A broken Hogwarts

Chapter 233 Study Group Gathering

After days of rain, Hogwarts finally ushered in a sunny day. The bright sunshine dispersed the damp water vapor and washed the gray sky into clean blue.

It’s study group time again. The little wizards chattered about the confusion they encountered in their studies, the top students answered other people's questions seriously, and the old members actively brought a few new members up to speed. The atmosphere was generally very harmonious.

Neville was explaining the key points of the Iron Armor Curse to Ron seriously, and Blaise even put aside his interesting gadgets and pointed them out to Ginny and Luna with great interest. The two finally experienced the feeling of becoming academic masters in front of the new members, and enjoyed it.

Even Draco, who was always picky, impatiently corrected Astoria's waving of the wand. Owen also argued with Hermione about an issue in arithmetic divination. In the end, the little witch was convinced by Owen I lost myself in the profound mathematical questions asked one after another, and my eyes seemed to have mosquito coils in them.

After the discussion session passed, the spell learning session began. This time, Harry picked out a charm that could keep people calm from the notebook given to him by Dumbledore. He skillfully picked up the chalk and wrote on the blackboard, explaining the principle of the charm to everyone. He is becoming more and more like an experienced teacher.

Owen was sitting by the window and basking in the sun as usual. He picked up a book "Omen of Death: What to Do When You Know Doom Is Coming" borrowed from the library and flipped through it. The words on the cover A big black dog stared at the people around him with a pair of bright eyes.

"...This spell can help us calm down when we are anxious, panic and excited. Keeping a calm mind is very useful whether it is in exams, competitions or duels." Harry recalled the words on the note meticulously and pushed it with his index finger. Wearing her round glasses, "Well, I'm not sure if using this spell on myself during exams and competitions counts as a violation..."

"But it also has drawbacks. If you recite this spell to yourself, during the period when the spell is in effect, it will be much more difficult for you to use spells that require emotional stimulation, such as the Patronus Charm and the like. ." Harry said, squinting at Owen intentionally or unintentionally. He felt that Owen might need to use this spell to clear his head sometimes.

Owen pouted at him, losing his temper with this guy who always had all his thoughts written on his face. He had always wondered whether Harry had a superpower called "mind reading"...

Soon, a group of people started practicing lively. Harry couldn't care less about supervising Owen. The classroom was full of chaos and all kinds of accidents happened one after another, making him exhausted.

Owen lowered his head and read his book seriously, not affected by the noisy environment at all, as if he was isolating himself from the world. The sun shone on him, trying hard to add some warmth to his alienation and indifference.

Time passed slowly, the book in my hand turned page by page, and the sun outside the window gradually lowered. An ethereal and erratic voice woke up Owen, who was deep in thought: "Do you also believe in that big dog called 'Ominous'?"

Owen raised his head and looked at Luna who sat down opposite him. The little witch raised her hand and smoothed her messy blond hair carelessly. Her light-colored eyes were wide open, staring unblinkingly at the cover of the book in Owen's hand, like a toddler who had discovered something interesting.

"You've been sitting here, looking a little lonely." Luna turned to look at Owen, her voice was as light as talking in her sleep, "I'm almost done practicing."

Owen raised the corners of his mouth, showed a light and soft smile, and blinked at her: "Do you believe this?" He closed the book in his hand with a "snap" and shook the book towards Luna. cover.

"Of course, I have always believed that they are a group of lonely creatures, living in places that people have not yet set foot on." Luna stared at the black dog on the cover again, her head moving along with Owen's movements of shaking the book, " I don’t think they mean to bring bad luck to people. Maybe they just want people to play with them, but they don’t know it can hurt people.”

"A very interesting insight." Owen said with a smile, "Indeed, for those mysterious and powerful creatures, even just a naughty play can be a disaster for the humans around them."

He turned his head and looked at the green grass outside the castle, his dark eyes like a calm pool: "Throughout the ages, many people have suffered bad luck after seeing 'ominous', but if you don't count those unrecorded cases, , on average, only occurs once every ten years or so. Such infrequent and irregular events can at least show that they do not need to survive by hunting humans."

Luna tilted her head like a child listening to a fairy tale, her eyes clear and serious.

"What would you do if you met them?" Owen also tilted his head and looked at her quietly.

"I'm wearing the enchantment made by my father. They won't find me." Luna spoke in a tone like a bird singing. "Although I'm happy to play with them, if they want to take me to them... If it’s at home, I won’t be able to go back to my home. Dad will be sad.”

"There are bug flies surrounding you, Owen." She suddenly raised her hand and flapped it vigorously in the air next to Owen's head, as if to drive away a group of invisible large moths. "They will fly in along the ears." It’s all messed up in the human mind.”

"Really?" Owen blinked in amusement, then looked down at the book in his hand, "I've been a little troubled lately."

"Is it because of 'foreboding'? Are you being targeted by them?" Luna's always hazy silver eyes had a look of concern.

"Who knows?" Owen said with a smile.

Luna looked at him seriously, then suddenly put her right hand into her pocket and took out a strange bracelet.

It was strung together by a wooden beer cork, two red round fruits, a golden leaf and a few strange-shaped seeds. It looked weird and strange, and a little inexplicably beautiful.

"Give it to you." Luna handed it to Owen and said with a serious and solemn expression, "This is the amulet. If you wear it, bad luck will not come to you again."

"This is yours." Owen raised his eyebrows.

"I'll make a new one when I get back." Luna looked at him without blinking.

"Okay, thank you, Luna." The smile on Owen's face became much brighter.

He took the bracelet and looked at it with interest. Although he had doubts about the effect of this thing, it was undoubtedly made with great care. The small fruits and leaves were also engraved with fine patterns, giving it a delicate and wonderful beauty.

Owen put it on his wrist and shook it slightly, and the fruits on the bracelet made a slight clinking sound.

Luna nodded with a pure smile, and her messy blond hair lifted a few more strands as she moved.

The fingers of Owen's right hand moved. He resisted the urge to help the other person smooth his hair, coughed slightly and looked at the still messy crowd, and asked in a good mood: "Are you enjoying your stay here?"

"It's great!" Luna nodded seriously, her expression became lighter, "I made more friends, and everyone is very interesting."

"That's good." Owen said with a smile.

The two talked for a while about the creatures that Luna firmly believed existed, such as the mole fly, the nanhoo, the scimitar-horned snorkel, and so on. Luna became excited when they were mentioned, and even gave Owen a copy of "The Quibbler."

During this conversation, Owen's originally troubled mood became happy, and his whole body seemed to be glowing when bathed in the sunshine.

The little wizards next to them began to practice the Patronus Charm. Daphne came over and took Luna's hand and walked aside. She didn't raise her head to look at Owen during the whole process, but just said muffledly: "Let me teach you how to summon the Patronus Charm, Luna."

Owen watched the two of them walk away, blinked slightly, shook his head with a smile, and opened his book again.

"You seem to have been reading this kind of book recently?" Harry, who was finally free, sat on the chair next to him and planned to take a rest. He turned around and saw the book in Owen's hand, "Ominous? Do you really believe Trelawney's lies?" ?”

After a period of divination classes, Harry, who was predicted to die in every class, had completely lost trust in Trelawney and regarded her as a bastard who could only talk nonsense.

"Actually, I'm being chased by a big, not-so-cute dog," Owen said seriously.

"...Really?" Harry looked at him suspiciously. Perhaps it was because Owen's expression was so relaxed and calm that he didn't know whether to believe it or not... In fact, he could never tell whether what Owen said was true or a joke.

"Really! A huge evil dog hiding in the shadows. No spell can cause direct harm to it." Owen showed a pitiful expression, looking like he was about to cry. "It will pursue and kill it relentlessly. I want to attack my shadow..."

Harry looked down at Owen's slanted shadow on the floor, his expression even more suspicious.

"Once my shadow is attacked, I will die." Owen also looked at his own shadow, making a shape of a dog's head with both hands, opening and closing his mouth to bite Harry's shadow, "Only with Only shadows can attack it, but it is extremely powerful and can teleport at will in the shadows..." Harry became more and more disbelieving. He had never heard of the existence of such a weird thing. He was speechless as he watched Owen's physical and spiritual performance, feeling that this guy was playing tricks on him again.

He said dryly: "Then...be careful..."

"Ah, I've always been careful, but it always likes to harass me." Owen said casually, "To me, it's not too deadly, but it's very annoying."

Harry stared at him blankly for a while, becoming more and more confused about what was true and what was false. The corners of his mouth twitched, and he stood up and said, "I'm going to practice magic spells..."

Owen stopped reading. He leaned back lazily in his chair and played a deck of cards out of boredom.

After persistent practice, the members of the study group have made rapid progress in the Patronus Charm. In just these two weeks, except for a few new members who had not made any progress yet, one old member after another summoned a complete patron saint.

Draco was the first person to summon his patronus this semester, which was an elegant and beautiful white peacock. It stretched its wings and strutted proudly, its eyes as big as black beans were bright and flamboyant, and its expression was exactly the same as Draco's.

Draco was very dissatisfied with this and felt disillusioned. He had always believed that his patronus would be a handsome and reliable snake, or a fire dragon. But everyone else felt that his personality couldn't be more similar to that of Peacock.

Hermione had never been very good at such emotional spells, but she was diligent enough to summon her otter Patronus, who was as smart and agile as its owner.

Then, Blaise summoned a hedgehog patronus, and Pansy also succeeded. Neville called out a large dog of unknown breed, which looked as loyal and honest as its owner.

Amid the cheers of the crowd, Owen played the cards in his hand smoothly and gracefully, squinting his eyes and watching the silver-white patron saints fly past him happily, with no expression on his face.

When the setting sun turned the sunset into fiery red, people left in groups in twos and threes, with unfinished expressions on their faces.

Harry waved and watched as the reluctant Ginny walked out of the classroom. Then he stretched his arms and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't forget Quidditch practice tonight, Harry," Draco reminded lazily.

"Hogsmeade!" Blaise muttered lowly, "There's only one week left, I can't wait!"

Seeing Harry's somewhat lonely and envious expression, he said "Uh", "Don't worry, I will bring you candies and interesting gadgets, Harry..."

"Thank you, Blaise." Harry smiled and changed the topic, "When will Crabbe and Goyle learn the Patronus Charm? Ginny and the others are learning faster than them..." He said , he suddenly froze.

"Don't count on this." Draco glanced sideways at the two silly men, whose thoughts had already drifted to dinner. "You might as well hope that they can defeat the dementors with their fists... huh? Harry?"

He frowned and looked at Harry, who was standing there as blankly as a stone sculpture, and said slowly: "You look exactly like the two of them..."

Before he could finish speaking, Harry touched his face in panic, looked at the people around him helplessly, then held his cheeks in his hands and screamed hysterically.

The piercing cry made several people around him take a few steps back. Owen had already drawn out his wand alertly, and then noticed something unusual. He stared at him with interest, and a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Draco said with a look of disgust and suspicion, "What's wrong with you, Harry?"

"I'm not Harry!" Harry screamed, his cheeks suddenly turned a bright fiery red, and even his ears and the roots of his neck were red, "I'm Ginny!"

Draco opened his mouth and forgot to close it. Blaise was stunned for a while, and suddenly he burst into laughter while holding his stomach. Daphne's eyes widened in horror, and she recited the theory of the curse in a low voice again.

Ginny's face turned even redder, as if she was about to have a fever. She stumbled out the door, hitting the door frame with a bang, and knocked over a pair of armor at the corner of the corridor. The loud crashing sound echoed deafeningly throughout the entire floor.

"We are so close to each other, there must be repercussions." Owen suppressed a smile, his eyes bent into a pair of crescent moons.

how to say? When you are thinking about someone who is not around you, meeting is no longer out of reach. If the other person is also thinking of you tacitly at the same time, then - you will become that person...

In this regard, Owen can only say that he is very considerate, but he is too considerate. Except for a few people with clear ideas, who would want to become the person they miss.

A group of people walked out of the classroom talking and laughing, and did not see Harry and Ginny again until they were sitting in the Great Hall eating dinner. Apparently they had gone to the school hospital.

Harry came back languidly the next day, avoiding looking at Ginny's face. Ginny's behavior became even more exaggerated. In the following days, she almost didn't dare to be in the same room with Harry. Every time she saw the other person, she would instantly blush and scream, and the things in her hands would drop to the floor. .

In the past few days, Ginny's brothers have always noticed that Harry's nose is not his nose or his eyes, and they don't like it. After teasing their little sister, the Weasley twins gave Harry a special toilet seat.

The toilet seat kept humming, making a sound that needed to be mosaicd. If Harry hadn't blown it up with extremely quick reactions and put on his own invisibility cloak at lightning speed, he would have experienced the feeling of social death again.

During this period, Harry's life was not going well. In addition to his disappointment at not being able to go to Hogsmeade, Professor Snape's strangeness was also one of the reasons.

He had barely gotten along with the dean since he entered school, and he had never seen Professor Snape's sinister and mean face like the original novel. This time, for the first time, he deeply felt how irritating the other party's cynicism was. Although he somewhat understood the other party's mood, he still couldn't help but be angry.

Fortunately, his practice of the Patronus Charm was very effective, and he was able to successfully summon his stag Patronus in front of the dementor that the Boggart turned into, which made him feel a lot relieved.

Owen is still obsessed with all kinds of weird research. He has made rapid progress on the soul version of the Shadow Vengeance Curse, and he also has some ideas for improving the Explosive Curse.

The improvement of the Iron Armor Curse is also getting better, which is inseparable from the principal's answers to questions.

In fact, many precious alchemy items will have the Iron Armor Curse attached to them. For example, Draco has a necklace that can pop up the Iron Armor Curse when the owner is attacked, helping to resist and rebound the spell. But they are not really able to be triggered at any time, but require the owner to keep a close eye on the person who casts the spell on them, and cannot resist sneak attacks from the dark.

Now, Owen feels that turning the Iron Armor Curse into a passive defense spell is not far away, and he already has a clear direction.

In addition to improving various spells, he also learned several new spells, many of which were dark magic. For example, the three types of curses of "flesh and bone", and the transformation of the Inferi...

After practicing every day, Owen has made rapid progress in spell-free casting. So far, except for some more advanced spells, he has been able to cast most spells without spells, especially in black magic. He can now be regarded as extremely talented.

During this time, he exchanged letters with his parents, Natasha and Kurt. Kurt had already planned to take action recently, because he found that the stalker outside the bookstore seemed to want to leave.

The Shafiqs were unable to find any clues about the exorcism, and they encountered no further danger. Owen asked his mother for information on her previous research on Nagini's venom, and quickly prepared a targeted antidote and fed it to Peter Pettigrew in the cage.

After Owen's Legilimency practice again and again, Peter Pettigrew has recently become dull and dull, and his reactions to the surroundings are always slow, but Owen is sure that he is not stupid yet.

Time flies, and with the eager anticipation of many little wizards, the day before Halloween has finally arrived. (End of chapter)

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