Elden: Ring of Calamity

Chapter 116 Devil

Chapter 116 Devil
In the dark and empty underground corridor, the three of Lucia walked on the road covered with a thin layer of water, and there was a stench mixed with the smell of fish and defecation in the splashed water, except in this vast space Except for the footsteps echoing inside, there was no other sound around.

Latarn was a little puzzled and said, "Compared to the entrance to the Tolixia Medical Hall, isn't this neighborhood too quiet?"

"It should be a special arrangement by the organizer of the festival," Lucia speculated, "The entrance to the underground waterway of Serrante is fixed, and most of the other arenas are the same, whether it is for the viewing of the event or the safety of the arena itself. , they are likely to have some defensive facilities nearby—in other words, this is a half-safe zone.”

He poured a trace of magic power into the Dark Moon Badge that Lani had given him, and a void and formless domain spread out to the surroundings. There was a flash of light ten steps away, three hundred steps away, and five hundred steps away, and three figures appeared in the air immediately. The outline of a crystal ball, and a dense array of runes emerged on the ground within this distance.

He chuckled, and said: "It seems that I guessed right, even those crazy ice mountain monsters can't rush in under the defensive circle of this density, and look at those sparse surveillance crystal balls, they There is no plan to arrange for us to fight here at all."

Christopher nodded and said: "Your Highness is right, the other nineteen teams are far away from our initial position, at least in the first few hours of the festival, it is difficult for conflicts to break out in this area .”

"We went to join up with Montgomery as originally planned. On the way, we saw that all the teams except Duoris and Osarion were cleared up, so that they would not go to the core area to die," Lucia looked at the farther away. Darkness said, "On the battlefield where monsters fight monsters, there is no place for mortals to stay."

At the same time, a full sixty miles away, in a waist-deep pool of water, a three-person team had already engaged in a fierce fight with a lone ice mountain monster.

It was a gigantic monster with a stature of more than seven meters. For ordinary people, the water below the waist barely covered its ankles. It was covered with gray and white hair, and there were a pair of copper bells on its hideous face. The big eyes glowed crazy red.

A terrifying scar dug out a large part of its abdomen, and a huge wooden tablet engraved with mysterious inscriptions lay across the abdominal cavity. Countless branches and tendrils spread out from the card and lived together with the shriveled flesh and blood. There will be a flash of golden light full of divine power.

This is the punishment that all mountain demons captured by the Golden Dynasty must go through. The eyes of evil gods in their abdomens will be completely cut out, and then implanted with wooden talismans made from golden tree roots and engraved with multiple divine spells. Seal the remaining flame power in the mountain demon's body.

Even so, these ice mountain monsters with the blood of flame giants still possess terrifying power far superior to that of humans. In one-on-one battles, even those extraordinary golden knights can hardly resist their violent attacks.

However, the mountain monster is not facing a weak knight, but an elite mercenary team that has been working together on the battlefield and in the arena for many years.

A heavily armored warrior with a height of two meters and holding a large shield and spear brazenly stood in front of him. With his powerful defense, he temporarily withstood the unskilled charge of the mountain monster. Continuously shuttled in the wind, a pair of serrated short daggers cut through the joints and ligaments of the mountain demon from time to time, causing a cloud of flesh and blood to fly in its furious cries.

On a high platform section a hundred meters away, a burly archer holding a big bow squinted his falcon-like eyes, summoned all his strength to pull the bowstring between his fingers, and shot several wrist-thick arrows in succession.

The arrows wrapped in the howling wind pierced the flesh of the mountain monster's back, leaving bowl-sized wounds around the arrow shaft!The huge impact force knocked the mountain monster forward, and the heavily armored warrior took advantage of the opportunity to send out a powerful thrust from behind the shield, piercing straight into the mountain monster's chest!

"Lilith!" The heavily armored soldier shouted his companion's name.

"Shut up Zach, I don't need your reminder!"

The female assassin with two daggers stepped on the bent knees of the mountain demon, and her figure was like a flying butterfly grazing its shoulders. The daggers in both hands danced two rounds of cold knife flowers, and suddenly pierced the mountain monster from left to right. Demon temples!

She twisted her wrist to ensure that the target's brain was smashed, then she drew her knife and jumped down gracefully. The mountain monster knelt down on the ground gushing blood like spring water, but no blood splashed on the female assassin.

"Damn it, Lilith, you can't pay attention-the blood of this thing is all over me!" complained the heavy soldier called Zac.

The female assassin rolled her charming eyes, curled her lips and said, "What's the fuss about it? Aren't soldiers just responsible for these dirty jobs?"

"But I've told you countless times. It's not like you don't know how much this armor cost me. It's very troublesome to clean and maintain!"

"Okay, okay." The shooter in the distance jumped off the high platform, smiling to appease his teammates.

"Zach, she's just being unrelenting, she definitely didn't mean it—and you, Lilith, you really need to pay attention to this kind of problem next time, without Zach leading the way, we can't make it so easy Get rid of this big guy."

"Okay, okay, Captain, you are right, this time it is my fault!" Lilith raised her hands helplessly.

Seeing that the other party was subdued, Zach stopped thinking about it, and waved his hand to signal that the matter was over.

At this moment, a nearby crystal ball emerged from the void, projecting a curtain of light: "Sharon's representative team, killed 1 Icefield Mountain Demon, scored 1, and is currently ranked 1."

Sagittarius smiled satisfied, and said: "It seems that our speed is much faster than other peers, hurry up, we must keep the best—"

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly felt a fishy sweetness in his throat, and he couldn't say the rest of the words.

In the next second, a large stream of blood gushed out of his mouth crazily. He looked down, and at some point, a cold sharp blade pierced his entire throat from the back of his neck!
"Sullivan!" Lilith let out a piercing cry.

However, her cry stopped abruptly as soon as she uttered it. In a phantom that was so fast that people could not catch it, another big knife with sharp horns cut off her head without warning, and her expression was frozen. In a terrified daze.

Years of fighting and gladiatorial experience allowed Zach to get rid of the state of standing still in just half a second. With his muscle memory, he instantly raised the shield to block all the vital points from the throat to the crotch, and at the same time he worked hard to fight The spear swung around, trying to hit the ghostly figure.

Bang - A heavy impact came from behind, and Zac was overjoyed, ready to turn around and end the opponent's life with a straight stab.

But when he turned around, he suddenly realized that his spear couldn't move at all!

Zach twisted his neck stiffly and looked back. The stainless steel spear that was supposed to slice through the killer's ribs was firmly held to death by a hand wearing a cowhide glove. There was a large black and red patch on the glove. The mottled traces are like the blood stains left by years of killing.

"Hehehe, I'm sorry, you were the first ones I met—but I can't help it anymore!"

There was a low and hoarse chuckle behind him, and then Zach felt dizzy. He saw his headless body and the fallen corpses of his teammates. Finally, his vision was fixed in the shadows a few steps away.

There stood a crooked and decrepit figure, with a wretched and pleasant smile on the horned mask.


He muttered silently in his remaining consciousness, and then the whole world fell into boundless darkness.

(End of this chapter)

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