Elden: Ring of Calamity

Chapter 108 The Butcher

Chapter 108 The Butcher
"More than 700!" Lataen said dumbfounded, "Is this guy trying to rebel?"

Lucia was shocked and still a little puzzled. According to the usual practice in previous years, only two teams of eight fighters will compete in the championship match in the underground waterway. Even if an exception is made to allow more teams to participate, there will only be 64 fighters in the full battle festival. Fighters are simply out of proportion to the number of these "prey".

If placed on the battlefield, an ice troll of this size could even overwhelm a 3000-strong Golden Knight team head-on!
Duoris obviously put all the captives he caught in the northern border into this ceremony. No matter the preparation or the finale, he would have to spend a huge amount of manpower and material resources, and even face the risk of being held accountable by the two majesties—— What is he planning?
Now it seems that Old Hart, who is in charge of Serrante, may not know all the truth behind this incident. Sixteen contestants who have passed the second round can be qualified as night fighters. In the current situation, this year's It is no longer possible for the battle festival to be held in accordance with the previous competition system. It is unknown whether all sixteen people will survive after throwing everyone into the sewer.

"You should know that the battle ceremony and the more secretive underground gladiatorial fights are not just entertainment for those nobles, but also a battlefield for resolving conflicts and disputes." Menggot said.

"Duke Duoris has always been known for his maturity and prudence in the court, but this time he suddenly made such a behavior that was almost irrational. If we have to find a reasonable explanation, it can only be that he has fallen into a disadvantage in the political battle. A big gamble is urgently needed to salvage the situation."

Lucia slightly raised his eyebrows and said: "But he just returned from the victory in the northern border a few days ago. Judging from His Majesty Radagon's attitude towards him at the state banquet, during this period of time, the entire Golden Dynasty can't find a few people who are better than this." Isn't the duke more proud of his existence?"

"Oh, what a single Radagon is!" Munger sneered, not concealing his contempt for his "stepfather".

"Three years ago, the position of the guard of the northern border was vacant. Opinions in the DPRK and China were roughly divided into two factions. The new party planned to support Marquis Osarion, who had been in the deputy position, to be promoted to the commander of the guard and the northern legion, while the old party planned to elect Silius. Chief Ya sits in the northern border and completely quells the endless rebellions of those barbarians—as for Duoris, it is completely the third choice that was forced out by Radagon."

"Of course, Ladagang took action in person. The nobles of the new party naturally have nothing to say, but in terms of seniority and ability, it is impossible for Duoris to be on the same level as Chief Siluria. Mother has never made a clear statement, this guy doesn't even have the qualifications to compete!"

Christopher, who was listening, nodded and said: "That's the case, but Duke Duoris is doing well in the northern border. Without his iron wall strategy, the turmoil in the northern border may not be quelled so quickly, right?"

"That's the problem!" Menger said, clapping his hairy palm.

"He really wants to tinker with the position guarding the northern border for three years, and just put out fires wherever they catch fire-but you think his 'iron wall strategy' that is so stupid that it can squeeze water out is worthless Is it?"

"The Northern Territory is not the Weeping Peninsula with a mild climate. It is ridiculous to think about building an iron wall defense line in that kind of place where the weather is cold and the birds don't shit. It took Duoris three years and nearly one-fifth of it wasted. Only with a large number of troops and 20 years of material reserves can we barely achieve three to five years of stability—this is not counting the debt of favor he sold to the northern military officers and those flame archbishops in the name of the New Party!"

"The result is that he has gained nothing in the Northern Territory in the past three years, except for a useless 'famous general'. His contacts and prestige in the Northern Territory Legion are not as good as Osarion, who has been in business for many years. After the heart-wrenching battle of the Iron Wall, those mid-level military officers whom he promised countless benefits have become estranged from him, and the nobles of the new party in the court also hate him for consuming the interests of the entire new party to achieve his own fame."

There was an ugly smile on Menger's dark face, and he said gloatingly: "From the beginning to the end, that idiot Radagon wanted to train one of his dogs to be a pillar of the new party that could compete with the two furnace chiefs. The dog's skills are too bad to live up to, and now it is only a joint attack between the two parties before he is dismissed from office and returned to the capital."

"Pay attention to your words, Menger!" Mengerte tapped his younger brother's forehead with his cane, "Duke Duoris is an important minister of the country anyway, how can he utter obscene words at will?"

Lucia rolled her eyes, Duoris is indeed an important minister of the country, and Ladagang is still the monarch of the country. You Menggot pretending to be deaf is not really a good and selfless person!
"So, this battle festival is essentially a gambling fight between the Duke of Duoris and the Marquis of Osarion?" Ratarn concluded from a high position, and at the same time, he looked at Menger with a slightly softer gaze— - Bad mouth is bad mouth, at least this guy's views on military strategy are similar to those of his hero.

Montgomery nodded and said: "The Marquis of Osarion is indeed one of the masters behind the scenes of these arenas, and he is also the only candidate to compete with Duke Duoris for the position of guardian of the northern border. Judging from the abnormal behavior of the Duke this time, most likely It’s a big gamble between these two.”

"He's right—" Lucia affirmed, combining the inside story of the dynasty that the brothers had just analyzed and the information he knew, all the clues were strung together at this moment.

"We learned from the list of the Celant Colosseum that the Marquis of Osarion specially invited Rollo, the master perfumer, to participate in this festival, and Carlisle, the only son of Duke Duoris, was also included in the list. They should be The agent of the two great nobles in this gambling game."

"Especially this Rollo." Lucia sighed softly, "In fact, we are here for him."

"Come here for him?" Menggot obviously didn't expect this possibility, and asked in confusion: "What do you mean?"

"Do you still remember the knife that almost killed you not long ago?" Lucia said, "It's likely that he did it."

"It's him?!" Mengget and Meng said almost in unison.

Menggot forced himself to recall that nightmarish night—the man had a wretched smile on his mask, and his voice was as hoarse and ugly as a knife cut through tree bark. Just looking at his figure, he was just a crooked and decayed man. The old man's speed was as fast as an invisible ghost, but he broke through his defense with just a dozen moves, and sliced ​​open his chest, abdomen and seven ribs in one blow!

“I encountered him while rescuing a hunting party—I was no match for him, and after being defeated, he brutally slaughtered twelve of my compatriots in front of me,” recalls Montgot. "He obviously had a chance to kill me, but he kept his hand, and even sprinkled a strange hemostatic agent on my wound, probably because I lost too much blood, I passed out quickly, and woke up again It's already in Dr. Tolisha's clinic."

"That's fragrant medicine——" Tuo Lixia said with a pale face, "except for fragrant medicine, there is no medicine that can stop the bleeding of that kind of wound. I asked why I saw fragrant medicine on your wound when you bandaged it At that time, I thought that other perfumers and fellow perfumers extended a helping hand out of kindness, but now that I think about it, maybe it was him who brought you to the alley near the medical hall, and I just happened to find you."

"He recognized your identity," Lucia pondered. "Even the 'Omen Hunter' who took forbidden drugs would not dare to kill a noble demigod."

He took a deep breath, looked straight into Mengerte's eyes and said, "But you have to understand that in the following chaotic battle ceremony, when that butcher who has lost his humanity faces your compatriots, he may not Show mercy."

 ps. The chapter number was wrong yesterday and cannot be modified. This chapter is 108.

(End of this chapter)

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