A broken Hogwarts

Chapter 93 The Daily Life Before Christmas Chapter

Chapter 93 The Daily Life Before Christmas

In the days that followed, Owen's campus life was rarely calmed down.No spoiler fax machines, no magical animals scurrying around the castle, and no Dark Lord messing with him...

Because Quirrell and Voldemort were busy with the three-headed dog.Some time ago, Voldemort, who was well-off, seemed to have brewed a pot of potion to try to deal with the three-headed dog, but in the end he failed, and was roared back by the three-headed dog Lu Wei.The deafening roar woke up almost everyone in the entire castle.

As a very rare and powerful magical animal, this three-headed dog has the strength and magic resistance of a 5X-level magical animal, and it only listens to Hagrid, so it is a good choice for the gatekeeper.Both Quirrell and Voldemort dreamed of figuring out what its weakness was.

Owen naturally showed that he was trying to find out the news, and he went to find Hagrid with Harry and the others from time to time.Hagrid has been sad for a long time since sending away the Chimeras and five-legged monsters that almost overturned Hogwarts last time. The scene at that time can be called a touching drama of life and death.

Fortunately, he was soothed by the bird snake and several other small things he left in the Forbidden Forest. Hagrid found another bird snake from somewhere, and was very keen to take the little wizards to have a look. Cuties in ban.He always proudly and tirelessly explained their current status to everyone, such as how many pounds they weighed, how they were feeling, or how much they ate today.

Owen showed a strong interest in this, and he was happy to get in touch with these magical animals. This kind of performance made Hagrid smile and praised him for having a future.

Harry, on the other hand, began to show a keen interest in what the three-headed dog was guarding, and he was focused on getting some words from Hagrid.Because from the conversation between Snape and Quirrell they overheard that day, it seemed that Professor Snape was plotting that thing, trying to force Professor Quirrell to figure out how to get past that big dog...

Owen can only say that Professor Snape is really not very good at speaking human words. He is obviously a positive person, but his words are so ambiguous.

Harry struggled with this, wondering if he should tell Dumbledore about it.In his opinion, although Professor Snape was usually gloomy, indifferent and eccentric, he was a good professor who cared about his students.Therefore, he intends to figure out what that thing is first.

Hagrid, on the other hand, was quite vigilant about this matter. Once this question was mentioned, he would change the subject loudly, making Harry anxious, as if he was the one who was ordered by the Dark Lord to inquire about the news.

Owen was happy to watch the show and eat melons, and Voldemort hadn't lost his patience, so he dragged it for granted.In fact, he has a lot of troubles himself. These days, he has been intensively absorbing knowledge in the space facing the wall, seriously studying the mind-separation magic left by Ravenclaw, and he has almost learned it recently.

After learning it, Owen entered the experiment stage without hesitation, and the subject of the experiment was naturally himself in the space facing the wall.

The nature of the first experiment was the initial version of Ravenclaw.Amidst the complex and awkward incantations, Owen felt that his thinking was divided and his emotions were stripped away. The malice lingering in his heart seemed to be sucked away by a magnet, and it was completely shrunk and isolated somewhere in his brain. , as well as all the goodwill.

Owen experienced a feeling of absolute sanity.The brain seems to have turned into a cold machine, and it operates more smoothly and clearly, and it flies away as if a large part of the memory has been liberated.All the decisions he makes in this state come from his own goals and interests, and he is indifferent to everything else that is irrelevant. While his efficiency is greatly improved, he can also ignore everything without emotion.

In this state of absolute sanity, he can use all black magic calmly, even after using it many times without feeling the impact on his own mind.The increased maliciousness has been included in that part of the isolated thinking, which does not affect the improvement of black magic power. If it is not for the loss of all emotions, this state is undoubtedly very ideal.

Owen left the wall-facing space to refresh his status and regained his emotions, but the problem of thinking was not involved in the wall-facing space.All the emotions that were isolated before surged in an instant, especially the malice that he had stored up indiscriminately using black magic during the experiment suddenly erupted, causing violent bloodshot eyes to appear in his eyes, and his body trembled uncontrollably. After a long time, he finally Totally got myself under control.

"I barely survived it for such a short time. No wonder Ravenclaw fell ill in an instant after getting rid of the state of absolute sanity..." Owen stuffed chocolate into his mouth wearily, feeling the bitterness in the mouth. The sweet aroma melted in the mouth, a warm current slightly dispelled the coldness in the body and mind, and exhaled lightly.

After adjusting his state, he entered the wall-facing space again and began to improve the spell.

The process of improvement is difficult and dangerous. Owen worked hard day and night, and gradually found his way through repeated failed attempts.

His original idea was to eliminate that state of absolute sanity, but after experimenting on himself many times, he found that it was impossible.The reason for the emergence of absolute sanity is that the positive and negative sides of oneself are isolated. Owen tried to isolate only the dark side of himself, but he soon discovered that once this balance of positive and negative is broken, the spell will no longer work.

Instead, he decided to completely separate his dark side and find a way to transplant it to other places, such as placing it in the Dark Guardian.He managed to toss out a new spell and tried it on himself. After experiencing the severe pain that seemed to cut his brain in half, Owen's thoughts went into a complete frenzy, and he almost made himself crazy .

After many improvements and attempts, he finally rejected this direction.Dividing one's own mind is as absurd and dangerous as dividing one's soul, and it is also stupid.

After pondering for a long time, Owen decided to take a step back.He realizes that both ends are part of himself, and that having accepted his dark side, he doesn't need to shut it off completely.He also didn't expect that he could get involved in the field of white magic, anyway, he had already been repelled by white magic.

Therefore, he only needs to ensure that he will not continue to be corrupted by black magic, and not let the malice in his heart spread and grow unscrupulously.In Owen's view, maintaining the status quo may be the best result.

After determining the direction of improvement, he quickly achieved phased results.

Take the newly born evil thoughts as the target of isolation, and use your own original malice as a bridge to connect with the dark demon guards that are closely related to your personality and emotions.Next, you only need to transfer the newborn evil thoughts into the natural empty shell of the black devil guard, and you can eliminate the two hidden dangers in yourself at the same time.

But Owen's research has reached an impasse.How to transfer the newborn evil thoughts to the Dark Demon Guard has troubled him for a long time.

To occupy this empty shell, what is needed is a soul rather than a mind, but how to make that part of evil thoughts have the characteristics of a soul?

Owen first thought of using a part of his own soul as a carrier, but this is difficult to achieve unless he splits his soul.Although he had recently learned part of how Horcruxes were made from Ravenclaw's collection of black magic books, splitting souls for this kind of thing was completely putting the cart before the horse.

There will be no way to think about this question for a while, and Owen can only continue to browse through the collection of books to find inspiration while preparing for his large-scale magic show.

On this day, Owen crawled out of his traceless stretching box in disgrace, his hair and clothes, which were always clean and tidy, were covered with dust, causing Melet, who was next to him, to keep sneezing.

He closed the lid of the suitcase heavily, cleaned himself up with a cleansing spell, and walked out a door on the eighth floor of the castle, holding the meowing and hungry Meleta in his arms.In order to keep it secret, he had already moved his studio to the Room of Requirement.

The kitten, Lizi, has been weaned, and now eats more and more, her round body has gradually grown, and her limbs have become strong and slender.

Fortunately, as a magical animal with magical powers, Melet is not as squeamish as Muggle pets. She can drink milk, and can also eat meat and vegetarian food.Cats and raccoons in the wild usually feed on mice, fish, and birds, as well as wild fruits, but Melet, who has been with Owen for a long time, prefers to eat cooked food.

Since weaning, Melet has become more and more active, wandering around the Hogwarts castle day by day.Ever since she keenly spotted where the kitchen was, slipped in, and was warmly entertained by the house-elves, she had been hungry and working harder.

"If you continue to eat like this, you will turn into a pig sooner or later." Owen tugged at Melet's big ears angrily.Although the kitten Lizi is light brown, it is somewhat orange, which is very dangerous.

Melet raised her head proudly, her long tail swung flexibly, not paying attention to Owen's words at all.She is so cute, how could she gain weight!

Owen shook his head, took a few hidden shortcuts to the hall, entered the stairs leading to the basement, and found a painting in a brightly lit stone corridor.He raised his hand to scratch a pear in the painting, heard it chuckle, and then transformed into a green doorknob.

Owen turned the doorknob and entered the Hogwarts kitchen, where many house-elves were busy preparing food, and the air was filled with a tempting aroma of food.

Melet couldn't wait to jump out of Owen's arms, climbed up the table with ease, and sat there proudly and reservedly waiting for the elves to serve the food, but the wagging tail behind her revealed her excitement and impatience. patient mood.

The house-elves all wore tea towels with the Hogwarts crest on them, and they were not surprised by Melet's arrival.They respectfully and enthusiastically greeted Owen to sit down, and then a steady stream of food was delivered to the table, with pure anticipation and joy shining in their big glass bead-like eyes.

Under the expectant eyes, Owen and Melet had a full meal, and then said goodbye to the elves in a good mood.On the way back to the common room, Owen also met Mrs. Norris, and fed her some small dried fish as usual.Melet watched the whole scene arrogantly, like a queen looking down on her subjects.

Mrs. Norris has gained weight recently, and her dry and knotted hair has become smooth and smooth. She looks a lot more beautiful and cute, and her aura is a bit mighty.Over the past few days, Owen has often brought food to Mrs. Norris, helped her to clean up her messy hair, and has successfully gotten to know her well. Sometimes he can even touch her head, and share with Filch about raising cats. .

Mrs. Norris ate the small dried fish slowly, her eyes narrowed in satisfaction, and those bright eyes looked at Melet with a little fear and pride, as if to say: Look, your master still likes me more!You are an unattractive cat!
Melet bared her bright white fangs angrily in Owen's arms, her two big ears turned into airplane ears, and her big tail danced wildly, slapping Owen's cheeks a little painfully.

Mrs. Norris was frightened by Malizi's aura, but after seeing Mr. Filch walking slowly, she became fearless again.After glancing proudly at Melet, she ate the last few dried fish in two or three bites, and ran to Filch with graceful catwalks.

Melet let out a low growl. If Owen hadn't hugged her tightly, the kitten who became more and more irritable would definitely rush to beat the cat right now.

In the next few hours, the angry kitten Lizi kept looking at Owen with cold and dissatisfied eyes, as if he could no longer be coaxed, and seemed to accuse Owen of his crimes with his eyes: You have me Why are you still thinking about other cats!
It wasn't until she was hungry again that she started pestering Owen to act like a baby...

Time flies, and Christmas is coming in a blink of an eye, and this semester is coming to an end.Owen signed the back-to-school list without hesitation, and he wanted to take the opportunity to visit the ghost lady Elizabeth.

Harry has been gnawing on a large stack of books listed by Dumbledore these days, looking very much like a little girl Hermione.The eyes of the little wizard seemed to have lost their spirits, and whenever they saw friends playing around, they would show pitiful and resentful expressions. Only Hermione was so relieved that she still had time to read these books with Harry. Sometimes Daphne will be there too.

As for Owen... he is too busy with his own affairs.In the eyes of many young wizards, he is becoming more and more out of control.

But recently, a strange thing happened in Hogwarts. Professor Quirrell, who has always been timid and eccentric, has changed!

The worn-out robe on his body was replaced with a new one, and the large purple scarf around his head was replaced with a black pointed hat that firmly covered the back of his head. Even the weird garlic smell that lingered on his body all year round Turned into a light perfume smell!

Such a normally dressed young professor walked in Hogwarts and immediately stood out among the professors, becoming the most beautiful boy!
The little wizards talked a lot, and they all felt that Professor Quirrell had fallen in love recently, and decided to change himself for his lover, overcome his fear, and even tried to make himself stutter less during class.A brave young wizard asked this question directly in class. After Quirrell hesitated to avoid the eyes of everyone, this conjecture became a fact in the eyes of everyone.

Soon, many professors also learned about this incident. They witnessed Quirrell's changes, and expressed their deep support while being gratified, and sincerely encouraged them occasionally when they met.Professor Flitwick also enthusiastically helped him out, claiming that he was a heartthrob when he was young, and had fascinated many beautiful witches.

Only Professor Snape was puzzled by Quirrell's changes. He had been vigilant for a long time with the mentality that if something goes wrong, there must be a monster. together.

Although Peeves still made Quirrell a little embarrassed, but seeing Professor Quirrell who worked so hard to change himself suffer such excessive pranks every day, a group of sympathetic little witches were outraged.

Especially when they saw that Quirrell's face was getting paler and his body seemed to be getting weaker, these little witches acted spontaneously to escort Professor Quirrell, as if they had established a Quirrell Protection Association.

The first snow of the year covered Hogwarts. The grounds outside the castle were covered with several feet of snow, and the lake was frozen with hard ice.

Owen walked out of Professor McGonagall's office with a smile on his face, and Melet stood on his shoulder.A group of kittens and raccoons of different colors meowed to see him off behind him, and their soft cries made people's hearts almost melt.

He had just asked Professor McGonagall some questions about Transfiguration, and had brought Melet to visit her siblings.Seeing that Melet was well-raised, and even her body was much bigger than other cats and raccoons, Professor McGonagall showed a rare expression of satisfaction, and took out a transfiguration notebook Sent to Owen.

Just a few steps away, Owen saw a group of little witches from a distance teaching the Weasley twin brothers fiercely.Because the two enchanted a few snowballs, let them chase Quirrell around, and hit each other hard on the back of the head, which aroused the dissatisfaction of the little witches of the "Quirrell Protection Association".

The twins smiled helplessly, and looked at each other wryly. They looked dejected, like Harry these days.

"It's such an unexpected development." Owen shook his head amusedly, watching Professor McGonagall rush over to put the Weasley twins in confinement.

On the way back to the lounge, Owen ran into Ms. Gray who was standing in the corridor admiring the snowy scenery outside the window.The two stood by the window and chatted for a while. Since the last ghost event, there have been more ghosts coming and going to Hogwarts, and it has become a communication center for ghosts.

After talking openly that night, the relationship between Owen and Ms. Gray has become much more harmonious, and he can often get some useful knowledge from Ms. Gray. she.

"I'm going to visit Ms. Elizabeth during the Christmas holidays, Helena, are you interested in visiting together?" Owen said with a smile, "I heard that there are many nightmares living in her forest, and I have never seen one before." .”

"She actually allows outsiders to visit her?" Ms. Gray raised her eyebrows in surprise, her expression on her silver-white cheeks was blurred, "Her Nightmare Forest has refused outsiders to visit her for thousands of years... Well, I will rush to visit her." Won't it be too rude?" She seemed very moved.

"No, Ms. Elizabeth is actually very happy to have someone visit." Owen shook his head amusedly.The shy ghost lady is not very good at expressing herself. When she is short of words, she will only stare at the other party with red eyes helplessly. With her blank expression, it is easy to make people feel difficult to get along with. In fact, her heart Gentle and kind.

"Then I'd be happy to visit." Ms. Gray showed a hazy and beautiful smile.

(End of this chapter)

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