Chapter 165
"My lord, where are we going?"

On the wide teak deck, a white-haired girl about eleven or twelve years old held Lance Shanks' arm tightly and said timidly.

The girl has a human body shape and appearance, but also retains a few dragon features, such as a few tiny scales on the white and tender skin on the side of the neck, two slightly protruding dragon horns on the forehead, and a dragon hidden behind her robe. The inner tail - this is a symbol that the dragon has not yet fully mastered the shape change technique.

"We're going home, Freya." Lance Shanks fondled the girl's head, "Through the entire Sea of ​​Storms, Fam Yazra, the sky city in the far east, is The eternal home of all dragons."

Freya looked at the pier in the distance with some doubts, "But... won't His Highness go back with us?"


In the cool sea breeze, Lance brushed back his fluttering silver hair. In the direction of her eyes, Lucia was standing on the top of the cliff beside Rhoderia Port, quietly gazing at the fleet going away.

"He still has a mission that he must complete," she said softly, "of course, so do we."

More and more transport ships left the port, and the hybrids and demihumans gradually calmed down from the panic at the beginning. Lucia arranged a storm knight on each ship in advance to maintain order and be responsible for sending these Immigrants explain the management methods for them.

In the next five years, all immigrants will be temporarily resettled in the East China Sea Islands below Fam Yazra. Except for the craftsmen group and the Sons of Omen who belonged to the Ancient Dragon Temple, Lucia did not give other aliens a Instead of being a slave and a free citizen, it provided a way to be promoted to a citizen of the Gulong Dynasty through reclamation and labor.

At that time, Lance will transfer management personnel from the Sky Temple and organize them to carry out large-scale land reclamation work in the vast and barren East China Sea Islands. At the same time, with the Temple Craftsman Group as the core, select immigrants with talents in forging, smelting and other fields to open a series of workshops .

That's right, for the time being, it can only be a "factory" that is dominated by handicrafts, with a small scale of production and relatively low efficiency. quite a long time.

Unlike the Rodel people who consume these alien slaves completely as cannon fodder, Sky City will allow them to keep one-third of their labor income as personal income.Immigrants whose efficiency reaches the top [-]% in land reclamation, farming, and industrial production can be the first to obtain the status of freedmen. From the next year they are promoted to freedmen, they only need to pay one-tenth of the harvest like the natives of the Gulong Dynasty taxation.

At the same time, even if someone does not make it into the top [-]% every year, as long as they always maintain a level above the average level in production activities, and obey management and abide by the law, they can be promoted to freelancers after a cumulative three years. civil.

This set of rules and regulations is not only applicable to these immigrants who departed from Rodel. According to the agreement between Lucia and Queen Malika, other foreign slaves released from the arena in the Golden Dynasty will also be transported to the Ancient Dragon Dynasty one by one. This simple but effective promotion system will become the norm for all alien immigrants for years to come.

As for the Sons of Ominous Omen, Lucia formulated another plan after discussing with Meng Gete and the Meng brothers.

The ancient dragon dynasty will set aside several islands for them to live in, and provide them with all the necessary resources. The ruling power of the evil omens is still reserved in the hands of the two evil omen princes, and each son of the evil omen has a dynasty. All rights and freedoms within the law.

Correspondingly, all Omens, including Meng Gete and Menger, will become members of the ancient dragon dynasty from now on, and at the same time, the two will also select sons of Omens who are good at fighting to form an elite army, Allegiance is only to Lucia.

Lucia knows that these ideas need the full support of Fam Yazra. On the premise that he does not have enough prestige and dominance, only Sister Lance can realize all this on his behalf.

Externally arrange all the immigrants who arrived in Sky City within a few years, smoothly integrate them into the operation system of the Gulong Dynasty, and turn them into a new force for the rise of the dynasty. The superstructure - this is Lance's mission.

The fleet gradually drifted away, and Rhoderia Harbor was already blurred in the faint mist rising from the sea. Freya looked up at the beautiful face of Priest Lance, even if she didn't say a word, she read I can see the loneliness hidden deep in those eyebrows and eyes.

"I will miss His Highness," she said with a blink of an eye, "Your Highness will too, right?"

Lance smiled and said softly, "Yeah, I've already started to miss him."

What she couldn't even figure out was that what was lingering in her mind at this moment was not the scene of parting that day, but the first meeting of the two armies of Didas and the confession of each other beside the sword monument in the king's city. And that tender embrace in the Valyrian hall study.

In the end, the picture was fixed on that day in the Celant arena. He stood proudly in front of countless golden nobles holding a dragon scale knife in his hand, and made that shocking oath to the world.

Why did he leave in such a hurry? There was a trace of bitterness in Lance's smile. If he stayed by his side, he might really be reluctant to leave, right?
But now, it's not the time yet.

"Aren't you going to give her a ride?"

On the cliff, Lani stood beside Lucia, and said helplessly: "With your current strength, it's not difficult to transform into a dragon and accompany her for dozens of kilometers and come back. It's such a cold day to accompany you out. It’s boring to see you sighing here alone!”

"I didn't moan."

"There's nothing on your face, can't I see it in your heart?" Lani rolled his eyes at him and said, "Even if Priest Lance has to leave and you can't keep him, you can wait until you have something to say before you leave, otherwise How can you bear it if you don't see each other for several years?"

"Gu Long's life is very long, and this is especially true for the royal family, Lani," Lucia said softly, "For things that we have already agreed in our hearts, let alone a few years, even if it takes a hundred years or a thousand years, what can stop us? ?”

"It's just that for her and for me, we still have some things to say about our respective missions, so we might as well wait until the day we meet again."

He glanced at the direction of the fleet for the last time. The white robe had already disappeared from the end of his vision. Only a piece of white sail reflected a touching glimmer in the morning light, gradually blending with the sea and sky, and finally disappeared. .

"Volume [-]. The White that Goes Away" End
(End of this chapter)

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