Warhammer: I, Bartor Farmer

Chapter 110 The Wolves

Chapter 110 The Wolves
The green moon hung high in the sky. Although Sir Nock had completed his mission much earlier than Roel, Roel had already opened up the main road when he realized that his map was inaccurate.

He subconsciously felt that Roel was stealing credit, but shook his head again, throwing the thought away.

For Roel, the success of this operation undoubtedly expresses one thing, that is, no one here is suspected of being a spy...

And those knights are not gentle people, although some are very cowardly and cruel, but among the duchies of Bretonnia, they are undoubtedly the kings among men.

They were proud, strong, and perhaps good-natured, and no doubt they did not like orcs, nor were they afraid of them.

When they notice these creatures, they will ride straight at them, causing the creatures to flee screaming back to the caves and tribes, and stop the evil work at hand.

The orcs feared the knights and hated them, but could not lay their hands on their steep castles or drive them from their collars.

Tonight, the baron was very curious, wanting to know what was going on, what attracted the greenskins to occupy his place.

So he summoned many knights to join the ranks and marched together towards the Oman forest, resting slowly in the camps carefully built by the farmers, and riding on the roads cleared by the adventurers, approaching the place where the orcs and goblins gathered.

For the villagers around here, this is really great news!

But something terrible happened in the forest now, it may be that the green skins' negligence allowed the burning Squig to escape into the forest, and also caused the forest to ignite wildfire.

It was cold winter, and there had been no rain for a long time. Soon, the dead trees, piles of pine leaves, and yellowed branches and leaves were all burned.

Fortunately, the range is not large. In the forest outside this clearing, the knight and Roel were advancing, and they saw a pack of wild wolves still refusing to leave their lair, which happened to be covered by flames. Go crazy, jumping and screaming under the tree.

Cursing the greenskins with their horrific roars, their tongues hung out from the dry heat, their eyes glowing red as fierce as fire.

Then, suddenly, the orc rushed out, howling.They thought the battle with humans had begun, but soon discovered the truth.

Some monsters even sat and laughed, while others brandished spears and thumped their shields with their butts.

Since orcs are not afraid of fire, they quickly came up with an idea that was interesting to them.

Some of the orcs surrounded the wolf pack, while others piled up leaves and dead branches at the bottom of the wolf's den.

The other orcs went out to put out the fire, and beat and extinguished all the flames, leaving only the flames near the lair, and they made more efforts to add many dead branches and fallen leaves around these flames.

Soon, the poor wild wolf was surrounded by thick smoke and flames. The orcs didn't let the flames spread out, but they seemed to see something interesting.

Just let it slowly shrink in size, and finally the flames start licking the fuel next to the nest.

The bright eyes of the wolf king in the group were blurred by the smoke, he could feel the temperature of the flames, and in the thick smoke he could still vaguely see the orcs dancing in a circle like campers around a campfire.

Beyond this group of dancing orc warriors with spears and axes, the knights stood far away, waiting for the show to unfold.

Until Roel he could hear the orcs begin to sing a terrible song.

"Let's chop, shred, and listen to the boss!"

"Whoo, whoo, whoo!"

"What are we going to do with this group of delicacies?"

"I tasted a man or a dwarf, and now I can finally have a new one!"

The vulgar, ugly voice and orcish taste are stacked together, and the knights only intend to use this as a barbarian mummer's pastime, so it seems that the eagle from Bretonnia may be nothing more than that.

Only Sir Nock reacted immediately. "Adults, hurry up, this is not a drama, but a group of beasts."

Roel cursed. "What are you doing, solve them?!"

"Now is not the time to go to the theater."

Ali Mara looked at the wolves with heartache.

And the baron retorted with interest. "Your Excellency Roel, haven't you noticed that this group of orcs are attracted by wild beasts and beasts?"

"When they get tired, we can easily crush them."

Although Roel wasn't afraid of them, he couldn't help but feel chilled by such a situation.

The orcs continued to sing.

"Burn it, burn it, let the fur brown and the flesh burn like coal, howl or mourn, we love.

Burning into the blue sky, dyed in the evil moon, the bones are crisp, the flesh and blood are like carbon, and it is no longer possible to run in the forest!No more!
We rejoice, we rejoice!Light up the night sky for us, woo hoo, hey hey! "

As soon as the sound stopped, the scorching light went along the ground to the wolf's lair. At this moment, Roel could vaguely see the wolf cub in the dark cave.

"Enough, knights!" This sentence was not said by Roel, but by Alimara...

She raised her gun to take away the souls of those orcs.

In order not to let the other orcs find out, Roel immediately stopped her. Amidst the girl's doubts, he activated his skills. After a while, the projectile whistled, and the hot lead sank into the orc's head. Woohoo, hoooooo, the other accomplices were drowning in flesh and flames, and they disappeared completely. , his accomplice fell to the ground.

The projectiles were reloaded, the gunpowder made no sound, and the barbarians fell one by one, and there were no survivors.

The knights looked at Roel and were amazed. "Longbow? Arrows? Not guns, not at all!"

(End of this chapter)

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