Elden: Ring of Calamity

Chapter 126: Sleepless Night

Chapter 126: Sleepless Night
Whether it is the ancient times when civilizations sprouted such as the ancient dragon dynasty, the storm dynasty, and the Wude dynasty, or the current time when the three parties of gold, full moon, and ancient dragon stand together, the trial of nobles is a highly sensitive topic in any dynasty.

These power classes, which hold military and political finances and are closely knit together through intricate marriages, alliances, divisions, and mergers, are the most unshakable foundation for every country. Therefore, even those who are noble and powerful It is also difficult for the top princes and nobles of the moment to directly decide the life and death of a small nobleman on the bright side, let alone a court perfumer who has the title of honorary viscount and has a wide network of contacts.

But what really made Rollo despair was that the person who ruled him was none other than the two His Majesties in the entire Golden Dynasty, one of the few beings who could directly kill him without judicial procedures.

Different from the other three demigods present, this ancient dragon prince is a god-man canonized by the supreme will, and he also holds the golden law token granted by the current King of Elden, His Majesty Radagon. With the latter, he can directly execute any nobleman below the earl in the Golden Dynasty, and there is no need to report the incident afterwards.

That is to say—from the moment the words "sentence you to death" were uttered, Rollo, who was in the dynasty, could already be regarded as a dead person.

At the same time, more than [-] magic crystal balls scattered around the central tunnel of the sixteenth district recorded this scene completely, and immediately presented it through projection to the Wangdu Gladiator Association and hundreds of people who were paying attention to the gambling game. In the eyes of nobles.

For the conflict between Duoris and Osarion, some of them are unequivocal supporters, some are promoters of the flames, and some are bystanders who gloat. The big goose, everyone can't laugh.

It's not that they don't know that the two majesties' dissatisfaction with the gladiatorial world has accumulated to a certain extent, but most of the nobles can't let go of the huge profits brought by the arena and the various related industries derived from it. The most efficient rules of the game between each other.

At the same time, they are always full of confidence in their own status and right to speak, thinking that as long as they do not cross certain untouchable boundaries, they will not incur the real anger of Malika and Radagon.

Until the appearance of Lucia and Lataen, the nobles still felt that the two ominous princes who had been deprived of their royal status would not be able to cause much trouble. No matter how insane Rollo would be, he would not be so stupid as to kill the former king Gefu in full view. Lei's heir, then everything is still under control.

However, no one expected that there would be two demigods appearing at one end of a mere three-kilometer underground tunnel, and two demigods appearing at the other end!
Lucia appeared here and sentenced Rollo in front of all the nobles, which meant that their tricks that had lasted for many years under the eyes of the two majesties had come to an end.

At this moment, a court perfumer who can only wait to be killed is no longer important. What is really important is that on this round table that brings together more than half of the old and new nobles in the capital Rodel, a guy who can flip the table is really important. Turn the table over!
In the Wangdu Fighting Association, the president Rothschild was neither panicked nor furious. The old man who has been in charge of the Rodell Fighting World for more than 30 years just stood there blankly, his old and rough palms unconsciously rubbing the shiny hair. The bright armrests of the chair, but the once tall and straight shoulders collapsed unknowingly, slumping like a dead tree.

In the mansion of the Marquis of Osarion, the teacup in the hands of the hero Marquis who is famous for his bravery slipped to the ground and shattered, big cold sweat rolled on his heroic face like a knife and an axe, and even the tall and powerful His body couldn't stop shaking.

What he was afraid of was not the young ancient dragon prince, but something deeper.

As the current helm of Offnir, he is naturally clear about the family's past history of following the late king Ge Fulei in the early years, and he also knows that the two underground princes of evil omens are "evil omens" in name, but under the former king His Majesty Malika's status is not much inferior to that of the Golden Prince Godwin.

It doesn't matter whether Rollo secretly hunts down those evil omens of civilian origin, or has some friction with the two princes, these can be counted as "within the border" behavior.But now, he was actually caught by His Royal Highness Lucia when he was confronting Montgomery, and he was directly labeled as murdering a demigod!
Even if these words come from the mouth of a duke, he can refute them back without changing his face. Anyway, it has long been common for nobles to splash dirty water on each other, and the two majesties will not take it seriously—but now It is a man of God who draws the conclusion.

Under the current golden law system, no one has the right to question the judgment of a god-man at the scene where Rollo and the brothers Mengerte Menger faced each other with swords!

Once this matter continues to ferment, it will be a trivial matter whether he loses the position of guarding the northern border. If he is identified as the master of the mad dog Rollo and the mastermind behind the murder of the demigod, then the head of the entire Offnell family I'm afraid it's not enough to chop!

"Prepare the horses and chariots immediately, I'm going to the Eternal Palace to meet the two majesties!" He told the steward with a pale face.

There is no need to pay attention to this gamble any longer, saving the lives of oneself and even the family is the top priority at present.

The butler hurriedly took the order, but ran back sweating profusely in just 5 minutes. Behind him was a knight with the family crest of Ofnier on his chest. Bowing and saluting, he said, "Master Marquis, this is Viscount Rowens' personal guard Knight Lahm, Lord Viscount ordered me to bring you a message—"

"Wait!" Osarion's expression changed the moment he heard his brother's name, and he immediately backed away from the left and right sides, and only signaled him to continue talking when there were only three people left in the room.

After the third brother Hectorf killed Karen, the second brother Rovens, who served as Rodel's municipal supervisor, was the only political support that Osarion could unconditionally trust in the court. Especially at this critical juncture, Rovins He is far more informed than he, the deputy commander-in-chief of the Northern Legion, is in charge of that kind of crucial authority.

"My lord Viscount, when dispatching the security patrol team tonight, discovered that there was a large-scale mobilization of knights in the direction of the Golden Temple and the Ancient Dragon Temple at the same time. The number may not be less than a thousand knights. The messengers we sent to inquire about the situation were directly expelled by the other party on the grounds of performing a confidential mission. , but judging from the movements of those knights, their target should be Duke Duoris' mansion."

"Duke Duoris Mansion?!" Osarion widened his eyes, "Are you sure your people read it right?"

"When the viscount sent me to deliver the news, those knights had already crossed the Cadwell Bridge, and started to divide their forces and start encircling the Duke's mansion ten miles away," Ram replied, "My lord, so many knights will not be too big Are you catching some thieves in the upper city in the middle of the night?"

For a while, countless possibilities appeared in Osarion's mind, but judging from the current situation, no matter which possibility the situation develops, at least he and the Offnir family were not the targets of the first round of attack in this turmoil.

He stood there in a daze for a while, and finally came back to his senses and ordered: "Don't go to the Golden Temple, Knight Ram—please run back and forth a few more times tonight, and let me know as soon as there is any news from the second brother. "

The knight led away, and the old butler who had followed the Marquis for more than ten years asked softly, "My lord, don't we need to make any extra preparations?"

"Let's just wait and see what happens." Osarion sighed softly. "In the end, we didn't instigate Rollo's messy things. Now no one can figure out what the two His Highnesses mean. Don't be self-defeating."


 ps.7/60, don't ask any more questions, I will definitely update the QAQ if the author is not dead
(End of this chapter)

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