Elden: Ring of Calamity

Chapter 237 Encounter

Chapter 237 Encounter




"Twenty-nine years old."


"Nimgolf. Morn City."

“Affiliated Organizations and Representative Research Results.”

"Organization. Not yet." The young mage who was asked awkwardly scratched the top of his head with sparse hair. "I have been conducting independent research in recent years. The content is to construct a method that only relies on a small amount of magic power to deflect enemies. The force field of Dharma trajectory.”

"Independent project research -" Master Rhea Lucalia, who was in charge of the review, interrupted Topps' statement. The sharp gaze behind his glasses seemed to pierce his chest like an arrow. "That is to say, you did not The mage organization has no research funds, and it doesn’t even have an independent mage tower or assistant apprentice.”

"The most important thing is," the review mage put down the quill in his hand and said in an indifferent voice, "at the age of twenty-nine, you still don't have any measurable research results."

"No, you are wrong -" Tops suddenly shouted like a cat whose tail was stepped on, causing the mages who were queuing up for review to cast strange looks.

Seeing the gloomy face of the review mage, Tops hurriedly waved his hands to indicate that he did not mean to offend, and explained incoherently: "I'm very sorry, Your Excellency, I just want to say that this is definitely a very promising research, as long as the academy can Give me basic research conditions and some time."

"That's enough." The review mage picked up the quill, heavily crossed out Topps' file, and said without raising his head: "I'm sorry, Rhea Lucalia is not suitable for you."

Feeling the glances around him that quickly turned from curiosity to contempt and disdain, Topps felt panicked in his heart. He didn't even know where to place his hands for a while, and unconsciously twisted the corners of the worn mage's robe.

Seeing that the review mage had not directly spoken to chase people away, he swallowed and finally tried: "Your Excellency, I ask you to give me a chance to explain this research in detail."

"Guard!" The review mage destroyed his last hope with a loud shout, "Please get this gentleman out."

The moment he was grabbed by two pairs of iron-like hands, Tops gave up all resistance and let the guards push him out of the room like a dehydrated hare.

At a relatively secluded side door of the academy, two guards with cuckoo emblems hanging on their chests pushed hard and pushed the helpless mage out of the door.

Bang - Two carved black iron doors suddenly closed behind him, which also meant that Topps' attempt to muster up his lifelong courage to change his destiny failed.

"Really, what do those low-level mages who are responsible for file review do for a living? Such wild mages who are obviously trying to survive by defrauding funds can sneak into the academy!"

The review mage's gray beard trembled with anger, and he crumpled Tops' file into a ball of waste paper, threw it on the ground and burned it into a ball of fly ash with his staff.

At the same time, Topps used his last strength to turn his head and look up at the towering building behind the iron gate. His eyes focused on the starry sky emblem symbolizing the Rhea Lucalia Academy at the top of the big clock tower for a long time. After a moment, he looked down deeply. Sighed deeply.

He turned around and dragged his tired body through the narrow alley at the door, heading towards the town in front of Menqian.    His desolate back stretched into a thin black line under the setting sun, stretching between the street and the college, just like the insurmountable chasm between him and this mage's holy land.

"Boss, a piece of toast, two grilled herrings and a glass of dark beer."

In the town in front of the college, in a small hotel known for its low prices, Topps came to a secluded seat near the corner. First he carefully leaned his worn-out inferior staff against the wall, and then he fit it. He sat down, took out a thick manuscript from his arms, and continued the unfinished calculations before the meal was served.

After about a quarter of an hour, there were gradually more customers in the hotel. During the period before the magic conference, not only the mages from all over the country who were invited to attend the conference, but also countless wild mages, mercenaries, merchants and even bandits were flocking here. Rushed to the vicinity of the college.

Conferences attract crowds, crowds bring opportunities, and opportunities bring more crowds. On the other hand, the academy's large-scale enrollment that started in the spring has continued until now. The academy's senior leaders, including Yazler and Lusett, also hope to seize the opportunity of the conference to attract a large number of talented young mages from the private sector. To add fresh blood to the academy, Topps and others participated in the numerous assessments.

However, facts have proven that the original intentions of some college senior officials are good, but the actual implementation method is contrary to the original idea.

After Yazler personally formulated the program of "research results first, age second, organization, nationality and race will not be taken into consideration", after being issued many times, it basically showed a pattern of putting the cart before the horse. In the end, more than 90% of the people recruited were those from three backgrounds. A "top talent" from a noble family of a large dynasty and with experience in studying and researching in a famous mage organization.

As for a young man like Tops who has no background, no family background, no organization, and no financial resources, even if he is lucky enough to pass the file audition, the second round of review mages will not examine his research topic in detail as required. Innovation and feasibility are often dismissed with a stroke of a pen.

After all, in their eyes, it is the duty of senior mages like them to make pioneering contributions to broadening the boundaries of knowledge in the field of magic. As for those wild mages who pop up in the ravine, as long as they do their jobs well and act honestly as the wizard pyramid The bottom floor is fine.

Tops took a sip of beer, carefully tore off a piece of bread, put it into his mouth and chewed it slowly. His free left hand was still flipping through the manuscript, and from time to time he used his fingertips to draw an array of runes out of thin air on the table. Calculate the formula for each link.

This was probably his last meal in Menqian Town. Traveling thousands of miles from Moen to find a job at the college had already depleted most of his savings, and the prices in Menqian Town were beyond his reach - so he had to Starting the return journey immediately tomorrow morning, and scrimping on food and clothing along the way, can ensure that he barely returns to his hometown alive.

Just calculating while eating, he unknowingly fell into it, so much so that the feedback from his taste buds on the food was completely forgotten, leaving only a vast sea of ​​data flowing crazily in his heart.

Suddenly, he discovered a contradiction between the two pages of his manuscript. It was the existence of this contradiction that caused his first part of the idea to be divided into two parts. The first and last parts could not be considered together, and the subsequent deductions naturally became a castle in the air. .

"There is obviously nothing wrong with the presets of the magic nodes, and the assumed magic flow in the circuit is also within the allowable range. What is the problem?"

He scratched his sparse and shiny scalp in distress, and for a moment he even smeared the grease from the grilled fish on his head without even realizing it.

"You ignored the magic interference between adjacent circuits." Someone behind him suddenly said.

Tops was shocked, and suddenly looked back, only to see a young female mage with black hair and black eyes, a delicate appearance, holding a chicken leg in her hand, gnawing at it and saying something vaguely.

"Just looking at these two pages, I can imagine that this is a very great idea, but it is too difficult to implement and the final effect is difficult to predict. In addition - your basic knowledge structure does not seem to be very solid, so Such a stupid mistake would be made.”

"By the way, my name is Se Lian," the female mage finished chewing the chicken leg, then threw the bones away and accurately threw them into the trash basket nearby, "The person who can have such an idea must not be an unknown person, which classroom are you from? Mage?"

(End of this chapter)

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