just lazy..." Harry glanced at him sideways.

Owen said leisurely: "Do you know the process of learning Animagus?"

"You know? I was just going to check it out!" Harry said enthusiastically. And Sirius is an Animagus.

Owen said calmly: "First of all, you need to hold a mandrake leaf in your mouth on a full moon night for a full month, and you can only take it out when the next full moon comes. Once that day is not a full moon, or If you accidentally swallowed or spit out the leaf during the process, you will have to start over..."

At this point, he shuddered. Holding a blade of grass in your mouth for a month... Are you sure that the leaf will not be pickled by the taste of the food? This is simply a test of one's mental endurance.

"It's quite acceptable." Harry thought for a moment and said calmly.

Irving looked at him like he was looking at a warrior, then went through the troublesome steps that followed, and added: "In this whole process, if you make any mistakes, you have to start all over again. This is also This is why Animagus learning often lasts for months or even years."

"And once you make a mistake, the final result is often very tragic." He glanced at Harry, "Maybe you will become half human and half beast, and you will never change back. Maybe you will completely turn into a human. The beast has forgotten who he is from now on..."

Harry frowned, as if a basin of cold water had been poured over his whole body. Such serious consequences made him worry about gains and losses.

Seeing the little wizard wilting like a flower destroyed by wind and rain, Owen nodded with satisfaction, sat down in the auditorium, took out a piece of parchment and made a schedule for himself.

Harry picked up this morning's Daily Prophet and looked at the front page headline. As expected, it was about the attack on the Hogwarts Express. Because he was worried that others would blame him for the train attack, he did not dare to open the newspaper and read it all day long. Only now did he gather the courage.

After a whole day, he was glad that the classmates around him didn't look at him like he was a walking troublemaker. Except for the ridiculous number of owls delivering letters, this day was not much different from the past.

Although he could sometimes detect whispers of words about him, and occasionally someone would give him a quietly pitying look, Harry was already immune to this level of attention.

He read the first page of the newspaper and found that the newspaper only reported the attack on the train by Bellatrix and Peter Pettigrew, and did not bring the topic to himself.

"Alas -" He put down the newspaper and sighed deeply with inexplicable emotions. His whole person looked a bit old-fashioned.

Owen glanced at him quizzically, then stood up and went to astronomy class with a sleepy look on his face. He used the time turner to go back a long way today and was drowsy throughout the class.

Finally, after the astronomy class was over, he returned to the dormitory as if sleepwalking, threw himself on the soft four-poster bed, and soon fell asleep.

Early the next morning, he perfected his schedule and planned to use the time converter to treat every day this year as two days. Yesterday's long and busy day basically left him little time to study magic in the wall-facing space. It also disrupted his biological clock, which made him extremely uncomfortable.

"In this case, I will have more time to study and research, and it will not disrupt my usual routine." Looking at the timetable in front of him, Owen nodded with satisfaction. He took the time to make arrangements in the Room of Requirement, dividing it into a study area, a dormitory and a dining room, turning the Room of Requirement into a place where he could live for a long time.

Owen was perfectly happy with his scientific routine, but in the eyes of his friends he was becoming increasingly elusive.

The next two days passed slowly and peacefully. Professor Snape's Potions class is still the same. In the first class, they brewed a shrinking potion, which can shrink ordinary animals into their juvenile form.

Now Snape is no longer obsessed with finding fault with Harry, because Potions has become one of Harry's best subjects, and he can brew potions quickly and well every time. His studious and expectant eyes always left Snape speechless.

So he focused more on finding trouble with Gryffindor. It just so happened that he had been in a bad mood recently. At the beginning of this class, he threatened to give his toad the potion brewed by Neville, and he actually did it when the class was about to end.

In full view of everyone, Neville was so nervous that he almost cried. In the end, his toad Leif successfully transformed back into a tadpole, which made Professor Snape feel even worse.

"Five points from Gryffindor," Snape said gloomily, "I told you not to help him, Miss Granger."

The smiles on the faces of the little lions disappeared, but they had sadly become accustomed to this daily routine of Potions class.

The situation in the first Defense Against the Dark Arts class was completely different. It only took one class and it was recognized as the coolest class by many young wizards.

When they entered the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, the students were a little surprised to find that there were no desks and chairs in this spacious classroom, and there were thick mats on the floor.

Sirius was wearing a simple black robe. He leaned against the blackboard casually and asked everyone to stand on one side of the classroom.

The students are a little curious about this new professor. Everyone knows the experience of Professor Black. He was wrongfully imprisoned in Azkaban for more than ten years. He was exonerated just a few months ago and now he has become their Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.

"I hope his level can be a little higher than the previous two years." Draco muttered unkindly.

After everyone arrived, Sirius said with a smile: "In my class, you can throw away the textbooks in your hands. What I want to teach you is to just sit there and open the textbooks to study. But it’s far from enough.”

Facing everyone's strange gazes, he smoothed his long black hair and smiled casually but with an unhurried elegance: "Originally, I did want to teach you some gentle content, but Mr. Dumbledore wanted me to be serious... ..." He suddenly grinned, his expression becoming more naughty.

"I know what you learned in this class a few years ago. To be honest, it's very disappointing." He curled his lips, "Due to some helpless factors, you didn't learn much in this class. Useful things. Only the disarming spells and obstacle spells learned last semester are still useful, but it's a pity that many of you haven't mastered them yet."

"I hope you understand that all those fun little hexes you have at your disposal are of little use in a real wizard duel. You can't expect to say a 'Grin Hula' when faced with an enemy who really wants to do you harm." This will end the battle..." Sirius spread his hands.

The students were amused by his words, and there was a low laughter in the classroom.

After the students' laughter stopped, Sirius's expression suddenly turned serious: "I will teach you real wizard duels in this class. Not only the spells that can be used in duels, but also the magic spells that can be used in duels. Including how to protect yourself and defeat the enemy..."

"I will let you understand that in a real wizard duel, it is not enough just to stand there like a wooden man chanting spells at your opponent. You should understand when to defend, when to dodge, and when to counterattack, And when to run away!”

"In a duel, running away is not a shameful thing. Avoiding the edge is the choice of a smart person."

Glancing at the expressions on everyone's faces, Sirius continued calmly: "At the same time, I will cultivate your ability to adapt to changes, improve your response ability, and teach you how to deal with sudden crises..."

"What I want to teach you is the ability to protect yourself and the art of defeating the enemy. I hope you can treat every Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson starting from today as a battle, and do your best to defeat the enemy... …Survive.”

Sirius smiled meaningfully, looked at each of the trembling little wizards, raised his finger and pointed at Owen and said: "Well, before this class starts, I want to find someone to demonstrate what a real wizard duel is like. .Owen, come here."

Owen raised his head helplessly, raised his feet and stood out from the crowd. With a flick of his wrist, a straight and smooth wand slipped out of his cuff and fell into his hand.

Sirius also took out his wand and said with a smile: "We will not use any over-the-top magic spells, nor will we use dangerous spells that may be fatal... Owen, are you ready?"

Owen cheered up, nodded with interest, and pointed the wand in his hand at the ground.

"So..." Sirius raised his eyebrows at him.

The two faced each other and bowed to each other. Then they both raised their wands above their shoulders.

"Expelliarmus!" The two chanted the spell almost at the same time.

Two red lights erupted from the tip of the wand and collided in mid-air, causing sparks to fly.

At the same time, Owen had moved a step to the right, and a stun spell was shot over. At the same time, a flash of fire shot over from the opposite side, and two magic spells crossed in mid-air.

"Armor for protection." Owen pointed the wand forward in his hand, and the invisible barrier bounced the fire aside. Then he waved his wand, and the cushions on the floor around him were lifted up one by one, flying towards Sirius.

At this time, Sirius also blocked the stun spell, pointed at the mat in front of him and said "There are many obstacles".

The speed of the mat slowed down, and taking advantage of the opportunity of the mat blocking the opponent's line of sight, Owen recited another stun spell, and his feet had changed positions again.

Sirius grinned, raised his hand and pointed to the mat in front of him and read: "The Transformation Slate."

The soft rectangular cushion became as hard as stone in an instant, blocking Owen's spell behind him. Then he waved his wand, causing the hardened mats to scatter around the classroom and fly randomly in the air.

Mats everywhere blocked the view. Owen raised his lips and suddenly pointed to the surroundings and recited "Silent and Silent".

The sounds in the classroom disappeared, and Owen rushed between the mats and played hide-and-seek with Sirius enthusiastically.

The little wizards crowded on one side of the classroom watched the duel nervously, watching the two people flickering between the obstacles formed by the mats, and the flashes of magic spells were as gorgeous but dangerous as fireworks. , but the whole scene is as gorgeous as a passionate and strange double dance.

They were dazzled by it, clenching their fists nervously, and shouting to them in their hearts to come on.

The brief hide-and-seek time was over, and Owen and Sirius looked at each other next to the podium. They shot a magic spell at each other at the same time, and then hid behind a suspended mat in unison.

"Shattered to pieces!" Owen fired a crushing spell at the mat in front of the two of them. The mat in front of me shattered to pieces on the floor.

Dozens of ropes extended from the surroundings, winding towards him like flexible snakes. Owen moved aside with great agility, pointed his wand at the desk next to him, and said: "A salvo of 10,000 bullets!"

The chalk, quills, blackboard erasers, etc. on the lecture table all levitated and shot towards Sirius like bullets. Immediately afterwards, Owen lowered the wand in his hand and used the cutting spell to cut the surrounding rope into hundreds of pieces.

At this time, Sirius had already guarded against the flying debris. He waved to Owen to indicate that the demonstration was over, then shook the wand in his hand, and all the cushions fell to the ground in an instant.

The two men stood between the messy cushions, nodding gracefully towards each other.

Owen raised his hands to straighten his messy hair and robe, and returned to the students unhurriedly. Sirius waved his wand to return the cushion to its original position, looking at him in amazement.

Sirius had long known that Owen was a young wizard with outstanding abilities. Whether it was at No. 12 Grimmauld Place or on the Hogwarts Express, he had shown qualities and abilities far beyond those of his peers. But he never expected that Owen could be on par with him and set a perfect demonstration.

You know, he originally wanted to take this opportunity to teach Owen a lesson.

Although he did not use some superb and dangerous magic spells, he did try his best to limit the use of magic spells, but Owen's reaction speed and adaptability were not weaker than his at all. And he felt that Owen didn't seem to be using his full strength.

"This little guy... I'm really curious about how far he can go." Sirius withdrew his gaze, clapped his hands at the other students, and divided them into groups of two.

"In the next time, you will come forward in pairs and have a duel to the best of your ability. I need to find out your level." Sirius said, "I need you to go all out! Don't worry, I will watch you from the side and make sure you are not harmed... Ah, Owen, come and help me too."

The rest of this class was a flurry of activity. The students' levels varied greatly. There were those in the study group who performed well, and there were also those who failed to even cast the disarming spell.

When the bell rang, the students walked out of the classroom talking loudly and excitedly. They all thought this class was very cool.

"I didn't expect the gap between us to be so big..." Harry glanced at Owen and muttered to himself absentmindedly.

He shook his head violently, his expression becoming determined. He was also taught by Dumbledore that he could not behave so poorly. He would have to work harder next and must not fall too far behind Owen.

Owen glanced sideways at him, showing a somewhat amused expression, and encouraged him seriously: "Come on, Harry, you must defeat me."

Harry felt his eyelids twitching, feeling that it was really a difficult goal.

While eating dinner, a piece of paper silently fell from the air and landed in front of Harry. He picked up the note, looked at it, leaned over and said, "Owen, Mr. Dumbledore asked us to go to his office tonight!"

Owen raised his eyebrows, glanced at the scrawled writing on the note, and nodded thoughtfully. (End of chapter)

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